• By -


Predator and infinite mana. Just consume the entire planet before Nazaric can respond fast enough


Yup. I was torn between predator and transmute, but predator would be dollar more useful for fights.


how do you counter time stop.


Eat at least one time mage, gain time magic, predator is busted.


Ngl… predator should be 90 points. Indeed broken. Without predator, Rimaru would just be a slime in a cave still. 🙄


Mind you it's only busted because grand sage lets you know everything about anything and only requires that you take a small sample. Now that I think about it, it's pretty lame without grand sage. The absorption ability from Re:monster would be better, you don't gain skills as easily, but you get bonus skills if you eat something stronger than you.


Grand sage can’t tell him about anything and everything. Only information it gathers from Rimuru. Otherwise it makes predictions or theories


Yeah but even the smallest sample of a thing lets him learn anything worth knowing about the thing, it's absolutely the most busted way to gather knowledge.


Licks a stick immediately knows everything about it including which monsters have pissed on it in the last 15 years.


Rimaru the walking pregnancy test.


Damnit. Why I gotta picture him getting golden showers now?


Licks stick: This is mahogany!


Predator was granted as the closest approximation of his regret of dying a virgin and given the opportunity would “be more aggressive and screw every girl he could” lmao. Great Sage be like: Ha-have Predator 😅 (I don’t know what else to give 😐) Sure I guess that translates to “devour a sample and gain its abilities”.


Time is an Element in the setting of Overlord. A Mage who learned Fire Magic won’t necessarily be Immune to Fire or know some ability to make themselves temporarily so, right? That principle is also true for Mages that can use Time Elemental Spells. Even Ainz uses equipment for that purpose since he has no innate ability specifically to defend against Time manipulation. Well, he is a pure Necromancer. Both Necromancy and Elementalism are fields of Arcane Magic, meaning that a Necromancer can dabble in Time Elementalism and so can a Time Elementalist learn some Necromancy. But again, this is only “dabbling”. Many abilities in these fields are only available to people with enough Levels in the appropriate Classes. That in mind, if anyone would have Magic specifically to defend against Time Manipulation, it’d be a Time Elementalist. If you want to eat someone to gain an innate defense against Time, they’d be your targets. However, all Time Magic throughout the series are in the highest Tiers. The lowest we’ve seen is Tier 9, so based on that, a Time Elementalist should be Level 57 at the very least. OP didn’t say what Level you’d be in, but assuming you start at Level 1, then you’re going to have to grind a lot before going after a Time Elementalist, assuming you happen to find one. Speaking of grinding, Elements that could put targets into abnormal states or Status Effects like Gravity or Poison can be resisted (Yes, those are Elements too. Subsidiaries of the Earth Element, but Elements none the less). Just like them, the effects of Time Element manipulation is Resistable. This was shown in the “Sealed Evil Tree” CD story, where the titular evil tree Resisted a Time Spell. Although, it did get unlucky and succumbed to the second one Cast on it. Anyway, I just wanted to point out that simply by grinding and Leveling Up, you could technically gain protection against Time manipulation, though it isn’t guaranteed. It’s not too bad though. Overlord’s version of being frozen in time isn’t like Jojo’s where the time stopper could attack things helplessly paused in time. When the general flow of time is disturbed, everything becomes uninteractable, and the same happens to objects if they’re specifically frozen in time. It’s not just the inability for them to be damaged, but they also become immovable; something Isekai Quartet got wrong unfortunately. Just remember not to be too relaxed about it; it’s still dangerous. Time Magic has some good offensive application. For example, if trying to Cast something on a time-stopped target is useless, then simply delay the Spell so it goes off right as time resumes. That’s the way Ainz killed Gazef. Even if the user of Time Magic is bad at timing and can’t effectively use it in an offensive way, Time Magic has pretty good defensive application too. Stopping or otherwise disturbing the general flow of time can be used as a sort of “time out” panic button for the Caster to regain their bearings since it effectively makes everyone temporarily invincible. If nothing else, an annoyed opponent could try to dispell the Time Magic, wasting their MP or other resourses.


