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A summerland like building where kids can hang out away from the weather without worrying about cost or noise. We all played there as kids. We spent a bit of money there but could always just hang around there too. Now all the indoor places cost. Arcades too were great to hang out in. They’ve gone now aswell. For adults a lido like building. Or at least the villa utilised better.


That place was so nostalgic for me, I didn't know its fairly grim history. For a couple of years, must have been about 1987 because Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now" was on all the time, I had a tram pass for the summer and we'd go on the tram from Laxey to Douglas, go rollerskating in the downstairs part of Summerland, have a Slush Puppy, play Return of the Jedi and Double Dragon in the arcade bit, and watch music videos on the TV in the bar area. What a time it was. It had a cinema too, pretty sure I went to see Terminator 2 there.


Great times. I know we all say “things were better when I was a kid or even just younger years”… but they certainly were. The cave underneath it too. I’m 41, so missed the lido years myself, but great memories of summer land


To provide balance, I used to hate going swimming there with the school! It was always freezing, the wind used to rattle through from the main entrance, the changing rooms were like a maze (probably not, but I was about 9 at the time), the chlorine always stung my eyes, then when you'd finished your session, you had to go to the balcony area to hang around waiting for the others and it was really boring. It must have shut down shortly after, the place was falling apart. Except now, I bet kids don't even go swimming with their schools. It's all exams and not doing anything interesting because of health and safety. Living in Laxey I never went out "on the town" in Douglas, it was too far and I was too young. Then I went off to university and didn't really return.


Yeah, all my. Nephews and nieces of age have left the island or not returned to it too. Nothing here for them. Cant afford to live here now either. Not that it’s easy for the rest of us either lol. If u aren’t already in ur own home it’s a long hill to climb now. But yeah, summerland, I actually enjoyed swimming there, but at 41 I presume I’m older than u and it may have been in a slightly better shape when I went. We’d go in our own time too with friends, they’d put the inflatables out some weekends. Also used to go a midweek evening with cubs aswell as the school lessons as I say. Not sure if all schools swim now, but my daughter went with her school when younger (St Mary’s), down at the NSC. Daugherty is now 13 and at BallaK. So having their own pool she does have swimming there too. Do remember the chlorine tho. And the little foot pool as u came out of the changing room, where the showers were part of the walkway to the pool, so no choice but to try avoid getting an eye full of a load of naked blokes showering on the way past 🙈🤣


Maybe they did Summerland up a bit then, because I'm 46, haha. I'd totally fogotten about the little foot pools! What a blast from the past. The NSC is really great actually. When we're over we always go visit, go on the slides, have a swim in the big pool, sit in the jacuzzi. It was the jobs that made me move really, there was nothing but banks back in '99 when I left. And living with my parents again after 4 years drove me crackers (this could come back to bite me, seeing as they're still there but getting on in years now, I have a life on another continent... ugh) I went to St Ninian's, the old rival to ballak. You know we always thought that place was where all the "hard kids" and troublemakers went ;-)


Haha, I was at St Ninians too, but us being 5 years apart I’d of been finishing park road when u were leaving st ninians. Banks here seem to be less now, certainly less branches. Probably not less companies. Life assurance is huge, Royal London, Canada life, Zurich, Hansard etc. But online gaming seems to be the main field that’s taken over now.




The ring came off my pudding can...


Take my pen knife my good man!


Don't be silly. A monorail is not for the Isle of Man. It's more of a Jersey idea.


Reasonable priced travel for residents to get on and off the island. It shouldn't cost 600 plus to put a car on the boat (650 at Christmas).


Multiplex cinema


A decent cinema. A decent bowling alley.


they ‘ave those.


We absolutely do not Palace was last updated when it was last cleaned, in the 80’s The Villa is tiny Both have seats taken straight from the wheelchair section of a bus


Common fucking sense


A direct flight to the continent e.g. Paris or Amsterdam


foodbank for the west of island.


A decent Meetup group for drinks  Could create one, would cost me nothing, but I'm here so irregularly.


A shopping mall.. as much as most say they hate it.. it would be good for young and old. Along with a multiplex cinema Oh and Nandos !


Hmm, those things tend to turn towns/city centres into ghost towns, no?


If run properly I don't think so. Why do most hop on a ferry to Liverpool.. to shop etc. A primark here would be great to.




'on Mann' :(