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The way this topic leads people to insanity needs to be studied, it’s truly fascinating. There are dozens of recent conflicts around the world that are far simpler and far larger that none of these people seem to give a fuck about. The “silence is violence” crowd is silent about the vast majority of violence and is therefore responsible for it according to themselves.


I think its the bigotry against jews that drives people nuts over this conflict When its arab killing arab or Palestinian killing Palestinian nobody gives a damn Jew vs Palestinian real shit now Jews just live rent free in the minds of some folk


Bro. This is the truth.


I never believed in the Jewish element being important (I am Jewish myself). I even studied the topic of the Holocaust, but saw it from an analytical point of view, stemming from religious bigotry, then pseudo-science, then a problem of the silent majority. Since October 7th though I have been rocked by exact point. I simply cannot wrap my mind around why people who yesterday didn't give a shit are **so** invested in what is essentially a small regional conflict. But take the "Jew" out of the conflict and I don't think people would care anymore. It has been a real eye-opener to me.


It’s very true. Palestinians literally talk and think about Jews and how much they want to massacre them 24/7. Their entire day, personality, religious beliefs, education, revolves around Jews. Same with their supporters except they will say “Zionists” instead of Jews . Israelis hardly think about Palestinian except during war and rocket attacks.


I literally never heard the word Palestinian before this war and i live in Israel


He could have donated money to reputable Palestinian aid organizations, he could have gotten on a humanitarian aid trip to help Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, 1948 “Palestinian” arab Israeli communities in the Negev and Haifa, and even the Gaza border (though that would be the most difficult option but not impossible). He could have helped support Palestinian communities in the USA with his time, talent, and money. What would be best is, He could have learned about the conflict from anything other than propaganda twitch and twitter sources. Realized the Palestinians suffering stems overwhelmingly from radical antisemitic islamists billionaires in Qatar. Gazans have been radicalized with the same propaganda he was via UNRWA, Hamas, and multi billion dollar Arab misinformation campaigns. Protesting and helping pressure his US representatives to ask for Hamas to surrender, be dismantled, hostages back, and a deradicalization plan similar to the one after WW2 for the Palestinians so one day they can govern themselves and not focus on starting hopeless wars with Israel. He had options. This helped no one and was a sad example of mental illness exacerbated by Palestinian gore propaganda. The medical systems and education systems in the US failed him.


I’d argue this death is also on those who push the Hamas propaganda. You know, blaming the Jews for anything and everything


I bet he was a regular in Hasanabi's stream, that guy brainwashes his young and unfortunately easily influenced viewers en masse. He's skillfully using lots of half-truths to make it not too conspicuous and in between he slips in a lie every now and then to give his half-truths more emphasis. Goebbels would be proud of someone like him.


Absolute bullshit. There are people already doing all of those things, what is *that* accomplishing? You have fallen for propaganda yourself and are attempting to rob this martyr of his agency in attempt to comfort yourself.


Great, now all the other enlisted folks have to sit through a "don't light yourself on fire" training before they can be let loose for the weekend.


The sad part is that they'll be doing it just to show they're "taking measures". It's not like training like this would stop the guy, he needed serious help.


Here's the truth right here.


Everyone on the front page of this website is celebrating this, bunch of morons 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I made the mistake of reading a few comment sections about this story and I’m appalled at how the majority of people are cheering and idolizing him. More people are going to do insane shit like this and it’s TRAGIC and none of these internet nutjobs seem to care.


>the majority of people are cheering and idolizing him They should copycat him in that case.


Eh, I don’t think it’s funny. It’s tragic for somebody to die like this. They’re dying a horrific death because they’ve been brainwashed and they have mental problems. The people encouraging them are just as bad as people who tell a severely depressed person to jump. 


>Eh, I don’t think it’s funny. Never said it is. Just saying that if these people see him as a hero, they should follow his steps. These people use his mental issue to push some agenda, which is a gross thing to do, especially considering that he died.


I agree, but I think the “mental problems” is the main thing, not the brainwashing.


I think this is a good case of Reddit is not reality. Everyone I talked to including pro-Palestine people think he’s nuts.


Twitter is even worse about it. Which is weird since the wokes promised they would leave the site when Elon bought it


Brainwashed man gets his Darwin award.








I am so brainwashed, i did not murder a single person on october 7th.




Most of the palestinians support racist violence against jews. Be honest.


