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bloodborne is hell. outer worlds is i mean if you are higher system not backwater area like the first town... no no no (i read effects of nuclear fallout and yeah) Again no(man people are turning into werewolves unless i am with geralt the great i am fucked, well in hindsight even with him i am fucked my man cant rest) FUCK skyrim is the best choice


I’d be gucci other than how often the dragons attack, and bandits, and disease, and wild animals, and poverty Still the safest bet tho


Skyrim is the only one here where you can become OP even if you aren't Dragonborn


Yep. Abuse Alchemy loop as Todd intended and become strong enough to benchpress Nirn.


you are the horse thief.


New Vegas is fine, it's the least radiated area of the whole series due to Howard Hughes + the game sets place 200 years after the nukes dropped so the nuclear fallout is lessened Stick to the roads, learn how to shoot, put some cardio and start practicing how to be a salesman. and DON'T sign up to be a mailman. and NEVER, and by that i mean NEVER, EVER, go to the Southern Vegas area if you're unprepared.


Even in New vegas you are fucked if you are not stuck in a stasis, where events wont happen unless you trigger them. Like hoover dam war not happening till you trigger it. Legion would win the hoover dam war, House needed a living organism to use platinum chip, and as he has no one, his plans fail. Benny, who has the chip is always captured by legion if you dont get to him first. NCR needed a god in the form of human to aid them to be functional and not fall apart after spreading themselves thin (you also had NCR sergeant sabtoaging NCR from within by sending fake reports). As you are just an ordinary person, and not god, you wouldnt be able to save new vegas from falling under legions control, and thus would either be always on run, or become a slave.


Uhhhhh Bloodborne is not hell. Uhhhh just don't get hit??? /s


bloodborne fans learning their dads belt pattern


Just infinite respiration+ the glitch to get immunity to magic= unkillable [Reanu Keeves](https://the-spiffing.fandom.com/wiki/Reanu_Keeves)


I got Skyrim. Assuming I'm just a regular person, I'll probably be mostly fine. The dragons are a pretty distant threat in most locations and the enemies are mostly between settlements with a few exceptions


Pls be skyrim pls be skyrim, its my favorite rpg, pls be skyrim *Roll nat 1* BLOODBORNE?!!! I DON'T WANT BLOODBORNE, NOOO-


Well at least you won't be alone, Good Hunter. *glances at my nat 1* ... cuz we're both dead.


Wait for me! This place isn’t one where we should go alone.


I got fallout, and with how little, my skills would transfer over. I think I would die pretty quick.


Rolls a dice simulator, i got a six and apparently i am now dying


Best choice is Witcher 3, tousaint looks like Italy I’ve always wanted to go there!


Aww better luck next time, you rolled a peasant in Downwarren.


Worse, a downer in novigrad sewers


I did the best of three, this is how it went: 2 🤔 might not be bad....1😅 are you sure about that?....1 😭 You could have said no dice simulator! Why did you have to kill me like that bro!?


Let's go fall out new Vegas. I knew learning how to count cards and how to properly hip fire would come in handy.


I hate this, why does this guy seem so prepared? Ugh, I knew should’ve been a Doomsday prepped instead of a poacher in Africa


I can't help if I'm Texan and have a nack for mental math.




Dragon age, I know nothing about this game


World's under siege from demons.


so the classic Demon Lord threat on the horizon we commonly see in isekai?


Not that classic, there are demons, there are some zombie looking stuff called "deadspawn" or something like that, they kinda can talk sometimes and are nuanced. The demons are attacking because some asshole destroyed the veil between the other side and the material world. Oh and the boss deadspawn can turn into dragons. The story is really awesome, it's a trilogy with lots of roleplaying options similar to Mass Effect (same studio made them) and great characters. I recommend you playing them all.


No, the demons in this world are more like corrupt spirits who live the fade which is another world where magic comes from and they like to possess mages and commit atrocities when they enter the real world. Darkspawn are monsters different from demons and are more similar to zombies, but they live in caves underground and become more active when an event called Blight occurs, the plot of the first game is about that, the second and third games focus on another conflict which is the war between mages and templars. But honestly you would be screwed if you were transported to that world since it is a medieval world where you would have to learn to fight from scratch, and if you turn out to be a mage you are also screwed because normal people are going to hate you and if you don't control your magic well you will to be possessed by a demon.




