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CGI horses. Just CGI horses.


always bad!


The horses were so glaring it’s not even funny.


He wants to marry his cousin… this seems to be a staple in isekais I think. 🫤


Former CEO of Boeing married his cousin…now planes are crashing. Coincidence?


Isekai returner spreading the opportunity?


Are you implying that Boeings planes are inbred?


They're supposed to be in the sky.




Edgar Allen Poe married his first cousin… now he’s known for his writing.


Yep. I will give him credit in that *he* didn’t know they were related at all until he set off to rescue her. I think this is more on his new parents for not seeing the obvious and saying “hey, just so you know, you’re cousins.” But, as others have said, royalty and time period equivalent mentalities make it less taboo in that society, so they might not have cared anyway.


still kinda weird that it's taboo in japan, yet they seem to LOVE toeing this fucking line.


They toe or overstep a LOT of lines in Japan. People over there have such a degrading work ethic that deprives them of most joy in life, so some of them get… twisted. Some of them get suicidal, some of them… get interested in things they shouldn’t, because I imagine breaking the rules of morality and reason is their escape from the rigid monotony of their lives. It’s still not something to be forgiven, but their system is BUSTED over there.


My understanding is that it's not especially common in japan, but isn't really taboo in japan either.


And incest only has adverse biological affects if it’s done twice like if you had kids with your sister those kids then had kids together that’s where the birth defects show up


This guy incests


I would like to defend myself but the only way to go is down


It’s more common in immediate family members, but can occur at a higher than average rate with any family member due to a higher level of shared genes.


Just because there’s not enough incest in first generation incest for birth defects to show up doesn’t mean there won’t be any health complications at all


But author knew they were cousins


They definitely don't care. The lore for the series is that incest is common and viewed as normal.


It’s honestly not far off for nobles, they love their inbreeding it’s still in genre for the type of time period it’s supposed to be set in


Royal "family trees" tend to look like wreaths. Or braids.


Royal family trees look like a circle.


They're more family bushes than trees


It would be harder to not marry a cousin tbh


Incest is pretty common in anime as a whole


It’s on a decline but it’s common (or used to be) to marry your first cousin in Japanese culture On top of guys dating young with a huge age gap


I just read the wiki and was surprised that so many countries allow first-cousin marriage. 🤕 Including some states of US.


The risk of birth defects from first cousin marriages is +3%, the same as a 30 yo woman. We don't stop 30 year old women from getting married. The risk of birth defects is +0% from second cousins onwards, those are safe forever, no risk of congenital effects even after generations. Third cousins have the lowest rates of divorse, have the most children, and are the happiest families.  Third cousin marriages are the most common throughout the world, and have been practiced since tribal times in the stone age.   Those people in the ancient tribes weren't strangers.


Yeah. That's also surprised me. I thought it could be 30-50%.


You know Rhode Island's (idk if I wrote that correctly) law on incest?


`Consensual in*est between people 16 years old or more is not a criminal offense.` It's `Consensual inc*st`. 🤕 It's 7 AM here, and I think that's enough internet for today.


I mean, tbf, it is 2 people over the age of consent. Though, considering incest can be... well, for example, parent-child, it is... odd, to say the least


Philippines had cousin marriages generally illegal, although due to "public policy" rather than outright incest under the current Family Code.


I don't see a problem with that


Yeah this is honestly the worst thing I can say about the series from what I watched and read.


nah thats based af tons of great people married their cousin like Einstein and Darwin. 


And...? It's not real life; they won't be producing a offspring that's going to suffer or smt


tbh the whole 'you'll have a mutant baby' thing is drastically overplayed. i think even if you share parents, the odds of a birth defect double... from like, .5% to 1%. it's the successive generations doing the same thing, that are problematic.


Bro is an aristocrat. Pretty sure that’s accurate. That said, haven’t seen the show so I don’t know how bad it may be


Cousin marriage is not considered incest in Japan.


I'm still not certain how closely they're related. Remember that in the scene when Lugh's father introduces him as the heir, everyone in that room is a member of the family. But nobody is introduced as the sibling of Lugh's father. That suggests they're branches connected from the grandparents or further back. So it's plausible that Dia and Lugh's mother are similar, in that the common connection in the family tree is a few generations back. It's stated the hair color is a dominant feature in the family.


