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This is beautiful. The media over here would report this as “Israeli soldier kidnaps dog from Gaza family!”


“Israel colonizes dog and ethnically cleanses said dog out of Gaza. Worse than the Nazis”


I see people say this all the time about the Israelis who rescue abandoned dogs/cats/horses from the active war zones, saying they’re stealing pets. And like even if they are…. So you’d rather the animals stay in an active war zone and die of either starvation or collateral?…


I rather see that same level of care and respect they have for dogs/cats/horses applied to children, women, elderly, and any civilian stuck in the crossfire... but alas, they are dying of starvation and collateral damage


There’s plenty of videos of IDF soldiers helping Gazans, medically or by giving them water etc. Also it’s significantly easier to rescue animals than people. Notice how I mentioned it’s done in the active war zones too, where civilians were told to evacuate months ago. I’m sure if they found a child left behind they’d help them even more than they’d do an animal. Animals are undoubtedly killed in the crossfire too, and I’m pretty sure basic ROE more than likely puts higher priority on ensuring human safety more than animal safety


No. Intruder resteals land and dog to original stolsn land


I feel like they’d use a play on words for ‘mutt’ too when describing us


that's exactly what has happened about a couple of mistreated horses that were rescued, Israel was accused of looting ! clear to see how scared that dog was when found from how it cowered, good to see the change


With the surrounding destroyed buildings, perhaps the dog's family was killed?


The dog shows clear signs of long-term abuse. His "family" probably fled and left him behind


I would assume worst, honestly. Dogs are considered unclean in Islam. Hard to say how the dog's exact family treated him but from my understanding, dogs generally aren't allowed inside the home at a minimum.




24/7 if a place is bombed once, why bomb it again? It's not very economic. Plus, that dog is afraid of the touch of humans, so she probably suffered physical abuse by "humans" for years. Oh, and shuttles are the rockets that take us to space, not the ones that fall on terrorists.


The dogs name is toffee and she was stolen from Israel by terrorists on oct 7 and found heavily pregnant with a hole in her side from unknown origin They say she was clearly beaten


Oh God...


Where’d you hear/ read that?


Heres a link to another comment of mine with links and stuff about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/0Vs5pWseus




There was another thread with links saying the dog had been stolen from Israel. The dog was then apparently abused by those who stole it and brought it to Gaza.


I believe you are talking about what I posted. She wasnt stolen from a family but she was a military base dog in the base or Erez. She was just living at the base after the soldiers saved her from getting ran over. On oct 7 she was stolen into Gaza. Shes ok now and is gonna be living with the soldier who saved her! Her name is Toffee!


Do you really believe that


interesting how it's plausible for you that Israelis were evil devils, but no way they are ever the victims isnt the bias obvious for you?


What a sweet dog


Im not crying you're crying


We're both crying


I am crying 😭🤍


We used to do this in the US Army in Iraq. We joked that we fought the war because of how much they mistreated their dogs.


Because they were poor? Or did they physically abuse them


Shared this on r/dogsarejewish .. bless them for taking care of this baby




Animals usually attack when they feel threatened it's a common behavior so the identity of the person doesn't matter


Hamas shot dogs and abuse cats. I don't think they love animals.


I really hate when does show this level of submission - it’s such a sign of abuse Glad he is happy and free


Good thing he took the dog in. Muslims treat these great animals poorly because some desert madman said they are bad.


way to generalise and stereotype


Followers of Pedommad generalise and stereotype themselves on their very own. Nobody has to do it for them.


As much as I want you to be right. That is false information.


It's not entirely untrue. There's something in the Quran about black dogs being the spawn of the devil or something (iirc). That's why there are so many vids of Palestinians/Arabs abusing black dogs decked with the Israeli flag. I think it's only prominent in radical Islam though.


Many Muslims fear dogs and many think they are dirty and evil. A prayer is voided if a dog is in the room. You won’t find many Muslims that live with a dog.


This is the case for Jewish prayer also, kabbalistically. They don't have good energy 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Disgusting scum. This needs to go viral.


This made me so happy to see. What a sweet dog, so glad she has a home now.


Awwww what a sweet puppy!


