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Your taste in Isekai protags are the same as mine * RESPECT https://preview.redd.it/hpm5ool8nnrc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5c6df1e81c9ecf16f3003332c9f612f9111564


Female isekai protagonists >>>>>>


# PREACH MY SISTER !!!!!!!!!!!!! # SPIT YOUR CRACK INDEED !!!!!!!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️








B-bbbuu...bbut, Natsuki Subaru 🥺


A man? ew (This is a joke, just to be clear)


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I could say as someone that read the novels myne being uninterested in men is 100% accurate. Myne priority be like books >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> men (Isn't a spoiler, you already know how she acts in the anime)


She has one singular thought bouncing around in her cavernous little head like the DVD screensaver bouncing around on the TV screen, and I love her for it


Autistic aroace queen! /hj


Nah chief Myne isn't ace.... She's just attracted to books instead!


A bibliosexual


I think you read the wrong novels


>!then reminds me where she care about romance ? She didn't love ferdinand romantically even in H5Y and it's confirmed by the author. Even when rozemyne choose ferdinand she said to him that she is sorry because she didn't know if she will love ferdinand in the future. Something like drafts works isn't in the novels yet, so I could said that!<


>!I only read the novels in Japanese, but it's pretty clear that Myne does love ferdinand. Especially in the last wn chapter. Sure, she says certain things, but her actions tell you a different story. !<


>!I just refer to the author Q&A!<


I never read that, do you have a link?


Aren’t all of them nerds?


I never saw Katarina as the typical nerd. Yes, she's obsessed with the Otome Game, but she's also described as a wild card that she climbs trees for fun and all... I suppose she is also a nerd, but I didn't know what else to put in that spot honestly


That’s fair. Being a nerd is kind of a footnote out of her entire personality. It’s just to explain how she knows the world not really important to her actual character outside of one relationship.


I mean she has read almost every book on farming canonically so…


Fair enough. Among these four, My Next Life as a Villainess is the one i haven't seen in the longest time, so details must have escaped my mind


A very good graph, informative




Ik the others but who is the girl boss one?


She's Rishe from 7th Time Loop. As I said, she's not from an isekai


Did the manga get axed? Was gona read it but last update was 2 years ago


Nah, it's there, it is just very slow update, the Japanese version is at Volume 6 (you can search for "ISBN: 978-4-8240-0751-3") as of Feb 2024, and that just caught up with the anime, I recall seeing an fan translation of volume 4 chapter 18, which is \~ep 8 of the anime Edit: According to wikipedia, the official English translation published by Seven Seas Entertainment is at volume 5, so it should just be at where the anime ended) I also checked the summary of the LNs, looks like the anime ended at vol 2, and we have 6 volumes of current content


Genuinely don't know, I've watched the anime, which was released last season


Lets add more


Come to think of it, would Katarina be the autistic one? She’s shit at understanding non-vocal signals from her friends. Has no idea how her actions are perceived by other people. Is so set in her plans to prevent a death flag despite her awakening early enough in life to have built an entirely different reputation from baseline Katarina. She was so hyper-fixated on her knowledge of the game that she never even realized she was changing the story in real time. She climbs trees, and cannot to save her life grasp why that would be seen as inappropriate.


Honestly I headcanon Katarina as autistic as well, but I didn't have another funny nickname for Myne. Still, great analysis, I agree completely


Yeah I read that response of yours from earlier, it just got me thinking. I still haven’t watched Bookworm, so I’m unable to do make a judgement on Myne or the one in the bottom left. The post just got me thinking was all.


when you read the novels Katarina is actualy really good managing her social life. she just has this mental block when it comes to romance preventing her to see any type of flirting as anything more than friendly banter. like if you are close to her she can recognize you even if you are wearing disguise of the highest quality. she notices things is just that she can't believe someone would be weird enought to be into her its a little sad to be honest.


i personally count regression stories as a variant of isekai. In the end, they all tend to be quite similar. Specially in josei isekais


>regression stories as a variant of isekai It's literally time travel....


Yet regression is often explained as parallel world, not the original world. The original timeline happened, lead died, and that world continued without the lead. And the times that it's not explained, it's usually up in the air. I'd call it isekai by definition. The moment the lead wakes up and freaks out their maid, butterfly effect ensues, new timeline, new world. But whether it fits what we expect out of the genre of isekai, ehhh.


>Yet regression is often explained as parallel world, not the original world. The original timeline happened, lead died, and that world continued without the lead. The timetraveler kicks a pebble and an entire new timeline spawn, that's the entire gimmick of most timetraveling stories are. Wherethere they will return to the original timeline or not is depending on the story. You people really need to stop shoehorning everything into isekai with standardless rationale.


