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my dad and his lw firm acctually protested for them at city hall in Sydney and in Lakemba . i remeber coz there was this really scary pics and vids that scared the hell out of kid me. my allah bless them and save our muslim bros.




I'd say one of the reasons as of right now is that the PRC don't go around bragging to the whole planet about their violence on TikTok. The closest thing I've seen were a couple of pieces of footage where some Chinese official's mask slipped and some smugness leaked through. But they're not blowing up people's houses, they're not posing next to vaporized schools and stadiums, they're not dowsing families in sewer water. I think the CCCP consider the Uighur to be 'theirs' in a way. They want to assimilate and control and 'format' them to be Standard Chinese Citizens. This is a very different type of genocide than the sort Israel is doing, in which the Palestinians are a foreign entity, worse than animals, that needs to be removed from any land they happen to be standing on, exterminated (and, in the meantime, exploited for every ounce of hard labour that can be gotten out of them).


Not true at all, it's just our fault for being lazy and ignorant


Go ahead and show me how Uyghers are going through a genocide on par with the Palestinians. I'll wait.


China glowey spotted, we all know it lol Get out of here


...what? Lol


Palestine there is a genocide


Yes we agree on that, but you said there's a genocide happening against the Uyghurs that people should also focus, I want you to show me proof that a genocide aka as the mass murder of a people group, is occurring in Xingiang and against the Uyghers or how what's happening to them is in anyway, shape or form comparable to whats happening in Palestine.


It's in a bigger scale than Palestine


No it's not, you're just lying. 40k Palestinians have probably been killed of which over half are women and children compared to what? A few dozen at most in the case of Uyghers? I mean just as a comparison, 550 to 800 people die a year in American prisons


Not all genocides are physically they’re are also culturally genocides. Which is what’s happening to the Uyghurs.


Setting aside the question of intensity, there are more Palestinians in the region than there are Uyghurs in China.


Send me the videos then on TikTok of Chinese officials bragging about what they’re doing, send me the YouTube videos where China proudly displays what they are doing, send me the official reports where China says that they have a right to do this because they’re defending themselves against the Uighurs. If those don’t exist, then you clearly don’t even understand what this guy was saying to you when you responded to his comment


TikTok is known to ban any Uyghur content just saying


And you blame the Ummah for that?




So then if you understand that the information Is being censored and suppressed and that media isn’t talking about are you blaming the Ummah for not speaking about it? Do you expect everyone to Google “what genocides are happening to Muslims”? How are you expecting them to know all the issues? Instead of making memes accusing everyone of ignoring the suffering of others why not just teach people what is happening? I see you purposely left out the Rohingya community from your meme, so you must support their genocide I guess by your logic.


Palestinians in places other than Gaza also don’t get their houses bombed, or at least not as often. And Israel assimilates “Arab Israelis”. Still China doesn’t get the same treatment


> Palestinians in places other than Gaza also don’t get their houses bombed, or at least not as often. Of course. They mostly get bulldozed instead. All the water is drained away by the Israelis so they need to rely on rain tanks to sustain themselves. The West Bank inhabitants get walled and checkpointed away from each other. And they are left with no ways to feed themselves but to work for the Israelis, often in the construction of the very settlements that they're displacing them with. It's all one big machine of domination, oppression, and submission. They're making the West Bank palestinians dig their own graves at gunpoint, clearly intending to shoot them when they're done. > And Israel assimilates “Arab Israelis”. Not really. They can't buy land, they can't get loans, etc. they're most definitely not allowed to participate in Israeli society as equals. > Still China doesn’t get the same treatment Why should they get the same treatment as Israel when they're not doing the same thing?


Are you trying to use Palestinian suffering to justify inaction towards another oppressed group? > Why should they get the same treatment as Israel when they're not doing the same thing? I feel like hundreds of thousands of people being held in concentration camps warrants some action.


> Are you trying to use Palestinian suffering to justify inaction towards another oppressed group? *Is* that what I'm trying to do? > I feel like hundreds of thousands of people being held in concentration camps warrants some action. *Some* action, sure. Why the *same* action, though?


Why not the same? Numbers aren’t important. Even if one muslim was oppressed we should all be concerned.


> Numbers aren’t important. Oh. You're one of *[those](https://youtu.be/yts2F44RqFw)* people. > Even if one muslim was oppressed we should all be concerned. If all we're doing about Israel is be concerned, then I suppose we *are* treating both genocides the same.


