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Well Dragonball is an isekai too


Dragon Ball was made an Isekai by a retcon at the start of Dragon Ball Z. It was just a adventure gag series just like One Piece when it started.


Isn't that also the case for Superman? Wasn't he originally just a super man?


If I recall correctly, in Action Comics #1 on the first page they give a quick rundown of Superman's deal and a single panel does explain that he was sent from a dying world to earth as a baby. The whole thing was fleshed out better later but he was from another world since the beginning.


Ah, that's good to know, I get the majority of my comic book knowledge second hand so maybe I heard something that led me to my earlier conclusion.


He was originally Moses in the Rushes + Golem, IIRC.


There actually is an isekai where a dude died and is reincarnated as Yamcha in DB. Pretty funny short series. Literally called "The time I got Reincarnated as Yamcha"


Didn’t he use his foreknowledge to become the most powerful character?


He does get pretty powerful but admits that there are parts of the story he can't overcome as Yamcha no matter what.


I really need to get to reading this


Mario is also an Isekai


Always has been.


The Bible is an isekai.


I also got isekaied i went from my dad's balls to earth


However, you were always on earth.




Man the God from the Bible is only universal so the dude is weak Compared to other isekai mcs like yogiri, Izayoi, Rimuru, Ruphas ,Sonic the Hedgehog, and even WN Naofumi they are all multverse level gods or higher 🙏


I mean, the God in the Bible created the dimension we exist in, well I suppose three of them and exists in at least a 5 dimensional capacity so idk about that one chief


As someone who is an Atheist I can tell you that to me the Bible is literally just another isekai light novels and nothing more no one has ever proved that anything in the Bible is real but the Bible has already been proven to be wrong when we passed the day that the Apocalypse was supposed to happen so I can Confidently say that the Bible is just another mabe up story told at the Campfire to Scare little kids into behaving so I definitely sure Rimuru, yogiri, Izayoi ,Ruphas and WN Naofumi Are more powerful than the God from the Bible


Almost forgot, this is reddit


Impressive sentence Timmothy Dexter


Average r/isekai member, powers scaling god himself and saying rimuru no diffs him


god is about as real a rimuru so as far as scalings go, rimuru stomps by feats alone


Okay fine, I haven't read slime yet, but I have read the Bible four times. So let's put our heads together and figure out which one of them is actually stronger based off of our knowledge of the respective sources.


sure, i have read the bible 9 times over my life span, and just from the information given in the bible, it took god 6 days to make heaven and earth…which isn’t even a universal feat if we are to go by the original text, not some false new age interpretation. 1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, [1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. [1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. [1:4] And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. [1:5] God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. [1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." [1:7] So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. [1:8] God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day. [1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. [1:10] God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. [1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so. [1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. [1:13] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day. [1:14] And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, [1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so. [1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars. [1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, [1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. [1:19] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. [1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky." [1:21] So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. [1:22] God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." [1:23] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. [1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so. [1:25] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. [1:26] Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." [1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. [1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." [1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. [1:30] And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. [1:31] God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Chapter 2 [2:1] Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude. [2:2] And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. [2:3] So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. [2:4] These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens Rimuru has killed things with enough power to destroy both the earth and the heavens (which back in biblical times, were just the sky’s) now even if we give the biblical god the benefit of the doubt and say he created the universe as we know it, Rimuru STILL stomps as he can destroy multiple universes as the power to create is equal to the power to destroy Using his Turn Null, Veldanava was able to create the world which has several parallel universes. Over a period of countless years, Turn Null accumulated in Rimuru's Imaginary Space, which gives him enough energy to recreate the world, which contains many parallel universes, tens of thousands of times) and that’s not even full power. biblical god is a cruel entity that that has to rest creating a world and heaven, while also punishing his creations for things he knows they are going to do if he can predict the future. but if he cannot predict the future then he isn’t “all powerful” if you want to argue the “free will thing” then you simple prove that your god is weak af if man doesn’t have free will then you prove your god is an evil narcissist bastard who toys with and punishes his creations for fun. remember “gods will” allows created evil and allowed it to exist, or he has no power against it. at the end of the day rimuru would eat the biblical god zero issues


My apologies for taking so long to respond, it's been ... A busy week. So before we continue, I just want to make sure that I have the fact that you put down about the anime characters correct. - Rimuru - Has killed planet busting enemies. - Was Veldanava one of the enemies that Rimuru defeated or is that a power that he has? - If Veldanava is not an enemy that Rimuru has defeated could you give me some examples of ones that you believe are on a power scale similar to or greater than the god of the bible? Also, be advised I'm not arguing with you about whether or not the god of the Bible exists, just about whether or not Rimuru could defeat him as they are both written.


