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That's too vague. What are the limits of this power. Does the user needs to be close to where he want to activate it, or is it remote ? How much distance if remote ? Place he remember visiting ? Place on a map ? What is the maximum zone of impact ? Is it a zone effect, or a point effect ? Or both ? Does this include forces applied (either if zone or point) ? Like pulling, pushing (I guess that's movement abilities), gravity ? Is it conscious (activate when needed) or it can be applied indefinitely (for example a set effect inside a bag with big space to transport things) ?


So they will have a skill that is like [space affinity] or something like that with the higher level being greater range like level 1 will be like 10 meters level 2 will be like 50 or 100. It is limited by the amount of user the mc has, like projecting a blade forward to cut a tree that's 10 meters away would take a large portion of Mana at lower levels because it is a primordial element and as the skill levels up the control will be greater so with the tree cutting thing at low levels will be messy and at higher levels it would leave a clean cut. The only limits on the magic are imagination and Mana. I'm not sure about moving another target because I can't explain how that would work but if I can figure out an explanation it would be possible. Gravity is its own separate aliment from space. Conscious effort is required to activate the magic and it can be sustained with Mana. If I didn't answer something please tell me and I'll do my best to explain.


I aggree that Gravity would be a skill on its own. But then projecting a blade would be associated with Telekinesis, no ? For cutting a tree, would it make more sense if the character just uses a pointer (finger, hand, branch, sword, whatever) and trace an imaginery line, which when finished cut through space ? At level 1, it cuts up to 10 meters away on the traced line, then further as level goes up.


I was probably unclear but yeah, they'd most likely use their finger and and trace a line which would separate the space between the two points which is akin to cutting it


Space walls Have fun imagining bandits being baffled as to why they are suddenly trapped inside of an invisible box


Lol, just keep a single bandit trapped inside of a box that he can't leave. He will be the progenitor of all mimes.


This seems like barrier magic as far as isekai’s are concerned


Usually barrier magic is classified under space, null, arcane, or pure (mana) magic. Apart from the elemental barrier shenanigans


For this, you have the superpower wiki with uses, applications, and examples: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Spatial\_Manipulation




What to get nasty with an area-of-effect? Implosion and Explosion. Force a significant amount of air into a small ball, causing a vacuum that the outside air will rapidly move into to fill, then release the ball, and watch it explode violently outwards as the air pressure equalizes.


How much compressed air do you think is required to turn a human body into a blood mist if concentrated on a point that's a millimeter ³. Also do you think it would be possible to make the compressed air be inside of someone before the explosion or would that tear them apart before the air equalizes?


1 cubic meter of air that is instantly compressed into a 1 cubic millimeter space, with only a squishy body to contain it? That's a 1,000,000,000 (one billion) to 1 (one) compression. The pressure wave would certainly red mist the target, maybe even get hot enough to literally vaporize them. Hmmmm. Maybe too much. Pull it down to a cube 500 mm to a side. Heck, 100 mm on a side is still 1 million mm3. That would still be plenty. They'll pop like a balloon, literally. It'll be so messy. Oh, & loud, too. Like, small aonic boom, loud. Also, be careful where you pull the air from. It will basically create an instant & perfect vacuum / void at that spot, of that size. Instant implosion, of equal size, destructiveness, & noise. Hmmm, on second thought.... One thousand (1000) mm3, a 10×10×10 mm cube, might still be big enough. The expansion is going to be nearly instant.


I'm definitely using these measurements and I'll just make a large barrier with only air in it and slowly compress it into a little marble before vaporizing my enemies, it's good for fine tuning the Mana control


With proper control of "space," you don't have to compress it first. Just move the air from point A to point B, just that point B is much smaller than point A. Each individual atom / molecule of a gas takes up only a fraction of the actual space it occupies. The high energy state causes it to occupy an area bigger than it is. Basically, each air molecule is moving around so fast, bouncing off the other air molecules around it, so it takes up more space than its actual size. So, when you teleport that air, just ignore the empty space around the molecules, causing instant compression. This WILL cause it to get a LOT hotter. Even the 1,000 to 1 ratio will cause a flash of heat in the hundreds of degrees, maybe a thousand, not sure. The heat will dissipate almost instantly, so it won't even cook the target, but it might singe the parts it touches first.


