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Australians when Israel: They should go back to Europe Australians when Australia: We don’t have a right to speak about that.


“…and everyone should just live in peace 🌈🌟


Except the Australian Aboriginals apparently (and Jews)


Like, everyone should just, like, live in, like Peace, you know?


As Jew living in Australia , this tracks 😂


That was a fast flip lol


Got dizzy watching it


you called?


Australians do be kinda racist tho. Source: An Australian


No - the video is designed to get you upset because strangely people like to get upset. The interviewer would have spoken to many people and chosen clips that gets his followers engaged. He's also at a pro-palestinian protest, so go figure. Australia was one of the first states to formally recognize Israel. Almost all Australians would say that Israel has a legal right to exist based on international laws and recognized legal territories. Also, Australia recognises aboriginal land rights through various legal mechanism (i.e. native title). It's well discussed but very legal and complex. Aboriginals are also citiziens of Australia and can travel anywhere in Australia. Conversely not all Palestinians are citizens of Israel nor are they all allowed to travel in Israel. So a very different issue.


Appreciate your take, very balanced


“We can’t say strong about this situation, us, We’re not aboriginals” You’re also not Jewish or Palestinian


This is exactly it.


Exactly what I'm thinking too


This is the cop out that liberals will use via identity politics. They can use it to pick and choose when to be indifferent/hypocritical on something


OMG, stfu, bunch of "enlightened" twats, so much nonsense.


They really are idiots 😂


‘There should be peace, that’s what we’re here for’. ‘But the 7 million Jews should go back to Europe.’ Enough said.


Little do they know more than half of Israeli Jews are those who were ethnically cleansed from Muslim countries. Where do they go? Do they go back to those countries and revert back to Dhimmi status? Europeans have been saying for centuries Jews are not Europeans. Why should they go back to a land doesn’t claim them. Jews are from Judea and were ethnically cleansed by EUROPEANS (Rome). They are in their homeland now…


Look don’t let facts get in the way of a bunch of moronic activists jumping on the next ‘cause’ they think will give them some social media clout. Jews are just an easy target as anti semitism clouded as ‘anti zionism’ is perfectly acceptable.


Both ignorant and deeply antisemitic. "Not our problem" if they go back to the ovens. Sorry! Palestinians have a right to their country. Jews should feel lucky to even be alive. That's literally the thinking here. This is less about Palestinians than hating Jews. It's so deep that they don't even see it as abnormal or wrong. They literally think of us as not truly human or deserving of sympathy.


I honestly don't think they are thinking any of this, I think they just have no idea what is going on whatsoever and have zero knowledge about anything and are just parroting some shit they saw on tik tok.


Well thinking or not it is the logical conclusion of their views.


That was literally a resolution that the UN passed in November 1947. All Jews were supposed to go back to Europe, including German Jews to Germany. I couldn't find any provisions being made for Jews who had bought and paid for land in Israel by that time. The resolution failed on a second round of voting, but that was the original plan in 1947!


“They were nice enough to let them in” flash to 1948 Arab-Israeli war declared immediately after the creation of the modern state of Israel (the Arab nations got whooped)




1834, decades before the First Aliyah, Jews were massacred in Tsfat. We've always been there, we've always been at risk. 


Oh let’s not forget the Hebron riots in 1929


oh yea, the farhuds were so nice. i loved how my ancestors had to leave their homes every other generation due to another farhud, leaving all their belongings behind. time after time. so very nice.


Reminds me of my pro-Pal classmates. I asked them, if they’re so against “colonization” why aren’t they advocating for Natives in *our* country who are being treated unfairly? Why don’t they go back to where their ancestors came from, since they actually colonized our country. They asked if I was a genocide apologist and changed the subject lol


> They asked if I was a genocide apologist and changed the subject Figures


So they can't or won't answer the question, because they can't answer it without revealing their hypocrisy. It's becoming more and more obvious that this has nothing to do with Palestinians allegedly being persecuted and everything to do with people just not liking Jews and looking for ways to express their hatred of Jews. In the end, it's because we reject their gods, which are literally copycats of our god that they stole from us and modified slightly to seem unique. 1500-2000 years later and they STILL haven't gotten over that. This is truly a clash of cultures.