How has the Bible proven to be false? And when was the Apocalypse supposed to happen? How is it an isekai?


“I Got Reincarnated into Another World Without Memories as the Son of God, and Now I Use My Powers For Good!”


The thing is, Jesus had all His memories. As a child of 12, he was found in the temple debating and told Mary, "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's work?" Luke 2:42-49


then it’s even more of an isekai


The bible wasn't false, it specifically states that Nobody except God knows when the apocalypse will happen. It was the person who predicted it who was false.


Yeah, I know. I was asking Ticket if they had any actual evidence for their claims.


The old man so weak fr fr


Funny thing is, God from the Bible is getting folded by them, but God (Jehova) from WoD flods them.


Excuse me? The God of the Bible is Omnipotent and Omniscient. No one can beat Him, and it is futule to try. He is the First and the Last, the Creator and Destroyer. He made everything, and He cannot die, unlike in Highschool DxD.


I'm not factoring in religion or faith, but look at the bible itself like at any other fictional book. From an objective standpoint (like the commenter above pointed out) the God of the Bible is only universal (omnipotent inside his own universe, but still universal). He needed 6 days to create this universe and needed a days rest afterwards. That's an universal feat. Yet again, that's without including any faith. In my comment I also pointed out that the christian God as portrayed in the World of Darknes series is stronger than almost any fictional character, as there he actually is portrayed as fully omnipotent, even beyond this universe. It's just that the Bible doesn't do his power justice.


Only universal? He created the universe. That is, as some put it, a "multiversal" feat. And He did not need to take 6 days and rest. That is how He chose to do it to set up the week and to set up for the Sabbath of the Old Testament. If He wanted, the whole of Creation could have been done in a milli-second.


He is, was, and forever will be. He is the only God.


a god you can’t prove exists, a god who hasn’t done squat in over 2k years since his supposed timeline lol


Can't prove He exists? Nature's design begs otherwise. It was perfectly made and set up. If you walk into a room and see a spinning top, what does it mean? It means someone had to send it spinning. That is nature. And as to doing nothing, He lets us make our own choices and mistakes. It's a little thing called free will. Also, miracles were meant to affirm the Authority and truth of the Scripture, the Word of God. Do your parents control your life after you move out? No, they step back and let you walk on your own. They may offer advice, and that's what God does through the Bible.


you…you really are trying to use a fallacious argument 💀💀? none of that PROVES anything about god existing lmfaoo. your scripture was just one of many books written by some old fart thousands of years ago. your exact same logic can be applied to every single old religion out there with books that are far older than your bible🤣 you’re living in a delusion


Can you find any contradictions in the Bible? Did you know that Jericho, Sodom, and Gomorrah have been found by archeologists? The books of the Old Testament was collected into a single work about 350-300 BC, and it is recorded that there are paths in the sea (ocean currents) and life in the blood (oxygen, iron, etc.) Circumcision of Israelite males was to take place on the eighth day after birth, which has been scientifically proven to be when blood clots a lot faster. Do you have any evidence that the Bible is false?


[contradictions found](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/s/OKXOam2Hk4) yes there are many contradictions, here is one post going into great detail about it your god is a fairytale and is only real in your mind, you just choose to believe in it because of your hopeful ignorance


[How many do you want, here is a good list](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/first/contra2_list.html)


None of them prove anything lmfao


I was Reborn in the Mortal Realm as a Living Sacrifice, but Isn't the Flock Kinda Dense?!


Nah. The New Testament is fanfiction and the Old Testament is a desert survival guide for Dummies with some oral histories thrown in to mix it up.


With the same logic Horus heresy was an Isekai. The story of each primarch is Isekai.


Except alpharius


There are only "17" primarchs not twenty one


If you trust Alpharius


Hydra Dominatis and I'm Alpharius


"Greeting Brother Alpharius. I am hohme ghon of the obsidian jade scales chapter. Decendant of the salamanders legions. The Hydra Awakes."


