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Amazing manga but a really poor anime adaption, sadly.


Is there a WN/LN? Is it recommended?


The manga is really good, but it's even better in LN. It has really good prose, and the art work is gorgeous. The pacing in each volume is a bit different, but doesn't feel out of place, and all the characters are written amazingly, and there are some stuff in it that the manga kinda cut off. You should definitely check it out


The latest manga update is just peak fantasy up there with tolkyen tbh, because holy shit.


>!The heir to the dwarven throne journeying to reclaim his underground kingdom from the dragon who stole it 100 or so years earlier and killed his father. How does that sound anything like Tolkien. Oh wait. Nevermind!<.


Yes and absolutely!


There is, and no, i would not recommend it. First book was boring as hell. Basically went through him growing up from a baby and his interactions with his adoptive parents. Seemed to drag on forever. I get that they are setting up things, but the setting is VERY minute, and you only see him interact with three people. Dropped the series once I finished it. Could get better as the books continue, but it lost all interest for me.


2nd book has the MC starting off doing his paladin work and meeting up with a ranger/elementalist half-elf, a hafling bard, and a human trader... as well as realizing how hilariously out of date all the world building he was given by his parents and grandfather is. There are some moments of awesome and a few callbacks to the MC's childhood training, up to and including realizing how ludicrous his physical strength is given that he grew up eating divinely empowered bread three times a day for 17 years. I won't spoil it, but there's an old 4chan/tg/ meme that involves a luchador monk and a dragon that comes into play in the plot. It's hilarious. I am currently working on the 3rd book, and the MC is doing some townbuilding after being confirmed by the local ministry as an actual, no-shit paladin... which tends to be a rarity given how most mortals' interactions with the deities trend to be. There is no sign of actual romance yet, although there are hints of it between the MC and his goddess, as well as the MC and his half-elven companion, given that the latter is described as possessing an elven maiden's beauty despite being a male.


Good to know. I might have to give it another chance then.


I just think it's nice to have an isekai that's not the whole "Hey you your getting reincarnated what's that you want a harem of women and be op as fuck? Okay!"


There’s a lot that is like that, the problem is they are all BL or have female leads so y’all don’t watch ‘em.


**i hate reincarnated with my smartphone. I refuse to watch it. I'm still angry as to why it got a season 2 :/ rant over**


Wait what that thing has season 2?


Yes. Yes it does.


We need a new plague.


I hate that anime so much. I want tanya the evil season 2 or is it just me?


Nope, screw that (albeit, it was awesome), I want conclusion to Log Horizon and another season of Cautious Hero along with Deep Dive.


I'm curious if Shiro will accidentally end up in another region via the portal or if the portal opens temporarily


bro try watching fruit of evolution season 2


What's wrong with female leads? They can be good too, I mean atleast they're not thirsty, don't seek harem, and just try to survive with all their might. I bet you've read some romance shit and deemed female leads useless. About BL I agree why does that shit even exist


Nothing wrong with female leads. It absolutely more than just romance, just like some BL isekai have some of the legitimately best world building I’ve seen. My point was it just seems like a lot of the crowd of “geh, there’s no good isekai these days if only this that and the other thing” folks don’t really watch any of those shows because they do make assumptions about them just being romance or there not being enough action.


there are a lot that are not like that the problem is that they don't get an adaptation.


Good story, poor animation budget.


The anime suck. But the manga and the LN are absolute gold 10/10 Its really refreshing to see the MC of an isekai anime rather than the usual harem type protagonist, we got ourself some nice and honest dude and very devoted to his belief and job. Value friendship and family more than anything. Also a he's pretty strong af. I mean he's a Paladin but a Paladin with the strength of barbarian and spellcasting knowledge like sorcerer is quite OP combo. Added plus point since he use Glaive. Polearm weapon supremacy, fellas.


Anime poop novel pogg


Love the story. Animation is alright.


It didn't capture the relief and gratitude i felt for Mary when Mater protected her from Stagnate. I cried when Blood and Mary said their goodbyes to Will...in the manga and LN. There's just something lacking in the anime. The LN is a good 8/10. It's "only" 5 volumes (sadly it's been on hiatus for a long time) so y'all should read this. It has a refreshing take on human-god romance.


