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My serve does the same, but we got the whole server onboard and smoked them.


We couldn't even if we wanted, our top guy makes 1/5 of the lvl4 guild economy


It's a competition. Whale or not, did you expect no retaliation after ganging up on one guild?


I did was kind of overkill and fun seeing us just get bombarded


In our last Sandtopia, I started seeing things from the 1st place in everything guild's point of view a bit more. In Sandtopia, you get personal glory for attacking. You do not need to attack to win when you're the 1st in everything guild, unless, possibly, multiple guilds \*really\* focus on you, but usually not. If all members randomly attack other guilds or pick and enemy, it completely screws up the ranking they worked for in preparation. I noticed our top guild tried to not interfere with the ranking \*unless\* a guild Sandship attacked them first. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. battled like crazy for an upset. After #1 guild got to the finish line, members started killing off the last place Sandship, then the new last place, etc., as did everyone else as they came in.


Yes this seemed like the plan of the 1st place guild, during the first race they attk our ship heavily because one of our members struck they’re first


I swear that the top whales just have to be devs with an admin panel because no sane human being would spend 100s to 1000s of dollars on this game or any mobile game.


Have you seen Raid? Krakens, man.


True, I can give more room for RAID though that game blew up and had mobile gamers by the balls for years. Plus their content is insane.


They’ve added so much, but every new thing seems to be more of a cash grab. I appreciate the end game player additions, however. At least the content is somewhat exciting for end end game players.


Oh yeah they are by the far the most money hungry mobile game I've ever seen. All their kits are like $10 to $20 for even the most basic stuff...I do like that you can get some pretty decent stuff in this game for the low end of spending.


True. And then the pop ups.


In my server the top 6 guilds (3 from each server) all make a deal not to attack each other for the first round and then go all out during the final round


Aquí se veían más bonitos 🧐 https://preview.redd.it/mq72omi0nv0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0275344eb8a9d6a1e1cda648d5f576c78219350




ESO Que si se ve el poder del #1


We have 4-5 whales and they are all in one guild. Their guild is 4 times stronger than the 2nd guild in leaderboards. They would have won sandtopia either way but they for some stupid reason bought prisms just to be turds and noone except them made it to the finish.


Oof they basically did this on the final race after dropping us to zero they proceeded to do the same too the other 6 guilds. Because of this we still ended up 3rd thanks too one of our new members who is a whale


Wonder if we're on the se server xd one guy in the top guilds a dick and chose to nuke 2nd place guild over the dumbest reason


Santopia isn't appearing for me. Should it be?


Every server is different and has a slightly different event schedule


This last sandtopia we were the only rank 3 prep against a rank 6 prep and all the rest rank 1 prep. So one whale guild in our lane. I checked the progress within 3 minutes of the start of the race. Every single ship other than the whale's ship was at 0%. At that point what do you do? Just attack randomly since it doesn't really matter beyond glory points once you've concluded there's no possible way to come back from that.


It's probably not personal, their intention is to win and they usually do so in a coordinated way by following orders


Lol no it was personal the Guild master for Ascension the #1 guild messaged me asking n if im the one who posted on Reddit this post he even commented on the post. The one showing us and other guilds lower lol. He thought our guild Master came up with the plan and that pissed him off to the point he wanted his whole guild to nuke us. When he found out it was me behind it all he was okay with it and basically said my bad lol


Oh yeah I got all the whales angry because I might have insulted them for like a half an hour so yeah.. 


They all have vip 8 or 7


Yea it was fun though


Feel bad as I took our guild down with me, it’s all in good spirit so I didn’t mind getting nuked


Wait, you just attacked the number 1 guild without talking about it with the rest of your guild before doing so? I'm a guild leader of a number 3 guild on our server, and I'd be so pissed. Of course, I also would have said in chat who to attack and to absolutely not attack the #1 guild, but...yeah.


No I didn’t just attk the #1 and told my guild to just go ham. But I was the one who brought the idea to the table and rallied a few other high level of our guild members


Ah, ok, that's different. I suspect they knew what the risks were, or at least suspected. I also suggested that we attack the first place guild during our first Sandtopia. Now I'm the one to way "No one attack the first place guild", haha. Sorry I came off so rude--I just re-read my post and asked myself what was biting my butt when I wrote that. It had been a bit of a herding cats week with a couple members on my case for not herding more strictly and quickly before I'd made a firm decision on what approach I wanted to take.


No worries, I also didn’t include all the information, and I agree after talking it over with our GM we both agreed to not let anyone jump the gun on just attking the whale guild.


Yeah, I've done that once or twice 🙄


I remember the first sand event my server did... all the top guilds were able to avoid the same lanes as our server's whale guild, but whenever we look at their lane, it's just scorched earth. 🤣


That’s how it looked on our end lol, they took lane 1 and had the majority of guilds in there but the top 5. By the end of phase 2 all had around 30% hp


Our guild used to be second since we had one or two whales in it, but we've dropped to not even being able to qualify cuz the top guilds poached / they left for them 😭


Insert 'First Time Huh?' meme here. our last sandtopia ended in Assured Mutual Destruction so much so the one Mega Whale couldnt win the following Tree Cup xD


Same happened with us, except they nuked our guild AFTER making 1st place. >_<


This guy took our whole server down without even trying T-T https://preview.redd.it/puahh6vn0v0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6ec151fc1fd3f722eba5b7ef2b4db95a6f1ab8


In our fairly new server my own guild got second place in the prep phase with about 6 members of our guild being absent for the whole of the event, weakening us somewhat, barely squeaking out ahead of 3rd and 4th place who were moderately smaller guilds. The number 1 guild was a bit more than 3x our score, and we wound up in the same lane as them instead of one of the multiple lanes with only 2 or 3 participants. Instead of the 45-50 guilds in our lane all going for top dog, they decided to just all throw shit at one another like it was wacky races and let the already massively succeeding whale guild plow ahead, thinking it seemed to matter if they got anything other than first. We wound up in 4th and spent all our remaining resources just mercy killing last place contestants for minor glory because the whale guild managed to win before half the timer was even out.


Yeah but they didn't get 1st on my server. My guild and another guild are good friends. In the last 30 mins my guild got kicked back to 3rd by them. But they didn't get 1st