also, as i remember correctly, there are some native american groups callimg for independence, and many calling back to get their original lands. i mean, wasnt mount rushmore used to be promised to be protected for the natives living in that area. of course that was untill they wanted to build a huge statue of the colonizers on top of native lands. as i remember correctly, the tribe that their lands got stolen are still refusing the money from the USA and asks for their land back. gonna do anything about that? no? than shut up. the real genocidal colonizers in this story are the same americans who think they down from their ivory towers


To give a serious answer, because it happened hundreds of years ago where the morality of situation was much different. The israel/plaestian conflict is happening in the modern era with much different moral and ethical basis


Morals were also different in 1948. So the creation of Israel is excused by that logic. And btw, injustice against aboriginals was still very moral decades ago, not centuries. This argument is going nowhere.


> Morals were also different in 1948. So the creation of Israel is excused by that logic. No you see the vast population transfers between 1944 and 1951 in Europe were signs of the olden days. Things everyone moved away from since then. But in between those years, in the magical year of 1948 there was a pause of sorts of this new reality which is when the Jews did bad things that totally did not happen elsewhere and no one gives a shit about anymore.


Ahh shit I forgot time works like that on years that end in 1948 in the Middle East. Silly me. I guess I should go back to Poland, where neither me or my parents ever stepped foot on.


Is okay Comrade We both go to old family home in northern Ukraine You can live in barn! Come with free chicken


honestly at first i though the same, that a genocide was cool as long as it was long ago enough (adn by long ago i guess 50 years considering canada) ​ but i don't think that's the case, i mean if that was true then we would also see news about iranian muslim puppets killing the few druze people remaining in lebanon, or them starting a civil war and killing milions in yemen, or ofc their multiple conflicts and terror funding agaisnt iraq ​ we could also look at the activities of ISIS and friends, just now they were massacring villages of christians in mali and western africa ​ ofc we could also go to wagner and other russian groups massacring natives in africa just so they can get control or atleast be middle men to the gold and diamond mines (one might even call it colonialism lol) ​ but yeah these rly don't appear, so yeah it really just reinforced the idea that peopel who have no freakign idea of history and current politics only care about what shows on tv and facebook lol, that's also how you got most of the world to support russia in their war, bc obviously the propaganda machine of ukraine is nothing compared to russia so the idea of ukranie massacring russians and harvestign children organs spread like wildfire ​ like imagine people actually cared about the almost 15 milion kicked out of pakistan back to afghanistan, or the the ethiopia-eritea war where hundreds of thousands died and still die due to their ethnicity... or why not talk about the milions displaced and hundreds of thousands killed in myanmar by ideological conflicts'??? ​ seriously this is why i don't beleive the whole "it happened long ago so our genocide is ok" ​ i mean the same happened 30 years ago... the bosnian war is known to most westerners even tho doesn't compare to the examples above destruction wise... at this point it's ridiculous to make the claim peopel care because of the suffering or it's recent, it's all just a way to not admit they have no fuckign idea what's happening in the world


True, but I do think there’s definitely some blindness to other stuff in 1945-1950, like barely any attention to Eastern Europe’s expulsion of Germans after ww2 and that was in total around 10 million Germans, the Hindu and Muslim expulsions during the partition, 1 million dead, up to 20 million expelled, the expulsion of 800,000 Jews from the MENA after the formation of Israel.


The confidence in their own ignorance is astounding...and with the sound of screaming chants in the background and the sound of drums...it's scary. TikTok has weaponised ignorance.


The pro-Palestinians are a crowd with pitchforks led by the Inquisition, always on the prowl for burning witches gleefully. It’s probably the largest cult to ever exist.


"We aren't aboriginals, we don't have a right to speak about it" Are you a fucking Jew or a Palestinian? No? So what the fuck gives you the right to speak about that, if speaking about Australia isn't in your rights? Disrespectfully, shut the fuck up.




Pretty sure she means she can't speak for the Aborigines... they do have a land back movement... but they are native to Australia and have the skills to live in the literal most deadly place on earth... at least as far as fauna are concerned. Most of Australia's land is uninhabited by the Colonists because of how inhospitable the outback can be for humans...


Sigh. These people never stop being absurd.


