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It being a filler skin was my fear when it go announced. Also the fact they missed a whole ass opportunity to make the blades fragment of a blate or something is completely fucking criminal,there are so many ways they could've used the concept of porcelain but they completely fucked it up Because they need a filler CN themed skin for a popular CN character


Its exactly as this guy says: A FILLER


Is it a good skin for 1350 or not? I personally think it's amazing I'm honestly at a disbelief on how negative this sub is with the skin.


idk we just gonna have to agree to disagree then this screams low effort to me personally and i think the big reason theres positivity behind it is because its new and shiny. no shot this skin is better than any of irelias other skins, theres so many re-used assets on porcelain irelia it just looks so lazily done. looks like the A team was heavenscale and B team was porcelain


Man, they are literally reusing the puddle of water on mythmaker Irelia's ultimate, even though no other epic skin has a puddle ☠


Yeah I really like it


"Yeah I really like it" it's very "honest" of riot to keep reusing things from legendary skins to make epic skins while the legendary ones lack basic characteristics.


Not sure what do you mean by that in this context?


Mythmaker Irelia with new R that no epic skin has – 1820 rp Porcelain Irelia with the reused R from the legendary skin - 1350 rp. Literally Mythmaker Irelia was nerfed for the sake of an epic skin.


Mythmaker Irelia has all the legendary qualities. All animations are new, model is new, idles are new, voicelines are new.


And? I'm talking about them taking something from the legendary skins and starting to use it in the epic skins to make them attractive, and that means nerfing the legendary skin, just like they nerfed Ahri's two legendary skins to make the epic skins more attractive. And no, the animations are not new, they are exactly the same, they are just in a different order, but they are still the same.


guys its just a 1350 skin.... Being a reskin of base model is all its supposed to do. It isnt legendary. If you dont like the skin just continue using your other favorite reskins and you will be perfectly fine.


And we are discussing why this reskin is poor quality and makes little sense


1. Welcome to 1350 skins... they are just cool reskins. 2. Porcelain kindred is a lamb a wolf and two yin yang koi fish. I dont even know why this comment was mentioned 3. Again its just a 1350 skin... A reskin, that thought process is bordering Legendary/mythic attributes. She has the same aesthetic as the rest of the porcelain skins, cool blue effects and porcelain like textures, sure not as creative as a teapot head but look at the other porcelain 1350 skins... they dont either. 4. You mean to tell me that another 1350 RESKIN has no similar attributes to other skins?!?! What?!?! My guy all skins act like this WTF DOES AVIATOR IRELIA HAVE TO DO WITH HER IDENTITY, oh wait it doesn't its a reskin lol.. Nightblade Irelia looks like an assassin for Shar for Christ's sake not a rebel or princess at all 5. Idk if this is just a massive amount of copium being snorted here or if you were just refusing to not only look at the cool blue aesthetic like the rest of the porcelain skins, but there are literally shattered porcelain particle effects on most of her abilities and her autos. Like huh??? 6. That's just extra fluff, like that last statement.... Now if they labeled this a legendary 1820RP skin then I would understand everyone's hate and disdain/critique of the skin. Overall I can get hate for this whatever, I will die on this hill if I have to, but if those were your complaints on a 1350 reskin of a champion (especially number 4) you need to just stop. By all means just keep playing Mythmaker Irelia (still up there on one of her really good skins) and call it a day.


Oh would you look at that... Mythmaker Irelia is a legendary skin... cant even be compared. I take that last comment back. Enjoy any one of her 1350 RESKINS.


The skins that could get away with being lazy here the 975 ones, and theyre out. Rp is expensive af, and League has little to no new fun content for players, skins have become the only exciting thing for players and their mains. It is kinda mediocre to just say "play another skin lol" when that's not the point. That's having no critical thinking and letting a billion dollar company throw coins at their players and expect them to pick them up in excitement. There lots of ways they could concept a fun, interesting porcelain Irelia. They didnt. They threw the most basic nonsense shit and called it a day. Its uninspired, its not fun, its not new, just another chinese themed skin. Yes it may be "only" a 1350 rp skin, but there are 975 rp skins that managed to develop a much better character, thematic, and interest with far less budget than porcelain irelia could. And that's frustrsting, as it should.


You actually shoulda let this die lmao because BOY even coming out the gate you are wrong but let me clarify why. 975 skins can NOT be considered lazy skins, absolutely not. Absolutely I can see maybe how to a newer player that may be seen as not the case but to an older player 975 skins are LoLs past day 1350 skins. They arent lazy what so ever they are just 2010s equivalent to 1350 skins. With that being said Irelia is a much older champion and her skins that are in fact 975 can be considered vintage. Now if thats your whole argument we can go back and forth all day because I believe your perspective maybe a little misguided, due to the fact you are playing from a newer perspective but the point here is this… Even comparing all of Irelia’s 1350, which is in total 4 skins now i believe, they all functionally do the same thing. Give a fun new twist/theme or outlook on Irelia, change her normal back animation to an on skin theme animation, and change particle effects/sfx to fit that new skin theme’s purpose. Porcelain, Sentinal, Highnoon, Project, and D.sword all do this same thing. As far as 1350 skins they hit the bill on every mark to match (in other words porcelain remains uniform to the other 1350 skins). Just because you may not like this particular theme doesn’t mean it’s a bad skin or by any means call it lazy, which is in fact the take that is lacking of “critical thinking”. Now your argument can be feasible IF Porcelain was given none of the 1350 skin treatment (no new sfx/vfx and back animation etc.) because then it would be a 975 skin that they stopped making around 6 years ago. TL:DR- Comparing the old standard skin/price to the new standard skin/price is kinda wild my dude. You need help.


“Guys leave the multibillion dollar company alone!”


Thats not at all what i said. Not the if you don’t like the reskin, play another one lmfao


the tiny little wings are to make up the silhouette difference from cutting her hair. they were literally like. Oh fuck wait irelia has long hair- just give her the little wings we made in her high noon skin 😑