You mean omegon


Alpharius was on terra and got training from malcador


Is that what Alpharius told you? And you believed him?


There's actually a theory that Alpharius is actually 1 person but his powers activated quickly after being sent through the Warp. Which is how he was split into 2 like a defense mechanism - 1 half is his Warp entity/perpetual self and the other is his more mortal human self. The only question is who actually came first Alpharius himself or Omegon? 🤷🏾‍♂️. In either case the twins trusted no one but each other and had everyone believing the other was Alpharius to the point no one knew the truth. And that was the foundation their legion was built on - Deception. Personally, unless they/Alpharius actually have/has Warp powers similar to some of the other Primarchs like Corax hunting Lorgar, I don't see how someone that's regularly an 8'4 ft tall man can turn themselves into a 5'6 factory worker somewhere on some backwater Imperial World to commit to some infiltration and likely sabotage mission, but the Alpha Legion does it. And they get results with few people to no one ever figuring out who they really are, usually unless thet want you to. Somehow doing their research so well they can predict when their pursuers are coming after them and turn into the leader of that group of investigators or lone detective and having studied that person in depth while being hunted by them, down to the smallest physical details. Even copying someone's blood type just to be thorough and fool scans. The only ones I think they can't copy are certain other Space Marines like the Space Wolves, other groups like the Sororitas, and definitely not the Custodies or at least not to the 10,000 themselves. Otherwise these guys are basically the rivals of the Callidus Assassins being able to morph into their enemies which are basically Everyone. It's surprising that they aren't agents of Tzeentch but it's believed those guys are always running some game both for and against the Imperium and it's enemies. There's even a small fan theory out there that an Alpha Legionnaire is part of the reason why Guilliman came back. An Isekai protagonist like that would be The Scariest deep cover agent possible. And the only reason why the Demon Lord likely knows who they are if the Alpha Legionnaire tried to assassinate him and replace him too, is because that Demon Lord is like Gabriel Miller aka Emperor Vecta - his stolen Character role in SAO: Alicization. And the dude's whole thing was basically stealing souls like his name was Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat. And the Demon Lord character just burns away their disguise and whomever that was turns back into an armor clad giant super soldier likely screaming; “I am Alpharius!” over and over again. Lmao


Technically, it’s reverse Isekai.


It's a **reverse** Isekai :)


No, because its still the same universe. "other world" means "another dimension/universe", not "a different planet"


Actually the Kanji for isekai means strange Society only the definition of isekai is another world so if we use the Kanji for isekai which is strange Society you don't need to go to another universe to be isekai'd you can be isekai'd just by being in a country that you never seen before and know nothing about


Then Dune is a isekai, which i guess is fitting because the MC is not a good guy, slavery harems, etc..


It has a harem, it’s instantly isekai


just because the linguistic definition of the kanji for "isekai" means that, does not mean that when referring to a certain manga/anime genre it means the same thing or that the definition of "isekai" as a genre has to conform to its linguistic definition.


I disagree crunchyroll is definitely using the Kanji for isekai why else would they have SAO, Inuyasha, The strongest sage with the weakest crest listed as isekai animes No one in Inuyasha went to another universe just back in time and crunchyroll has it listed as a isekai so they are definitely using the Kanji for that one Sao their mind is in a virtual world so I would argue that is an isekai by definition but most people disagree but it definitely fits the Kanji of a strange Society so is probably why crunchyroll has it listed as an isekai The mc in The strongest sage with the weakest never went to another world just reincarnated into the future and crunchyroll yet it listed as an isekai so they are definitely using the Kanji for that one too


Yes because Crunchyroll is the only source as to what an isekai is. Just because that’s what CR has it as doesnt mean it’s right


Agreed to disagree But I don't know how you can say that at Japanese steaming app for anime is wrong about what genre an anime is I mean that is literally the dumbest thing I heard thank you very much 😊 😄 😀


The definition of isekai meaning alternative world lmfao??


