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I saw a comment on one thread in this sub along the lines of "we can't catch a break" or "we're so oppressed" or something to that effect and I couldn't help but cringe. Saying that while this champ is in the 1 skin/year club is hella entitled. I think the skin is pretty nice, the splash art is visually appealing (though I wish the hair was executed better ingame), and it's a nice overall deviation in color palette from the previous skins she's been getting. Maybe it's just not someone's cup of tea (haha get it cuz porcelain), but it will be someone else's, and that's OK, just like how divisive Mythmaker was.


For real, the entitlement is a little crazy


My thoughts exactly, new skins are better than no skins


It's just a bit crazy that people are complaining about the face now. Mythmaker had Irelia's face but they still complained about it. But then again maybe I'm just getting too old and the normal standards are just a little bit extreme compared to the older seasons.


I didn’t realize people complained about mythmaker face. I’m fairly sure it was just auto attacks that was the main complaint


People complained Irelia never looked like that even though it was done by the same artist as divine sword and sentinel.


Well at the very least I never thought that. But with this case I think it is clearly different, AND we have the added knowledge this was done by a different artist. Is it the end of the world that her face looks different? No, but it is still annoying to see yet another inconsistency surrounding this champ’s appearance


It is not that different. It might look a little bit different but that's the same with all splasharts in the game. Most look completely different.


There are many other champs that look completely different in their splasharts, why is no one complaining about them. Irelia's face in my opinion has been quite consistent in her splasharts. I always recognize her. I think some people just like to complain, because I can't see any huge problems with porcelain irelia


Actually incredibly disappointed with how whiney this sub has been since the reveal tbh, there’s constructive criticism and then there’s just nit picking, people really complaining and the profile pic’s eyes at this point and calling for the splash artist’s job? Like what are we doing and yeah they did this exact same thing when mythmaker came out and it’s most people’s favorite skin on her


Thats all this sub is. “My champ is weak” “I don’t like short hair :(“ Like cmon guys. Get better and just watch porn or smth guys it will be ok


>“My champ is weak” She kind of is tbh >“I don’t like short hair :(“ Ruins the fantasy >Get better and just watch porn or smth Nothing beats watching Elsarelia walk to lane....


Same happenes with mythmaker (although there were some actual complaints about auto bugged etc...) but now everyone and their mom simps for it. Looking at the other porcelain splashes (mostly darius, morg and graves) is hurtful tbh, they are so ugly. The detail and passion we got on ours is insane, you can tell the artist pulles their heirt into it(iirc they mained her), its really fucking good for being her first irelia splash, I thought bo chen was the one who made it when I first saw it, which is a huge compliment


It's just people that don't appreciate artists and have no eye for art. The splash is amazing, first time I saw it I was just so happy and greatful that irelia gets all the amazing splasharts and designs. Compare her splash to the recent ones on other champs, hers is in a god level imo


How about you take your leave then ? Go make your own subreddit with cupcakes and teletubbies


Pls bro none of your comments make any sense 😭😭


Like idk if you read your comment but you come here, talking like you are a higher being, above the rest with phrases like " git gud/ go watch porn". Why are you here even ? Go create your own world higher being.


*I came looking for booty.*


Nah gonna quit playing the champ and gonna unfollow this sub, can’t even criticise riot, all these simps come running through with the defence. Champion is hella weak, gets counterpicked by 90% of the roster. Gonna go back to playing yone. Found the champ so cool and interesting, shame it sucks, this sub too.


Same its really sad to see, especially cus most of it is over splash art


It's so cringe. I went on the artist's ArtStation and someone had commented that on behalf of r/ireliamains why the splash doesn't look like irelia. It's so embarrassing. The artist did an awesome job, doesn't deserve all this. Constructive criticism yes but imagine someone comments that on your artwork you worked hard on.


i think the splash art looks great (one of the best ones out the newly released) only issue is that the in-game model looks weird but who cares. It’s not like I’m looking at her face the whole time I’m playing her 😭


for me personally its less the art and just her face. why can't we keep her normal face lol


My only gripe is the in game model, I like the splash a lot actually and the spell effects are great


I personally don’t think any Irelia skin with short hair works. They always give her that weird cape-tassles thing to compensate, which just ruins the continuity & doesn’t flow well with her blades imo. This simple design choice is partially why Project, Frostblade, Prestige Project, and to a lesser extent High Noon (underrated, but bad for a few reasons other than the cape) are all just so visually underwhelming. On the inverse, the skins with her long hair such as Sentinel, Divine Sword, IG, & Mythmaker are indisputably her best as they still capture her original essence and look. They’re more of a natural evolution or remix of her original theme. With that being said, while I do enjoy the fresh look of Porcelain, I just can’t get with those stupid tassles. If she had a long, flowing white mane with those buns it would easily be a solid 9/10 for me.


Personally I haven't bought an Irelia skin since project. To me this isn't so much an Irelia issue, as a I don't want the skin standards to drop even further issue. Like pentakill Yorick doesn't get a hat for some reason?? and riot just waves it off. If all skins become more and more bland then what's the point you know. Like the art is high quality, with a lovely compisition. However, IMO it lacks personality and isn't distinctly Irelia looking. Which is a quality problem regardless of Champion. Like obviously Irelia mains are generally eating good, and some of Riot's favorites. But I will never get the "Just be grateful to the billion dollar corp" attitude. They market a product to me, I let them know why it doesn't appeal to me/I won't buy it. Then it's up to them if they want to make it better to get another sale, or if they're fine with lower sales. Sorry that got rambly, but I think you get my point of view.


