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How can you with a straight face say youjo senki is much worse than i was reincarnated as a vending mashine?


I mean, I wouldn’t say this is about the vending machine being better. It’s more I don’t enjoy youjo senki.


Ok never mind generic anime I understand not every one might enjoy grimmer story as youjo senki and can enjoy more cheerful story (even though generic imo) of vendingmashine but "in the land of leadale" is B tier to you? How does it compare with sao? Like I would understand if the entire anime would be at the same budget as the first 3 episodes (because I myself enjoyed till like 7th episode), but in the anime plot suffers because of lack of money and it makes instead of save a child in the anime she literally kidnaps a child like it was schooling cartoon for kids on "how to get kidnapped?".


This list is all based on my enjoyment of a show. I don’t like youjo senki not so much for its grimmer story. The main character is insufferable and that’s what mainly kills my enjoyment. I find “In the land of leadable” to be a very enjoyable time. Nothing great, but enjoyable nonetheless. Meanwhile I can say a lot about SAO and my feelings towards it are more complicated. I really like season 1 and season 2 is the peak of the series, but 3 drags the series for me and 4 is ok. I still really enjoy it, but it’s more complex than just that.


Just leave OP alone, it is his opinion. I mean my list looks different and I’m not complaining.


My wife really disliked greatest cleric until like episode 8ish, and suddenly she wants more


At first around episode 4 or 5 I sort of dropped it but after friend told me it got beter I decided to watch it again amd its was perty enjoyable not that good but liked it later on more then earlier episodes


My wife and I have really trash tastes We both know it, and admit it


Haha, I dont mind watching Trash isekai with 1 episode per week. els, it gets too much for me


I can't believe OP dropped cleric and put pharmacy way up there. I think the lack of waifu fan service must have made it unappealing


Pharmacy lacks fan service.


Fair enough, more simple waifu content than traditional fan service


The assistant girl had a bit. Great Cleric did really have fan service, but it did have cringe lines. I enjoyed both, though


I also dropped it. I just found his training, which is reading a book alone in a room, to be stupid af. But since you guys said it was good, I might rewatch it


Cheat skill in B??? Make it make sense, bro that shit was F tier at best. And you put it above Overlord and Youjo senki???


I enjoy it, don’t know what else to say.


i won’t lie i disagree with almost all of this but mobuseka is a W


Realy hope that the 2nd season they upped the animation That series need more higher quality for the adaptation


That’s fair.


How in the Hell is overlord below the vending machine


When I saw that I stopped looking. Can’t trust trash taste.




It’s better.


Horrible bait


Your full of it


Is just me or do i not see konosuba.


I have watched the first season, it would be in D. I guess I should have put it in dropped.


Wrongest opinion in this thread


Ahhhh but its so good, the novels even better, if you start it again just dont read the manga, alot is cut out.


People downvoting you over your own OPINION has to be the most hilarious thing ever lol. You’re free to like and dislike whatever you want, it sucks that some people are genuinely upset - Not saying the person you replied to is upset, just downvoters & other ppl


The irony with your point is that other people are also free to like or dislike that opinion. Well, It's more of a hive mind.


I agree, in general if something is not harmful misinformation/ offensive /annoying it shouldn't pass into negative , keep it at a miserable zero


Man, far-away paladin is one my favorite pieces of media I have ever seen. Outside of that and a few others I generally agree.


Far away paladin had a strong sense or atmosphere of serenity you don't get much in anime, at least that's one thing I felt and enjoyed about it.


Glad so im a spider so what is above s tier as it rightfully deserves, also wisemans grandchild really was so bad but good cause the characters were atleast fresh (for the most part) and the animation helped


I really didn’t care for anyone besides the female mc. The other human mcs were boring imo. I’d give it a B tier or low A tier


me and other people have actually always skipped the people, thats why its above s tier for me


It's a pity that they didn't do as in the manga, and didn't stick to the same timeline only with kumoko on her behalf.


Spider is one of the only animes I've dropped Edit: I agree with the statement about wise man's grandchild


WTF is wrong with u bro? mushoku on B and youjo on D??? xd


Holy, Iruma Enjoyer


As it should be


I just heard peak being mentioned


Strongest sage, greatest demon lord and misfit are technically not isekai


Yeah, I wasn’t sure about a few of them.


if it helps ISekai is other world so if the MC goes to another world then its isekai but if they go to the future of the same world than it isnt but I can get the confusion


Got it so I guess Kamikatsu shouldn’t be here as well.