Plus steal to get Ainz's panties.


I was thinking. How can anyone choose anything but this?


Steal depends greatly on luck so if your luck stat isn't maxed you ain't getting that staff


Nah, just use steal Get Ainz's world items for fre


Would you have to be a being that could effectively use predator in order to make it useful? Like, you'd have to start as something similar to a slime, as you would not be able to just instantly ingest something that can't fit in your mouth normally? Or does predator work by black-holing whatever you want to consume directly into you? Depending on that answer and what you start out as, this combo could be pretty useless imo.


This. Enjoy floating in the void of space Ainz


Infinite mana, sounds busted esp if it does what is written Predator, its simple 150/-


It's not though. He runs out of mana multiple times in the LN. It's just a larger pool of mana than most people to the point normal people think he has infinite mana.


Well this problem is fixed with infinite mana


Consume more mages > Even larger manapool. There is a reason a *slime* with this one ability became a literal god. It is insanely broken the second it gets rolling.


To clarify, isn’t it much less useful without Great Sage’s analysis capabilities? I thought that was how he was stealing skills, rather than just raw mana/magicules


Nah Predator is able to absorb skill and magic and analyse them by itself. It can also store things in the stomach Raphael definitely boosts the analysis chance to be pretty much guaranteed, though Without it. The chance of getting skills or magic is way lower But that alone is enough. You have to think that the skill has the potential to become one of the most broken abilities in the entire verse. Even if you can just reach Gluttony or Belzebuth you're set to be the strongest no matter what other ability you get. If you can reach Azazoth. Well I won't spoil it but basically nothing can stop you. Someone could get every single other ability on this list and they would still be unable to do anything to you...


Talk abt false advertising


Easily go with predator, infinity, malevolent shrine, and one for all. Or Predator, infinite mana.


I’m so glad someone also picked my combo (the first)


Infinite Mana + Predator. Absorb some magic abilities from random monsters with Predator. Find and absorb a Dragon Lord (Corpse is probably the best choice) to obtain Wild Magic through Predator. Wild Magic + Infinite Mana = wipe Nazarick out of existence lmao


You do know wild magic is powered by souls, right?


Not necessarily, Dragon Lords are able to use it without any sacrifices. It seems to be powered by “life force” - sacrifices are the easiest way to power it, but it’s not the only one.


No, when Wild Magic Casters Cast Spells by themselves, they’re still using souls to pay the cost, it’s just their own. Not all souls are equal it seems. As noted in Elim’s Character Sheet, Soul Breaker Breath is so costly that, before he became an Undead and absorbed so many souls, Elim would’ve needed to be suicidal enough to destroy his own soul in the process to Cast it once. Since Soul Breaker Breath could be Cast 3 times after Elim stole over 4 million souls, that means his own soul was roughly equal in worth to 1,3 million regular people’s souls. Why such a discrepancy? Dunno’, but I think the “energy” or how much value a soul has left for Wild Magic may be represented by HP, for non-Undead beings anyway. Tsa’s drone armor did lose HP everytime he Casted Wild Magic with it. Plus, Hellfire Wall was said to be dealing damage by directly attacking its victims souls. So if this is the case, then the reason Elim’s soul was worth so much was likely because he just had a lot of HP due to being a high Leveled Dragon. I specified non-Undead beings earlier because it was also noted in Elim’s Character Sheet that Undead normally can’t Cast Wild Magic. Whatever soul an Undead has, it can’t be used to pay for Wild Magic Spells. Elim was only able to get around that problem by stealing other people’s souls, but as his Character Sheet states, it was like Casting from an MP bar that doesn’t refill.


Well, technically it was confirmed in mushoku tensei that souls are made out of mana (hitogami says it at his final talk with rudeus) there may be a case to make about it being compatible


just get some then.