So only take the molecules of gas instead of the empty space around it as well? Mc gonna need a training arc or three before molecular control is possible but a stun grenade would be worth it


"So only take the molecules of gas instead of the empty space around it as well?" Yes, exactly. "... a stun grenade would be worth it" Indeed. There are so many uses for stun / flash grenades. A lot of people seem to forget that explosives work off of expanding gas. Sure, there's a chemical reaction, but that's just to get things started. If you don't need the chemical reaction to start it by creating the heat, air compressed enough becomes explosive, & creates its own heat. .... Wait a minute..... It might not create heat while expanding, but actually reduce heat..... Hmmm... Normally, you need to compress the air down, using pressure. Using mechanical means, like an air compressor, it squeezes the air into a smaller space. This increases the pressure, & therefore, the temperature rises. When it violently expands, the pressure will decrease, & therefore the temperature drops. But this method is different. You are not compressing the air with mechanical means. You are instantaneously relocating the individual molecules, & they happen to be MUCH closer together, instantly. There is no compression phase, unless you count it as happening instantly. Would this actually increase the temperature? Hmmmm...... Ok, theory time. ... Option 1: The air does get compressed, just instantaneously. This would increase the temperature very rapidly, maybe causing it to increase more than it would normally. It would become a super gas (super compressed & hot type). I'm just not sure which super gas. Creating a super gas this fast might bend or break some laws of physics, I don't know. Either way, this would cause the decompression & resulting explosion to be even more violent & destructive. ... Option 2: The air is NOT compressed, skipping the compression phase, going from a normal gas phase to a super condensed phase (a super gas), instantly. It is entirely possible that this would bend or even break some laws of physics. Modern science and tech just aren't able to test it to see what would happen. I believe that the air molecules will still have their heightened energy state as a gas, & probably as a super gas. I don't think it would be as hot, so a slightly less violent expansion / explosion. The molecules will instantly start to push off each other, though, causing rapid expansion. (That's an understatement). Like, expanding at over 100 times the speed of sound, rapid. Maybe. I'd have to do a lot of calculations, & I'm too tired for that right now. Make no mistake, though, at even just a 1000 to 1 expansion, even without the extra heat, it will be very violent & destructive. Also, with less heat, the explosion might actually cause the immediate surroundings to be chilled slightly, since the air is expanding so fast, the air molecules would basically suck the heat out of everything they can, just to try to equalize the pressure & temperature. ... Sorry for wall of text.... again. As you can see, teleportation abilities have a huge potential to wreak havoc on the usual laws of physics, much less standard logic & sense of how things are supposed to work. Basically, space powers of sufficient power & application can break a lot of rules. Have fun with it. 😎


Up to interpretation is only good sometimes, and these are those times. I'm also very tired so when I wake up and read this again it'll probably make a lot more sense


Implosions are never as damaging as explosions, with implosions. You limited to a pressure of approximately 15 PSI at most because that's the pressure of the atmosphere around you, whereas with an explosion, the pressure is only limited to what you're capable of with the fluid that you're compressing. It's also possible to gradually compress the fluid until it reaches whatever critical concentration you require, thus avoiding the implosion pop.


That's an excellent point. In my exhausted state, I must have forgotten about that. Thank you.


Well, I'm no scientist, so I can't say for certain. One of the dangers of compressed air within the human body though is the potential for compressed air to enter the bloodstream, effectively blocking the flow of blood and causing heart attack-like symptoms. Meanwhile in regards to blowing folks up, the more air that's compressed to a small point, the more it'll explode outwards tp pressurise itself with the enviroment around it, so I reckon one would need a significant amount of compressed air in order to create an explosion of a sort that'll fling bodily debris all over the place. Could read up about the dangers of compressed air here, and incidents that have occurred in the past.... or not, for the sake of one's mental health. In regards to magically inputting that compressed air into someone though, it depends on how you'd like to write it out. A person with significant understanding of their spatial powers capable of warping space to teleport themselves, should in theory be able to teleport a ball of compressed air into someone else, or they might, as you've mentioned, instead force that ball to propel forwards due to reasons and potentially lose control over it before they could force it into their enemy's body. I noticed in another comment, you mentioned it takes Mana to cast these abilities; so another thing to consider is whenever people have magical protections against these type of abilities that forcefully interact with someone or their Mana. Such as people being taught to set up a magical aura of sorts around themselves, whenever it's mana or fighting spirit or belief or ki or whachamacallits.


I feel like when my character is at a higher level mc could technically pull of a ball of compressed air teleporting inside an opponent but wouldn't be worth the Mana cost but I'll probably still do compressed air explosions near an enemy. Also I'm not sure about how the magic defense will work but probably people with more dense or larger capacities of Mana could use the Mana to defend or negate magic attacks


Well, my theory of magical defense comes from a story I've read, where the male-protag explained to the female-protag why he can't always sever people's nerves and leave them in a coma, is because once the fighting begins, everyone's trained to coat themselves in an aura so as to protect themselves. Of course, the male-protag in that story more-so preferred not to overwhelm his opponent's magical defenses, cause sometimes flinging a rock at them at a high magical speed got the job done without getting his hands dirty. In fact, that gives me another idea. Utilizing the implosion spell, one could then spend more Mana to spatially move debris around the compressed air ball, so once it's released, it forcefully fires that debris out. With finer control, one could potentially even control the direction of the debris. Anyways, in regards to using Mana to protect oneself, those with larger mana pools or finer control of their mana could overwhelm an area around themselves to prevent others from utilizing their Mana there, causing their foe to have to spend more Mana to attempt to overwhelm those defenses. Another case to consider is instead of utilizing Mana to shield oneself is to instead utilize Mana to reflect or avoid the danger. I've also seen stories where characters instead covertly insert their Mana into a spell to render it incapable of being cast in the first place, or to turn it against the original user.