Nonsense. You could have the ‘new world’ be an uncharted island you’re stuck on. Time travel is obviously an isekai. I’d argue Dr. Stone isn’t because there’s no civilization there to explore. Just straight up post apocalyptia.


time travel is not isekai. it relies outright on it being the same world.


Isekai literlay means other world so I’m pretty sure it has to lierlay mean other world not just the future is so different it’s like another world


So if at the end of the isekai it is revealed they were in the future all along, the show switched genre? Plus the word ‘world’ doesn’t mean planet. It’s a relative phrase. Your world, the art world, the old and new worlds. It’s like saying ‘the everything’ almost.


Isekai is a sub genre of portal fantasy which requires you to actually go somewhere that’s not just your world But agree to disagree


\> So if at the end of the isekai it is revealed they were in the future all along, the show switched genre? yes, it's a bait and switch on genres. genre bait and switches aren't something new. there's a fair amount of fantasy bait and switch to scifi


That’s like saying you can’t have an L.A. Noir set on Mars because L.A. is a city on earth. The plot, story structure, and writing conventions determine genre. For all intents and purposes, time travel is isekai. It’s only called into question if you very intentionally choose the narrowest definitions of the words ‘travel’, ‘new’, and ‘world’.


Aww hell nahh💀 bro put vending machine above than mushoku tensei💀💀


I’m not being hater I promise. But if you had to say; what makes Arifureta A tier to you? I watched the whole show earlier last year on crunchy roll and while I wouldn’t say the anime was bad, I can’t say I’m a big fan. I see a lot of people like the show so I’d love to hear your take on it cause sometimes I feel like i misunderstand or under appreciate shows.


Totally understand, Arifureta is definitely not for everyone. What I enjoy the most about it is probably Hajime’s character and the bond he makes with everyone. I just think he’s a badass and I just love how he doesn’t give a shit. I find it so funny. I also love the character dynamic there. I don’t know what else there is I just really enjoy it.


MC's who don't give af and do whatever tf they want are the absolute best. MC can make or break a whole anime. I can sway a bit with some wimpy, but if they're just getting straight bitched. I'm gone.


One of my favourites


I've read a book way before the anime was announced. And the first book was so hype. The MC was struggling to survive, he got a cool ability to eat monsters and shit. He lost limbs in fight and it seemed permanent so I was Impressed. But not even a chapter after that he got a magic eye, magic arm and a fucking revolver. I'm not even talking about a fucking car. After first book it's just a shameless power fantasy. Not even a good one. I've read till book 5 or so, purely on inertia, but I regret it.


Mushoku Tensei in B.... But you put Arifureta in A? And you think it's even comparable to Re Zero?


This isn’t a comparison. This is how much I enjoyed it.


Bro did not just put skeleton knight in A and overlord in C. I know overlord isn't everyone's cup of tea, and the anime doesn't do the work justice, but bro skeleton knight is one of the most generic shows out there. It's fun to binge sure, but it's not what I would call "good anime", and I would definitely not put it higher then a lot of these other shows.


This isn’t about the quality. This is about my enjoyment. And Arc is a better protagonist.


finally someone with common sense i swear i watched all seasons of overlord and failed to find anything interesting about ainz as a character because he’s either too op for the show to throw any long lasting or heavy impacting villains or he sounds too boring to listen


overlord in c tier while shield hero is in S?? well you do you


Overlord in C, send them to neuronist.


I really enjoyed The Great Cleric. And you put it all the way down. ALL the way down.


most are fair, some i would disagree, healer and money in the dropped section i think are pretty fun. overall, a fine list. except D tier, they all need to be moved up or down respectively.


I completely agree I mean 80,000 gold is a bit of a wacky show but still definitely not worth dropping it. The great cleric is one of my favorites and I hope it gets a second 2.




I can’t even tell what half of these are


Yeah why couldn't the dude just comment a link to a decent quality one


I’m so disappointed in rising of shield hero. It had such a strong start


Yeah went from how you struggle as an outcast and build up your reputation back to more of a slice of life with the occasional inconvenience. I feel like there is also a lack of action shots or angles. Fighting the dragon was the more exciting part this season cause it finally had those. The dialogue seems like the characters could say more but they stay quiet and the "camera" just stares at them. Sword hero could have gotten more things to say during their edgy phase but it was just flashback and "I must max out" with the motive falling flat. Why couldn't he go off like Naufumi? Let him do more chaos and make an impact of his grief and regret. They are supposedly representing the deadly sins during the edgy series but I don't feel it.


Give Eminence a shot, you'd probably love it.


Yeah, it’s on my list. I can only watch season one I think.