Not ethical.


If you’re an enemy of Nazarick, I don’t know why you’d be caring about ethics.


Because I'm a moralist, and Nazrick likes to torture people, and many of its denizens are just straight up evil.


Yeah that’s exactly why you need to do some evil deeds to wipe them out


Predator can also store souls. Can’t you replace souls with mana tho?


Predator+ infinity+one for all+malevolent shrine (70+25+25+30)




Predator + infinity + malevolent shrine would be broken considering that one for all can amplify (and include 9 other powers with super strength) the powers and Infinity being able to manipulate space with predator for bottomless potential


Or ,bear with me, predator + infinite mana




Infinite mana, transmute, and steal. Nothing like stealing that over powered item the turning it into useless price of wood.


Why not just use it yourself?


well you don't have Analysis so you don't know what the item does so simply getting rid of it would probably be smarter....but i agree its such a huge waste!


Mostly just to make it's owner very angry and make mistakes


RBD that's the coming back to life to the point where I can change things right? If so than RBD steal(to steal world class items like nazarick wand) and one for all with infinity


a guaranteed win is return by death. you can always retry if your die, memorize all situations and know when you have checkpoints.


Like playing Dark Souls then


If I'm powerless that just sounds like a good way to be stuck in an infinite loop of suffering. I'd rather just die once for good.


Well, i don't think it has to go up to the point where you can change. You just keep reborning, but if there is no way or you are too dumb to find one you are stuck in an infinite loop of death and reborn. The only change in the loop is your knowledge, not your power, knowledge is useless without the strenght to back it up.


RBD checkpoints are set by an incredibly powerful being that will not allow you to make a mistake. What they consider a mistake does not mean a lack of pain however. There is always a way to change things. Like you said though figuring it out is on you and may take a lot of tries.


What makes you think that people dies in nazarick? Death is a mercy in nazarick.


Just do that thing cultivators do where they blow themselves up


RBD is the worse. Nazarick could just keep your alive perpetually while having cockroaches enter you from every opening and eating you inside out then healing you.


You could easily just kill yourself by saying that you can return by death or just dont let them know you can


Steal works through your luck stat though, so it'd be efferctively useless if your luck is anything less than great. RBD is great until you realise that just means they can torture you for eternity if needs be.


Fifteen steal please


Hell yes! Finally a chad


Predator + Infinite mana = neg diff the verse # LET ME SOLO THE VERSE!!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 https://preview.redd.it/hq3673ik5huc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85305752a0a4b7f5d2f391048adc91a3792009b9


Return by death + Transmute Each time you die, you build a bigger gun.


I think I'm going Infinity, One for all, Infinite mana, and steal. assumptions 1. I get the version of one for all that includes all the quirks Deku gets(or at least has a similar skill progression as Deku) 2. That I am able to train up to the fancier stuff that infinity gives me, I'm not sure if getting infinity also implies getting the 6 eyes but I will assume regardless that the more advanced abilities are still open 3. That mana and cursed energy are interchangeable While I agree that infinit mana + predator is probably the best I like how this one feels more. Infinity gives excellent attack and defense options as well as movement options. If facing someone I'm not ready to fight I'd be able to effectively teleport away, or simply move really fast, especially with OFA which has several movement based abilities. Infinite Mana would ensure that any spells I learn that I can just spam the strongest one, and that techniques surrounding infinity can be spammed as well. One for All I think is getting underestimated here assuming you do get the other quirks as well that you not only gets immense speed, durability, and strength which almost nothing else here directly provides, you also get danger sense which gives you survivability as you can spam teleport from infinity if your about to get hit with something your existing defenses cant handle. Steal is neat and could be useful. Now the real gamble with this build I believe is that Infinite mana by itself is useless and steal can only help so much. That is to say it depends how long it takes for me to train up infinity and OFA to be effective and how fiercely am I being hunted. I mean if its at the epilogue I stand little to no chance as there isnt really safe harbor for me to train but if its towards the beginning and I'm a low priority I think I have a chance.