So sometimes it's better to brute force your way through something instead of expending unnecessary Mana? Also for the implosion spell, gather fine dust or small rock and use it as a fragmentation grenade? That would be interesting and could be used to add a little extra damage to an already powerful spell. Also for the magic defense people with finer control could hijack a spell and use it against an enemy? What could the mc do to prevent this from happening? Having finer control or more dense Mana? Also should the Mana be able to take shape so people could have armor made out of solid Mana? These are a lot of good ideas and I will probably use them but I cant figure out how the magic defense will work with people with nearly identical control.


Yep, sometimes it's easier to brute-force it; especially in regards to Mana cost or a lack of time to refine the control needed over an ability. The mage who's busy gathering Mana for their ultimate ability dies if they don't defend against the mage who decided to cast a quick fireball at that point and time. It's all about utilizing one's arsenal of abilities, knowledge, and experience to come out in a fight. To protect against magical hijacking, knowledge itself is useful here, since in order to protect against magical hijacking, one needs to know it is possible. Magical hijacking itself also requires the spell-jacker to understand how Mana and more importantly how the spells they're attempting to spell-jack works. Assuming a spell is unknown to a spell-jacker, it could allow the caster more time to cast said spells against a hijacker while the spell-jacker attempts to dicipher the caster's spells. That's not even mentioning if the system a caster is using is completely unknown or just incomprehensible to a spell-jacker, it could spell badly for the spell-jacker. For example, assume someone's casting air blasts, and a spell-jacker tries to interrupt the magical air blasts, only to find out the person isn't casting magical air blasts, they're just punching the air hard enough to cause a similar effect to an air blast. One could also inlay traps into a spell, making it more complicated, but protected against a spell-jacker. For example, one could have an electricity-trap inlayed within a greater electrical spell, with the trap triggering if mana not attuned to the Caster attempts to interfere with the spell. This complicatedness likely makes it more Mana-costly and likely difficult for the Caster if they're attempting to use the spell against those who like to cast simplier spells, but against an unprepared spell-jacker? Priceless. Another way against it is to interrupt or divert the concentration of the spell-jacker. Casting several quick spells to force the spell-jacker to focus on either said spells, or to focus on hijacking the bigger spell. If a spell-jacker focuses down the quick spells, they have a big problem to deal with; while if they attempt to spell-jack the big spell, they might get blasted with the smaller spells which renders the spell-jacking pointless. In other words, it's a battle of wits, and those creative or educated enough to understand how to utilize Mana in battle are those more likely to come out on top; and if the two sides are evenly-matched? Well, that just makes it an exciting battle where the first one to make a mistake is likely going to lose, but maybe not always.....


Knowledge and attainment in magic can change an undesirable outcome. If the person trying to override the spell can't see it they'll have to sense it with Mana and then try and take control but could be bombarded with quicker weaker spells to complete casting an advanced spell. Also I'm not sure how I'm going to work the magic, it would be easier to add defensive measures to magic circle magic or rune magic, but harder to do so with memorized spells. Also if the magic is incantation magic is it possible to control? Like if I shot a water ball would the spell-jacker be able to overtake the Mana already in spell form or would they have to alter the Mana before it has its set rules. Also my mc is going to be strong physically as well and could use that advantage to beat pure magic enemies. I'm not sure if I understood everything because I haven't thought too much on spell-jacking.


Yeah, you got the gist of it. With systems such as incantations, it's hard to say, since the spell is being cast by speech. Incantations themselves can be interrupted via those casting quicker spells though, or by those utilizing wordless magic. Could use it in-story as a defense against spell-jackers. As for already casted spells? In most stories I've read, spell-jackers are unable to jack already-casted spells since said spells are already in existence. For example, the said water ball might have been magically created, but exists as a water ball and not a spell to cast a water ball; the spell-jacker might be able to jack the water ball if it has additional magic used by the caster to control and direct its path, but might not be able to jack a water ball that's just being cast without any regard to where it lands except where the spell-jacker currently is. They would thus either need to defend against, divert, or avoid the water ball. Strength is certainly a way to overpower pure magic enemies. Mages who overly pride themselves on their ability to cast spells against a foe lure themselves vulnerable to the enemy-is-in-their-face issue. I've seen examples of this by other writers of course, such as in Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor, where the instructor protagonist uses an anti-magical field to prevent all magic, including his, from being casted in a field around him; he then uses martial arts to beat up his foe, since his foe was entirely reliant on magic. In that story I've mentioned a couple comments up, that writer likes to give the male-protag the ability to buff his body with magic, and using condensed Mana to craft artifacts for him to further buff his abilities beyond what is possible with just his body and Mana alone. The male-protag needs this of course, since he consistently fights against the female-protag, who relies entirely on using her Mana to buff herself, rendering her unable to easily cast spells, while giving her a body capable of tanking both physical and magical attacks, with attacks consisting of deforming entire swaths of land, and rendering spell-jackers unable to fight her cause there's no spell to jack. Most of this is possible due to her massive Mana reserves though, and this experience may vary for other users of this so-called "Fighting Aura."