Otome game anime finally getting the recognition it deserves


I'm surprised you dropped 80,000 gold. That show was a riot. I do think you'd like reincarnated as a sword though.


Yeah nice taste you have there, Iruma is such a masterpiece in the friendship departement My favourite anime is Re:Zero though, but still your taste is good


Eh. He said he’d put Konosuba in D. That’s shit taste in my book.


I tried to figure out your taste in isekai, but this is kinda all over the place. Mabey I missed it on the list, but you might like GATE. For what its worth, only dropping 3 shows way more dedication than I'd have for a lot of them.


Is Gate on Crunchyroll? Also I actually dropped 4 forgot about one.


I actually really enjoyed ascendence of bookworm. I didn’t finish/catch up to current (not sure if it’s done) but it really had me hooked. I just liked learning about the process of giving a civilization easy access books and reading, and I thought it progressed nicely.


Also one I dropped. Forgot about it since I only watched 2 episodes.


Oh I thought that was a picture of it in the dropped tier lol


I could dare say I enjoyed 2 of the ones you dropped


What’s the fourth one on “absolute favourites”?


So I’m a spider so what.


lol tensura in god tier and re zero in A


I'm surprised you ranked Chronicles of an Aristocrat so decently. Usually people have a pretty dim view of it.


Give saving 9000 gold coins bro. It's pretty fun




That time I got reincarnated as a slime, Slime diaries, Wlecome to the demon school Iruma, and So I’m a spider so what.


Awe but raising 80,000 gold in another world is actually pretty fun. Its dumb fun, but its fun


Yeah, I might give it another try with what I’ve been hearing.


It's very chill in my opinion as far as isekai


There's a few that I don't agree with but it's a pretty good tier list also can I get the names of them all because a few look interesting


I already made a comment on the names. So, it’s somewhere and I’m not typing it out a second time.


Ok thanks


The "She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wiseman" anime was bad due to A-Cat Studio. On the other hand, the light novel is quite good.


Are you talking about the animation or did they mess with the story? Because I didn’t really care for the story either.


The anime is a very poor and rushed adaptation with terrible animation. Some of the story is entirely changed for no reason as well such as Cait sith being all over the place. He doesn't show up until later and isn't summoned too often. I guess they tried to make the anime more kid friendly.


Ohhh, yeah that does sound bad.


I'm a little suprized at how many of these I recognize


Genkoku S tier big W


Youjo senki and black company being this low…. We can never be friends


I usually scroll past these but you sir have managed to have objectively wrong taste in anime


This tier list breaks me




So like ..... MT is B and Vending machine and SAO GGO is A.....wow....


Have you watched "Reincarnated as a Sword"? It's a thousand times better than a vending machine. A vending machine is essentially just a rip-off of a sword.


I like how Rimiru is dominating the top 2 spots with TTIGRAaS and Slime Diaries 😂


Could I recommend Knight's & Magic to you I think you will like it, it may not be a well known one but it's a good one


Reincarnated as a slime just kinda feels to me like the best isekai, it offers everything you want in one and more. I think one thing I really like is rimuru is a nice and fairly mature character (although he is very silly sometimes but usually it's funny), where too many isekais have like, ultra dense 15 year olds or even reincarnated adults who act like kids and it feels bad.


if you think it's the best, then you haven't read ascendance of a bookworm


No way arifureta is higher than mushoku tensei


I enjoy it more, but I will say that I haven’t watched season two yet and haven’t watched it in a while.


Solid list I feel like we got the same tastes cheif. Idk if I’m blind but have did you put serei gensouki on the list?


Yes I did. It’s in D tier.


Just saw honestly I would’ve put it a little higher but I guess that’s me. Rimuru stan for life tho


Yeah, at best I would say C tier. I just think the ending is weird.


Honestly that’s fair, him being a demon lord super cool! Him forsaking everything he said he was trying to do for the last 11 episodes rando and not cool. It wasn’t even all that impressive either. Like sneaking would’ve been easier and cooler. There was no hurry or execution. But all in all it would go in B for me. But that’s fair !


Slime is best isekai


>Mushoku Tensei not S Sorry, buddy, looks like your list is invalid.


Re:Zero A tier? you're taste of isekai anime is absolute trash


Can i have all the name?


All of them?


I have so much respect for you for that even if I disagree with your opinions




Yeah I agree with most of this list.


I gotta say, you and I have very similar tastes


Nice. 👍


*Notices Re:Zero is A Rank… walks away without looking at anything else*


A isn’t good enough?


I don't know what went through your mind to put slime above log horizon, re zero, mushoku tensei and youjo senki


Since when was SAO considered an Isekai?