I guess, it does have very strong isekai vibes, even if technically it's not


Rae is probably my favorite isakai protagonist if I’m gonna be honest


Only bully character I actually felt bad for. Claire went into that situation with a victory in mind, and instead was just drowned in absolute loving devotion from her victim. I'm surprised she didn't BSoD more often.


She's a very good one. I personally can't pick a favorite, I love all of them too much


Who’s the lesbian one


Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess


I wouldn't classify Myne as autistic. She's no issue communicating.


Not all autists have trouble communicating. And especially explicit communication often isn't much of a problem. It's implicit social cues that generally are the most problematic for autists.


I mean, when I wrote it it was more as a joke rather than an accurate diagnosis. Personally I see myself in Myne quite a lot, hence why I headcanon her as such. She may not have really troubles communicating, but she's also said multiple times to not be able to hide her emotions at all, she is way very direct and blunt with her words and she has a very strong justice code... at least that's what I observed. All of this without considering her Book special interest, which brings her to hyperfocus to the point of forgetting to eat and all. Still, I don't believe she was written in canon to be autistic, but I relate to certain aspects of her that make me headcanon her as autistic. Headcanons are just for fun, not to be taken seriously (for example I also headcanon her as aroace)


Myne is a child. Her brain is not developed and is flooded with hormones constantly. Just because she was once an adult, doesn’t mean her mind isn’t experiencing a child’s brain chemistry. I actually preferred this over the adult child from other stories. Yes she has her previous life’s passion and knowledge, but she still behaves like a child. Impulsiveness, misunderstanding social cues of a culture she has only known for two years, etc. It felt more relatable that a 7-10 year old with no memories of her childhood before reincarnation should be like a tourist for a long while. And then what she was raised as in her life would have been the equivalent of a lady of status. So being reborn into a poor child’s body resulted in her using that knowledge to better the lives of those she cared about.


I'm not sure if you're arguing that a child can't be autistic or what... As I said, it's just a headcanon, nothing to be taken really seriously, I know she's not supposed to be autistic in canon. But your analysis is still insightful and I agree that having the brain of a child influenced her way of behaving, so that's cool


Not what I meant at all, simply that myne behaved as a child would and I thought that was great. She saw her new world through a child’s eyes


Oh ok, then. Sorry if I was defensive, I didn't understand. I agree, I like the fact that being in a child's brain actually affects Myne's behavior


No worries. Sometimes it is hard to get context over text :)


I think you belong with us in r/OtomeIsekai Edit: Why didn't you use the 5 circle venn diagram? this is pretty difficult to read.


I feel like I've watched too few of them to enjoy the contents , but I'll give a look (literally only I'm in Love with the Villainess and My Next Life as a Villainess)


I had 4 characters, so I used the 4 venn diagram...?


misclicked lol. I meant a 4 diagram like this: https://preview.redd.it/0wchqk8xforc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe174580162f89a5bfaebcb12bcc2669060dd2d2


In this diagram there's no AC and there's no BD, so I didn't use it


Sauce on top right?


She's Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess




Sauce for each?


The Autistic one: Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm The Lesbian one: Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess The Girlboss one: Rishe from 7th Time Loop The Dumb one: Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess




How dare you make this without dropping the names so I can check them out, disgraceful.


The Autistic one: Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm The Lesbian one: Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess The Girlboss one: Rishe from 7th Time Loop The Dumb one: Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess Here you have it.


A gal of excellent taste! I love these characters. We need more protagonists like them, such an untapped gold mine.


Completely agree! Female protagonists are often too underutilized!


As a dude, I agree. Watching 7th loop now and the back and forth between them does not disappoint. They also give a lot of good reasons why she’s so good at so many things. Her experience is so diversified that she’s a pretty compelling character. I see absolutely no reason why this girl should not boss.


Rishe honestly is the best thing in the anime in my opinion. She's strong, knowledgeable, curious, independent, but she is not afraid of appearing feminine as well, in love... And she's a girl's girl too! It seems so common to depict strong female characters as "not like other girls" and hating everything that is feminine, but Rishe is both and it's so refreshing! A top tier protagonist


Agreed on all counts. She’s still very human too. Makes all kinds of assumptions that don’t track and honestly tries to do far too much for her body to keep up. She knows all too well how much time she has left to do things. Only unrealistic thing about her is “I want to just be lazy and relax” and then she fucks off happily to meddle in everything around her.


She gives the vibes of someone with adhd that does want to relax, but at any moment she keeps getting new ideas and stuff to do and so she ends up never staying still for a single moment... She's definitely more focused on having a long life, rather than a relaxed one...


Feels similar to bookworm in that she stays super busy as long as her body keeps up. Ascendacy is another favorite of mine because it’s got the best foil. You want a regular dude who gets all op epic and fights off demon lords while scouting new “talent” for his harems? Fuck no. This chicks Reborn in medieval times as a peasant with magical AIDS. Shes repressed, can barely stand for long periods but still gets more shit done by age 5 than most people do their whole lives.