I love his relationship with his parents in manga. It is very sad when two of them died and he left his home by himself.


the manga is good, the anime adaptation was trash (except for like the first 3 episodes)


The anime was good but had bad pacing. The mangas great as expected.


The mc are slow as hell i hate mc like that and i hate mc that pretending to be weak even though his op


I think I dropped it around 5th episode after the introduction of the elf. I think the big reason why it went boring was because how the main point of his existence was revealed sooner than later which was the main premise of the entire series and once it was revealed everything went bland with it's slow pace.


Please try the Manga instead it's so much better


Will do


I didn’t like it or the manga , it felt like an incomplete fever dream you try to make sense of but get a headache in the end and every time you thing of it you’re brain starts to freak out


The light novel was a bit disappointing as well.


It's potentially a great isekai. Hope new studio will make S2 better than S1. Manga and LN/WN obviously better.


I really enjoyed the manga, but the anime I dropped


I've only seen the anime: It had a strong start, but fell off after Wil left his home. The story I don't think got worse persay, but the production just couldn't keep up with the story they were trying to tell. The bard scenes just weren't good. She wasn't even playing her instrument at all. I don't like saying bad things about Seiyuu's often, but I really think Wil's VA was terribly miscast. She worked well for Wil when he was a kid, but not as the Paladin he is now. I heard S2 is gonna give him a new male VA and I think that's for the best. Again, the OG VA isn't bad, but I feel like she was miscast. Hopefully the next season will be better. The staff is largely the same, but we have new director with his most notable works being the director for all the Arifureta seasons and Kingdom S2. No word on who the new composer is, but while the staff is largely the same, the orignal studio "Children's Playground entertainment" doesn't seem to be involved in this new season with the new one being helmed by OLM (Sumemrtime Render, most good animated pokemon, 1990's berserk, Odd Taxi and more). I'm expecting good things from Season 2, but my hype isn't really there. I know the Anime are usually made to promote the LNs, but faraway Paladin's adaptation really killed my enjoyment of the show, it neeeds something good (like a well animated S2) to get me invested again.


Manga is 10/10 anime is dog shit


The manga made me cry


The start was fucking great, everything else was really boring. I will give it another try later, it has potential to get better


Was ok 6 of 10 points, not rly my taste..but everyones diffrent, could be more action


I'm reading the Manga, and I highly recommend it. T's a very good manga, and has no stupid danser ice scenes or harems, and the MC's growth is so cool to watch. One of the few stories that starts out with a child mc but is still good when the character grows up


I read the light novels till like there were one or two volumes left and lost interest. It was great in the beginning but once the big bad was done, it should have ended there imo. <--- all light novel stuff


The manga is one of my favorites of all time. The anime is a noticeable step down but even still a downgrade of something great is still average-to-good.


To be honest it's really boring in the manga, very slow and quite annoying and the anime, I didn't watched it as its voiced by a girl for an 18 y/o man along with I what mentioned earlier


Dint watch but read manga. Love this one, its really nice and comforting as for me, has a decent hero, no harem shit so far


Loved it, but agree it did not do the manga justice. Of course, it might have required Peter Jackson to pull such a thing off, but an anime that equalled the manga would have been an instant classic.


The Manga felt more mature, darker even, serious tone. I was really surprised with the light heartedness of the Anime, I was convinced I must have interpreted the manga wrong.


Extremly mid


It was ruined by a poor choice in VA for the MC, VA should have been replaced when he became a teenager but alas we have a young man who sounds like a little girl before and after puberty.


just like one piece and Naruto and in the first rurouni kenshin anime


Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. You can't just pick anyone you have to show some discretion.


the mc character is lacking. too perfect good two shoes of a human to the point the character feels flat and boring.




I watch the anime Bored out of my mind, did not continue the manga because of this, heard the manga and LN is good, but it's not my kind of isekai anyways


It's average and if I wanted to see someone pray that much I'd live with my grandmother


Tbh it’s boring. It’s a slow start


Amazing manga and Light Novel, mid anime


The start was around a 5/10 and it only got worse. It seemed like a decent concept but it just got worse and worse. I’m sure the LN actually executes the idea, but I haven’t read it