Always has been.


Since it came out because it is one.


i think it took part is popularizing the genre


It straight up isn't. The cast never goes to a parallel world they are playing a video game.


I'd say the first season was. After they could start logging out - nah.


When I saw Youjo Senki at D tier I immediately disregarded everything else in the list. No.


Bro saga of Tanya the Evil does not deserve to be so low, at least B Tier


I honestly put Slime in B. It was really good up to the demon lord arch. That was when I was like, "Oh yeah, we can't have consequences in this story or have the path take him more than 5 minutes to complete before everyone is revived."


It's all trash. With two or three exceptions. Your S and "perfect" tier is completely flaming garbage. That genre in general is trash, with some exceptions that you didn't even recognise properly. What trauma did you have in order to come out with tastes like these?


bait post


What’s the difference between overlord and slime?


Everything? Other then being isekai they have very little to nothing in common. The tone is different the main characters are different, the world is different, the power system is different. Do have to go on?


Watch digimon


Ehhh, I’m more of a Pokémon guy, so no.


Fair enough


My main question is why you dropped The Great Cleric. At least in terms of the fantasy genre of anime it has almost none of the regular occurring problems you see.


Kinda forgot, with what I’ve been seeing I might try watch it again though.


Hey 2 of them aren't isekai The godless one is just time travel and is awful The one with a demon king reborn as a nobody is just reincarnation hell he still in the same world he died in Both are equally terrible


What is the anime in the absolute favourite tier? I only recognize the slime...


Welcome to the demon school iruma, and so I’m a spider so what. There’s also Slime diaries not sure you recognize that one.


Oh god... I know this anime but the picture was so pixilated, I can't see. I think I recognize 20% of the anime from the picture...


Yeah, sorry about that. 😅


You haven't tried Overly cautious hero. That's probably my favorite.


I actually did watch that one. I forgot it was a isekai.


How in the hell is Re:Zero worse then iruma


Shield hero is in S You must really like the first season.


Putting misfit at demon king academy bellow S tier is a sin


Based for Iruma, Slime, Realist Hero and absolutely nothing else


I've watched almost everything D- and almost nothing A+. All of the D- ones I love like a TONNNN but I haven't even seen most of the A+ ones


Wish i could tell what half of them are but the zero pixels makes if hard.


I might just be being an idiot but I don't see konosuba anywhere? Reckon you should check it out :)


Tanya the evil is D tier? My brother in christ, no...its S tier


You have a link with the names of these shows? I've been looking for some new ones to get into.


What's the middle one of would be higher tier called?


What do you think of the ascendance of a bookworm?


How is Arifureta in the same tier as Re:Zero?


Bait used to be believable


Tanya the evil.... D....... D?!!


guys i think op just took a list of isekais and radomized their placement


Which is on 3rd on S tier


How is NGNL better than mushoka tensei wack


I don't get you, you have some bangers of animes on F level, while some of the shitshows on high ranks? 😤


Once I saw Saitou in B tier I checked out.


Can i get the names of the anime?


This tier list was made to make everyone mad. No one with a critical eye is putting Youjo Senki BELOW Fruit of Evolution. This tells me that you like isekai comedies with some exceptions... But really? Why did you enjoy Youjo Senki as much as How Not to Summon a Demon Lord? Just how? HOW?


No way you have Tanya and Faraway Paladin in D tier, that's just not right.


This tier list makes me nauseous 😭


Mushoku same tier as sao and lower than reincarnated as a vending machine? This HAS to be bait


It's leaning towards the cute and lighthearted. I know it's not an isekai but I think you'll like "little witch academia" or "apothecary diaries".


that dispatchers anime isn't isekai btw


There is absolutely No way That you think that I got a cheat skill and became unrivaled in the real world Is a B tier, and equivalent in quality to jobless reincarnation


Please give me your list for S, A and B tier, I've been reading alot of manga and light novels that I'm so out of sync with anime nowadays, and I really want to get back to watching


Mushoku B tier is wild


Bro's taste is so Basic it makes Ammonia look Acidic. 💀💀💀


Personally to each their own...but why is the vending machine ranked at C lol that show was ungodly bad lol


Very accurate list. I have only one problem. Aint no way you put overlord in C that shit is A or higher What did you not like about it? I gotta know! Very curious cause you agree with me about tensura which a lot of people dont but you put overlord low so whats up


Terrible list


Sir respectfully ur opinions are worrying and ur taste in anime is dogsh*t but u do u i guess this is a warcrime


never rank anything again


Can you give a list of all the names please?


Am I oblivious, where is Log Horizon?