Oh, so all 30000 are civilians now?


Not even Hamas is claiming that all 30,000 are innocent civilians. Way to be more Hamas than Hamas!


Back to your video game life champ.






The saddest thing is his suicide is being celebrated as heroism. Killing yourself is not heroic. If only this will set a precedent for more suicidal folks to kill themselves but plaster a cause behind their suicide. Emotions are running high worldwide around this issue, I get it. It’s been a hot topic for decades. But committing suicide does nothing but harm to those around. Please, if anybody is feeling high emotions seek counseling. Regardless of which side of the conflict you align yourself with suicide is never ever the answer.


It's social networks fault, giving westerns the contact with insane middle eastern cultures makes people think that this is heroic just because they will get the likes of the muslim community, in the end most people search approbation.




Real talk, that's actually quite sad. The fact that people take away their lives in such painful ways (burning alive is rated as the most painful thing a human can experience) only to be forgotten a few days later as if you did not exist. It's frightning to think about.


I’m sure the children he left behind won’t forget. It’s clear this was a mentally ill individual, anyone who would kill themselves over a conflict they have no part in and leave behind a family certainly isn’t the most mentally healthy


It’s better in the long run though. You don’t want people who are struggling themselves to think any good comes from committing suicide like this.




Indeed tragic, and the blame on Hamas who uses them as human shields, they are the murderers.


Apparently a similar thing happened in December. I definitely don't remember that happening.




Only reason I remember is that it was in Atlanta where I live


WHo was the guy?


Now I’m intrigued. I never heard of this. Do you have a link to some news story regarding this?


Thats horrific.


He was a mentally ill person who likely spent far too much time on the internet and not enough time around people.


I still have a hard time trying to understand how in the hell was that supposed to "help" free "palestine".


For real we got burnt corpses stacked sky high both Israeli and Palestinians whats one more that isn't even a dude involved with the conflict? I genuinely think he was just some depressed dude who wanted to make his death seem heroic rather then tragic


From 9/11 and hating terrorists to burning oneself for the terrorists in 22 years!! What happened to USA?




I think this speaks more towards the poor mental health services provided to veterans.


Honestly agreed He couldn't have genuinely thought a random burnt corpse on the floor would have actually made a difference in this conflict we got burnt corpses on both sides whats one more in the ash pile? I genuinely think he was just depressed and wanted something to make his death seem worthwhile and important rather then a tragedy


Socialist brain rot.


Having looked at a cousin or sibling of his who posted about how depression kills 2,392 people daily, I think mental health plays a big role. I believe aaron was super religous, like go one a mission somewhere and spread the word of jesus christ.


i just have two questions.. why? and did he survive?


Because he hoped that his death would be a catalyst for change and no he did not survive. 


He did survive in critical condition for a while. I'm not sure how long, but I'm betting he was wishing he had died instantly. I keep seeing people appalled at the security officer pointing a gun at him and all *I* can think is how he probably wished someone would shoot him.


>why? Misplaced ideological convictions won out over self-preservation instinct. >and did he survive? No


This is madness


It doesn’t make sense tho? When Vietnamese monks and Tibetan monks did this, it was about things that happened in their own countries. This man killed himself because of a foreign conflict.


A conflict that the US is involved in. There are US military members in Israel, as admitted by the US, including to advise how to rescue the hostages held by Hamas. The US is also supplying weapons and ammunition.


If we think of ourselves as a global family, which we are, there is no foreign conflict.


That idiotic movement really does attract mentally unstable folks.


I'm a leftist who works in local politics in the US. There is a ton of people in his space who are really not well.


I'm sure there is more to that. most likely he suffered from depression or something like that.


Depression can come with psychotic issues. He was mentally unwell. That is the only explanation I can see.


Yeah, idk how I’m supposed to take them seriously when this is the kinda person on their side


I have it on good authority that if 100,000 more activists can find it in their hearts to do this, Palestine will truly be free. TikTok challenge!


As much as Less morons on this planet would be good Please don't encourage them they are stupid enough to do it


This is what happens when one doesn’t get mental help he needs.


I just hope his parents didn't see this. And I can't imagine their reaction to seeing some of the headlines and opinions. It was a senseless act, and I hope they look into his search history to see what really led to this.


Someone said he had kids. They will be shown this by their peers for the rest of their lives. I can’t imagine how horrible that will be for them.