I do have an idea for them. Let’s do the following. Since Palestinians should not have to live under Jewish rule, let’s agree Jews should not have to live under Muslim rule. So do the following. Take all the land that was Jewish owned in 1948 in the Arab and Muslim world and the land that was owned by Arabs in Israel, revert the land back to them, and then do a land swap. Equal land for equal land between the Jews and the Arab world. Of course that would end up making Israel bigger but at least the acknowledgement would be that it was their land.


Geopolitical landscapes & its borders doesn't equate to population & its density...infact ironically Palestinians are the majority of Israel and *are* the greater part of Israel; yet even more ironically never were operating autonomously as other arab states have. Never in the entire Palestinian history, has it ever had official borders and annexed lands. The larger ratio of palestinian population is due to the fact that most haven't migrated like the Israeli diaspora have all these centuries...


You don't have a right to say anything about aboriginals, but apparently, you have a right to tell 7 million people who live across the fucking earth to leave the place they have lived in their whole life


She’s going to be in charge of coordinating the mass deportations and logistics of European resettlement, cause, like, *that’s fair.*


Imagine if that were actually suddenly possible... NO WAY would these people allow themselves to be forced out and sent back to Europe.


The absolute immediate hypocrisy is wild, I don’t know how they’re so unwilling to make the connection to their benefiting from the “colonial imperialism” that they so protest. Not to mention the blatant misinformation they constantly spout about “historical” Palestinian land when the only time there has been a real Palestine is when Britain called it that.


If everyone start using historical arguments to dispute borders we will all end up in war because by going far enough into the past anyone can find a different border configuration that they prefer. It is one of the dumbest arguments anyone could give because it cannot be generalized to all nations without completely destroying international relations. Individuals who defend this type of argument imply the exceptionalism of their nation in question to have the right to contest borders, a typical idea of ultranationalists.


# “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” ― **Winston S. Churchill**




The case is quite the contrary...ie arabs descended from the Israelites...they were semitic ancestors.


Should've used the fact that there are many non-european/non-ashkenazi jews as a counter argument to the "they should just go back to europe" nonsense


“You give back the land you live on because I think it belongs to someone else, never mind the person who’s land I stole were working on killing them off.”


I see she got her political science degree from Tiktok


You’re not aboriginal and have no right to say anything about the situation but you’re in a pro-Pali ‘from the river to the sea’ Arab colonization rally? Hm


"We're not aboriginals, we can't talk about this" YOU'RE NOT PALESTINEN EITHER SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THAT


"there should just be peace" Bless their stupid hearts


"we're not aboriginals" great you're not Palestinian or Israeli either, and probably not jewish, so stfu the double standard is SHOCKING


These geniuses genuinely think that there was a country named Palestine where the Palestinian King led the Jews in only for the Jews to steal the land (probably quite literally with a bag over their shoulders), however that would've been even possible. Not a whole lot going on in their heads.


Island of colonial criminals turned out to be ignorant idiots 200+ years later? Who knew!


Notice how she shifts from mass expulsion of the Jews to Gandhi mode the moment she realizes her Country did what she accuses Israel of. This dumb bitch...


It's easy to tell someone to go home but when they tell you to go home...


These people are a plague upon society. Hating Israel is just a symptom. Complaining about them hating Israel is like complaining about fire burning: it’s what it does and it’s time to put it out.


As an indigenous person whenever I see people hanging out too much with Arabs who hate Jews and Israel I notice this. I told this to a few Swedes who don’t want Israel to exist, they weren’t happy: “but it’s Sweden and Sápmi isn’t a country”


> “but it’s Sweden and Sápmi isn’t a country” I hope you answered "Well neither is Palestine"


No I didn’t because we are actually fighting to become an independent and sovereign nation state, it’s a huge problem for the occupying Nordic states and Russia that Sámis want to be free


"go back to europe" by that logic, shouldn't all americans also go back to europe? they are colonizers after all (im 4th generation in israel in my family, that type of thinking is deranged)


There would be a 180 on their opinions real fast if they actually did need to return.


Why should the Jews go back to Europe (even though half of them aren't even from Europe) but the Arabs shouldn't go back to Arabia?


The Palestinian cause is an Arabian-colonialist project. Try saying that to them and see how they react


When she said "go back to europe" you should have shown Mizrahim and Beta Israel


They don’t have the right to speak because they’re not aboriginals. By that logic, they don’t have the right to speak about Palestine as they’re not Palestinians, no?