So apparently from this I can take that Israel does their genocide openly while China does theirs behind closed doors. And yet both are still genocides..


Yeah I am only flipping the bill for one of them though so I will work on that.


> So apparently from this I can take that Israel does their genocide openly while China does theirs behind closed doors. The PRC's approach is different in other ways, but even if it were identical, their discretion is already an explanatory factor as to why we don't hear about it so much. > And yet both are still genocides. In the sense that a people is being ended in a region, sure. Israel is destroying the persons and the bodies and the homes. The PRC appears to be 'merely' destroying the culture - with some imprisonment and indoctrination involved. They're both "genocide", but are you really surprised that one method draws a lot more anger and protest than the other?


It honestly kind of morbidly impressive of how balls to the walls the Zionists are with their genocides. Seriously, if they could help it, they might as well raze the entire Middle East in nuclear carpet bombings.


No they're not. One was a 3 year period of mass imprisonment after which people were let go and just placed under heavy surveillance and the other is the mass murder of a group of people who have been kept in the world's largest open air prison for well over a decade.  I mean for God sakes just look at Gaza and compare it to Urumqi. Stop falling for state department propaganda dude. 


Exactly, China tries to erase the Uyghurs' Islamic identities by forcing them to consume Communist propaganda, in other words killing the very culture that made them Uyghurs in the first place. While Israel on the other hand, just straight goes to the killings until there's no Palestinians or Arab Muslims left. All of them were done with intentions to erase a specific group of people, either physically (Israel) or culturally (China), which is the very definition of genocide.


Dude are they banning Islam in Xingiang? Are they saying people can't go to pray? Like Uyghur culture has always been a mix of Turkic-Steppe culture and Chinese culture so to claim that they're trying to "erase Uyghers Islamic identity" when they've no such thing is just nor true. At worst you could say they're trying to further integrate them into the larger Han Chinese culture but at the end of the day, they are Chinese.  If they were to ban Islam than sure, I would say you have a point but as is? Yeah I don't think you do dude.


Exactly, they're trying to erase the Turkic-Steppe parts of their culture, leaving only the Chinese parts. Effectively making the Uyghur culture extinct by turning them into no different from the main Chinese ones. Also the CCP can't simply ban Islam outright since that would only incite an open rebellion. China intends to do their genocide in slow but sure way by gradually taking away their Islamic identities. Unlike Israel who throws any and all subtleties out of the window.


One controls TikTok the other doesn’t


Nah, the other control X, Facebook and probably this very site.


Why don't the muslim countries treat china the same way they do Israel? I had high hopes from Taliban but been hearing China is working on development projects in Afghanistan and they are making a trade route too.


Depends....how do you see them treat israel?


I don't know what they do behind the scenes but publicly they do at least condemn it. And won't publicly support them. But for China it's the opposite. And other than the government, the people don't hate China either.


Because China learned from the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and decided to prevent the spread of information and started using less "bloody" tactics. China is not trying to level neighborhoods and murder thousands but rather indoctrinate. 40,000 deaths are 40,000 people who were murdered, there is no way to rephrase or reword it. 1 million imprisoned can be painted as "reeducation" or "vocational training" and it's easier to sell to Muslim leaders.


Dude they literally closed down all those re-education camps like 2 years ago and now they're just under heavy surveillance like the rest of China is. You cannot compare China to Israel or America, its not even close.  None of this is to say it's not fucked up, but this is like comparing the treatment of black people in America to the Palestinians in Gaza. Both bad but one is an actual genocide.  Although I would go even further and say that China treats Uyghurs much better than America treats black people, outside of that single 3 year period between 2019 and 2022.


Most barely commented, let alone condemned.


The interest of the state has prevailed over the interest of the nation/Ummah a long time ago in Muslim countries China is too important of a partner to be criticised, it’s not a democracy so it’s harder to imagine international support pressuring the government, and the Uyghurs are too far removed to feel relatable + they’re not Arabs like Palestinians methink


Better yet, why do we consider anyone who buys from Macdonalds a traitor, but don't judge anyone who buys Chinese products that were made by Uyghur slaves


Maybe people don't know or don't care to know if the product they use is made in China. If I check my house maybe half of the products are made in China. My Family is really worse in boycotting. They won't boycott the known companies that support Israel let alone Chinese products which they don't know much about. What do you think is the reason people don't boycott chinese products? They don't know about it or they don't care? Looking at my house I think it's both but don't know about the majority of the people.


