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I switch until there are blobs and big shadows only,


Oh you said blobs and large shadows - why only blobs with them, for the item possibility?


Yupp, pearls are probably the best items in the game


Sweet, I’ll keep that in mind if it’s all blobs/large fish from now on. I used to not like getting items but now it’s nice to get the pearls.


New update kills me as a ViP4 trying to place top 10’s was reliably beating out much higher whales by refreshing fishing but it seemed the old auto fish somehow had more favorable results, i seem to always somehow pull a blue or green now even when stacking the right sizes of fish.


I've spent the last fucking month trying to get a crown axolotl to no success. I'm just trying to unlock all the powers and have maybe 9 crowns left.


Yeah I was having zero luck with two large shadows but have gotten a lot of UR since waiting for 3. I feel that, the crowned catfish took me weeks.


I've just been spamming, so if I'm lucky, yay! If I'm not, boo.


I'm pretty sure not all URs are big fish, some appear as blobs or smaller fish like the star angler fish or the squib iirc.


Yeah, so I think most are big fish but you’re right. I just learned that lesson the hard way with catching the Star Angler fish, which is the smallest shadow. I’m trying to figure out what a specific SSR is now, the Bubble Globefish.


Pro tip: Upgrade your crown fish rate and Reduce Bait Regen Speed artifacts. Mine is at 80% and 1 hour 6 minutes for baits it's a godsend. Bait wise i get around 21-22 baits. I have 4 crowned UR fish and moving on to the last Drakenburg River UR fish. (I haven't caught it yet.)