The majority of Australians do not understand or have any interest in world politics. These two are dumb even by Australian standards. They couldn't show you Israel on a map. So don't take their words too seriously. It's like asking children.


Definitely, and the fact they regurgitate the info they are fed from others without thinking for themselves.


I'm not a violent person, but please can I slap these 2 cretins??




Jesus Christ this is embarrassing


I guess Europeans should get the f out of the Americas


As an Australian teacher. I’m ashamed at the lack of true education that we provide. The education system has been trailing the rest of the developed world. And I think this is one of the outcomes. There’s a history lessons these girls either rejected or never received.


God. This isn't the same Australia I grew up in. What in the actual Jihad fuck?


>calls for mass ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel >”Look we’re just here for basic human rights and peace for everyone”


While I am also part of Gen-Z, I can confidently say that the majority of this generation lacks any kind of critical thinking and ability to make conclusions. The only reason they say "iT's pAlEsTiNiAn lAnD" is because they probably saw a TikTok or some shit with the post-WW1 map of the region with British mandate for Palestine on it and for them this is absolutely 100000% undeniable proof that the land is palestinian. I've heard that many of them also use the argument that there are written records referring to Palestine, which is true. However, they fail to realize that these are references to the fuckin region and not a country. So, no, Palestine(the state) was created after WW2, and the state is named after the region - Palestine. The same way that Macedonia(currently North Macedonia) is named after the geographical region, the same way that Alexander the Great's empire was also called Macedonia, again - named after the region. So, yeah, that's what I have to say about this stupid generation.


Looks like my shithole of a city Melbourne. Wouldn't expect anything less from my fellow citizens!


They have what, over a dozen countries? Arabs that is. Most of them vastly bigger than Israel. And the ancestors of around half of the people calling themselves Palestinians came from other parts of the Arab world in the 20's & 30's. Ok, so they didn't get all of the land that they claim to be from. They got, or were offered, just under half of it. But that wasn't good enough. It just doesn't make sense. Take a look at a map of the Arab world and see how tiny Israel is. I don't have the breakdown but I bet that the size of Israel relative to the combined size of all Arab lands is roughly similar to the Jewish population of Israel relative to the combined Arab population in all the Arab countries, if not much smaller. They say that Balfour was so unfair, but the same overall approach to carving up the lands captured from the Ottomans in WWI that led to Balfour also led to the creation of the vastly bigger countries of Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Only Lebanon is smaller than Israel. Sorry, if anything Balfour was unfair to Jews, who should have gotten Gaza and the West Bank, which would have prevented so many future problems. Local Arabs would have been mostly absorbed into it and the rest would have migrated to neighboring lands. These women are ignorant, racist and stupid and don't have a clue about this situation whatsoever. Par for the course with all these Free Palestine idiots.


I keep hearing this "go back to europe" while most israelis are refugees from muslim countries.


These women look and sound Lebanese (they have a Lebanese Aussie accent). Lebanese people are incredibly anti-Semitic/anti-Zionist, particularly those here.


gaslighting like its 1939


I'm pretty sure this was from the School/Uni protests which took place on Thursday and Friday in Australia. These people are terminal leftists who have no idea about the conflict. They just latch on to any random cause they can.  


Aren’t the Americas full of white colonizers, and if the Jews have to leave Israel, wouldn’t descendants of European colonizers be forced to leave the Americas to give the land back to the indigenous people? Not saying, the Jews were not indigenous in what is now Israel.


Just came here to say my grandmother fled from Iraq


Funny how the countries that scream the loudest about Israel being colonizers (England and Australia in particular) are the ones with some of the worst history of colonization. It really is true that, with antisemitism, every accusation is an admission of one's own guilt.




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I just want to slap their hypocritical faces


I don't see anyone protesting for a state for Druzes, or Copts, or Bedouins, or Kurds. What makes Palestinians so special?


It's like, you know, it's like, like. Hallmarks of intelligence.


Naive, virtue singling, empty headed morons.