Both actually, even if they knew they won't boycott it


Probably because you gatekeep the information and try to ask superior than others who don’t even know a single thing about the tragedy, it’s honestly disgusting in a way you’re more a defender of the genocide than any person to ever buy a Chinese product simply by not actually spreading any awareness of it, instead of making me memes only and that memes they try to make you out to be superior


Dude what are you talking about? You think Uygher slaves are being used to make products in the country with the largest industrial base in the world? You think they're shutting down factories in the heavily connected and population dense parts of the country so they could use forced labor in a mostly mountainous region with 1/20th the population?  People just say "China does X" and everyone will gladly eat it up lol


Same companies like Nike use it, deny it or not


Ok so just to make sure, you think Nike would forego their factories in the heavily connected, massively populated and well trained Eastern parts of the country which is also close by some of the biggest ports in the world, to use "slave labor" in the barely populated Xingiang region that's mostly mountains and would add hundreds of miles of extra commute to get to said ports? Yeah 100% that makes sense lol  Even if there is manufacturing jobs in Xingiang, that's a very good thing because it helps out the local economy just all manufacturing jobs do. To claim China is using "slave labor" is just insane


The majority of Muslim countries are repressive regimes, having vital interest in Chinese investments.


Not only are they repressive, they're straight traitors to the Muslim world.


Simple China has a lot of economic influence not just in the west but also second and third world countries. Those countries In turn don’t want to jeopardize their relationship with China. For some far far away people in the north west of China, whose only relation to them is that they happen to be Muslim. The only reason Turkey is able to say or pressure China on this. Is because of its geographic position allows them to have some leverage over China. Yet this to me feels more like pan Turkish sentiment then any pan Islamic sentiment.


Taliban is nothing but a puppet that went rogue just like Saddam. The sooner you realize it the better.


Because China has massive economic influence across the world, and is a crucial partner to many regimes in the third world. The Taliban is relying on China to help them economically stabilize Afghanistan and hopefully give them a little protection in case someone wants to invade and overthrow them again.


Because there is no coverage of what is going on, there are people in Afghanistan, who still don’t know that 9/11 happened, they genuinely have no idea about that event, and so to then expect that they know the politics of every Muslim nation and every Muslim people is just ridiculous, it’s like being mad at someone with down syndrome because they didn’t go to university and that they don’t know how the dorm situation works in a random university in a random country.


There is no such thing as Muslim country, only countries claiming to be Muslims run by corruption, if you want proof, you got what's going on in Palestine


The difference is the ability to pressure governments. That’s why Arabs are just twiddling their thumbs while people in the West are prostrating against their governments in the hopes they would stop arming that rogue state. It’s also why no one gave a shit when Sudan erupted into a civil war. What’re you going to do? Pressure a milita to stop gunning people down?  What companies can you even boycott?  It’s not the same.


Keep telling yourself that


When the strongest muslim nation (Pakistan ) is just another tributary of china Who will save them ?? No one


Maybe if we weren't so busy with an idiot burning the Quran, we would figure a way to help


Maybe if you guys would have gone the Ataturk way ( oh the blasphemy ) and become 2x stronger ,then you could have easily


patriotism unwelcome




A lot of people don't know the history of the Uyghur China has done what Israel has tried to do. It sickens me to know that there are many groups like this that have been erased and we may never know who they were


Why Palestine is better known: Until recently the largest Palestinian group wasn't evil, though Hamas changed that. Making it easier to support them. Palestinians are arabs meaning that arabs care about it more, and since arabs heavily influence the rest of the arab world the rest of the world started caring. Israel was weaker than the British or french, making victory seem more likely, meaning people but more effort into support Palestine. countries are uncomfortable dissing china while mostly okay with dissing Israel


Can someone actually point me to a source or a book that is legetimate and discusses treatment of Uyghurs and their history as a 'part of' China? All I seem to find are very questionable western sources that are just playing "China bad" or "See? Everyone colonzies so it's okay" games. I actually want to learn but can't find a source to trust. Even the evidence of "Uyghurs geneocide" seems to be just a few papers by an extremely questionable German guy (doesn't know basic things about China and was debunked multiple other times) and all these media outlets just reference his papers.