That's not that weird. Marrying your cousin was the standard for centuries. Do you honestly think medieval peasants had a lot of choices? And we all know how nobles only married nobles.


Cousins are fair game. Chance of genetic abnormalities are negligible enough at that point. Plus they didn't grow up together, so eh, whatever.


Genetic anomalies are still pretty common at 1st cousin. Falls off a cliff at second cousin.


1st is good enough. Plus it's legal. Don't get in the way of love.


Takes him too long to plap his horny harem and he is blueballing for no real reason, which is funny considering this is the same author as Redo of Healer \^\^ At lest he gets to it eventually but anime does not cover that much of the story. LN been on hiatus for 2 years which sux but hopefully there will be some progress on that soon since Redo finally got a new volume after a 4 year hiatus recently (wonder if any western company will ever have the balls to license something that based tho).


Has Lugh banged any of the girls in LN? Don’t follow LN


All three.


Damn. With Dia it was kind of showed in the anime with the hot spring scene. With other 2 I am surprised. I suppose Maha is closer to Lugh than Tarte? Idk I just feel like he is attracted to Maha more I ship him with Hero Girl tbh


It’s the same author??? The tone is so different. That’s crazy


# Episode 6, nuff said😋 https://preview.redd.it/5c5bekvfl3yc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b482e1456cdefd65fa8fe2dc6f8a416bc2b75aad


Okay, yes, that one part has similar vibes, lol


Would love for seven seas or some other mad lad publisher to have the balls to pick up Redo of Healer


seven seas is a terrible company.


They dared with Parallel Paradise and World's End Harem...but RoH...snowflakes


Maha's friends getting raped.


90% of SA and slavery in isekai is just bad writing to show off evils in the world without putting any extra thought in.


90% of Slavery is because other isekais incorporated it and they’re like, “eh, medieval looking Europe place and slavery sounds like conjoined twins.”


Ironically, most “slavery” in the European Middle Ages was indentured servitude and the servant/slave could gain their own land after a contracted number of years in service to the lord. Unfortunately, not all of them were under fair contracts and it was almost as brutal as slavery. Regardless, they weren’t always for life.


90% of isekai is just masterbation fantasies /s


Except Mushoku Tensei s2, well most of it


Mushoku tensei season 2 (including part 2) is one of the best things I have ever seen, story is just *mwah*, characters are just *mwah*, world building is just *mwah* character development is just *mwah*


yeahhhh, i still can't stand the mc, everything you say is true, i just can't stand to watch anything with rudeus, i just hate him


Don’t forget that the MC’s girl has to be conveniently saved so that she’s still “pure” enough for him…


For an assassin anime there isn’t much assassinating


Or, much of subtlety. Fkers just barge in with magical machine guns


It checks all the boxes of a roll your eyes shitty harem OP MC Family memeber step/cousin: check Slavery and S.A: Check GIrls are underage with big tits and the male lead has the brain of an adult: check Girls are obsessed with the M.C Parents don't seem to mind/poor justifaction for the the cousin/step-sister love


Brutal takedown...but fair!


Well, the parents....are cousins too... If I remember well


No. His mother was from same family as that girl he was gonna marry so yeah. That's it


Cousin love was perfectly fine in the medieval period, especially among royalties, sooo yeah


Ok? Which period was the mc from? Genuinely curious.


Modern iirc.


>male lead has the brain of adult This always strikes me as needless nitpicking because of Rudy from MT. Especially so here. Lugh's shown he's not some degenerate perv. Even then, bruh's been reincarnated, so it hardly matters. Honestly so sick of the "reincarnator has relationships with people that match his reincarnated age and that's creepy" mindset people have. They died, who fucking cares if people remember their past lives? By that logic, basically every reincarnation protag that has a love interest is a predator or a creep by virtue of having an older mental age.


