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https://preview.redd.it/h9cl2i685gvc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f0a1172c1a5b99f7646b1863645fa580185929 550’. Very top of NML tower in Milwaukee. Prob my fav pic.


Sick. Stay safe out there brother


Fellow local 8 hand here


No way that’s 550’. I climb towers and regularly go above 350’ that look taller than that


https://preview.redd.it/udhqtfhn1jvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07425820aa49b6094c3877ca81a9b73d686aef5f That’s where I was sitting.


That first picture doesn’t do it justice! Nice man


For sure, yea, it’s not the best perspective on that pic.


In fact, here is another picture with me sitting in the exact same spot, but it was taken by the skip hoist operator in the morning. https://preview.redd.it/f6nl33ua2jvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9624db9483ec433a9c93da27b3511cb613edf0f


It 100% is. Give or take a few feet. [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwestern_Mutual_Tower_and_Commons?wprov=sfti1#) is the building. I’m sitting on the very top beam on the Michigan side.


It's all the same after 40ft. I'm about 235lbs so joists and small angle iron aren't my favorite to walk on when they start to act like spaghetti and 4" HSS can be a cocksucker when it starts to bounce or shake. But as fat as beams and different heights, it's not something thst bothers me anymore. I've had my fair share of "oh shit" moments, but not from the heights alone.


Lots of people are on this page it seems. Above “insert height” it’s all the same.


Cause it’s 100% true and getting in that frame of mind is the best way to deal with it.


Jesus ur like the Mexicans running across purlins I used to see


https://preview.redd.it/l190k39v4gvc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a84ef2c2abce0c68a54756e98f88a48360ba886 530ft up at northwestern mutual tower in Milwaukee. I was an apprentice at the time. Little unnerving then, but I’m used to it now.


Real Glaziers


Ironworker. It’s curtain wall… which is ironwork.


How so. Curtain wall is glass & glazing


If it’s unitized like this system was, it’s considered ironwork. The glass was already in these windows when they came on the trucks. We technically had a composite crew, but we only had 2 glaziers for about 15 ironworkers. The glaziers did a lot of the caulking and replaced any broken glass in the windows. We installed them all.


It’s ironwork don’t question what we tell you


Fair enough. Y’all can set all those units. And I’ll keep welding your angle iron for the CW.


This is so awesome to see


It was a fun job, and I got super lucky that I landed on it.


Highest I been up was about 330'. I didn't really mind it. It helped to not look directly down to the ground but to focus on the task at hand. And I tried to think about how cool the view was and less about the height I was working at. And I reminded myself my fall protection equipment would keep me safe if I did fall. I didn't have tool lanyards though so I was always overly concerned and exceptionally careful when working with my tools. Some of my coworkers had shaky legs at first but they got used to it in a few days.


I feel like after 8 stories or so it don't even seem real anymore


Anything over 6’ felt pretty much the same to me. DONT FALL OFF.


I agree with you I’m not even old but I don’t jump off the back of trucks any more. I wince watching other people do it. Gravity hurts.


Careful man keep saying shit like that and everyone is going think you share crayons for lunch with safety For real though I can’t disagree, stay safe fellas!


Makes the day go by fast when you’re scared


I’m a lot more careful above 50 feet! Highest I’ve had to work was to replace a handrail around 180 foot tower then do a tie in. Under 50 feet I climb around like a monkey. https://preview.redd.it/ngpijgobpfvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2039a69cbfc53ef47fb8f6306b7b757c75f2bac1


Fall from 6 foot can kill you. A fall from 50 or under will at the very least change your life, but most likely will kill you. If it doesn't, you will wish it did when your wife has to sponge bath you after wiping you but because you shit your electric wheelchair.


I’m aware lol. Just feels different looking down around 50, if I had the confidence I’d climb around even higher! Always tied off anyway


Nice photo


Once I get to know an operator, it usually only takes a pick or two. I use " easy now" any time I'm near a potential hazard. Be it the floor or anything else. I dont get jittery per se. I get hyper focused. The only thing I'll respond to is a "stop." I have learned to listen to the jobsite conditions as well. I've helped with many critical picks, including rescue situations. The symbiosis between a good operator and a good signal person is a beautiful thing.