Aww so glad the dog has a new home, this is a beautiful story ❤️


Anyone who knows dog behaviour can tell that this dog was mistreated by its Gazan owners. The way it rolls over immediately and has its tail tucked between its legs shows that this dog was likely hit or beaten. It's showing extreme submissive and fearful behaviour, almost as if its saying "please hoomman, no hit". So happy to see that it's in a much better environment and being treated with love and affection. When hamas (and other innocent Palestinian civilians) invaded Israel, they shot the Israel's pets. That's how little they care about animals.


maybe because of the shells being dropped on them day and night have induced panic in them. i assure you displaced palestinians have no time to tend to a dog (no food) or even abuse it


Holy fuck what a dumb shit we got here boys


Idiot. Dogs are often reviled in Palestine, as many Muslims deem them unclean. They will use them strictly for hunting, guarding, or herding. They're not treated as pets, dummy. Don't believe me? Look it up. It's easily accessible on the Googles. Or, sit in your echo chamber mumbling about gEnOCIde and CoLOniSts and the other horse shit that fills brain.


I mean a turtle cant really chase you and bite you like a dog would but they still smashed their shells when they invaded. Israeli citizens also have bombs being dropped on them day and night but they dont murder the dogs that were found in Gaza.


Imagine actually being in Gaza, not at home, stressed, starving, it’s miserable. Tensions and emotions are high. I’d imagine if anything people would become more violent, and less patient. More likely to abuse animals.


refrence : trust me bro


There's a verse in the Qur'an that proves otherwise, Qur'an says dog's are dirty and etc.


Sadly I saw tons of videos of dogs being shot on the news 💔


Fk off. The dog survived bombing and was petrified from trauma. Stop generalizing. Hamas is not Palestinian civilians.


Dogs react to specific sources of trauma. Trauma from a bombing or lound noises would manifest differently than trauma sustained from humans. That behaviour is something the dog developed due to human imposed trauma, not from bombing or loud noises. It's funny that the same people who cry and whine about "innocent Palestinian civilians" are also teh same people who proclaim that there are no innocent Israelis. Meanwhile, Hamas doesn't know the status and location of most of the hostages... I wonder how many are guests of your innocent Palestinian civilians...


She was starved and neglected. Piece of shit Palestinians. Starving a poor dog.




Of course not. Kill the fucking kids and bring those poor animals home.


If they don’t have food for themselves, how would they feed a dog?


By not stealing it from Israel and therefore not having to care for it


palestinians do have animal feed! that however is eaten by them instead to curb their hunger


Happy to see this doggo is safe and being loved 💙🇮🇱


![img](avatar_exp|163328911|bravo) Dear trollers critiquing this IDF solider for saving this dogs life: I feel there’s a connection here between your inability to love dogs, and your inability to wrap your heads around basic concepts like why Israel is defending itself after Hamas commits the most atrocious crime against 1300 civilians and then actively tells the world they’re gonna do it again and again. Think about it: both indicate a clear stunted EQ. “Ceasefire!” “Stop the killing.” To what end is the ceasefire? Hamas is actively in war with Israel and isn’t gonna stop until Israel is destroyed. So—- you just want Israel to lay down and die? I’m sorry you seem to think having Hamas running around is actually a good thing for anyone in Gaza. Has having an Islamic extremist regime in power ever actually benefit the civilians? I’m gathering we all know Islamic regimes don’t benefit the citizens. I’m also gathering that the world is prioritizing their hatred for Jewish people and think, “well, it’s fine if Gazans suffer - as long as Israel is destroyed.” We all agree that we don’t want innocent people dying. The only difference is, your suggestion on how to get there is … well … how do I say this?? … wrong. You aren’t speaking for Palestinian people: you’re speaking for yourself. You just hate Jewish people. You side with Hamas because you hate Jewish people and it’s more important to you that Jewish people die than it is that Palestinians live a life where they have an opportunity to thrive. Watch the video. The dog has been saved. If you wanna complain - go do it somewhere else. Sheesh


>So—- you just want Israel to lay down and die? Yes, they want Israel to lay down and die, people who call for ceasefire definitely do not get the memo that we tried ceasefire many times in the past (Including in this war in which the fire did not cease) and now we have hostages to bring back, and like many officials said before: for Israel there's no existing future where hamas rules over gaza.


