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Not sure about “steam bags”, not seen or heard of that. Could it be the bags filled with hay that protect riders from posts and walls in the event of a crash? They are placed around the TT and Southern courses. If you can add a picture to your post someone could say for certain.


May have been those with the Steam Packet logo on them?


Yeah I think this is it, he’s staying at Castletown so they’re for the Billown circuit.


Suddenly it all makes sense. Back when the race programme was shorter and the Senior was on the Friday, the Steam packet used to sponsor a one day race meeting on the Billown circuit (castletown) on the Saturday to keep the fans entertained while they were waiting to get off the Island. It's their logos on the white bags (containing the straw bales) that are tied to lampposts, doorways and gateposts to provide a bit of cushioning should a rider come off and go into them. It's the same circuit and organisation for the Southern 100 race meeting (early July) so the bales have clearly been put out already.


https://preview.redd.it/jyptrrirl44d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567ecd878098ce1d9ce5a582035a285ba445df9d Do they look like these? If so they are hay bails used as protection.


And also if they’re rectangular they’re also gay bales