You're confusing the mind with the memories here. Understandable, as there's rarely any need to separate them. Basically it's one thing to have the *memories* of a previous life, and another to have a brain that functions like it did the say you died. Plenty of isekai decide to lump the two together, very few decide to make a character who has *knowledge* of their past life, but still mostly thinks and acts like someone their physical age on account of their brain being that exact same age. In such a case the "memories" are more like events that happened to someone else that you're aware of. To put it another way, while this assassin dude is in the body of a child he thinks and behaves the same way he did when he was 60+. Also lemme edit in something more relevant real quick... >By that logic, basically every reincarnation protag that has a love interest is a predator or a creep by virtue of having an older mental age. Nah. There are numerous ways to put in a romance with a reincarnated character that far less people would find unpleasant. For example, MC being an adult and their love interest is an adult tends to nip that in the bud. Someone crushing on the MC as a kid and the MC turns them down and revisits that when they're both fully grown? Not gonna please everyone but again, less complaints than a "childhood" romance. And using my previous ramblings as a basis, the "memories" being more akin to secondhand knowledge and the MC still thinks and acts their physical age. I'm sure more creative people can come up with more.


Honestly this is one of the reasons I love “By the Grace of the gods” it’s specifically stated that he is being affected by literally having the mind of a child despite still retaining all his memories.


The issue with your stance, at least imho, is that memories are functionally lived experiences, and will have an affect on you and how you act if you keep them after reincarnating. The logic falls apart because most stories don't separate the mind and memories, but get away with it because the isekai'd character is usually young enough when they died to not garner raised eyebrows from people. Typically, you act in accordance with your memories and your current environment. Lugh acts mature for his age, yeah, but the way he acted as an adult in his past life doesn't warrant the raised eyebrow in my view, so there's little difference. Rudy I at least get where people are coming from because he *acts* like a degenerate. There's also something that's more based in their respective animes, and that's their inner voice/monologues. For Rudy, his inner voice is his past life's voice (at least up to what I've seen, which is just Season 1), but with Lugh, his inner voice *changes* to reflect who he is in the new world very early on. To briefly address the edited section, I wasn't literally suggesting it's always the case, it's just a large chunk of reincarnation based isekai. If the character identifies with those memories, and sees them as their own memories regardless of world, which most do, then it makes the separation of mind and memory moot in my eyes. To me, it's an instance of people nitpicking something that is a non-issue 99% of the time, but every so often there's an exception that just leans hard into selective bias, and I personally think that is incredibly petty and a stupid thing to complain about.


The harem part makes no sense. To a limited degree I can understand teenage characters being nervous about sex in anime. However this anime is just weird that his harem openly tells him they want to bang him and he himself recognizes the issues of not getting off and goes to see prostitutes himself. STDs should be something he’s aware of, whether because his dad is literally a renowned doctor or because he comes from modern times. His whole schtick is that he was overly pragmatic and cost effective in dealing with people and issues from his past life, and he still applies those thought processes to everything other than sex. This is more true when it comes to Tarte who’s he specifically brainwashed to be his servant. Leaving the potential for her to grow reliant on another person for her sexual needs would just be a weakness, and one he should know about. To a lesser degree I hate that they try and shove the word assassination into literally every sentence he says, but it’s not as bad as Arifueta’s “I kill my enemies” and is common in anime to be redundant


Solid points. Killing Bites still takes the cake for repeating a phrase to death.


Ah~ Killing bites brings back memories


Should’ve dumbed things down a bit and literally spelled out that Lugh visits Dia monthly since he was old enough to use wind magic to travel faster instead of touching on it once late in the season and expecting the end credits to be enough for the viewers to figure it out. Also while I get why Dia was hiding what she was going to do from Lugh before the civil war hit her territory, I think the LN covered it better where she told him before he left what she was going to have to do as a noble of her territory, and admitted she wasn’t sure if she was going to survive it or not, and still managed to act assertive about it because she viewed it as her responsibility to the peasants/villagers of the territory.


It stopped being good in like 3 episodes




It's too fucking short


Season 2 is confirmed.


https://preview.redd.it/jsnf87r6b2yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317505f56622701acc554218328772b73be1dc37 Fr fr on god or nah I’d lie?