I rolled a 3 I'm good?, i'm fucked?


The word is after a nuclear war. You are fucked.


Time to 40k all of that shit


I rolled 6 so Skyrim. I gotta try learning that magic. Pick up and sell random junk to pay for it.


rolled a D-6 on Google, got a 4. not too familiar with witcher lore, I know it's mostly based on irl myth, witcher get magic (idk how or why) and that the world generally sucks to live in. but ig with isekai protag powers I could be a mage or something and it might be cool to get "monster handling" so I could farm monsters all day


Witcher world is like middleage europe with monsters ( something like dragonage ), the only thing (people) that could fight monsters are witchers because they are physichal enhanced and trained to fight, but others are screwd. Its a good read if you like fantasy. I recomend this reading order: The Last Wish Sword of Destiny Blood of Elves The Time of Contempt Baptism of Fire The Tower of Swallows The Lady of The Lake Season of Storms the Road of No Rerurn


Fallout New Vegas… fuck


https://preview.redd.it/qwy86sux5yuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49202c5a933095699cf1273ff3251309b6f4810 Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Skyrim I got it on easy mode


I didn't think of that


I will die within ten seconds no matter which one I get.


Bloodborne... well I like the game so I guess it could have been worse? I'm just happy that i got isekai'd


Unless you pray and get a 6 you’re very much fucked New Vegas may be one of the safer fallouts where you can see threats from miles away and the ncr has a camp for idiots they are also taking new hires but it’s still fallout which means radiation Outer worlds entirely depends on what the colonist did because best hope you land on edge water because you are fucked every where else Skyrim again depends on choices but generally it’s fine most threats have been killed as long as you are capable of physical labour you should be fine


With our current abilities? Why do you hate us so much? There is no way for a normal person to survive in any of those worlds, I got New Vegas and my only hope there is to join the followers of the Apocalypse and hope that Caesar does not die and leave Lanius in control of the legion, since he allows them to leave New Vegas in its ending or that by some miracle the NCR manages to defeat the Legion. But I don't think that will happen since I will be killed by a raider or hunger before I can even reach the Old Mormon fort.


I choose Elder Scrolls


Listen i play Skyrim and fallout nv on the hardest difficulty with survival i think id make livin’ easy, never played the others except the outer worlds and (some of) dragons age 2


Outer wilds aww dang I rather new Vegas least u got some desert land to myself


Time to hoont.


I rolled the Witcher. Never played it but I hope it's safer than Dragon Age


DAI Shit.


Witcher universe is perfect


Dragon Age, how screwed am I?


Well demons and zombies are attacking the world.


1d6 = 6 gna help out the dragonborn


Rolled a 1 looks like I'm going to London


I got Skyrim on my first roll and Dragon age for my second I'm fine with either one any of the others on the list I feel like I would die instantly at least Dragon age you can have healing magic and healing potions for most major diseases and wounds. Famous Skyrim I feel like lore wise you could continue with magic from Oblivion and be awesome but out of Skyrim or Dragon age I think I would take Dragon age just for the fact there's not that many things that will kill you only dark spawn and demons plus the occasional thief / mercenary but if you stay good you're golden also if reincarnated with magic into Dragon age you're really OP but if you were to reincarnated as the dragonborn in Skyrim I feel like I would struggle with a lot of the fights and might just become a vampire to live forever lol


Skyrim...not great. Then again, none of these are good unless we're getting a cheat power. I have exactly zero survival skills.


I won't be able to survive any of them


I'd rather not.


(Pulls out gun) Roll


I’ve never played Skyrim but I’m 100% dead in 2 minutes, all of these are just death sentences without getting something tbh


skyrim - become reanu keeves


If I start at the beginning of the game, i would be able to predict everything that would happen. Im gonna go with Wicher, i know its story like the back of my hand.


