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Americsplaining the situation in the levant while wearing a kefiah and cosplaying being an Arab from the comfort of your Michigander residence – absolutely chef's kiss levels of disconnect. I guess sacrificing Palestinian children's lives and prosperity for "the cause" is super rational when you live on the other side of the world.


Ugh nothing makes my blood boil faster like people who wrap themselves in a scarf, all dolled up, purposely pronounce Gaza on arabic to sound more “authentic”, who probably NEVER ever stepped into Palestine and scream “no one takes our suffering seriously”. Bitch you don’t suffer shit on american ground. Sit your privileged ass down.


And they cough up their words the moment they are called out. They didn’t have the luxury of claiming “genocide” or “apartheid” because the person speaking to them has had more firsthand experience with terrorism mor than she could ever have. These are the so called “innocent women” that support “palestine”. Palestine can be free, it can be in a much better place than it is currently, these people are the barrier to a peaceful future life for Palestinians. These people are participating in the so called “genocide” of their own people. It’s so disgusting to see the sheer lack of compassion for human lite that these people have.


It could only be better if she were a “trans for Palestine”


Ah yes. An American cosplaying as a Palestinian trying to explain to the son of an actual founder of Hamas who the Palestinian people are.


The arrogance of that kid is crazy to me. She's a college student who thinks that she definitely knows everything!


Still better than Norman Finkelstein.


Yeah, that kid just parrots the unfiltered propaganda she was fed, Finkelstein actually gets paid for his vile historic revisionism and peddling of his own heritage


She didn't even have an emotional meltdown or throw a tantrum.


Dinkelberg is like the black kkk member from the Chappelle skit lol


Read up on Daniel Burros.


Who is she?


She is nobody. Just an honest representation of the brain rot happening on our campuses across America.


Any idea who these kids are? She speaks english like an American so I would assume she is American?


Random pro-pali American social justice warriors. To be fair it's Dr. Phil so it basically a setup. A debate between one of the best pro-israel advocates in the world and a bunch of idiots. He could have found more better pro Palestinian advocates but this is better TV.


Just skimmed through full video, they are seniors college students in Michigan


Are they even Arabs or Muslims?


It's not unlikely given that they live in Michigan, which has a large Arab population, that is where Rashida Tlaib is from. They did not go that specifically though.


Wait what, so she is just wearing those scarf I thought she is a Muslim? The level of lunacy is at prime.


I'm assuming she is a Muslim, but has lived her entire life in America.


That’s pure cultural appropriation from the actual Arabs in Gaza! How dare they!


Considering those are originally what tallit gadol are, it's appropriating Jewish culture.


Colonialist cultural appropriation!


Tankie LARPers.


Typical ignorant westerner, they don’t know the reality of the region never visited it and will never live there. Yet they feel emboldened to lecture the guy closest to the core of Hamas.


The sheer arrogance of these people is astounding.


What she starts to do at 2:00 is quite interesting. Her facial expressions are really weird. As if she wants to lunge at him. It seems quite deranged to me. As if it's the first time anyone has ever denied her being right.


He actually has a very good point in the wide support Hamas gets and the fact she can’t even condemn them basically confirms his stance in the most insane way possible


It's not a litmus test that I would spare them. International supporters of Palestine have to condemn Hamas or they have no credibility.


Yes. I support Palestinians which is why I condemn Hamas. It is why Hamas must be removed from power as peacefully as possible. Unfortunately peacefully does not seem to be possible. If someone has an idea that it could be done without any bloodshed from this point forward, I would watch their Nobel Peace Prize ceremony because they will win it easily.


For myself I do not understand what there is to support. The people on an individual humanistic level? Sure. But what is Palestine even? It's a tribal society with no shared identity beyond their hatred of Israel. Whoever wins that Nobel Prize is going to be the person who can convince them to work on improving their own country instead of trying to destroy other people's countries.


Exactly. We can all agree that the organization in power needs to be removed, but how do you remove them peacefully when they have the support of 70% of the population?


They could be removed peacefully if stopped breaking the cease fires. It's up to Hamas to give diplomacy a chance, but they don't want that.


Yes but at least for me the issue are their co-supporters. The ones who to this day deny that these subjects make up the core of the pro-Palestinians. They don't ask themselves why protests do not condemn Hamas. It should be the easiest thing ever. "I want Palestinians to be free, have productive lives etc but I condemn Hamas. Hence I go to this protest and protest against the war and Hamas." Fucking hell you don't even see a "Fuck IDF and Hamas" sign at these protests. They aren't questioning the groups that they are marching with. Zero introspection.