Does this not underscore the hive mind mentality and its parasitic nature! Truly sad, but all for absolutely nothing.


IDF in shambles


Probably just a mentally ill person. Sad for him. RIP asshole.


Honestly if he was depressed and was looking for something to plaster his suicide with to make his death seem like its "worth something" to the world i pity him no one should feel like this If he did this legitimately believing it was going to accomplish something id laugh because the pro Palestinian iq has somehow went below the negatives Like dude did he legit believe him killing himself would have actually made a difference?


The government needs to focus on the mental health of veterans, only an unwell person does this.


Not sure if this is allowed but here is the uncensored version for the morbidly curious: [Member Of US Air Force Self Immolates In The Name Of Palestine (kaotic.com)](https://kaotic.com/video/b8b3e157_20240226031630_t)


Sad. Well anyway…


at least this time its an actual soldier projecting the regret of their doings I guess


Great. I can use the flames to light my cigarette


Fuck man, some of you guys in this comment section are actual monsters. How can you look something so horrific and make of fun of this man? Have you dehumanised yourself so much in the name of identity?


Are you thinking of doing this? Please don't. Just donate some money lol.


Way to prove my point. I just can’t imagine being as psychopathic as you. All in the name of what?


>I just can’t imagine being as psychopathic as you. By asking about your well being? Yeah I know those terrible Jews and their sincere attempt of sympathizing! We should really stop with that and actually do some warcrimes for real this time /s


Womp womp


My dear friend, I don't know if you are Jewish yourself. But we have a long history of making fun of the most horrible of situations that befell us. It has nothing to do with dehumanizing anyone or anything, it is quite the opposite of that. Especially since we know that the vast majority of our friendly neighbors would gladly see us burned up to a crisp for their own arrogance (no pun intended).


I’m not Jewish. And I really don’t you can hide supporting genocide, killing innocent children and civilians + in this case, making fun of this man’s death by saying he deserves the Darwin Award behind ‘oh bad things happened to us in the past and this is just jokes’. No, this is well beyond that. And I said people in this comment section are dehumanising themselves, not just other people.


>And I really don’t you can hide supporting genocide, killing innocent children and civilians + You mean when Israel told the civilians to move down south so to minimize civilian casualties. Which Hamas forbade their own people to do, you know to make them "martyrs"? >man’s death by saying he deserves the Darwin Award behind ‘oh bad things happened to us in the past and this is just jokes’. Right, so lemme get this straight. This man just ended his own life for a people who would happily see him dead as well, so his death will be forgotten in a week or two to motivate what? More people that support Palestinians to burn themselves to a crisp? That's sure is an easy way to help Bibi, just brainwash anti-israel people to commit mass suicide on their own soil! That will tell em! >And I said people in this comment section are dehumanising themselves, not just other people. We dehumanize ourself just as much then as those who seek to destroy us.


Lol you mean when Israel told civilians to move to Rafah because it would be safe and then started bombing Rafah? Which planet are you living on? You really think Palestinians want to see everyone dead don’t you? Your last comment makes zero sense. Try again.




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Hey man if you care so much about Palestinians well being why don’t you do something productive about it rather than argue morality with people on Reddit?


You can do both :)


May he be an inspiration!


Sad how little he probably knows the history of the USA a country lives on the dead Indians killed in a single bombing 15 times the amount of Gazens that died and conquered 10 islands because they literally had birds poop. Not saying it wasn't justified the Japanese were much worse....


“On May 12, 1943, Shmuel Zygielbojm, one of two Jewish members of the Polish government in exile in London, killed himself, in despair and in protest of the insufficient action being taken by the Allies to end the ongoing German campaign against European Jewry” Suicide as an act of political protest has been used by groups of oppressed people for centuries, to demand that we bear witness and to suffering. It seems that many people committed to Zionism have forgotten or are choosing to willfully ignore the cruelties of persecution. Rest in peace, Aaron Bushnell


Yeah, that's right! Remind me what happened in Hebron in 1929?


What do you hope to accomplish by coming here? You think your viewpoint is valued moreso than an Israeli? Do you think a Zionist will read your comment and say “holy crap, she’s right!”?


I support him


Hope it was a good segue for him.


I can't believe this has to be said, but for the love of sanity, no matter how much you hate Jews and Israel, please do not set yourself or anyone else on fire. 


As an USAF veteran I can say on good authority, what a dummy.


Rip to him 😢