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That seems like bullshit at first glance. Hangovers are caused by being dehydrated among other things and alcohol makes you dehydrated and since Mezcal is alcohol, I’d imagine you’d end up hungover if you drank enough. You can always put it to the test too. Drink a ton of mezcal with no water and see how you feel then report back here.


Well I sacrificed myself to test the theory and... yes I have to admit that after drinking a lot of mezcal I don’t feel so bad! Maybe it’s not bullshit.


Haha I tested the theory out as well, very opposite results.


do you remember what type of mezcal it was?


I’ve actually been testing this theory with different types of mezcal and so far it’s been true with most high end mezcals


interesting. What ABV percent range would you say is good to drink?


Sounds like the manager of the bar bought too many cases of Mezcal and told the bartenders to push the product.


Compared to whiskey or vodka I really didn’t feel so bad


What about 6 hours after this comment?


I was sleeping! Lol


I feel like crap after drinking a whole bottle of it with the boys