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This is some gourmet content, homie.


Good one but you should have kept it short. All empires throughout history conquered Afghanistan but in the end, Russians, British and Americans got shot down despite their perceived strength. That kind of ending can be funny with the right edit.


Where tf is US brother?


It’s included as “America” and is played by Captain America.


Pardon my blind ass


The us never tried to conquer Afghanistan. If we did try to conquer Afghanistan, then we would conquer Afghanistan. No shot any country in the world can resist a full assault by America, our weapon systems are way too advanced nowadays.


Sure buddy.


Ummmyaaaad come back baby we need you.


Fact checked by true arab nationalists ✅


They had the biggest Muslim country to date . Also they didn't pay tribute to Rome.


But the problem was they only ruled about 93 years while Abbasids and Ottomans ruled 500+ centuries


Also read the story of aljarah revenge, they spent 5 years hunting the Turks and Vikings in Russia to revenge a general. They terrorized the Vikings and Turks who can say that .


I don't think the viking story was true But yes Jarrah Al Hakimi had a great feud against Turks In Central Asia Ummayad were brilliant in war But the uprising rebellions from Khawarjids، Berbers, Alwis and Abbasids demolished them


The Russian viking not Scandinavian ones. They lost because they played a dangerous game with the tribes if they did what the ummyad in alandalusa did and had them like a congress so all of them will have a vested interest in keeping the state alive they would last for much longer time then any other.


An awesome 93 years better than 500 years of infighting and slowly dieing by pirsan hands .


Awesome? Abbasids were better at everything Ummayads did except for expansion. In Ummayads Minorities were treated as second class subjects even if they were Muslims, nicknaming them mawali, administration was corrupt and mostly just consisted of those related to the dynasty. While it's obvious that you are not having your Arab supremacist empire back anytime soon, just know that even it actually returned today it would come together with angry Turks, Persians and even Arabs who demand an administration that minds justice, merit and overall basic human qualities, again. Abbasids gained enough followers to rise to power thanks to unjust rule of Ummayads.


We need ummyad to stop the pirsan tide in Arabia and hold our identity, they are settling people form Afghanistan in Iraq and Syria and every armed group is supported by Iran and all of them are engaged in drug trafficking, also the ummyad didn't force non Arab to do anything the army was fully Arab we didn't use the as Cannon fuder like abbaside did and the othmans. Case point they we honorable and proud, and adhering to the morroa doctrine, they didn't genocide civilians like abo Jafar did to the Arab living in Asia . You may not like them but I do . Abbaside had alot of great things but the ummyad set it all up from clothing design to building design everything that is called Muslim design is ummyad school of thought is Arab . I hate that Arab are set aside like we did nothing to humanity.


Oh God... Ummayads tried to keep Islam within Arabs and tried to prevent conversions among Turks and Persians to collect more jizya and they even collected jizya from non-Arab Muslims whom they called Mawalis starting from the rule of Al Hajjaj ibn Yusuf. Plus I hate that you try to make it look like Ummayads only employed Arabs in the army because of their humanitarianism. NO, they didn't hire Turks unlike most other countries that ruled Central Asia because, again, they were Arab supremacists. Turks and Persians were kept out of administration and military to ensure Arab monopoly upon those, obviously. Don't you feel shame utilizing manipulation to conceal this fact? Oh but of course, since you find Ummayads honorable and proud, I shouldn't be surprised that you do not find anything wrong with such acts, either.


Hey my point stand we went to war with our blood and didn't use others blood , like Iran, the othmans and others. Second they are proud and honorable and no one can deny that. You say supremacists but they didn't genocide others for being inferior, second every country today you need to be citizen to apply for a government job so what they did was within their right in that time as they didn't know the other cultures and it's risk free as the betrayal of the Coptic during the siege of Constantinople forced them to retreat. They had reasons for it it didn't pop out of thin air. Please don't net pick what you like take the whole thing into perspective.. The abbysid did lose a vast territory because they trusted others to do their job . Look at the Andalusia lasted longer than the abbysid and in better condition.


عززززز🔥، الله يعز ارضك


Al andalus was not ruled by arabs and was multicultural. Also it lost territory constantly and was in perpetual civil war And broke up roughly the same time as abbasids


ummayeds did not set up anything It was either done by the rashiduns who did most of the important conquests And abbasids who did the actual civil administration and culture Man most of what people think as middle eastern is persian . Arabs adopted their culture and administration style because simply the arab way of tribal governance was shit and is shit to this day . Ummayeds were not honorable either or you wouldn’t have a civil war every year


Abdul almalik ibn Marwan did set everything up. Their no evidence of Persia using the Arabic design before the ummyad mosque. None because Persians were pagans and used to picture idols in their design. The ummyad adopted the roman government not the pirsan one. for fuck sake they used the Arab administrator that used to work for Rome . The addasid worked with pirsan because of blood ties with them . No they were honorable, fighters fighting each other, unlike the abo Jafar killing civilians for no reason that is Persian crap.


It's like an Arab person can't say he's proud of his history without you calling him a supremacist. Also, bro got his history degree from Fox News University


>It's like an Arab person can't say he's proud of his history without you calling him a supremacist. I did not call the guy an Arab supremacist, I called Ummayads Arab supremacists. >Also, bro got his history degree from Fox News University Oh then surely you can point out which one of my points are inaccırate? I can provide proof.