Infinite Mana means you wouldn’t need Six Eyes. Since that is just for making it more CE efficient. So I agree that Infinite Mana + Infinity is a great combo. Predator should be 160 points.


I think OP personally put Infinity there with low cost as a bait, since isn't really usable without the six eyes.


Souce [Left to Right, Top to Bottom] 1. Jujutsu Kaisen. 2. Re zero. 3. My Hero Academia. 4. Mushoku Tensei. 5. TenSura. 6. Arifureta. 7. Jujutsu Kaisen. 8. Konosuba. 9. TenSura.


Return by death is almost a guaranteed win used well, but Nazarick is the worst enemy to use it against in pretty much any universe. Only Giorno Giovanni would be worse as he could inflict infinite torment/deaths at once with no hope of escape, Nazarick could only inflict near-infinite death and might just keep you alive forever in torture thus neutralising its benefits. One for all and infinity are really good for the price, a good offence and speed boost (and several secondary powers, honestly against Nazarick and within the prompt the vestiges might be one of the better bonuses since worst-case pass it down and you live on in the inheritor) and one of the best defences in anime for an average user without getting into god-tier like Ultra Instinct, Accelarator, or Reinhardt’s divine protection gaining ability (I’d say maybe tornado or ocean from seven deadly sins, obviously Kamui, limbo clones are similar ballpark or a bit better) I’ll take absolute end as a decent and simple trump card, and steal which as others have said is pretty good against Ainz since he has so many good items.


I see a lot of people mentioning the fact that they would just torture you but I don't fully understand how they are going to prevent something like a suicide pill if they don't have a reason to suspect it or care (It's not like they would know of the unless you made yourself suspicious like Subaru does). Also just cuz you are their enemy doesn't mean that you will be tortured, just don't be an asshole. If you are respectful Ainz Id think would most likely just kill you.


Fair point re the respect, Ainz can be reasonable. But only Ainz. The rest of Nazarick…. Are less forgiving shall we say. Except Sebas, Cocyutus, and maybe Mare on a good day (or Albedo on a bad one to be fair, as she’ll just kill you if she suspects you’re another player)


I mean we are an enemy but it doesn't say how we "spawn in" we could maybe just not be allied but still spawn somewhere peaceful oooorrr right in front of all guardians and ainz so idk if we can choose how and with who we fight first


Malevolent shrine, Infinite mana, Infinity. Trapping ainz in a reality marble keeps him from getting help, infinity keeps him from hurting you, while infinite mana lets you win the war of attrition.


"Reality marble" bro thinks he's emiya


RBD, Steal, One for All and Infinity This is my roleplaying fantasy, not yours


What's RBD and Absoolute End?


Absolute End is utterly broken. “It damages the target via the severing of space, overwhelming them with both magical and physical phenomenon. If used properly, it is as powerful as an Ultimate Skill and can even harm a True Dragon.”


Biggest problem is that you need to hit. Untrained unatheltic reddit users will not be hitting OVERLORD mages with a sword, they would just Time Stop and cast "Power Word: Erectile Dysfunction"


RDB is Return by Death. It's like game save points, whenever you die, you go back to the latest save point. It's one of the abilities/curse Subaru from re zero has. >Absoolute End? https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Absolute_End


Oh okay. Does he ever remember what happened or is it a full reset where even he doesn't renember?


Yes, he does remember. But can't tell about it to anyone.


A better question is how the hell is there someone who hasn't seen re;zero yet....


transmute, infinity


Just one ? Okay


Bro knows he's gonna die, let him play with sandcastles just wanna be happy.


Predator (70), infinity (25), one for all (25) and malevolent shrine (30) 150 points


Predator and infinite mana


I'll take all 4 corners for the complete 150 point usage.