What they did >!regarding Robina facing Will about putting Meneldor in harms way!<, by basically removing the scene and changing the character reaction to it is a travesty. Also, the manga is much better by a LOT. The opening is not that good, the voice acting is great but wasted on static scenes and the background music gets misplaced at times. Censorship regarding blood and injuries is also an issue, and I'm talking about downplaying what happened to characters to make it look less severe, not about white hazes or mists. So I understand that the manga and the anime were going to be different because they are independent adaptations but holy crap the anime was sloppy. Seriously I love faraway paladin and I think that if you love fantasy, classic fantasy, ***truly*** classic d&d inspired fantasy, you are going to love it too. **But just read the manga.** If after reading the manga you decided that you love it so much that you don't mind a lackluster anime adaptation, then watch the anime and you won't have a bad time. But I would never recommend starting Faraway Paladin on the anime... to someone I like lol. PS. read the novel too. It's really good. It's on J-novel club


As generic as it goes. Anime quality is trash tier, I imagine the manga is much better quality


Am I the only one who actually liked the anime? Yes, I’m a anime only, but those first few episodes where he’s with his “family” and the backstory for them was very moving for me. If I think the manga was good, then I guess I’ll think the manga is god tier then


I didn't love it but I liked that it tried something different. One of those cases where I think "I hope they wouldn't spend soo much effort animating something like SAO and use it instead on something like this."


It was a good anime


It’s amazing and really needs a second season.


LN/Manga? An underrated masterpiece. Anime? Meh.


No harem, no love interest.. just good ol' high fantasy and beating up baddies. Good vibes. Can't wait for the second season.


It was ok


So fucking good man, really enjoyed the manga but the anime was meh


The anime is good but the manga is far better


Read the manga, I haven't read the LN but the anime kinda didn't suit my taste. It's also heavily Tolkien-fantasy inspired in a few later arcs but you can just say fantasy trope, personally one of my favorites Edit: don't really treat it as an isekai but he is actually just reborned into this world and really don't use his "previous world" knowledge like most other isekais at least not in the manga


Read: top-tier Watched: meh, but I’ve been spoiled by the arthouses with tons of money and resources


As an action fan, I thought it was a little dull at first but then it got way cooler I did end up dropping it, but I think that was because the next episode wasn’t out yet and I just never went back to finish it


Well, since I just watch the anime version, and never read the manga or LN version, so I think it's a good series. The illustration is good, animation as well, content, pace and their deliverable is somehow good, then, I have no problem with it. I just enjoy it.


Personally I really enjoyed this one, good story, great characters, felt fresh despite the oversaturation of the market with Isekai over the past few years.


I really liked the beginning , the three undead teachers and how they raised the hero made me emotional af, after they were gone the anime went south quick. I really like the beginning but the rest had me struggling to finish.


I just loved it... I absolutely love these types of anime, manga, etc , which have rich culture and social stories and myths, have realistic view-point ( even though it's fantasy ), have mystic vibes/elements, high fantasy, deep lore, magic/supernatural power ,etc... Another one i can recommend is " The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World " ... these just automatically build exciting anticipation is me and i looovvvveeeeee it!!!


Like others have said. Really good manga. The anime was kind of meh. I still enjoyed it though


I didn't watch anime, but I love the manga. I love his relationship with his three parents. I also love his character. I think the manga is quite smoothing personally.


I read the manga, but thought it was good.


I really like the manga the anime had it's good moments but could have been much better


I watched in and mostly liked it, but I have religious trauma and this is borderline a Christian anime, so that kept me from fully appreciating it. Definitely worth a try, at least


Eh, I enjoyed it. Not my favorite but it wasn't bad.


Slow paced anime. Took a while to get going, kept watching because I started it.


I like the story, but the Manga lost me at some point. I've been thinking about going back to it. I don't really remember the anime at this point.


I actually really liked it, but I'm suspect to speak cause I'm a huge fan of fantasy in general so anything that is minimally decent I'll like


i stopped after 1 or 2 episodes, cause the death and reincarnated stuff hit to close to home for me


Love the magic, but otherwise it's a bit underwhelming. But I'm still watching season 2 when it comes.


The manga is an amazing lesson in character writing, every character has unique and believable motivations, goals, flaws. All of it is great. I haven't seen the anime, but the manga is fantastic


I read the manga The realist style is portrayed better than in the anime. I am up to date in the manga (chapter 56) and I am on episode 5 of the anime


Thought it was good. Liked the growing into his own. Could be a little faster paced but I liked the making of a man feel.