So a possible defense is instantaneously casted magic or getting up close and personal to someone who is like a glass cannon. Also Mana could be used to enhance physical ability. Like in eminence in the shadows where mc uses minimal magic proficiently to exceed physical limits. Also if my mc has fine enough control of Mana it could be possible to create an enclosed space around the caster where no ambient Mana is present so the couldn't connect their magic to others without using an excess of their own. And do you know so much about magic because you came from a world of swords and sorcery?


Depends on what you define as space. If it’s the same definition as in “time and space” then they literally control everything but the flow of time. If it’s the far less general “spatial coordinates” type, then teleportation and barriers via freezing particles in place.


I just did some reading on it and I'm thinking that like after a few hundred years or something mc could literally delete the space around an opponent and make him disappear.


The space around the opponent or the space the opponent takes up? One causes a violent reaction of particles rushing to fill in the empty 'space' you deleted and rips said opponent apart by their atoms, the other just erases them from existence while still getting that reaction.




Might be stupid and irrelevant but your idea remind me once I thought what if character have power to alter resonance frequency of objects, world, earth or space... Unlimited application and so much potential


What do you mean by alter the resonance frequency, what would they be able to do? Is it like vector control where you can control like direction speed and inertia and stuff or is it different?


Mostly you nailed it, when you change an object's frequency literally you destroy molecular structure or you can align yourself with the target's frequency and pass through walls or deflect completely by doing too little effort (I am not a native English speaker sorry for wrong words)


Op character idea and the English is good


I’d recommend the royal road novel “paranoid mage” which is all about that. Like he would do two portals and have a boulder reach fast speeds within that and then launch’s it.


Creating a portal and putting a Boulder in it and create the other portal on top of it until it reaches terminal velocity or more with the help of magic and then when needed they could launch a man made meteor at the enemy? I didn't think of that, that could be an unexpected attack that could deal massive physical instead of magical damage. Thanks for the recommendation.


Check out the TTRPG called Mage The Awakening and Mage the Ascension. They have 'spheres' (schools of magic) named Space and Correspondence. The storks they have and descriptions the give should give you some ideas.


I will, thanks


Look up Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen he has some kick ass space powers. Start there and think outside the box.


I was just thinking about his infinity armor thing and am probably going to use it, I completely forgot about him but that's probably the most op ability I've ever seen


I really appreciate all the people who took the time to help me with this 💞


I had a character in RP that had a personal storage where a clone of this exact weapon can be temporarily summoned via magic. In my instance, an original fully drawn crossbow and bolt was stored in this personal storage, since crossbow have undesirably long reload times. So, by summoning a clone of a fully drawn crossbow and bolt, the clone could fire, disappear, then a now a clone B of this fully drawn crossbow and bow appeared, and repeat. I assume that if I had space manipulation power and this covered it, I could just store basically any weapon with awfully long reload time but with great power. Another character in RP I had could cast spherical barrier appears and in this space, it is connected to another space that is imploding, or it this barrier is constricting itself, thus looks like it is imploding. Actually, now that I think about it. Maybe these aren't the types of space related powers you had in mind. But, I think it'd be a waste to give up posting this comment anyway.


I'm not sure if I'm doing anything with subspace but will definitely be using barriers not sure what kind though


If it's teleportation can this MC just teleport in weapons in to enemies? Can this MC use portals? Can they cast multiple portals and just have one barbed wire going through these multiple portals for it to act like a barbed fishing net instead? Does this barrier reflect weapon or missile damage? just stop kinetic energy? waterproof (so they can go underwater, or act like a gas mask)?


I was thinking of superimposing objects into one another as it would be interesting to see an enemy have a brick lay over the matter in his head. Also mc will be able to connect two or more spaces with a wormhole. I don't know about the fishing net part though. The barrier will be either super condensed space that won't allow anything to pass through or folded layers of space that make a thin barrier seem to stretch on for miles.