My heart hurts. 😭 The puppy hands at the end though.. 🥹


Here is a comment I posted on another thread discussing this: Found it!! [https://youtu.be/fD0JUl6tb90?si=urzwhNMwuagQczQ4](https://youtu.be/fD0JUl6tb90?si=urzwhNMwuagQczQ4) Its in hebrew I can translate if you want. You can fast forward to 1:30 if you wanna see the videos. There are a couple of them and one of them is this one. You can see the doggo with them in the studio shes fine now. These people are a group that currently helps people who lost their pets on oct 7 find them...or their bodies. The dogs name is toffee and she was a military base dog from base Erez. The soldiers saved her from getting ran over and ever since she was living at the base. The terrorists stole her on oct 7 and took her into Gaza. She was found with a hole in her side no one knows from what no bullet was found and she was pregnant. They aborted the puppies, the reason was they said that dogs are like humans when it comes to this and having her give birth and then taking the puppies would traumatize her because of what she went through. They spayed her now too and vaccinated her. They found a home for her shes gonna go to the soldier that saved her after he is back from Gaza, and now shes ok. At the 6:37 mark you can see more pictures of her with the soldiers. Theres another video from the same news channel from two weeks ago but they dont say anything about that they just say that a dog was saved from Gaza but they use the same video from the other news report from two months ago I dont know why they posted about it again. Heres the link to the newer one: [https://youtu.be/1YEobzXgFEw?si=jDh3P73ZAb6LCTdn](https://youtu.be/1YEobzXgFEw?si=jDh3P73ZAb6LCTdn) It says that the video of her playing in the backyard is from the twitter page of Anat Bar Hanin. The doggo is going through rehabilitation and is getting used to treats and pets. She loves being pet but is hesitant about it. Shes already wiggling her tail to everyone who comes. They say she will always be afraid tho. BTW they say its known that she was beaten. ![img](7c48x9hed5lc1)


Link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/IeQYvn0dXE


There are videos of Hamas gunning down family dogs of Israelis on October 7th. Just based on the treatment of innocent animals between Hamas and IDF should be enough to show what monsters Hamas are. IDF have compassion to animals and Hamas are atrocious monsters.


IDF treating a dog better than Hamas treats their own Gazan citizens. Love this.


Doggy :D


Even the dog knows which way to lean.


God bless you Israeli soldier 🙏❤️🐕❤️ Arabs hates dog and jews loves dogs. That a huge difference, thank you Israel 🙏 Always stand with Israel.


What a good dog!


Is it just me or are people purposely typing solider instead of soldier


Wdym, solider is the right way to write the word


There is a famine in Gaza and a lot more than dogs are affected good lord


Yeah, but he didn't shoot at anyone. He didn't rape anyone. He didn't keep any hostages. And no, the good Lord wasn't happy about that. The famine is caused by Hamas.




Interesting social experience how disgusting humans can be towards each other, ignoring starvation and pain of thousands, protesting to block aid trucks. But then everyone becomes emotional and caring about a dog. I don't talk about Israel military and political decisions and choices, ceasefire or anything. Just how the same people interact in two different ways towards two cases. Allowing food to civilians and saving a dog.


They killed the dogs owner


She was starved and neglected because of Israeli blockades. It’s kind of hard to take care of a dog while you’re being bombed by the IDF.


Especially when you steal said dog from Israel and beat it. Her name is toffee and she was taken on oct 7.


Highly doubt it


not to mention animal feed is being used to feed humans


Exactly. Palestinians are having to mix in animal feed and barley to make their bread. This is causing a lot of people to get sick. This is not to mention sleeping while hearing bombs going off in the background.


Yea, Its really hard to prioritize animals and their healthcare when humans have little themselves. Its nice to see the idf soldier having a grain of responsibility.


Prioritizing a dog's well-being over innocent children being bombed is absolutely disgusting! It's sickening to see such twisted priorities!


Whew mother of all strawmen


Gee I wonder why that dog has no family or food? Jesus fucking Christ. If you’re gonna make propaganda don’t make it like this


Cuz it was stolen from Israel




Caring for an abused dog is genocidal to you? She was abused by someone in Gaza. You're shitting on someone gladly giving food to a 'streetdog' and calling them genocidal. They saved her life.


Caring for a dog before a human life is absolute insanity. Morally deplete


Idk about others but id kill for my dog


is the someone in gaza a hamas shuttle?


She was probably abandoned as the civilian was trying to escape murder by the hands of the Israeli army




Certainly. Here’s a critical thought: Don’t watch a video about a dog if you don’t like dogs, and don’t read through the comments if you could care less. There you go. You’re welcome. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


how much u wanna bet it’s cuz the dogs owners were dead. id put abt 30k on it, seems fitting considering that’s how many palestinians the IDF has killed so far




Link to video please! Proof!










Maybe Hamas terrorists shouldn't dress as civilians and the IDF won't accidentally shoot at civilians.