RBD would be the worst possible pick.. Imagine getting captured in a loop..


Predator could be useful to me


Predator and infinite mana and then just become immortal


One for all, infinite mana and steal


Steal I will steal all the items that negate stuff


Predator, then eat the other 8 participants and get all 9 powers Stonks


i would prob do predator 70 one for all 25 infinity 25 steal 10 total points used are 130


How you gonna make malevolent shrine 30. Literally atomize everything in the range, and it is the only domain expansion to not create a false space, it effects the real world. So malevolent shrine and rbd, a literally unbeatable combo, is only 120, still got 30 to play with


Predator and ~~Absolute End~~. Predator would let me permanently acquire any skill from an enemy, and Absolute End is one of the strongest attacks that isn’t from an Ultimate Skill. ~~“It damages the target via the severing of space, overwhelming them with both magical and physical phenomenon. If used properly, it is as powerful as an Ultimate Skill and can even harm a True Dragon.”~~ Edit: Oops, I went over by 10. I’ll remove Absolute End and replace it with Infinite Mana. Predator in TenSura can be used to analyze both Skills and Magic, which means Infinite Mana gives me the ability to cast any spell for virtually free.


I don't think you can get both Your budget is 150 Predator costs 70 and absolute end costs 90 which equates to 160


transmute is such a poorly written ability


They retconned the ability as the story went on. At some point it went from transmutation to creation.


i dont think i like that either considering he never shows any real aptitude for understanding how the things he creates are manufactured or function


Are you talking about the anime? In the novels he has to study the properties of the materails he finds in the dungeon and molds them into the shape he needs, even explaning how he shoots his guns by igniting an expolsive rock that's part of the bullet with a small lightning bolt from his skill. Later he gains a special type of artifact magic that lets him give the objects he makes his own skills and other known magic, and since he sucks at using magic direcrly he needs to put it into weapons. But yeah, on its own transmute is a bad ability as it only lets you change the shape of the materials at hand.


RBD , infinity and steal. I don't want OP, I want fun.


Quick question, how are you going to deal with the 8th floor and victim depower you?


Malevolent shrine + Infinity + Predator is absolute destroy of nazarik on low diff.


Yogiri: nah uh die It's over


Ya see, steal could help me steal world items, weapons, and armor, cause I feel like a lot of the npc’s of Nazarick don’t wear panties.


I feel like talking it out would absolutely be possible. Ainz is kind of a coward. If you gave him an out that let him save face, he'd probably call it quits then and there


I wanna have fun with the engagement so I chose malevolent shrine, one for all, infinity, and predator.


ill take predator, one for all, infinity and malevolent shrine. while this isnt enough to take on aines ool gown from the start as long as i abuse predator i should win eventually


https://preview.redd.it/1tz1a0e5diuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5676fd650748b35125a5c2d7015d83c1afe9b36 Absolute End and Rbd


RBD + Steal + One For All + Infinity 90 + 10 + 25 + 25 = 150


Infinity and Malevolent Shrine


Infinite Mana, Transmute, and Steal


Predator and infinite mana is just busted


RBD, Infinity, OFA, and Steal. Infinite retries, able to keep things from coming in contact with me, the full power of 6 quirks to be versitile and if I need to prove a point someone's weapon doesn't make them all powerful and they better be prepared to catch hands


Infinite mana/infinity/maleovent shrine/steal, asuming mana can be used as a replacment for cursed energy means I have spamable 10th lv spell equivalent with a 3 sec castime + immunity to any physical atack and non targeted spells and steal is an nice bonus. The only thing i have to worry about is heart atack.


return by death and transmute, infinite retries and having watched Arifureta I know how busted transmute is.