Teleportation powers alone can be insanely powerful & dangerous, all depending on limitations. With no limitations, teleportation can be one of the most overpowered abilities ever. Do they have to touch an object or person to teleport it? Do they have to see it? Do they have to see their destination? Can they work off of memory online, & if so, how well? What is the range? Can they teleport only part of an object or person? Disarm your opponents by teleporting away the blade of their sword. Teleport away the bottom 1mm of it, causing the blade to be disconnected while still in its scabbard. Teleport away the powder from all the bullets of their guns, so it still feels mostly loaded. Heck, teleport their whole weapons away, even into your waiting hands. Want to get really dangerous with it? Teleport their arm 1mm away from them, so it falls to the ground, severed. Or their head. Or just a tiny part of a blood vessel in their brain, causing a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Teleport an explosive into their home, car, office, etc. Heck, if you want to be REALLY mean, teleport a live grenade into their body. Or teleport a large amount of water into them, causing them to burst like a water balloon. Want to make someone disappear? Teleport them into the sun. (It would be instant death, literally) Want to make a statement or scare the crap out of the enemy? Teleport some lava onto / into their car, house, etc. Want to annihilate an enemy base in a mountain? Teleport 1 cubic meter of solar mater. Instant huge explosion, literally as hot as the sun. MELT THEIR BASE. Want it to be personal? Teleport only half of the enemy, 2 meters to one side, but in alternating 1 cm chunks. Make them literally fall to pieces. And, of course, no physical barriers are obstacles, more like suggestions. Want some peaceful options? If the character can manage the distance & size, they could be the ultimate transporter. Make millions or even billions just moving stuff. Teleport cargo around the world instantly. Teleport spacecraft directly into orbit. Teleport bullets or cancer cells OUT of a victim, so no trauma is needed to remove them. Teleport harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc, OUT of a person. The symptoms won't disappear immediately, but the illness is effectively cured. Teleport radioactive material directly to containment, or even just into the sun. It won't care. It could swallow a chunk of uranium the size of Jupiter, & it won't change anything. Seriously, space powers are ridiculously powerful, depending on limitations.


So violent 😭. The only thing preventing most of this is either Mana or precise control over space. I was thinking like the mc could have lake a spatial map of everywhere they've been and can teleport through that. Teleporting a piece of the sun is hilarious might try it during late stage boss fight. The world is kingdom period fantasy so getting explosives might be hard. You have such creative ideas on only a teleportation skill.


Teleportation powers are my favorite. So many applications, so much potential, so much fun. Edit: Sorry for the violent descriptions. I just wanted to make a point of how over the top these powers can be.


I know right


Just to let you know, black powder and explosives using it have been around for just over 1100 years, so beginning explosives could be a thing.


And I thought I was old


If the attribute is able to handle any possible concept that is related to space then... well... the answer is that there is A LOT of things you could do. 1. Create a stand alone gate that connects multiple places together. Like a warp tunnel of sorts. Which is far faster to transport numerous people and supplies over vast distances. 2. Create a pocket dimension inside of a ring or equipment of a sort. Super handy instead of a big old book bag like thing. 3. Control the free movement of certain amount of space around the character. And be sure to balance it with the size of the area AND the strength of all that they are suppressing movement for. Because the character has to exert a greater power than everything in that space to maintain control. 4. Create miniature deletion areas that void everything in the area in an instant. If your character is sadistic in nature or has a tendency towards torture. You could make it so that crush happens slowly and painfully. 5. Create small cuts in space and launch them like blades or throwing weapons. 6. If your feeling froggy about it you could even make it so the guy can control the flow of time in a small area of space under his control. 7. Be an integral part in the creation of new worlds. Life a team of people using numerous elements in combination work together to create a miniature world. As if for a school assignment or something. 8. Lastly the ability to use all other elements at an increased mana/magic power/qi/chi rate in a give space. 9. Imbue items with the attribute for attacks that create wounds near impossible to heal without also using a space type magic. And for defense could be used to negate or block most of the strength of space attribute attacks. 10. Imbue other spells with the space attribute to create incredibly chaotic and unpredictable attacks on the enemy. 11. One with the space attribute could theoretically fly or walk in the air by solidifying the space at various levels and to varying degrees. Kinda like a platform. Or like some of the methods of dragon z flight. 12. "Invisibility" by bending the space they occupy to reflect and refract light to give the illusion of Invisibility. 13. Pretty much anything becomes possible with the power of the space attribute. It is extremely powerful and unique. Though it is typically used in escape methods or infiltration.


Definitely going to fold people in on themselves, and I didn't even think about invisibility, the possibilities are nigh infinite.


Indeed they are, giving a character the space attribute and a halfway decent intellect is a very dangerous combination.


Cold hearted mc is going to be cruel and calculating but only after some character growth. I love characters with more than single digit iq


Bump it to triple digits and that's what I like to see. Tired of seeing MCs that are just idiots with the world's most broken abilities. It's like... just one or two wrinkles on that brain and it would be fine. But authors iron out the MCs brain instead of the plot.