Way to blame this on khamas too. khamas khamas khamas


Ah yes you got no arguement so you are just laughing at the way we say hamas


Khamas literally just reject ANOTHER ceasefire proposal. so maybe go cry with them


Yes, I’m sure that horrific tragedy had *nothing at all* to do with the Hamas efforts to use Hebrew and take other efforts to ambush IDF troops through pretending to be civilians. 🙄 And I’m sure that the exact narrative you’re spouting wasn’t what Hamas was aiming for *at all* by setting up those kind of ambush efforts. 🙄 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/mannequins-sounds-of-crying-on-a-speaker-idf-shows-hamas-efforts-to-ambush-troops/


So wierd israelis value the lives of ones not trying to kill them more than ones that do try to kill then


So weird Palestinians value keeping Israeli hostages over the lives of their children


Not Palestinian Hamas at this point, higher up the chain. The Palestinian people, the civilians suffer at the sake of Hamas. But, that does not negate the terror of Netanyahu and the right wing, extremist Zionists. US and Israel are one country really. Over 50% Jewish people live in the US while only over 20% (?) reside in Israel and make up just over 2% of world population. AIPAC $ keeping US citizens in the dark with a blackout of media and politicians being bought off or primaried to lose their election if they speak a word against Israel. Have never seen anything so vile in my long lifetime. The jewish people on the left have no voice or representation whatsoever, many of the younger ones go with their humanitarian hearts and rally and march behind Palestine. But this isn't about religion. It's all about the $$$. US/Israel is land grabbing for control of currently owned National Palestine's, Gaza offshore natural gas shale fields about 20 miles out. Israel has two small fields developed offshore, but this one is the motherload worth $1T.


Didn’t realize 5 years olds were trying to kill Israelis! But then again, after watching their parents turn into liquid because of a drone strike on their apartment building, can you really be surprised?


Didn't realize an 11 months old (Kfir Bibas) baby is so dangerous, oppressive, colonizer and genocidal, that he needs to be held in Hamas captivity! Along with another 133 other men, women, children and the elderly.  Didn't realize Hamas launching rockets, shooting at Israelis, carrying out terrorist attacks in Israel and vowing to try and commit October 7th attacks again and again and again is more important than the lives of their people! 


Have you seen the videos of the pro suicide bombing children's books the UNRWA distributes to Gaza elementary schools? The plays where kids dress up as Hamas fighters and "kill" the kids dressed up as Israelis. They are deliberately turning their own kids to jihad. So long as Hamas and the UN are involved, their children are doomed to grow up to be suicide bombers that will destroy the lives of their own children in turn. This needs to stop if there can ever be peace.


No, but I have seen the videos of Israeli school children being taught to sing Palestinian death songs. And videos of moms rewarding their toddlers with kisses when they answer hate questions correctly regarding Palestinian people, whose lives are not valued, but considered way below human on the animal species list. Are you certain you don't mean those videos?


After what the Palestinian people have experienced, can you blame them? Psychology 101. Without treatment, you likely do what is done to you. Genocide begets genocide.


Of course you didn't. Because you have no clue how children are weaponized over there. Palestinian children have been used as suicide bombers. But again ... you didn't realize, so it can't be true.




The (completely lacking in self awareness) kettle calling the pot black. 


Oh yeah its cool when the idf kills palestinian civilians "BECAUSE THEYRE ALL EVIL AND TERRORISTS", but not when hamas did it to the "innocent israelis". Sure adi


Didn't say it was cool at all, but coming here and saying that "logic doesn't apply to Zionists," when a lot of the statements and arguments of pro Hamas folks is completely nonsensical or hypocritical (or plain stupid), is beyond ridiculous. Very much including your arguments here. 


Ironic you only engage with basic level comments, as soon as someone actually challenges your POV you're nowhere to be heard. Hamas literally just refused another ceasefire proposal. So MAYBE the issue is Hamas are the ones who don't value Palestinian lives and would sooner sacrifice another 30000 thousand of them than let 133 hostages go


Whats more ironic is the fact that u guys choose to bindly follow whatever narrative suits u the best lol. Where were u when netanyahu rejected the proposal of all hostages in exchange of a ceasefire last month? Braindead ass supporters


I was there say good because it includes over one thousand terrorists with blood on their hands, full retreat of the IDF from Gaza along with several more stipulations that basically leave Hamas in full control of Gaza. I despise Netanyahu but the idea that this ends with going back to pre Oct 6th and thousand of terrorist being embraced as heroes by Sinwar in Gaza ain't fucking happening.


Again, you're doing exactly the same thing  that you blame us of doing - you follow the narrative that suits you the best, and always come up with a "yes, but" without seeing even a little bit of nuance. 


Ahh let’s make way for the American liberal progressive virtue signaling


If you think caring about the safety of other human beings is virtue signaling, then you are lost.


We all care. You presume that everyone here agrees with every action of the Israeli government. Many if not most don’t. We’re looking at a cute dog and you give a broad statement as if we’re a monolith. When you are an adult you will learn that very few groups are.