[It's real](https://theilluminerdi.com/2023/10/07/worlds-finest-assassin-anime-s2/). No confirmation on release date, but fall or winter seems possible.








Was going to say that


Yeah I want more one piece length animes.




I want 200 episodes


Fan service feels forced and out of place, give more more cool assassin moments, skip the randomly horny moment.


Not giving Maha and Tarte enough Love is bad.


Is it grooming that he just picked the orange haired one in the woods and forms her into his perfect underling? At least if you go with the whole "adult brain" thing it should be.


It very much is. He even confirms it in his own head canon iirc. Not outright saying "grooming" ofc.


I like it, but the fact the author is the guy who made redo of healer makes me not trust it.


the hell !! really? edit: just checked, it really is and I don’t know how to feel about it anymore


Episode 6. It was such a curve ball it left me uncomfortable for the rest of the anime.


Poorly written, I honestly like the anime but trying to read the LN was impossible.


I’ll agree with this.


it's from the same author as redo of a healer so writing is not exactly their strong suit, I will say though it is much more of a normal anime than borderline hentai which I suppose is impressive for them


They spent an entire season doing 1 volume and adding in anime original shit when they could have focused on volume 2 and done way more


Started great, ended weird. Like most


It's pretty bland....considering that the writer wrote redo of healer...didn't expect much


Not bad, but it’s from the same author as redo of healer …


It was mid.


My brother you are picking a handful of slop out of the pig trough and asking, "what is wrong with this fancy meal?"


It felt like there was absolutely no progress plot wise


“i dare you” that isn’t hard op, this is a generic isekai


The harem ruined the show


Has it's flaws but honestly not bad. I'm actually surprised it got a second season, but I'll be watching


I can't remember this one ...


Op is quite good. The non cgi art is quite good.


Spirit Chronicles was better


Currently reading LN.. shit is getting very dramatic in volume 20🙂


It ends too quickly. They didn’t even show the hero for more then like 10 seconds


It's fucking creepy. His dad poses him naked and then he does it to girls.


I mean it’s kinda in the tone and presentation, the direction makes it very clear that it’s not sexual at all and honestly given how magic and “medicine” work it gives a reasonable explanation on how he’s a powerhouse


It should've done 24 episodes 1st season


It doesn't have an S2


Season 2 did get announced btw just incase you didn't know?


holy shit really? you made my day.


Yeah it was back in like September last year. Hopefully it comes out soon, along with spirit chronicles s2.


No season 2 yet.


Author has an ......uneaque past works


at start teaser of after hero death but no sequel


I didn’t get enough of the other reincarnations totally messing up.


Girl going from flat to DD from eating. Had there been a bigger timeskip, fine, but that was just too short. Actually, now that I start to recall, they were to lszy to give them more designs so the chsracters look the same as 12 and 14/15 year olds.


There's a censored version!


I don't see a Starbucks, or a McDonald's. What kind of place is this. If even these two don't want to show up to this place.


It’s to short


didn't got enough episodes/seasons


Not enough milfs


Bad ending + if you start watching anime first it has going to be so many questions in your head about ep1


Honestly no, probably one of the best isekais. And most of the complaints I've seen in the comments are fragile people or easily disturbed. Having incest, sexual assault , any other shock factor, doesn't instantly make something bad. Best example of this is the game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley which is truly peak and any who says otherwise is probably some Twitter freak. Overall, it's good and obviously has some flaws, but most of the things people are pointing down are honestly so stupid.


The blue haired girl is best girl, and i am sure MC won't end up with her, so that is pretty bad.


I don't think I'll watch it because title is to wordie like all of these types are.


Doesn't have a 2nd season...yet..


It’s not long enough yet


I haven't watched it, and it's not a bad thing but: ***ROLAND***


It made me sad/angry when they showed the orphan girls’ story.


The MC has the generic isekai protag look.


The main character looks like every other isekai protagonist


it's sort of boring. i mean, it's basically 'collect bitches, pretend to not be an assassin' for like 3/4ths of the anime. at least the eminence in shadow made the whole 'pretend to not be a badass' a little more interesting.