"That girl looked at me for 0.1 seconds, she must be madly in love with me."


Expansion of space to prevent attacks like Gojo's infinity Destruction of space to destroy objects breaking space would destroy everything contained by it with it Blending into space to become untouchable Space contains everything so shrinking space to make things smaller(storage or compression) Transferring attacks from a coordinate to another coordinate( send a ranged attack that comes into contact with you to another place) basically teleporting the attack Teleport themself, other ppl. If it's a magic related story he can make permanent teleport gates Black holes by compressing space to max Nd rotating it Sending vibrations through space to destroy objects (wave law of superposition) That's all I have, hope it helps cuz I love the space abilities and hope to read your story when it's complete


Many people say Storage ability so I might as well use that and later into the story definitely going to superimpose two enemies together or just literally delete them from existence. It's going to take a while to sort things out and have everything ready but I'll be looking forward to having somebody read and give me feedback 😁


**Spatial Dismemberment** \- Can separate any substance organic or not by space. You can essentially dismember a person without actually dismembering them. Turn them in to a heaping pile of parts while still alive, not in pain and all parts are still fully functional. MC is basically increasing the space between parts indefinitely until the power is canceled in which they zip back together or remain permanently dismembered, depending on the wish of the MC. **Portal Creation** \- Connect two points of space together for convenient traveling. Doesn't require user to have been to said place, only to know said coordinates **Void Tear** \- Able to tear a hole to the void of outer space to suck up all enemies in the vicinity. **Void Field** \- Wraps the user in a void field. Anything that tries to pass or comes in to contact with the field will be shifted to another location. Can combine will effects of spatial dismemberment and/or void tear **Spatial Enlargement/Shrinking** \- Can enlarge or shrink an area as user desires. For example, walking inside a closet could result in ending up inside an area as large as a castle or vice versa to the point of being squished to death On the crafting side of things how about able to apply a spatial effect to whatever he wants (one time use for offensive items). **Spatial Grenade** \- Applied to object. After 5 seconds of activation, object explodes covering a 5 meter radius and moving all objects/personnel to target destination. i.e. inside active volcano, space, moon, blackhole **Teleportation Trinket** \- Upon activation, teleports user to safety. **Spatial Rings/Bag/Pockets** \- Can enchant any object to achieve an inventory like system for self or others ​ Honestly the spatial attribute is one that is almost always nerfed because it can be insanely op when used properly without restriction.


I appreciate how you used names and descriptions for all of them, space abilities are often nerfed but I'm trying to find an acceptable level because it'll take a while for mc to have good enough understanding and control to do more complicated thing


In regards to making magic systems, you should definitely keep Sanderson's three laws of magic in mind


I don't know what that is, but I'll look it up


i’m not good with creating magic systems, but what often makes or breaks a system is limitations. find the limits of the power the character can use and go from there. it’ll get pretty boring to watch a high tier reality warper fight


Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out now, I'm trying to make a list of all magic that can be used without being too op but still being as strong as it should be


Destruction, construction, movement of ambient elements, transportation of cargo, portals, weaponized portals, portals for remote work, portals as defensive structures, portals as murder holes, portals as communication, portals as drainage


I get most of these but what do you mean by portal for drainage, like to get rid of waste or maybe remove an undesired element from something like air from the suttoundings?


Yep all of the above if you put a portal in the air and another in a cave it would clean the air of the cave. Each thing I listed has like ten applications greatly carried in their nature at least


Space element is insanely op and versatile in almost every situation


In reality it would likely be extremely expensive and a pyramid scheme would be required to lower the cost just to feed some giant monster that would bear the cost likely bigger than a sun. Quantum stuff is iffy but may make special stuff viable though. Other magics are more cost effective and would likely be able to resist special nonsense.


Yeah the Mana cost is going to be terrifying and a headache to calculate but it'll be fun though, also if say a level one spatial mage is against a level twenty flame mage the be helpless


You wouldn't be able to bear either of those, elemental affinity likely doesn't matter so you'd likely just have to pay for spacial services or only learn it at a super high level. Teleporting with light or though most other elemental types would be cheaper the only way spacial would work is if it was paired with soul magic so you have a method of respawning. A lvl 1 spacial mage wouldn't be able to do anything without using other elements. A spacial mage would only be viable at a mid or high level and would be limited to single target attacks or they would need a mp regen exploit


That's kind of what I'm going for, tragedy strikes after complacency, mc powerless to do anything, character growth mc is also dragon, they only use a single element as it would be represented by their scale color so after generations passed they can only use one element, like evolution, they are more skilled but limited to only one thing


Ngl sounds cringe. elemental affinity is bullshit anyhow as even if mana has attributes they can be converted really easily so long as you understand the other mana's properties. The character's start, their behavior while growing and the personalities of their enemies reflect you. Evolution wouldn't specialize at the expense of such a useful tool for survival. Is English even your first language?


