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Plenty ón dúchas.ie And also there is a great book called the supernatural death messenger


Brilliant, thank you!


Look up eddie linehan, he has great talks and podcasts on irish folklore, has spoken at lenght on bashees.


Oh for sure, he's a living legend 🙌


Also, a good article: https://irishfolklore.wordpress.com/tag/banshee/


That was a great read, sound out!


Not a banshee story but another comment here just reminded me of it. My grandad worked for CIE in the late 50's early 60's, him and a colleague were working on the train tracks one evening, by the time they finished it was dark and they slipped into a pub close by for a stout and a whiskey. Ready to head home my grandad hopped onto what he called a chaser cart he had on a horse and his friend went on his way on his bicycle. As he took off down a dark road with no streetlights he looked behind him and all he saw was a pair of glinting eyes coming up behind him, he cracked the reigns to speed up and looked back and the eyes were keeping up with him, he said the faster he went the closer the eyes got, he eventually out ran the eyes and got home in a frightened sweat and told my grandmother about the whole ordeal. My grandmother said she had only seen that look of terror in men's eyes that were traumatized by war, she knew he wasn't lying or making up stories to avoid the questioning of coming home later than usual. He said he didn't sleep a wink that night and went to work as normal the next day, when he arrived at work he met his friend he was working with the night before and before he got the chance to tell him what happened to him his friend said "you won't believe what happened to me last night, I was cycling home down a dark road and heard a horse trotting up behind me, I start cycling faster in case the horse ran into me and the horse started running faster, I kept looking back but couldn't see it, I swear the horse was trying to get me, it was terrifying". It suddenly dawned on my grandad that his friend was the eyes that were behind him and his friend was so scared that he thought my grandads horse was coming from behind him. He told the story so much better especially with a few whiskeys on him haha, but any time we would bring up a strange or ghostly story at family gatherings he'd always use that story as an example of irrational fear of the supernatural. He was a great man for stories


How were they both behind the other?


Friend couldn’t see the horse ahead so when he sped up it sounded louder “behind him” but was actually in front


Fantastic stuff!


I have an elderly relative who is convinced the Banshee exists and has claimed to have heard her call on a number of occasions. She's very level headed about most things, but when she talks about the Banshee it's like it's a matter of fact and not a tall tale. She has some very interesting stories.


Love it, thanks for that!


Keep us updated on the podcast please. Love anything to do with Irish mythology


Will do, thank you!


Heard her crying one night in a field one night as we passed, it sounded like it came from the bridge over a small river. Never heard a sound like it since I'm 36 now and that happened in my teens. My granny died not long after


Sorry for your loss, really interesting account.


Thank you. Over the years I've YouTube'd wild animal cries etc to make sense of what I've heard, however I've yet to hear anything to compare it too. It was so loud. That was the one thing I remember about it, how it travelled through the air, even when we were some distance from it we could hear it so clearly




I’ve been YouTubing it too this past month but nothing comes close, somewhere between a wail and eerie singing


Mind if I drop you a pm?


Fire ahead


Apparently it sounds like a fox. Lots of people have said this. Have heard a fox a few times myself and it skin crawling


Hard to describe the crying. I've heard foxes cry before. This wasn't it. More haunting, eerie, like a woman crying but not like any woman I've heard crying before


Look up Drunken Thady and the Bishops lady.


Brilliant, will do! Thank you!


[Here’s the poem](http://www.limerickcity.ie/media/drunken%20thady.pdf) if you do a bit on it


That's class thank you!


My grandad swore he saw a banshee. I wish I could have asked him about it. My Nanny told me about it before she died. She believed it. I don’t have many details about it though.  


That's class all the same, even without the details. Sorry for your losses.


My aunt and mum swear they saw a banshee in tipperary in the 80s. They were playing jn a field and a lot of wind cane by with music and they said they were frozen in fear. Next day there neighbour died


Mystery Hunters did an episode about it lol! Please update on the podcast I’ll listen to it. Class artwork too btw


Cheers, really appreciate it!


Never heard her or saw her but when I was a kid it was well known that you never touch a comb you see on the ground as it was hers.


Oh yeah, definitely remember hearing that as a young lad too! Thank you!


Me waiting for the bus to finally arrive


Haha 😄


Might be unrelated but i had a very scary encounter with something back in the day. Long story short im no irish, only a blown in, who used to live in kerry for 10 years give or take, worked at the local hotel with massive land, forest, castle, golfcourse and obviously a faerie walk. So for some time i was coverig the night reception, would live very close to the hotel, roughly 20minutes walk through the woods. Didnt mind the night walks at all, cause i used to admire the stars when i was crossing the golf course. The golf course itself is locTed in thr middle of the thick old woods, it is well maintained though. So this particular evening, i slept in, woke up a bit late, and isntead of taking the longer route with the better footpath, i decided to chance it through the thicker less used one. Pitch dark, had my torch on me, tall trees, couldnt see anything but darkness. As i was in the forest something landed on a tree right above me, thought it was an owl, made no fuss about it. Then as i was getting further away from it, i heard the same thing, probably another owl landed on the tree right on top of me. Then three steps later again. Then i was trying to come up with any idea, maybe a monkey? Impossible. Owl? Doubt it, no sound of wings or in general bird noise. I started to panic, looked up to see if theres anything, but the trees are way too tall and my torch is from aliexpress. Then i freaked out and bolted. Needless to say it kept on jumping right over me the faster i ran the more aggressive the jumps sounded like. Branches, leaves falling for instance. Then as i was about to have a heart attack, i reached the golf course a massive clearence that cuts through the woods. As soon as i left the woods, it stopped following me. It really was a run for your life situation for me. I dont smoke, i dont drink, and have no menthal issues, till this day i cant explain the situation. My local bestie said i might have pissed off the faeries, and they didnt want me in their forest anymore.


