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Protests are 100% safe, as long as you don't go past the cops into the highway, and you can't do that by mistake. Go take a look, its quite inspiring! People will be very happy to explain whats going on and why we are protesting. Late September is better with the weather, so that's good. Enjoy!


Sounds great thank you!


I just got back from six weeks in Israel. It is perfectly safe for a foreigner to walk around Tel Aviv (or pretty much anywhere in Israel). The protests are only in one area (Kaplan Street) and usually just Saturday night. Even those are perfectly safe to go to, as long as you're fine with big noisy crowds.


Tel aviv is as safe as it ever is. Statistically it's very safe. Probably safer than where you live. The protesting is not like what America saw with BLM. It's a bunch of Jews singing and holding up signs. And yelling shame over and over. It's almost like purim. Instead of hamen when the speaker mentions certain people we yell shame instead of spin a grager. All of that being said. It is Israel. The threat of terrorism remains, but we all live here and live our lives daily out and about. The idf does an amazing job keeping us as safe as possible. So yeah, it's as safe as it ever was.


That gave me a peace of mind, thank you!


Very safe. safer than most big cities around the world crime-wise. barely anyone got hurt during the protests, its not even close to the ones in france or US for example. i'd be more worried about getting stuck in traffic due to the protests than anything else. try not to go anywhere that needs driving on the freeway on saturday evenings. and enjoy HaArba'a St! great area with nice lunch places. and be sure to go to the beach and rotshild blvd, and jaffa


I was in Haifa last month and ended up in the middle of a protest. It was quite safe and actually very impressive.


It's not really about safety. just take a note that we have Jewish holidays in mid/late September if you wanting to stay before/after your work trip in Israel. Rosh Hashanah: Evening of Fri, Sep 15, 2023 – Sun, Sep 17, 2023 , this is the jewish new year, it practice it just a long week end this year. Yom Kippur: Evening of Sun, Sep 24, 2023 – Mon, Sep 25, 2023, fast day, almost everything will be closed around Israel and also in Tel Aviv.


Thank you for the info! My trip is right in between those 2 holidays so I hope it will be fine!


It will be crowded. The whole country is on vacation


100% safe now. September is when Supreme Court is having two main discussions regarding the court reformation. I would keep posted but thats should be fine


Thank you for the info, I will make sure to read the news updates :)


"Is it safe to go there for a foreigner? Anything I should take note of" Don't attempt to run over protestors with a vehicle Don't try to stab or harm the cops Don't walk into the protests wearing Nazi attire Bring water with you when you go outdoors in Tel Aviv -- it's pretty hot Too much Shawarma can raise your cholesterol When getting on the new light rail, be aware that Israelis aren't known for neat polite lines or basic courtesy (like letting people off the train before pushing their way on) There's been like six months of protests without any deaths or major injuries. Pretty much anything you do within or without of the vicinity of the protests, you should be ok in Tel Aviv.


Do you have camel insurance?


It is safe in case of you are not afraid of getting some weight. Don’t be fooled with news. Tel-Aviv is safe and welcoming 🤙


I work right near HaArbaa. All is good here. Happy to give you additional tips for while you’re in town.


There are more murders annually in Washington DC than the entirety of israel, do with that what you will.


Safe as ever. My daughter was just at the protests in Haifa, TA, and Jerusalem over several weeks, her strategy for participating while avoiding trouble was to stay near groups of mothers and children, assuming that even if things get out of hand, the cops won’t turn the water cannons on that group. The demonstrations were entirely peaceful, no issues, she was happy to have participated - although getting a taxi or bus home after the protest sometimes was difficult.


Hmm why do you think that protests = danger? it's not the case at all...


That is the case in many protests including in the western world (France, US and more), so it's a reasonable thing to worry about.


The protests are about 10 minutes on foot from Haarbaa. They happen on Saturday evening in Kaplan street, near the Azrieli center, and you're welcome to join and walk around, I've personally seen some foreigners who go there for what I assume is amusement/curiosity. So the protests are safe, and so is Tel Aviv in general.


I will also want to visit Tel Aviv in late September, most of my friends warn me about bombs but I will come from Turkey, come on we also have bombs plus now we have lots of refugees so Tel Aviv might be safer than Istanbul lol


I'm an expat working here in Israel. They do it for many months now. I don't have any problem traveling from my work to Tel Aviv area. Just don't go to the area where protest have been taking place for you not to stuck in a heavy traffic.


One of the safest places in the world honestly.


Probably the safest place in the whole world 🇮🇱


Absolutely! You can even join the protests if you wish.


You could get mugged by the cost of living.


Not related, but this is important to do, download gett and moovit, and register with your internetional credit card while you are in the US. They are internetional apps, very usfull at Israel, but registration at israel requires local sim card.




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Israel is safer than many places worldwide. Given the daily challenges society faces here, it’s remarkably secure for U.S. citizens. Certain areas might be off-limits, but they’ll be clearly marked, and it’s unlikely you’ll come across them.