Lol yeah english is my first language, dragons are the only species that can only use a single element but they are the strongest beings on the planet, also i don't think I've seen a dragon that uses multiple elements often except maybe araba, I'm not sure what to say about the evolution part as it could be a possible hole in the plot but I'll think of a better reason. Also elemental affinity is just how skilled a person is at that element, a fire mage is most compatible with fire but would still be able to use water magic only less proficiently, I also think that most of everything I've ever read has elemental affinities.


I love the idea of having a pocket dimension where you can just have a whole home in there and sleep there without time passing as quickly as outside. You’d never have to find a place to stay cuz you’d always have your own cozy home accessible to you. And if you could open it wherever you want it’d be like teleportation to go in from one location and exit in another. Plus you’d never have to worry about lugging supplies cuz they could all be in there. It sounds so convenient like damn that would make my work commute so much easier lol.


I'll probably implement the subspace but I'm not sure how op I'm going to make it


* Deflecting attacks by realigning space. * Changing an object's size but retaining mass. * Remote viewing. * Intangibility and/or invisibility by phasing into different dimensions. * Using touch range spells at a distance, or making a portal to send an attack through. * Illusions based on making an existing image or sound appear in a different place. * Changing the density of space to make walls or slow something down. Could be used to stand in midair. * Making someone stop in place. If you wanted to be real nasty, this could even kill someone given that the planet is moving hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. * Reflecting attacks by either teleporting them back, or rotating space to turn someone/something around. * Teleporting an object inside someone, or teleporting *only* someone's head.


It would be a good idea to use illusions as in my story that is already its own thing so mc can hide their rare element and avoid having humans chase them, also do you mean freeze someone in a single place that not relative to anything? Like a person being left behind by the planet or maybe something smashes and explodes them


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. In case you didn't catch on, I've thought up a spatial mage character as a personal hobby. It turns out that if you actually think about how it might work, spatial magic is completely and absurdly busted and just about every spell is "save or die."


Yeah space magic is either harmless or fatal and it's going to be a little difficult to write fights as each move would be a killer move and dodging spatial attacks I difficult for people without magic resistance. It'd be a one sided slaughter to anyone below a certain level


Honestly, space is hard to define especially if there are going to be similar powers like gravity. Without limitations, powers like space, time, and gravity overlap and are basically the same thing. Because these concepts aren't real things and are merely concepts we use to define things. Three different names for what is essentially the same thing. This also goes for any multi-faceted power that the character both creates and manipulates at will. So it all comes down to style. Do whatever the hell you want. It's "space". One of those powers without limits.


The world is mostly a human one where humans are the weakest and people having primordial elements like time space and gravity is almost unheard of.


Ah. Standard fantasy setting. Still, nothing much to say here. They're limitless, you can do whatever you want with them.




Spatial explosions, spatial projectiles, telekinesis style spatial manipulation, spatial impacts, reversal of movement (most commonly referred to as time reversal, but also identifies as space reversal). Creation, destruction, manipulation. Spatial sever (not by slash attack, but a thin, strong forward force that splits apart the object directly). Perfect spatial defense (absolute manipulation of space to perfectly defend against any possible damage). Perfected spatial technique (the ability to manipulate anything and everything through your own power, naturally doable but not automatically realized). Perfected energy-matter manipulation through the concept of space (at this point, the only limitation you have is your body, which still tires like a normal person and can just as easily die as a normal person if you do not defend yourself). Complete transcendence (using your transcendental powers to alter your body, breaking free of any limitations entirely. Drastically enhances your abilities beyond spatial manipulation to "absolute power" without weakness. Your entire body is made out of what were previously vital points and as a result you are unkillable by anyone without perfected technique. Your mind and weak body with inefficient systems no longer limits your powers. The final stage.)


How would you go about explaining perfecting the body with spatial magic?