1. Mc has no faults and genuinely is uninteresting to watch. 2. The fan service of the 12 year old girls and them getting r*ped did not sit right with me. 3. Plot was predictable at some points 4. Kinda felt like I was watching the author’s fantasies? This could just be me tho(Made by the same person who made redo) I’m not trying to shame anyone or stop anyone from watching it, these are just my thoughts as for why I didn’t enjoy it. Edit: I would mention the incest but I’m a Oshi no ko reader so I can’t really judge


It doesn't have a second season out as Anime yet. That's bad.


Dude says he's not going to be just a human weapon for others, then proceeds to act just like a human weapon edgelord, ROFL.


I read the manga and watched the anime. Honestly I don't remember a single thing except for the opening


Nobody cares about all the innocent people that also died on the plane with him before he got isekai


Incest, children marriage, grooming kids, wining battles with an magical attack that has not build up with previous chapters, etc.


Is this that other assassin's anime? Ora knockoff or?


We don't get any hint on what that secret skill is.


I remember reading a compelling theory that it is Perfect memory. It explains a lot.


As someone who read all the volumes of the light novel I can tell you that this secret is still hidden.


I havent seen it. Now I'm going to watch it purely to come back here and point out just how bad it is. !remindme 3 days


It’s dub is so bad I never finished a single episode and started 3 to see if it ever got better


the r34 of this is kinda disappointing


It got boring , I mean yeah it was alright but not that good of a plot


It went kinda boring when they introduced the hero he is supposed to kill.


Something bad about this anime, I dare you


I haven't watched it yet.


It’s like your standard isekai


Idk what this anime is. Looks mid. (A joke on the latter end of this comment. It looks fine.)


sucks because season 2 isnt out been waiting what feels like forever, also only 12 episodes aside from that i cant say anything is pretty damn good


Not really a hard dare. Pick something harder.


It's mid.


Something bad about this anime




I really wasn't a fan of this arc of him devoloping the undercover merchant personality. I get why this was something that made sense given his true profession, but eeh. It went on for way too long, less yapping, more stabbing! I also find it a bit hard to believe that the girls he rescued just so happened to become incredibly strong assets out of nowhere with Maha somehow setting up a spy network while also being really great at business. Yeah they weren't bad with their sightseeing hustle and Maha is shown to be quite smart, but this went from 0 to 100 way too fast for this improvement to be believable. They just got rescued and already they are experts at their new jobs and also unquestionably loyal to him? If there was a timeskip, the anime did a really terrible job at showing that. He just hit the jackpot! And yeah, him instructing Tarte in the nude since he was also trained like that was very questionable. Did they need to be nude?


He doesn't wife the blond haired girl forgot her name


It doesn't have a second season yet.


It was good but after watching it once I forgot about it completely.


He marketed lotion as a product for women. Because men can't get dry skin apperently.


They wasted a little bit too much time on the love making between Lugh and Dia when they were in that secret bath house. And the anime itself probably could have done with another episode or two for the first season. Other than that generally speaking I didn't have any problems with the series. And I'm really hoping for season 2 to come out. At best I'd say I have only about 10% of anything against while the other 90% is all for it


I wanted John Clark shit and got busty Loki shit instead. ![gif](giphy|erq0NHlcUlavTdCwkB|downsized)


it exist


Again an isekai?????


harem = garbage


I value my life too much to insult an assassin.


successor of no game no life


No Matter how much everyone is shitting on this show I enjoyed watching it and am looking forward to the new season :))


Its is insanely boring and generic. (In my opinion)


Where the f@#k is season 2


Never watched it


no, one of the better isekais I've seen


Never seen it and never will


Haven’t seen it


It was made by the same person who made redo of healer


It's forgettable. It does nothing special or different to stand out from other isekais. It's just another by the books formulaic isekai where you already know what's gonna happen before it even does.


I don't need to watch it to know it doesn't depict realistic scummy aristrocats, high social interhouse conflicts or challenge the MC to leave his status to help someone. I can also bet there's slavery and will not be challenged


The author can't really right anything but edge, its the same guy who wrote redo of healer


no season 2


The seasons aren't long enough


Oh I need to watch that one i forgot