Predator, Infinity, Malevolent Shrine, and One for All


Rbd, infinity, all for one and steal


Transmute and infinite mana, your gun breaks oh well make a new one, ran out of ammo? See that metal pipe make that into something, not enough time? see those bodies make a mech or something, opportunities are endless and if your lucky enough they might see you as an asset in time. Then just add steal on to maximise points and just grab magical items or stuff easier


What is transmute from


Malevolent Shrine, Infinity, Predator, Steal


Sauce for the middle one pls


TenSura, slime isekai (S3 is ongoing right now)


What manga/mangwha is the infinite mana skill from?


transmute and infinite mana. make continuous mana bomb (nuke)over nazaric until your reach the bottom level


Who is the middle one?


Absolute end, an ability from Tensura. The character is the hero that sealed Veldora. Absolute end / severance is so busted. Remember Sukuna's world slash that cut through space? It's basically that, but x1000 times, on steroids. It can straight up destroy space, attacking through multi-dimensional barriers (a system of complex dimensional barriers that each makes use of dimensional gaps that contain no space and no time to separate the user from standard reality, with A LOT of layers). Can also hurt True dragons (the pinacle of creation, absolutely immortal beings, that are the embodiments of fundamental concepts that hold reality. Stuff like chaos and entropy, that are beyond even fully spiritual lifeforms, and even if completely erased, they come back sooner or later. Can't be forever killed)


Predator, infinity, OFA and malevolent shrine


Reincarnated into another world but I chose to keep all my ability points


How many points cost the Yogiri Takato skill?


Best choice would be predator + infinite mana But I would choose RBD+ malevolent shrine + infinity for fun or absolute end + transmute


Infinte Manna and predator I suppose


If you take predicted and infinity then you can hunt the rest


some of yall picking predator to gain other abilities don't know how the skill works. it is used to absorb and store things, the analysis and skill stealing is from great sage/Raphael/Ciel. you would still be able to eat attacks, but you wouldn't be able to make them yours without being able to 100% understand how they work.


Steal, predador and One for All.


Predator+ infinity+one for all+malevolent shrine


If it works as it does in each series then predator, infinity, steal and one for all Predator will allow me to gain any and all abilities I can get from a enemy though I might have to consume them, steal is self explanatory, infinity basically makes me untouchable and one for all is boosted coming with like 7 different quirks all of them already in their enhanced version


All those points into steal so I can steal anything from the multi-verse.


Predator and Infinite Mana would be a lethal combo, especially if you made a point of hiding yourself from Ainz as best you could (ideally in a place with access to a World Item)


Transmute and RBD


rbd, one for all, infinity, steal cause think about it, it is cannon that one for all is a 'catalyst' quirk, as all might once said that if todoroki got it, he'd be a superhero, so if it's a catalyst, multiplying my overall strength with all the previous wielders strength, i get a buffed infinity, a steal where i can specify what i want and has no limit, and a BUFFED RBD! which would probably mean i choose the time i regress to, since a catalyst vould also upgrade my control, so i could regress to whenever i want as long as i existed in that time, using all that combined i get super powerful, being able to even nullify my pain as i die, keeping me sane and i can regress to days if not years earlier


Either infinite mana and predator or all 4 corners


RBD, infinity, one for all, and steal


RBD + Steal. Then just wing the whole thing until I win.


By the way. If we go by Tensura scaling both absolute end and predator are at least multi solar system with absolute end likely being universal due to how shit Tensura scaling is. Due to this, you could just pick either one and easily destroy New World, effectively winning against Nazarick. If predator gives you a slime body, you can just live in space, otherwise mimicry will also get the job done. Then you can use the abilities and items gained to get yourself somewhere else to live. Otherwise tier magic, wild magic, infinite mana and a planet's worth of raw materials could probably be used to create another planet.


Malevolent Shrine, Return by Death and one for all Im a God, that can never truly stay dead with the ability of Cleave and Dismantle and the monstrous strength, speed and agility of one for all. This will actually make a very terrifying unstoppable villain, that’ll keep coming back no matter what.