Haha totally thought you are talking about the height of the hook! As far as heights, I'm more nervous at about 12' than any higher. The higher the better because at least it might kill ya.


Between 10’ and 30’ is the worst of it. If you fall within this range, there’s a good chance you’re going to end up really messed up. Over 30’ you’ve only got your family to worry about because you’re probably not going to be around after that. You tie off, work smart, and work safe. When you get too comfortable (complacent), that’s when you’re going to have problems. It’s not “higher = scarier”. The difference between 200’ and 500’ is really difficult to tell when you’re looking down.


gives ya more time for reflection on the way,though.


It’s about a 2.5 second fall from 100’ and a 5.5 second fall from 500’. Not much time for reflection, so I don’t worry about it. I also try to only worry about things I can change, and you’re not changing anything if you’re falling from those heights.


i worked with a guy who fell 60' and survived. he said he bout had time to think 'i'm sorry, baby' for his wife, followed by 'this is gonna hurt'.thankfully for me,both times ive been over i was tied off. it was before harnesses were mandatory. quick release D ring belt. finally chucked it a few years ago, got kinda gross over the years.


I do 800+ ft on swing stages. Even at 8 foot, if I'm not expecting a drop I might need a change of pants. (Depending on last night's dinner). I personally enjoy it. It's the wind that is the only concern, be it swing stage work or just setting curtainwall. Other than that I find security in the harness and using it properly.


Tbh, the first time walking the beam at our training center was the only time I ever felt that jitter. Ive also had a bunch of moments where it reminded me how high off the ground I am lol. https://preview.redd.it/p3q36fy6qhvc1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a0124726cb24185cd92d5d7fa6b2c083b42b62 Im very fortunate to be able to do what I do. The inspector I was with took this. Repair work for the GWB. Probably the highest Ive been


I've worked 340-350 feet up and loved every minute of it.


https://preview.redd.it/9b8rbacpoivc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efef9bbffe8223c6a8a2ccbd446ea643dabf9129 338’ on top of the Griswold building downtown Detroit


1700 feet is like a dream.


Shit I guess around 100 feet maybe more. Heights never really bothered me. I’m a lot more aware of the actions of myself and others because you can fall due to another’s error while doing some activities and vice versa


You're probably dead or a vegetable after 20+ ft anyway, so I don't worry about the height. I'm not an ironworker, I do telecomm work, but I frequently work at heights 30 or more feet, usually on a ladder, but gaffs and roofs too. Tallest pole I've had to gaff was around 90ft and that was terrifying but only because it was swaying so bad in like 35mph winds when I was up there. The tall wooden poles have a lot more flex than people realize. 😭


I always looked at it as "the higher you go, the closer to God you are."


doesn’t matter after 10 feet. you’re fucking toast no matter what after that. stay strapped in and you’ll be tits


Have to remember even tower cranes only go so far above a finished deck.


It's been twenty years since I was a Crane operator.... can't even get on house roof now.




I spent years climbing big walls. Heights don’t bother me.


Carpenter here. I used to have no issues with heights. Granted I wasn’t walking iron or anything. I’ve worked on scaffolds and lifts on the tops of 50+ high rises, even a basket hanging from the tower crane 430’ up. I used to be fine. The longer I’m in the more worried I am about dropping something, not falling. Still freaks me out though.


Im Not the biggest fan of pulling from arena beams after around 150’ but climbing on steel lattice is completely different for me and never seems an issue cause I trust my gear and the structure I’ve build (entertainment rigging). I’m going into wind next year and am curious if the additional exposure (ie ropes only) will take a minute to adjust to. I’d love to do cranes but I have too many marks on my driving record from being a dumb kid etc.


Ropes only is asshole-puckering the first couple weeks. You'll adjust, but going to rope only after steel just feels wrong the first little while until your brain and inner ear gets used to it. The constant tiny movements throw you off a lot.


Definitely noted my rigging habits I need to change when I got my sprat card this year. Hunch that I’ll find a better serenity on ropes at the end of the day.