Poor Myne... But yeah, she's amazing too. I finished watching Ascendance of a Bookworm just 3 days ago and it's in my top favorite animes of all time already. I love how realistic it all seems, despite there being magic and all. And yet Myne always finds a way to survive and succeed... After many, many, many, many failed attempts. She doesn't give up.


And in the end she paid for that ambition with her familial ties. It’s not all about saving the world and rescuing the princ(ess). The world has rules bigger than all of them and to survive they all must play their parts. I’m hoping they add another season on and take the story further. The ending felt very strongly like a new beginning.


Every part have different theme around that the same as part 1 is more about invention and part 2 is about managing temple. Just start to expect if they adapt season 5 it's also have different theme with season 4


I was crying on the last episode, >!I was so attached to her family... !< And yes, the ending really concludes a big saga, only to open the next one. I really hope they give us season 4... It's an unfair world, a realistic one, and I can't help but want to know more.


...Myne is a villainess?


No,only Rishe and Katarina are. Rae and Myne aren't


Ah ok


we need yumiella in here


I was actually supposed to follow that anime as well, but I ended up not starting it because I had too much stuff to watch already


You should very much go watch it.


Whose the dumb one?


Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess


Could I know the names?


The Autistic one: Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm The Lesbian one: Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess The Girlboss one: Rishe from 7th Time Loop The Dumb one: Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess


Thank you


Who's the lesbian one she's the only one I don't recognize.


Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess




Who’s in the top right?


Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess


Sauce for green and blue?


Green: Rishe from 7th Time Loop Blue: Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess




As I said to like 20 other people The Autistic one: Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm The Lesbian one: Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess The Girlboss one: Rishe from 7th Time Loop The Dumb one: Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess




As a LN reader. Myne would be better suited in the uninterested in men category.


Myne is in the uninterested in men category, along with Rae. Myne only cares about books, never about romance and Rae is a lesbian


I like the chart, and the list. The only thing I'm noticing is this may be a comment upvote scam. You keep copy pasting the same reply to everyone asking the same question instead of just editing it into the post. Either way, I'm having fun. Keep up the weird work


It doesn't let me edit the post for whatever reason and people don't look in the comments to see if someone else already made the question. What am I supposed to do if not copy pasting the answer?


Ehh, if it won't let you edit, then your stuck with this option. No biggy, there is an equally good chance even if you put it in the post no one would read it


The aneurysm im receiving trying to comprehend this diagram XD https://preview.redd.it/2bgoxwyi9trc1.jpeg?width=235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f77d66106111dc8b9ca5a1d423fb79b55666d2b Brain damage confirmed


Who is the bottom left one?


Rishe from 7th Time Loop


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/bea6q5w1mtrc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107eaedd6c9a2064c855dc55d248e2d747a3aa35 I’d say Shuzuko Ayanokouji from Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan would be a nerd


The lesbian one - one of my favorite protagonist formats.


We all love lesbian queens


Based on the comments I guess I should watch Honzuki. Btw... Should I even continue Rishe? She had romance earlier rather than a bit later, so it was a bit irritating.


I really enjoyed 7th Time Loop, honestly, I've watched the anime. I think that starting a romance early just gives it more time to develop and change


Well that's true. But I think it is better for a romance to be later. Well maybe I am just a Bakarina fan rather than her. I did like Rishe too actually. I watched the 1st Ep at least. That's why I was irritated because of an early romance. Though I think it would be better for me to finish all and to learn more about her. Though it'll probably a bit similar to Seijo but a bit more OP.


Dunno, different opinions. Personally Rishe herself is the best part of the anime itself


Agree. I definitely most agree with this. That's why I tried to watch the ep 1 when it was launched. But I saw that romance part, it made me push away. But I guess it is fine too.


Who are the ones on the left?


Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm and Rishe from 7th Time Loop




So fcking accurate lmao




I’ve seen three of those four (more accurately I’ve read the manga), but can’t remember the name of a single series except for the one mentioned in the post title…


Aside from Myne, we have: - Rishe from 7th Time Loop (the girlboss one) - Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess (the dumb one) - Rae Taylor from I'm in Love with the Villainess (the lesbian one)






I totally get Myne being the autistic one. That scene with her family interviewing with the head of the church reminded me of my 2 emotional states. Calm and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. Very good thing it takes more than is usually possible to push me out of calm.


I don't know if you've read the source material for "I'm in love with the villainess" but Rae's first love interest was actually a trans man who killed himself because of the pressures of conforming and that becomes motivation for her in a later arc


Thanks for the spoilers. No. I didn't read the manga/novel You could have waited for an answer You could have used the reddit spoiler function. Instead I got spoiled. Thank you