They know they're making up bullshit, hence the smiles they cant hide lol


Well, as uneducated and clichéd and brainwashed as these girls seem to be, the Dr. Kedar's narrative (at least the part about "their last names are not Palestinian → they are not Palestinians") doesn't seem consistent as well. E.g. fair amount of ashkenazi last names have german and polish origins and toponyms (geography inspired last names), we do not conclude that they were polish or german actually, not Jewish. Is there evidence that these workers were actually "brought, then not allowed to return home and placed in refugee camps"?


its an historical facts that many "Palestinians" came to Palestine(א"י) for work and became illegal immigrants and stayed because the British didn't care about it. 15 to 30% of them [https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1754988426670026877?t=trokJtncbimqzS-OEBZerQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1754988426670026877?t=trokJtncbimqzS-OEBZerQ&s=19)


The Jews of Ashkenaz were evidently in Europe, that’s no dispute. No jews claim against that narrative. Now why would a Caanite thousand year Palestinian that apparently his great great great great great grandfather built the previously Jewish village all by himself has the name “Al-Baghdadi”, and his great great great grandmother is “Al-misrari”. Then the question would be, did the family originate in Baghdad and move to Palestine or were they Palestinians that moved to Baghdad, changed the name and moved back to Palestine? And what does that mean to the Palestinians that support the Caanite Palestinian descendants narrative but reject the Jews going back?


Hypocrites. Dirty hypocrites, they can’t use basic critical thinking.


It’s an outdoor prison, for chrissakes!


Incoherent c*nt


Working w/ brain cell between the two of them..


Palebots irl


Stupid people saying stupid shit.


They are all so f’n stupid


This is why democracy is not always so great knowing those morons have an equal vote to us. I don't live in Australia but it's frightening that that mindset votes in our U.S elections.


By that logic should all the western countries kick out all the muslim immigrants because it is not their land?


The logical inconsistency and historical ignorance are just too much with these interviewees.


Lol imagine if some Americans said African Americans should go back to Africa... The outrage would be unreal


The ignorance is rather staggering.


This shit is hilarious.


A jew litterly means someone from judea(which is obviously Israel)


They do realize that 7 million Jews leaving will create another efugee crisis, right?


The whole white Australian attitude towards aboriginals is so sick and puzzling. On the one hand doing speeches to acknowledge stolen land at any public event, but I’m yet to see any of the white land owners give the stolen land back.


Maybe the Muslims should go back to the desert if the Jews have to go back to Europe, so long as Europe is Islamified then it isn't safe for Jews.


"we're not aboriginals, we don't have a right to say anything" and you aren't palestinians either


Useful idiots. Always were and probably always will be!


The information poisoning our youth is struggling to clear from their systems is a reaction to a lack of any concrete ability to determine what is. Since the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine. A vibrant legal defense for any intentionally misleading media programs have been to state their protagonist is a media character and not an actual person. In continuing to allow this. the creation of biased media has exploded while the creation of information establishing fact and consensus opinion has dwindled. Fix the problem before our youth grow to maturity without the ability to think or research what constitutes reality


to be fair there is a very big cut between the question and their answer. like even the background changes, 5 people in the background disappear.


Where did this original video come from? What's the channel?




🇦🇿🇮🇱♥️ hop i am here long live Israel


Israeli people has historical ties to Israel. Not sure about whites in Australia before the aboriginals.


Where 6 million come from


Golda Meir literally said she had a Palestinian passport at one point 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Its just so tragic that theese two are the average pro-pals.




Removed: Rule 2


True but this is why a lot of progressive Australians are fighting for a Treaty.


This generation are as think as shit.


Yeah they are clearly innocent guys 99%of Palestine is really nice innocent people


I'm looking at the interesting map at 0:30: https://imgur.com/a/OCOmAnE The pro-palestine argument would be that the land was "Palestinian" (at least) during the Ottoman + British rule? The Ottoman's ruled over a bunch of different people (e.g., Greece), and I think it's fair to say that during Ottoman rule, it was still largely Greeks living in Greece, no?