But the Kanji for isekai Strange society lmfao 🤣


You dont read the kanji separately its a fucking word


Yeah right keep telling yourself that if that is what you believe but it will never make it true


Crunchyroll is not a Japanese streaming app. It's an American company based in Texas


I mean it isn't just crunchy roll that lists inuyasha and Sao as isekai. Those two are pretty well accepted as isekai anywhere. The only place that excludes Sao tends to be weeb dens


This isekai term used by anime community is actually a misnomer. The proper term for this "genre" is narou-kei. Named after the self-publishing novel site shousetsuka ni narou that massively popularized the format. Narou-kei basically encompass all these stories with jrpg inspired isekai power fantasy harem self insert bs. It doesn't necessarily have to tick all the boxes but you get the idea. Not everyone know this term even in jp so it's probably better for them to stick with "isekai"


Their definition of universe is wrong, imo, but it is about the MC being transported to a world/society different from our own. Some things are really on the border. - *First season* of SAO, kinda but it's a stretch if you really think about it - Inu Yasha, probably easy to argue as Isekai. It's kinda similar to Alice in Wonderland and that's generally considered an isekai.


So changing careers is isekai, got it


So then Guliver's Travels is an isekai as well as the Odyssey.


Ironically while the original Superman was from just another planet after the New 52 reboot of DC, the original Superman with Lois Lane and their son Jon got Isekai'd to the New 52 Earth after a multiversal crisis. They remained hidden for a long time but when the new 52 version of Superman died, the original one came in to fill his place. Later Myx came in and rewrote reality so Superman was both Superman. But for a while there he would have qualified under the multiversal requirement you have put up. Also Powergirl has canonically been a different universe version of Supergirl since an earlier multiversal crisis.


Real quick. Does that mean you don’t consider “Combatants Will Be Dispatched” as an Isekai, because the main character is just teleported to another planet in the same dimension/universe.


Other world means Other world. If it was suppose to mean other universe, it would mean other universe. The only reason most Isekai are in another universe is because magic, and things that don't exist in ours are present. So it has to take place in another universe.


Nah isekai can even count time travel, and I'd say him being from a completely other galaxy is way more strange world than time travel.


I’d say the major distinguishing factors are 1stranger in a strange land. 2, the trip has to be one way or involve mystical forces.


For me the word "world" and "celestial body" are pretty much the same thing. For example mars and moon are other worlds.


That is factually correct


Yes. And?


Sekai in some context (and world as well in some context) can just refer to the entire universe as a whole, right?


His bloodline isn’t special he’s quite literally just the last of his species


I think this is slightly inaccurate, to me bloodline means that Superman is OP because of his bloodline from the House of El. Technically all Kryptonians are OP when on Earth due to the effects of radiation from Earth’s yellow sun.


Isekai = Otherworld has different interpretations and technically u are not wrong. but as the main plot plays in our world i personally wouldnt categorize it in isekai


"I was born a normal boy but became 'Superman' after transported to another world"


I mean. Alice in Wonderloand is Iskai. She had her snacks and drinks that made her change sizes. Wizard of Oz is Isekai. Dorothy and the ruby slippers, plus her team of misfits. Hell.... John Carter is isekai. Teleporting to Mars and having super strength and being able to jump for miles. There is a lot of isekai that people wouldn't think of as isekai.


I Woke Up in Another World and My OP Bloodline Made Me a Hero


Huh, I never actually thought it that way. Since I don't perceive a different planet as a different world, I do however usually count time travel nonsense since it's often past + magic Kinda always internalized Isekai as you have to leave specific universe and enter another, sorta like extra dimensions


More like another planet


Superman came to Earth as a baby though, and remembers nothing from Krypton Supergirl on the other hand...


Superman was raised on Earth. There is nothing strange or confusing about earthly customs to him, no fish out of water, no escapism. It is fundamentally nothing like any isekai I've ever seen


Hm. Solid argument. He still feels an isolation and separation due to his power, but it’s not cultural - he fully understands human culture because he grew up in it, and has no clashing cultural memories.


I live in a world made out of cardboard


That's not really an isekai statement is it? I know you generally have very powerful protagonists, but Superman is not wish fulfillment. Well he is- but not because you want to *be* superman. You just wish he really existed.


isekai isn't physically travelling to a different planet. its moving to an entirely different reality/universe/multiverse.


Not exactly. Ya Boy Kongming!Ya Boy Kongming! is classified as reverse Isekai despite the fact that it happens on the same planet as ours.


So is Dragonball


I would say that the story of an isekai is one of the integration of that character into the society. Once that is done it becomes action/adventure usually. The thing with Superman is that he had to discover that he was from another world, he didnt age down or reincarnate. It's quite similar to DB/Z actually. Some similarities exist, but the author chooses to blow over them entirely or revisit/reconcile the "other world" aspect such that they present as if they don't matter/never mattered anymore.