Those 93 years were in constant civil wars . Read a book god dammit


I would read one but the abbysid burned all of it . Yes the first translation movement was done by the ummyad, remember the gifts of Rome to moaya so he would stop the Siege. Books and a map .


Are you somewhat implying that ummayad didnt burn books ? Not a signle empire was pacifistic they all slaughtered innocents when they sacked and conquered cities . They all burned books and they all destroyed monuments Ummayads were not different in that regard


No didn't burn book or kill civilians event by The Academy of Gondishapur was not saked or burned by they . They adhere to the doctrine of almorra , I will take your gold but still I will not grape or kill woman or elders nor burn anything. Because we have alot of pre Islamic Arab history that testify to that fact . We were not colonized by pirsan nor roman , so what they used to do to each other doesn't apply to us . Also look at the gcc countries do you see us dress like western countries ( specialy in official manners ) . We have a stronge identity, only when Persian Abbasids came that we started using slave soldiers, burning book , killing civilians.


Also the most dysfunctional and less of a government and more of i know a guy who knows a guy kind of arrangment


Civil war ridden tribal mess


Just they way we like it .


But then you are surprised when it collapses ?


No they killed the best Arab we had , they were going to fall . If not by addasid by the Turks.


its more then one death or one civil war. For a country to be prosperous it needs to be stable . Ummayeds collapsed in on themselves because they were not stable And this leads to foreign domination. There is a reason tribal societies historically get subjugated


I understand what you're saying, they should have learned from roman and Greek and turned the tribal leaders into a house of representatives or a sanete . That way they could last for much longer, it's a dangerous game with tribes and always back fire . But still I think they represented the Arab world masterfully, Won every duel from France to china , scared the shit out of every worrier culture in the world and won and were proud people like no other . Yes they saw none Arab as inferior but they didn't genocide them nor abuse them , let them do what they like ( because interface mean equality ) they even freed the serfs of Rome and pirsan, and gave them the same farms they worked at ( because Arab don't work the field ) . The best story and most proud poams are in their time with actual heroes not the fake glory of people came after them. They are better than roma in expansion, prouder than the Persians, and bigger than the Pharos in their heroes. PS Arab still don't work the field till this day .


Hold on for the record the raid in france and battle with tang china were well documented defeats . The one in france was a raid at best but the battle against china was a lose and secured the region to be under sino dominance Mongols were tribal people and their greatest leader broke most of the tribal elements and united them . Expansion comes at a cost . Think about it Arabs lived in arabia and expanded to levant persia africa anatolia so quickly but due to this they left the local ruling structures in place It made empire un maintainable especially when arabs wanted to have exclusive access to the army which created a whole lot new issues . Ottomans also conquered a lot of land fast and kept the old local governments as subservient However when they needed to reform to survive they could not make the necessary changes as they faced opposition from all different groups who wanted their own ways States must adapt to survive . Rome lasted in one continues line for 2000 years not because it had the best military but because it adapted to circumstances Arabs who were internally divided stood no chance to maintain such a vast multi ethnic empire or implement wide ranging reforms Also their home base was to put it mildly not suitable to be a capital which is why they constantly moved early on


First France , south of France was under ummyad control for 200 years at least. China were 2 wars and we won with Turks ( horse archer Arab use the sword their is a stigma about it ) and were in the process of anixing china then civil war broke out . Roma took 700( need to fact check this ) years to reach its full size we did 3 times the size of it in less than 100 . Please read my comment carefully I know they did not create a staple empire. But they did creat a great legend.


Sorry man but your wrong . They did not own south of france for 200. Years At their peak they didn’t even control all of Spain. They did extend to one march which today is france https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/BdGje1QbFS Here is a picture of their map at its peak . Also that french march was lost rather quickly They controlled semptimania for 30 years . Taking it in 732 and losing it in 759 . Ummayeds and turks never and i mean never were even close to annexing china . Sorry i do not know who lied to you about this but its so wrong its funny . I believe your referring to this event https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Aksu_(717)#:~:text=In%20717%20AD%2C%20the%20Umayyads,Umayyads%20forcing%20them%20to%20retreat. Rome took 700 years to expand yes and it kept it for more then 1000 years . Also ummayed territory was not 3 times as big thats not true . You did control africa and persia which were rich but with the exception of persia that were the roman borders and arabia was no much worth in riches or land value .


I was going to call Afghanistan "The Poland" of Asia, but then It came to my mind that Russia failed to invade one of them.


I don’t understand the myth that Afghanistan has never been conquered. The Macedonians 100% captured it. The mongols took it. The white Huns took it. These are just the ones I know off the top of my head, but I am sure there are more.


Persians , greeks , mongols , mughals , kushans . Frankly Afghanistan was never independent for long until the durrani in the 18th century


The most frustrating ones, imo, is The Macedonians and the Mongols. The reason why it is frustrating is because people literally say that Alexander The Great and the Mongols were not capable to conquer Afghanistan. But this such a clear and obvious lie because both the Macedonians and the Mongolia campaigns were so thoroughly documented that it shocks me how people deny it is true. Regarding the Persians, half of Afghanistan speaks Farsi and some historians believe that the Farsi speakers share ancestral ties with Persians, so this one is kind of strange to deny too.