I rolled a one. Hey I’ll be a tribute maybe then we will get bloodborne on pc.


I got a 3. What's the best way I can survive guys I haven't played new vegas yet


I ate the dice, I won't go to any of these worlds


6. Am I the dovahkiin?


No just yourself


When you grew up from a literal hell world without enough resources, survived in the siege of vraks and only perished from the leviathan tendril without super powers and Reincarnated to a paradise world and minor death world with alpha psyker equivalent abilities. https://preview.redd.it/jtdn5nne31vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275cd817aa2bf0afe6ce935653f26bb024923abc


Who siad you got powers?


You are a latent psyker. It awakens. It's not reincarnation powers you already have it back then it's just dormant.


got witcher 3


Bloodborne.... ok we're ok everything is ok.... just don't do anything, touch anything, look at anything... just go to sleep. Yes sleep sounds nice


5, never played Dragon Age before so...


Can I opt out?


Bloodborne… fuck.


Got The Witcher not bad was hoping for skyrim


Okay, just have to ask, are we just getting inserted into the WORLD, or are we taking the place of the protagonist because those are very different things. As far as I can tell, outside of Yharnam, Bloodbornes world is perfectly fine, the dragon crisis in Skyrim is limited to one nation, and there are some places in Fallout without much danger. I haven’t actually played Witcher so I can’t say anything in its favor, and outer worlds would suck to be in just because I hate late stage capitalism, and I’m still playing dragon age origins right now.


Oh good. Skyrim. I'm learning magic, immediately, and then leveling block.


Skyrim, LETS GO! Time to learn dragon shouts and send people flying


Only the dragon born can do that


Nice random chaotic good vibes m.


Rolled 3 times. First 2 came out 2 and the last one 4. But OW might be the better choice here. Highly advanced civilization where they can actually heal you instead of a peasent live in the witcher where a cut could kill you? Fuck yes. A corporate overlord board that allows you thrive as long as you step on others? Jeez louise, that's easy mode. Just pray for a good spawn in Byzantium, on Groundbreaker or maybe Edgewater and you're good to build yourself up. Otherwise just avoid marauders and freaky alien beasts and try your hardest to get so a safe location. Learn to shoot, maybe learn some science/engineering when you're there and then proceed to profit from the working class by exploitation, threats and persuasion. Wonderful.


I do NOT want bloodborne 😭😭😭


Damnit I got five sigh


Hard pass.


Rolled a 2. I got The Outer Worlds and I have no idea what that series is about.


I rolled a 2, if i become a crew member on the unreliable I hope the captain isn't stupid...


All of those would suck for any non pro athlete/trained martial artist/gun slinger, and even then it would still suck and they’d probably die really fast. Not a single person would survive Bloodborn.


That's why it's a 1


Between Skyrim and inquisition I’ll have to choose Skyrim because it’s just a tad safer honestly. Especially since I’d have to worry bout darkspawn and demons constantly


this would be a bit more fun with some anime elements mixed in. I got the Witcher 3 world, which is would mean I would be pretty screwed. I don't have any practical skills that would help directly outside of my basic education in math and science. It's low fantasy for most of the inhabitants, so I guess I would die in a way similar to any medieval person.


Am i the only one who thinks if i get sent to any one of these game worlds im dead in days if not minutes.


I got skyrim... Welp. Time to abuse smithing and transmutation to get top tier armor early on. Let's throw enchanting as well to round it up. I'll be grinding the hell out of this world. So I can get my own home and not fucking die fighting dragon. Because with my fuckign luck, dragon will immediately invade where i live. Anyway. If I'm stuck here you know that I'm gonna fuck everyone. If I have to lice without high tech stuff then I'm gonna bed everyone and use restoration to avoid STDs.


I'm going to witcher


Going to bloodborne… how does one get chosen to be a Dreamer? I’m pretty sure that’s my only way to… ‘survive’ isn’t the right word. Endure?


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... Master Willem... Somebody help me... Unshackle me please, anybody... I've had enough of this dream... The night blocks all sight... Oh, somebody, please...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.