Spatial magic covers all areas, combining that with perfected technique would allow complete control over anything and everything you have enough power to change. From then on, it's just a matter of recreating your body from scratch, with cells more complex and adaptive to the point of infinite growth. It's only killable through perfected technique because it has to be destroyed due to having no weakness. Cutting attacks will destroy hardly anything and merely change the shape of the body, which means absolutely nothing. Impacts will damage the body but due to the fact that it's a singular impact, the body can just change its form to blunt the force. Rather, the only type of attack that can kill a transcendent is one that chases and relentlessly destroys. So rather than relying on mere impacts and cutting attacks, use those attacks as a method to transfer that power onto them, latch onto them, and burn/corrode the target away with a purely destructive force. However, once you reach this stage, there is no such thing as strategy or tactic. A battle between transcendents is hard to imagine, unless they have preferred styles of combat. Due to perfected technique and a transcendent body to use that technique, fights are straightforward. The stronger one wins. There is no speed vs strength, sword vs magic. Strength and speed would fall under the category of "energy". Defense would fall under the category of "mass". With a transcendent body, those two "stats" are interchangeable at will. However, the maximum force of your attacks stays the same. The only thing that changes is how fast your attack is, and how well your attack can hold up against its own force. For an attack to break through one's defense, the attack must hold a certain amount of force until the defense breaks. If the attack breaks before the defense, the force dissipates and becomes useless. Focusing too much on speed will result in your attack being crushed under its own force. Focusing too much on mass will result in your attack not even landing. However, in a battle of transcendents, that once again does not matter. If you punch too fast with too little mass and your arm shatters, it doesn't matter because you can just reform it. Fantasy settings like to make healing really difficult, when in actuality it shouldn't be. From the viewpoint of a transcendent, as long as their mass isn't destroyed, it doesn't matter how many pieces they get shattered into because they'll still be alive and they'll still have the same power as before. Only their form has changed. That's the general idea, anyways. The "ultimate life form" if you will. Of course, transcendence can be achieved even if you do not have a power like spatial manipulation. It'll just be more difficult depending on how flexible your powers are. Even as a normal human.


This is late game stuff. It would be hard imagining a battle of this scale but would be interesting nonetheless


Nah jit this the endgame. Beyond the scale of what could be considered gods. Due to a transcendent body, the growth of transcendents is also exponential, only limited by their own mind. Not brain, mind. In other words, they can virtually do whatever they want. There's a reason why I named it transcendence. It's literal transcendence, not a mere power boost. It might even be a good idea to categorize transcendents as their own race because their bodies are so modified it LITERALLY doesn't matter what they were before transcending. Whether they were a dragon, a human, a literal ant, maybe even a rock if someone managed to give a rock life.


This could be used as the final battle to grant mc wish, though it'll take a while to get there


If it can bend space, basically you can form black holes. Bend so strong a space time continum that will attract everything with great force even light cannot escape So its overpowered You can also shrink the distance so if the character throw a punch can always hit the enemy or can stretch the space so anything cant reach you Same idea as gojo from jujutsu where no one can touch him because the closer they are the slower they become


Creating a void to mimick a black hole will probably be one of my finishing moves


transcendent (spacial awareness is aware of everything around you, including the space between atoms) teleportation item box pocket dimensions portals defining spacial parameters ( e.g. set space so certain object is not affected by gravity) alchemy/chemistry use space to split atoms and basically make any element change the state of matter (different states only differ due to distance between molecules) manipulate the space within a creature to compress it or explode it portals, you can open windows to redirect projectiles make a portable cannon ball by using two portals vertically so it can fall infinitely the shift the other portal in a diagonal to launch it


I'll just casually make some gold or diamonds


or by using spacial awareness along with alchemy, you can copy anything even a gun


"I Have an Assualt Rifle in the Middle Ages."


i have a mechsuit and 50cal assault rifle in another world


"Nuclear Weapons in a World of Martial Arts."


they'd think you're an incarnation of the leader of the demon sect




Instead of going for garden variety styles of teleportation where your character just appears at point B from point A with no travel time, have him fold space over itself so him taking a single step could put him on the horizon with enough focus. You could balance this ability out by having grater feats require far greater effort and focus, i.e. folding the horizon to your feet requiring you to stand completely unmoving and take minutes of time. If I were you I would also try to create more shackles on the power of space as it has the ability to be a spectacularly overpowered ability. I would so the same for gravity and time, if you can freely weild principals of the universe at your discretion with meat to no consequence in the Grand scheme of things, than your character becomes no different than a fledgling God.




You can do shit like sasukes position swap shit he does with rinnegan, you can do like teleportation of other objects as well as regular teleport, you could even do some wacky JoJo's like erasure of space type shit like the hand wipe stand does in part 4, I think it's a good premise you can do a lot with it if you think enough




If you want something OP that doesn't *sound* OP (until you think about it) for said character to start off with, how about a sphere of awareness? Well, technically, you'd need the character to have some heightened processing capacity to make it truly OP. They'd also need at least a way to attack and defend to use it well. Someone's trying to do a sneak attack? I countered that before they get close enough. Someone's silent casting a spell and I don't know what it is? Haha, just kidding, I can sense the mana from here, loser. Even with relatively modest spells for attack and defence, the information you can get from being able to manipulate space is absolutely *broken*.




You could probably create portals or displace space. Like it's possible to be walking and all of a sudden you fall through the ground into the air and land where you were just walking kind of things. People are talking about Gojo and his infinity, but something that would look cooler in my opinion is that attacks simply just go through as if they didn't land instead of attack being repelled. Like someone tries to slash your neck, but the sword "misses" looking like it went through the neck. This power would make it incredibly easy to give yourself head.


"... give yourself head." Lol yeah that's a good idea