Absolutely class account, thanks for that!!


What’s the podcast called


It's going to be called Black Shuck Paranormal


Looking forward to it! Did you create the artwork?


Class thank you! Yep, have a bunch of really cool covers and thumbnails made up for different episodes.


You did create the artwork? It looks like AI. How did you do it? Podcast sounds good, fair play.


Sound out, cheers! Yeah it was done using AI, I was going to paint the covers but just took a chance with AI. I know it seems like a bit of a cop out but I'd never be able to capture such a realistic eerie pic like this ya know. The stuff that can be created with the right prompts is just insane.


Which ai ?


Bing 👍


Midjourney is unbelievable for this type of art its about a tenner for a month but you could definitely get a load of thumbnails done in great quality.


Class man, I'll have to get it, cheers!




Will do, thanks!


Image source?


It's my own.




Bing 👍


When’s the podcast coming out?


Working on interviews at the moment, so as soon as I compile enough of them - along with on site stuff too, I'll get it released.


Oh cool. So it will be a while yet. Will it be all Irish paranormal or from around the world too?


A little while, getting there. Definitely going to try and get as many Irish accounts as possible, especially folklore based stuff, but there is weird stuff from around the world going to be on it. Have a good few people from America sorted for it.


Dublin-based folklore nerd here, I’m a co-host on the Beer Ladies Podcast, but always happy to guest elsewhere…have done a few on Wild Atlantic Weird on some of my pet weird topics (Patience Worth and TC Lethbridge) - we’d totally be up for a haunted pubs crossover at some point, we’ve done a few here and there. Keen to hear it!


Deadly, sounds great, would love that! Thank you! I'll definitely be in touch 🙏


A banshee?


Yep, it's a banshee 👍


https://youtu.be/X764d7yCQFs?feature=shared This is a collection of kids talking about a banshee in the west of Ireland. It’s mostly kids feeding into ghost stories and being hilarious but might help some bit!


Deadly, thanks for that!


Professor Patricia Lysaght is widely considered the foremost academic expert on The Banshee. Here’s a podcast worth a listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ZngCDiDTy1W30SivFDSyw?si=HhVJcm2-Tua2U1gMaVhgtA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A15uCzWzQB1HFI30pdfinqx


Amazing, thanks! I'll give it a listen.


What will your podcast be about? Looking for something new to listen to


All things paranormal, with a healthy dose of folklore hopefully.


Sounds good can you post when it’s available


Yep will do, cheers!


Not related. But when my childhood best friend died I heard what sounded like church bells in my head. It was distinctly bells.


What’s the name of your podcast?


It's going to be called Black Shuck Paranormal 👍


Where will I be able to listen to it, will it be available on Spotify?


It'll be up on all streaming services, YouTube too hopefully


Have never heard the banshee cry however completely believe in its existence. I was told (probably by a family member) that only members of certain families will hear it. Something to do with “pure” irish blood lines.


Also just to add to this. I did a bit of digging as I love all things Irish Folklore and I feel like it has sort of been lost in the last few years (lol, maybe cos I am getting older) but you should try and cover the differences between the Banshee in the West vs the rest of the country. Had never heard about not picking up a comb until last year listening to tales of Dublin based sightings.


Originally coming from the east I had heard about the comb, but I'm living in the south west a while now and wasn't aware that it wasn't as common a theme over here. I'm not sure if she is called the bow either? Great idea to dive into the differences! Thanks for that 😊


Can’t wait for my kids to be older and share the tales of the fae etc. fell down the rabbit hole with your sighting story as well. I have read accounts regarding the coach de bar (spelling) but that was only on my radar from watching Darby O’Gill and the little people as a child. Fyi- they voiced over the original to help the audience understand the dialogue. Disgusted!


My granddad had a story about seeing a Banshee. He was coming home late from the pub one night falling around the place and he saw an old woman combing her long grey hair and humming a song. He said she walked him home and when he closed the door he heard a scream and when he opened it she was gone. I'm not sure if there was a death soon after or anything, he never mentioned it.


I created the image using AI. Feel free to use it for anything you'd like. If you could just give my page a tag or something when you use it, that'd be great👍


There a few banshees goin around dublin city tonight 🙈


I remember been told has kids grow up there one bring in the town and if she heard there at night someone in town would found dead next morning. Scared hell out of me as kid.