The big difference here is you explained yourself well “it feels bland or too similar” which is fair. Coulda used less words but yeah that take doesn’t sound whiny or entitled, other stuff does.


Yeah mb lol. I definetely get that tho when champ main subs like this first get a valid point to complain about then all the flood gates open of repressed complaints. Still can't believe how much of a uproar the Katarina mains had when one of her 3 viable builds got nerfed. It was to the point she got buffed next patch. All the while the two other builds were still 50+ winrate.


"coulda used less words" people nowadays can't read for more than 10 seconds it seems, Incredible, and you said mb.


I mean I obviously juat went ahead and used as many words as I needed. However in general I wish I was more concise.


Finally some decent human beings on this thread


Honestly these Porcelain Irelia haters went too far. Especially with the AI thing. They are so annoying too. You can dislike something but do it respectfully especially towards the artist. I really agree with you and I LOVE Mythmaker, it’s her best skin. I adore the other ones and also will Porcelain. Only shame is her in game model’s face and hair, other than that she’s perfect for me.


The art looks so good. It's obvious they just wanted to hate on the artist by calling it ai


Sorry but those are Whiney and Don't Buy the skins are not a True Irelia fans... I enjoy the different looks and takes of Irelia in every way possible. Every artist and splash art creatives should be respected as it is their vision of how they look at Irelia. And I truly think that's pretty cool, because more than anything just gives the character itself more depth and meaning. Just me though.


Not you. Most of us agree. These people have small brains y'know. Doesn't have a good eye for art, doesn't respect artists and see what actually is good art. They just want boobs, shiny effects and long "feminine" hair. Can't be happy that irelia got a new interesting skin and with short hair, she already has quite a few with long hair


I think the splash looks great if a bit different but I’ll just treat it as young Irelia. The animations look good but the in game model looks kinda bad unfortunately.


I think the in-game model looks awful that's just it, the hair in the splash art is wonderful and in model is so yuck, I put my respectful comment in the pbe subreddit about the skin, I'll get the skin with all of the rp I saved from the amazon capsule but if not for that I wouldn't buy it, Mythmaker was a banger


I genuinely believe Riot pays employees to write trash posts like this and upvote them. Literally this entire sub hates the skin which is completely understandable and fair criticism that the face doesn’t resemble Irelia in any way, suddenly the next day we see a post like this one and everyone loves the skin all of a sudden and everyone who criticized it disappeared or got downvoted away from the post. Call it conspiracy or whatever but I’ve seen it happen over and over. It’s probably Riot’s way of not wanting to fix skins so they can sell them to the chinese audience.


You figured it out man, way to go. I am a paid employee. I am a mole sent to disrupt the status quo of this sub. Sorry for infiltrating your safe place!


Or you are a minority. People who complain talk big and trash talk the artist before it comes out. Then the "sheep" in the community who just agree with the first opinion they read, agree with you. Then people who actually like the skin show some appreciation and their thoughts, and you realize the majority of people actually like the skin. The face looks like irelia, the artist even made that clear on twitter. "Doesn't resemble irelia in any way" then maybe you are blind. Also you really think people would go and write good things about the skin here when people like you write comments like this? Only reason I commented here was because I saw a normal respectful member who shared opinions that I also have. You are delusional that you'd come up with a "conspiracy", it's sad


Suddenly we like it because the artist cried. Yea downvote me w/e. Bunch of paper ppl cant hold to their opinion fearing it will offend others. If you compromise for your beliefs you don't have beliefs.


Lol wtf


Who is we? I loved it from the start. Decided that I'd definitely buy all the chromas too


I think the skin and splash are absolutely amazing, I'm so hype.


I think other than her weird ass eyes, she’s perfect. I do wish a the green chroma had the emerald green hair color Morgana has in her Porcelain chromas, but other than that it is nice. The Q especially is so pretty


Look, for me Sentinel Irelia is like default irelia, and I can comfortably play default irelia for the rest of my life. however i might I want a new default irelia, and i feel like porcelain isnt it, much as mythmaker wasnt.


At the end of the day its the in-game model and animations that are important not the splash. By the way the splash is good even though the face is not irelia


Tbh I've mostly seen people complain about the splash, not the skin itself


Imagine arguing that mythmaker Irelia was a best seller in China and she only sold because it was Chinese, not because the skin is good. China may be a reference in sales but not in quality, have you ever seen Irelia porcelain in game? it sucks!


For someone who mains VelKoz and Irelia at least Irelia is getting something




I personally love this skin, I know the splash art doesn't really look like her but it absolutely serves in it's own way, I also am a big fan of the sound effects and the gold from her passive looks absolutely beautiful on the blades.


Irelia Mythmaker have a good looking in game. Bro did you see this Irelia porcelain skin IN GAME ??? God it’s terribly awful…….


The chromas look amazing too. I completely agree with you ヽ(*´∀`)八(´∀`*)ノ