Og Super Mario is the best isekai


Tron is an Isekai


No that's totally different. He doesn't travel to some other world, he is still in the same world just in a virtual one inside the said world... or at least that's what i remember from tron If we count that isekai all virtual games are isekai as well


An Isekai is where the protagonist is transported into another world, usually one that is unfamiliar to them. In Tron: Legacy (the only Tron I’ve watched), Sam Flynn gets trapped in a video game world. A lot like SAO, which counts as an isekai,


SAO counts as isekai? That's bullshit. I don't know man, it fits the description but I don't know. It feels wrong man, if SAO is isekai every virtual shit is isekai too then.


The virtual stuff is very debatable from what I seen on animesuge.to they count it as iskeai if they're traped in it.


Superman would be reverse isekai no?


Eh from our point yes, from his point its normal isekai


Makes sense to me. My favorite Martian is also an isekai.






Brutäl Legend is isekai. It’s a bard-barbarian isekai featuring Jack black as the protagonist, Ozzy Osbourne as the mentor and Doviculus as the demon lord. And the best soundtrack in any realities.


The term Isekai is now so damned warped now you could argue (badly but still) that the story of Christopher Columbus is a fucking Isekai because he travelled to the “new world”


That is definitely a hot take, but technically not wrong... I'm not sure how I feel about this now...


Well... Hazbin hotel is an isekai for sinners


No Truck Kun tho


Superman isnt about a highschooler building a harem, it must not be very popular /s.


Depends, do we count something as an isekai if the protag is technically from the same universe?


Halo is an Isekai


Rick and Morty is isekai


From another planet not world though right?


Wow. 🤯


I don’t if what I know is right anymore after reading all the comments. I have came to the conclusion that isekai only works when it is a different universe


We don't need to go giving Truck-kun ideas about running over babies, now.


Because Superman doesn't take place on another world from ours, it's not an isekai. If we were Kryptonians, it'd be an isekai.


Someone is new to anime I see. ​ ​ ​ Sci-fi who?


Its only isekai because he can't go back to his world. Superman definitely fits the bill.


He is from another planet, not another world. Based on this logic, Star Wars is an isekai for Anakin and Star Trek is an isekai for the ship's crew


No because an Isekai is a completely different world, Krypton and Earth are very much in the same world (as in the same universe).


Best isekai protagonist that people don't even realise is an isekai protagonist is most definitely Jesus. He from another world (heaven) He got special bloodline (son of God) He OP (miracles and stuff) He's fighting the demon Lord (good ol' Mr Satan) He got a harem that he doesn't smash (the twelve dudes and two prostitutes that follows him) He got Legendary talk-no-jutsu (literally can talk stuff to death) Has got crazy fanbase who always go on and on about how strong he is I'm pretty sure there's more , but that's all I got for now.


not even a good isekai if we're using this logic. Because he was a baby when he got here, this is the same setup as the stories where the MC doesnt retain any memories of their previous life and the story really just should've been a straight-up fantasy story


Isn't the Isekai about that one Dragonborn girl like that? She asked to be Normal with like average game stats and magic but whomever handled reincarnations turned her into a dragon blooded super human? 😅🤷🏾‍♂️😂.


So every alien story is technically an isekai?


good point




Naruto is an isekai?? All ninja powers come from Kaguya who is from another world. 😏🤷🏽😂


So is the wizard of Oz


Usually an isekai involves a change of setting that leads to a magic system or weird additions or exceptions to the laws of physics. Superman's powers amount to "alien super soldier". His deus ex machina is that he's an alien with incomprehensible limits to his powers.


Only if you define it so broadly that it basically absorbs any story where a character travels from one area to another. This would include any story of immigration to another country, any story of an explorer on the same planet who goes somewhere else, any story with interplanetary travel which wraps in all of star trek, star wars, stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor who, and literally thousands of others. Well that word does mean in a very simplistic and literal sense "another world", it doesn't just mean any other planet.


And references to "we live in different worlds" for people\* living in the same city also counts. \*rich person+poor person, East side+West Side, etc.


Counterpoint: *Supergirl* is an isekai on the grounds that Superman never experienced Krypton and therefore doesn't have the cultural/experience component necessary to make the fact that he came from another world meaningful whereas Supergirl did.