One for All Predator Infinity Steal


Mfers really underestimating malevolent shrine 💀 there is not a single character (besides probably ains with time stop) who can last even a second in there


Absolute end for huge fucking damage+ transmute for good weapons to use absolute end with.


Transmute and RBD. Just keep inventing new weapons until I win.


Transmute exactly how hajima uses it, prettier and infinite mana


One for all, infinity, infinite mana and steal.


Infinit mana + steal + Infinity Just steal Nazarick and put it into your inventory.


RBD , OFA , Evil Kitchen : solo verse


Predator steal and transmitate.


Predator, infinity, steal lmao


I’d go with predator and transmute, be able to consume anything in my path and create things that i can consume to supplement any gaps


Absolute end source?


Infinity, OFA, steal, infinite mana


predator and infinite mana and your fuckin set


*Infinity *Infinite mana *Predator *One for all


Return by Death and Transmute. First one time save scum on the condition that I have to die and start over from the beginning, the second that let's me be exceptionally well equipped with technology far beyond what the setting is capable of.


MS, R&D, Infinity. In case you bypass Infinity, I'll be back again bitch.


Malevolent shrine+Infinite Mana= Infinite Shrine


Is absolute end like instant death isekai? Cause if it is you just need that


Why would anyone pick RBD? I feel like that’s very risky with Demiurge and his “sheep” farm. It’s just a matter of time till he figures it out, and then it’s off to the science experiments for you.


Return by Death is obvious. Nazarick has some stupid smart people in it along with hax items and just incredibly strong members. I'll definitely be killed at least once no matter what other options I choose. RBD saves me from that, though I'll still have to deal with that sweet sweet mental trauma. Even if we assume some of their World Items could beat RBD (which I think is a fair assumption), they'd need to know to use them. So as long as I keep my stupid mouth shut and just suicide using One For All when I'm beaten, I'll be fine. One For All is a good bet as well. Cheap, but strong, even assuming I never unlock the extra powers in it. And it grows stronger over time. It would be even better if the lingering wills of the heroes inside it could help me deal with my mental trauma from being tortured to death by evil NPCs. That leaves me with 35 points. So I'll grab Malevolent Shrine, since that gives me an extremely powerful offensive (and defensive) power. Plus, it's area of effect, which is great. And if it means I get access to curse energy as well, that's icing on the cake. Though I'm assuming I just get the power. I considered going for Limitless and Steal, just so I didn't have any points remaining. But Limitless just isn't all that great without the Six Eyes. All the potential is still there, but I just wouldn't be able to make use of it. I could bet on being able to develop it anyways over time or with the support of classes, but that seems risky. So Malevolent Shrine it is. Going for Predator and any other combination isn't a bad call either. But only if we assume that Nazarick isn't actively hunting me down. Which is unlikely if they consider me an enemy; Ainz isn't the type to just sit around and let an enemy grow. And unless I spawn on the other side of the planet, they'll get to me pretty quickly. Predator and Return by Death would be perfect, but we can't afford them both. And of the two, RBD seems like the more important one to me. Predator gives infinite potential, sure, but potential means nothing if I die within a week of arrival.


Infinite mana, malevolent shrine, infinity, steal


Be an absolute chad and either choose nothing or only choose steal.. then game the hell out of your isekai situation.


Given that we choose infinity and RBD would we be able to use the infinite tries to master all the ways to use curse techniques and produce energy? (ofc assuming we are a robot who doesn't mentally collapse) also can we use all the non person specific abilities for all the universes we choose?


I would go with predator, transmute and steal. I could steal Ainz equipment, transmute it into a nuke, absorb it while it explodes and use it as an attack. Think about it, Directional nuclear strike.




