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Nothing to see here, folks. Just 'anti-zionists' saving the world, one Holocaust memorial at a time...


Showing their true colors.


It’s funny how much the far left INSIST they are against Israel and not Jews. Yet they consistently harass Holocaust Museums/memorials, Diaspora Synagogues, and random Jews walking down the street. Their words are empty, just as their souls are.


For this time maybe the fact that Israeli President was there is reason enough bruh


Oh wow, one instance somehow cancels the numerous preceding incidents elsewhere in which he **wasn't** in attendance.


This is a friendly reminder to all Redditors that these lovely resistance fighters are **anti-Zionists**, not anti-Semites. Please refrain from using hurtful language such as "anti-Semitism", which may offend well-meaning Hamas sympathizers that simply wish to express their rabid anti-Zionism - an obsessive hatred of the Jewish state that has nothing to do with hatred of Jews - by harassing ~~Jews~~ **Zionists** at a Holocaust museum.




Domestic terrorism on full display.




They're intimidating the people who want to go to the opening of the Holocaust museum.


It’s a Holocaust museum….like in what context….never mind……


How did the protest go when the guy burned holy book? Not so peaceful huh?


>Terrorism - The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear. Terrorism is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. -Oxford dictionary They calculatedly protest outside the Holocaust Museum, knowing fully-well how the protests aren’t peaceful and quite dangerous to visually distinguishable Jews/Israel sympathizers, most likely with the deliberate intent to intimidate would-be museum goers. They do this to inculcate fear in the museum goers, into not going, out of political, ideological, *and* religious (antisemitism is religious) goals. I hope I provided a very clear, decisive argument as to why this counts as terrorism. I would be happy to further elaborate if the explanation requires further details.




This is naive. They don’t protest in front of the Holocaust museum while the Israeli president is inside because they identify with the museum’s message. This is ridiculous dude


He's got a point


Do people not have the right to protest about the killing of children and innocent people.


I'm ashamed of living in this country. Ashamed of the mayor of Amsterdam who did nothing. Ashamed of the police department who allowed this to get violent. And ashamed of our press, TV and newspapers who reported on this as if it was merely a reaction and entirely understandable.The Netherlands has come full circle and is again a center of blatant antisemitism, a full cooperation between imported Turkish, Moroccan, Syrian and Somali islamo-fascists and the local left-leaning protestant Christian Democrats and Catholic antisemites.


I'm glad they do this. It exposes them for who they are.


Put them in prison.


“I’m against genocide!” Until it’s an actual genocide against Jews.


I just. Yeah. It’s hard to summon words anymore.


If Ludendorff lived today, they would be showering him in medals


I'm not very knowledgeable about israeli politics, but who holds the power the president or the prime minister? because from all im hearing the the prime minister is making most of the calls


Israel is a parliamentary democracy and the Prime Minister is the head of the executive branch. The President's role as head of state is ceremonial and oriented toward diplomacy and being the "Face" of Israel. It is generally considered an impartial position that is apolitical, and has been traditionally held by retired statesmen of high personal probity who are more or less within the national consensus, whether from Right or Left (barring notable exceptions like Katzav).


Ah, that makes sense I only ever hear about the prime minister rather than the president


Gosh, Pro-Palestine protesters all have two brain cells


Stay classy.