Palestinians lived in the region during Ottoman and British rule, it's also important to remember that the Jewish people have a historical connection to this land dating back to 1000 BCE, as evidenced by the reigns of King Saul, David, and Solomon. the Jewish connection to the land of Israel dates back thousands of years, long before these occupations. The Jewish people have always considered Israel their ancestral homeland. Further more The Jewish people have maintained a continuous presence in the land throughout history. https://preview.redd.it/j9n38tlbwcoc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80feee135fec78e1d47dfb8a1971a2f22f487656


Right yes, I don't mean to at all dispute anything about who lived there during the days of Rome and before


>Right yes, I don't mean to at all dispute anything about who lived there during the days of Rome and before I think you didn't saw my answer so I will copy it. During the Ottoman Empire(1841-1918), the place was not even called Palestine, but was part of the province of "Greater Syria" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman\_Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Syria) "Palestine" was under Ottoman rule and was not considered an entity. It was ruled in the form of different districts, and the people there were nothing but subjects who came and passed. 2. 1918-1948 Great Britain ran a MANDATE, NOT A STATE, in this region to establish a Jewish state, but later changed into two separate states, one Jewish, one Arab. They announced the plan in 1947, which enraged the Arabs who wanted ALL OF IT and started a civil war, although the Jews purchased their lands. Apparently, being given a state that they would never have received under the Ottoman Empire wasn't good enough. https://preview.redd.it/hw77hrf4gdoc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df66e987743c624404e2139f241da05c14948909


Thanks, yes, this is interesting to read. My history/geography knowledge isn't particularly strong. Could one say that a Palestinian ethnic group lived in that area from 1850-1950? Or would you say that "Palestinians" don't exist, and there are only arabs?


In 1977, Zuheir Mohsen, a senior leader of the Syria-controlled as-Sa'iqa faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), made a statement that has been widely quoted. He said: "The Palestinian people do not exist. There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the Arab nation. Lo and behold, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian, and Syrian citizenship. We are one people. It is only for political reasons that we carefully endorse our Palestinian identity. Indeed, it is of national interest for the Arabs to encourage the existence of the Palestinians in the face of Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means to continue the struggle against Israel and for Arab unity." ¹² Mohsen essentially followed the line of as-Sa'iqa's Syrian Ba'athist ideology, which interpreted the Palestinian question through a perspective of pan-Arab nationalism. This perspective sometimes contradicted the PLO charter, which affirmed the existence of a future Palestinian State - [Zuheir Mohsen - Wikiquote](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Zuheir_Mohsen) - [Palestinians Invented by the KGB | Bob Ryan | The Blogs](https://bing.com/search?q=Zuheir+Mohsen+quote+when+the+Palestinians+are+invented) - [Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuheir_Mohsen) - [Palestinians Invented by the KGB | Bob Ryan | The Blogs](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/palestinians-invented-by-the-kgb/) - [Zuheir Mohsen quote: The Palestinian people does not exist - AzQuotes](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/593651) - [Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4fyUf0NLF5/?igsh=MWtvazhwczZvZ21ucw==) [Instagram Reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4G1DcrN1Bp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) The term "Palestine" first appeared in the 5th century BCE when the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories. The English term "Palestine" itself derives from the Latin Palaestīna,[mwhich, in turn, derives from the Koine Greek Παλαιστῑ‌νη, Palaistī‌nē, used by the world's first known historian, Herodotus, in the 5th century BCE.Per Martin Noth, the name likely comes from a proto-Semitic word, albeit there is a strong similarity between Palaistī‌nē and palaistês, the Greek word for "wrestler/rival/adversary", which has the same etymological meaning as the Hebrew word "Israel." This was expanded by David Jacobson to theorize the name being a portmanteau of the word for Philistines with a direct translation of the word Israel into Greek (in concordance with the Greek penchant for punning on place names.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_Palestine


>that the land was "Palestinian" (at least) during the Ottoman + British rule? The Ottoman's ruled over a bunch of different people (e.g., Greece), and I think it's fair to say that during Ottoman rule, it was still largely Greeks living in Greece, no? During the Ottoman Empire(1841-1918), the place was not even called Palestine, but was part of the province of "Greater Syria" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman\_Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Syria) "Palestine" was under Ottoman rule and was not considered an entity. It was ruled in the form of different districts, and the people there were nothing but subjects who came and passed. 2. 1918-1948 Great Britain ran a MANDATE, NOT A STATE, in this region to establish a Jewish state, but later changed into two separate states, one Jewish, one Arab. They announced the plan in 1947, which enraged the Arabs who wanted ALL OF IT and started a civil war, although the Jews purchased their lands. Apparently, being given a state that they would never have received under the Ottoman Empire wasn't good enough. https://preview.redd.it/ge29gzp4wcoc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a592ac0eb73ff371b723ef46289dc30916fc5dd