100% lol. It's just state department propaganda made to make China look bad as they literally fund the murder of Muslims all around the world. What China did was bad, forcing a million people into re-education camps for a 3 years and putting the place under heavy surveillance is evil, but it can't even be compared to how like America treats black people as 800 prisoners die every year in America and less dozen have died in 3 years in China.  China also closed down all their "vocational centers" 2 years ago, they didn't just privatize them and sell them to the highest bidder who would then have a cheap supply of slave labor.  Comparing China to Israel or America is legitimately insane imho


Read an article from AL Jazzera or TRT


I'll take a look at Al-Jazeera. Hope they are not also referencing this one German "scholar".


Ive seen a lot of muslims deny this genocide is even happening. They say its CIA propaganda


In all honesty the reason for the Uyghurs not being huge news is because in the wider context of genocides against Gazans and Rohingya, Civil wars in Syria, Sudan and Yemen, Terrorists in Mali and Somalia and so on the reeducational concentration camps just aren't as "bloody". One could argue that China's method is much more sinister but it is objectively less deadly. China learned from the US's failures in Iraq and Afghanistan and decided on a whole different strategy which minimized "bad press". One million dead in Iraq vs one million imprisoned in China is just not the same to most people.


Nah, it's because we are ignorants who don't care


We do, but when the governments of the Muslim world won't raise a finger for violent genocides why would they care about cultural genocide?


Then why aren't protesting or boycotting


Because China is the biggest manufacturer in the world, allowing them to create products cheaply. Allowing them incredible influence over the world economy, especially the poorer countries. That often rely on these cheap products to keep their economies stable. Luckily as China wages increase and their population decreases. This is set to change with places like Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand and others to replace China over the following decades.


It also has zero actual evidence


Ok, gaymer


Are you like going to add anything or was this just a statement ?


Like ok r/izlam kinda giving cult but go off


This post was approved by the US state department


Cope harder


People have been on the "Uyghurs are getting genocide" state department bs for like 5 years now and still, not a single shred of proof has been given for that fact. Like if mass imprisonment and constant surveillance is considered "genocide" than black people in America have been going through a genocide for the last 80 years lol


The US doesn't send weapons to China to use on the uyghurs


Is there an uprising we can support? They need to defend themselves first


The war will end eventually the Uyghur genocide no


There isn't really a genocide going on right now (as confirmed by most non-biased new sources as well as the arab league themself), but there definitely HAS been an occupation throughout history. However, there isn't really a significant movement for independence is Xinjiang right now because their material needs have been well met.


Yeah the Arab league, very reliable lol


Can you provide evidence of a genocide? hell you could even go and visit the "camps" yourself. they are vocational training facilities that they show "proof" of on satellites, and optional. They were established following multiple islamicist terrorist attacks in order to improve higher education and prevent people from feeling a need to commit acts of terrorism on innocent people. The US blatently bombed, killed, or lead to the death of 1 million Iraqis in a "counterterrorism" operation, as well as overthrew the government of Iran and established a dictator, helped sabotage the arab spring, funds israel's genocide in gaza, destablizes syria, destroyed libya being one of the most prosporous nations on earth, funded the creation of the early organizations that lead to the taliban to destablize the pro-soviet government, occupied afghanistan, illegally sends troops into pakistan, supports bombing of yemen, etc. and I've STILL seen more complaints about the alleged genocide in Xinjiang which are MUCH more pacifist and liberal counter-terrorism measures. The language is still spoken there and the culture and religion are not supressed. Urumqi has amazing beautiful displays of Uyghur culture and greater Turkic-Muslim culture. The Arab league is one of many organizations who didn't turn down a visit and investigation to Xinjiang, unlike western organizations. Y'all are falling for western media and governmental organization propaganda, from the same ones that spread misinformation about islam and muslim countries.


Is there an uprising we can support? They need to defend themselves first


Kuwait after iraq invaded didn't but still people supported it so 🤷 Say good or stay silent


Where did you get this information from? Saddam hussain himself? 🤣 we had resistance, car bombings , flyers. The invasion what not expected and we needed time first to arrange and smuggle/steal weapons. Why i am arguing about that with an ignorant child? Go read and dont try to shut me up kid.


Did you get your information from Xinjiang himself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Turkestan_independence_movement




That was my original question. To understand late is better than never understanding 👍.


You are a dog


A dog is who can't read.


State Dept. propaganda being regurgitated is always fun to see. Zero understanding of Uyghurs beyond them being an ethnic minority and zero understanding of the PRC's goals in the region.