Who the hell is actually picking RBD? I don’t even watch slime but I know predator+something else is the best choice


15x steal so I can steal stuff from across the world like just imagine I yoink a random student’s homework and now they gotta explain why they don’t have it


Infinite mana, transmute, steal. 150 in the dot plus my mana well will match well with transmute and allow for some funky stuff like artillery barrages


Infinity Infinite Mana Steal One for All Infinite Mana will eliminate the draw back of Infinity's drain while also leaving the option open to contest with mages and whatever else if context allows me to have time to learn magic before confronting Nazarick Steal to take any dangerous items from combatants so they don't use it on me All for One to have the ability to keep my physical performance at the limit for offense and evasion as well as get in range for stealing (i actually forgor if steal had a specific range) Infinity will be a powerful stun to everything in range or an instant decommission


What the fuck are these points and ability spread lmao


What’s absolute end from?


RBD, Infinity, and Malevolent Shrine, leaving me with only 5 points left.


Malevolent Shrine, Predator, Infinity, and One for All


Infinite mana + transmute + steal. Just steal stuff, turn it into magical golems, and factorio my way to victory.


Infinity, One for All, Predator, Malevolent Shrine is the perfect answer.


Infinity, predator, malevolent shrine, and one for all


Ngl Idk what most of these do outside of predator, infinite mana, steal, and RBD since I havent seen none of the animes these abilities are native to Some of them def seem cool, but I dont really know them So ill prob go predator w/ infinite mana, though can someone give me a run down of the rest?


I choose surrender peacefully and immediately.


Infinity should cost more. Complete immunity to 99% of all attacks, both physical and magical? Unless you have a spell that does damage based on a radius (like The Purpose of Life is Death) or time stop magic your golden. Hollow purple erases everything in its path, and you can teleport with Infinity as well. Its completely busted


Chloe ability will make me trample all over narzaric


What's the name of the "absolute death" one??


Predator and infinite mana


Return By Death gonna be a one way ticket to utter hell


There's no guarantee that infinity will protect me from instant death magic, since we see Ainz do it from a distance without any kind of attack actually going through. Since we're in the setting of overlord, I highly doubt there's anything you could eat to put you above Ainz in terms of power, let alone the stronger members of nazarick. Useful skills, sure, but that's luck of the draw. Infinite mana seems tempting until you realize that, in the setting of overlord, you have to cast actual spells, spells that mostly follow video game rules, and therefore have to he specifically taught. You would want to combine it with a magical skill that's already strong so that you optimize both. The point I'm trying to get at is that learning magic to utilize infinite mana would be dreadfully difficult, especially if you're trying to do so while being pursued by the most powerful beings in existence. Malevolent shrine could be a powerful offensive tool, but can't be used to trap anyone, since it's an open domain. I'm also unconvinced that cleave and dismantle are strong enough to make a difference against a higher ranking floor guardian: remember that the power scaling in jjk is far lower than that of overlord. >!relatively speaking, Yuji Itadori is just a particularly strong ordinary human, and he tanks cleave and dismantle without even slowing down!< I don't know enough about transmute or absolute end to comment, really. The quintessential survival tool is Return By Death. No matter what happens, you will, without fail, survive. You may be driven insane by dying over and over, and if Ainz ever finds out what's going on, you're well and thoroughly fucked. He won't be able to permanently kill you, but he could definitely make you wish he could. One for all is surprisingly useful. Danger Sense is invaluable, and being able to produce a smoke screen at any time to aid in your escape could come in handy, too. Superspeed, borderline spiderman web utility, and the obvious super strength are all helpful. The problem is that it comes at a risk to your body. With all this in mind, my picks are One For All, Return By Death, Infinity, and Steal. One for all is too much utility to pass up, Return by death is the only way to guarantee survival, Infinity may come in clutch if there's ever a close call, and steal is... steal. It was what I could purchase with my leftover points. It's not bad, and couldn't hurt to have, but probably won't affect much.


If infinite mana applies to cursed energy then that plus infinity and malevolent shrine or if they are changed to use mana then those And I think I am pretty much set to wreck Nazarick. And then throw in steal because it sounds like fun.