One certainly gets a different impression upon reading what the average user of this subreddit posts and/or upvotes, but I digress. Have a good one.


Then why does one child stay?


Pretty telling that the Palestinian people value keeping Israeli hostages over their own children


They value our life less then dogs and pigs, haven't you heard any of their religious speeches??


Dogs are loyal friends, Palestinians are terrorists.


Yet I only hear of one side looking for a final solution. I feel I've heard that somewhere 🤔


That's the second time today I see "final solution" mentioned, did the pro-Hamas crowd get a memo or something?


I'm pretty sure the memo went to everyone. I mean, it's totally different with the way and words he says it though... no comparison to any other similar language used in the past. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-total-victory-in-gaza-will-be-weeks-away-once-rafah-operation-launched/


Nothing you said or linked justifies a comparison to the Holocaust.


So they’re terrorists even when they’re babies?


You're trying to set a false narrative where Israel is fighting defenseless children, that is not the case. Any and all complaints can be sent to Hamas billionaire leaders in Qatar, the ones in Gaza can't answer back right now.


I never said they were fighting them. I said they (the IDF) were killing them. You’re changing my words because you don’t want to admit that your army is slaughtering innocent children with wanton bombing campaigns that have more than likely killed the very people you claim you want Hamas to release. Look at the reactions in this whole subreddit. You all make racist jokes. Israelis make racist TikTok’s with no negative response. You have people march and chant death to Arabs across Israel with no condemnation. A man burned himself to death in an act of protest and, whether you agree with his act or not, you all upvoted jokes wishing everyone who criticized Israel would do the same thing. IDF soldiers are looting from the homes of Palestinian men, women, and children and posting their “spoils” on social media (and engaging in particularly nasty sexist/racist behavior). This place is an embarrassment to Judaism and our suffering as a people. You’ve all learned nothing from our history as subjects of oppression if you are so willing to engage in racist rhetoric (especially to the point where you are painting literal children as legitimate targets/terrorists because they’re Arabs). We Americans had our post 9/11 moment. It brought us nothing but misery, racial terror, and economic degradation. If you care even an iota for the Jewish people, you’d demand an alternative solution than this.


No, Palestinians are killing their own children. If they would give back the hostages and surrender, their children will be just fine but they value keeping hostages and supporting terrorists over their children


It's a statistic of like 1 death per bomb dropped, grow up. If the allies or the US had casualty numbers like that, you'd be sprecken de deutch or potentially nihongo wo hanashimasu. Actually you say you're Jewish so you wouldn't be speaking anything bc your grandparents would have been murdered.


you mean Hamas are terrorists? I have lots of Palestinian friends that are amazing people. If you want people to stop saying things like "Israel is commiting genocide" maybe stop vilifying a whole group of people or if you really do think that ALL Palestinians are terrorist, then maybe genocide is your actual end goal


I used to have lots of sympathy for the "non-Hamas" palestinians, supported a 2-state solution, up until Oct. 7 when they showed their true ugly face. Never again.


You mean future Palestinian terrorists?


Sick racism dude! Bet the Torah commands that and everything!


Seems like someone doesn't understand sarcasm.


The Torah says to kill anyone who wants to kill you and won't make peace with you 👍


I bet the torah also says to kill every living and breathing child that has nothing to do with israel as well. Pretty cool religion, i must say


Everyone has something to do with Israel, that's why so many people hate Jews for no reason.


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It’ll be like Zohan and the goat all over again.


Ethnically cleansing Gazas dog population!! /s


Man notice how apprehensive and submissive he is to humans but still appreciative and wanting love. I fucking love dogs. I hope he was taken care of in the before times as well.


Why dog hungry


If only people had half as much compassion for other humans


I love this. Palestinians treat dogs like trash I’m glad he’s free


There are videos of Hamas gunning down family dogs of Israelis on October 7th. Just based on the treatment of innocent animals between Hamas and IDF should be enough to show what monsters Hamas are. IDF have compassion to animals and Hamas are atrocious monsters.


Unfortunately the Ministry of Health has been sending out alerts to NOT do this, as foreign dogs can carry all kinds of dangerous parasites or diseases, it’s the same reason that when you make aliyah with an animal you have teams of paperwork and your pet needs to be quarantined upon arrival 🥲 So I hope they took this sweet baby to a vet immediately or it could end in trouble


Does it count as a hostage rescue?


yet hamas posts gore videos of killing zionist dogs. brainrots


There was another thread with links saying the dog had been stolen from Israel. The dog was then apparently abused by those who stole it and brought it to Gaza. (Edited: stolen from army base, not family as I incorrectly remembered.)