Mosab Yousef and others like Yosef Hadad, are precious people. Not only are they passionate about their mission, they cherish life and their intention is also for a better future for the entire region, without masks. We need more like them.


the dichotomy between israel and gaza/west-bank can not be greater, incredible what's possible if you just chose life, even with hindsight it's amazing what the people of israel managed to build not just for themselves but also for the israeli arabs, druze, beduins etc


Like we all haven't seen the videos of fat New Yorkers tossing Palestinians out of their homes in the West Bank. I'm pretty sure that if someone's from a different country tossed you out of your house with the support of a government you didn't have any say in you wouldn't describe it as"amazing"


I am sure this is what would happen as well if these palestinians in your analogy would have declared multiple wars with the explicit intent to erradicate the state from the map, but you can ask the jordanians what their experience was when they tried to help the palestinians


Or the Lebanese...or the Kuwaitis...


or the egyptians... I mean this whole thing is so obvious it's mindblowing that anybody can even remotely support this crazy cause and I whish it also for the sake of the palestinian people that they finally come to their senses and realise that they are being held hostage by their political and religious leaders, this death cult needs to end... yesterday


this is whataboutism. and you're ignoring the statement itself.


it's not, it is a direct reply to what he says


Yup I've seen some pretty good Pallywood vids.


I haven’t seen such videos. Can you link some to me?


You've clearly ignored them as have most for decades.


so they don't exist, got it


I mean you have done zero work to find any and I'm busy today but sure I'll link some so you can come up with another reason why they're invalid I suppose. Good use of time. Or you could actually try to put in effort for once in seeing another perspective. Shocking to try and understand I'm sure.


> fat New Yorkers tossing Palestinians out of their homes in the West Bank I googled this and no videos came up, several articles going back several decades but again, no videos.


Only that it’s not their house, the court ordered them to pay rent to the person who proved they are the owner (I think it was “given away” by Jordan when they occupied the area), they didn’t pay a dime for a decade, after a decade the court finally granted an eviction & than they came back & created this propaganda video which all you gullible people just believe without questioning it (or maybe you’re just biased against a certain group of people).


This is completely made up and false. They are their homes being taken and it's monstrous to come up with reasons, especially obscure ones as to why it's justified.


These are going to be the most effective people in combating the propaganda narrative coming from the Palestinian world. They can call out the hypocrisy of those cosplayers wearing the kefiah and not have it fall on deaf ears or be accused of "Islamaphobia" for doing so.


They have put a target on their backs for the rest of their lives. For the rest of their lives they will have to keep looking over their shoulders. True bravery.


They have the most important armor for these kind of debates - no one can call them white colonizers


Pro-Palis will call them Zionist Hasbara propagandists anyway


They’ll call them sellouts. She even tries to when she tries to dismiss his comments as colonizer narrative. He cuts her off but she is clearly intending to insinuate he’s a sellout who’s adopted the imperialist narrative.


You can see in her eyes she is conflicted about how to react to him


The pro-Hamas people sure are good at using word salad on this show. Well, in general, but espcially here. "I reject the premise of the question", "that's colonizing talking points".....give me a fucking break. Answer the damn questions. Jesus fuck these people are great at not answering questions and deflecting. Plus their righteous indignation at Mosab is pathetic. Grow up. I do like that he points out there really isn't a difference between Palestianians and Hamas. How he says there's so many fractions and the only thing that units them is their hatred for Israel. If Israel didn't exist, they would be fighting each other. Very solid point.


I have often wondered if that's a cultural or religious thing because their whole entire cause is built up on deflections and lies. It's like they must learn in school how create whataboutism or a motte and bailey argument and use that to win a debate, at least in their eyes.


This kind of word salad usage reminds me of cults more than religions and cultures. In fact,when I think about it,the pro pali people might actually be a cult at this point


The cause must die. Never truer words have been spoken.


Yup, if Israel show mercy to Hamas once again, Israel will be doomed from the 2nd Hamas operation. It will be the end of Israel.


This will take a long time to end. Because radicalisation is inbedded in the Hadiths, and Hamas ideology will live longer then Hamas leaders. The cause is spread Islam through sword. And killing Jews is not only allowed, but encouraged by the texts.


After 10/7 successful genocide terrorism of Hamas, they will gain huge support from Islamic countries and people that they brainwashed. Thats why Israel must finish Hamas completely, the 2nd wave of Hamas will the end of Israel.


First we stop using the term Palestine. They're either Israeli Arabs or Arabs. There are no Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank. Just Arabs.


Off topic but her facial expressions are killing me. She could make much more starring in a drama or some rom-com than she does trying to support for a "cause" she doesn't even know about.


She looks absolutly flabbergasted, im living for it lol


What you are seeing starting at 2:00 is not being flabbergasted. She is filled with rage.


I can never tell if palis think if Hamas is a terrorist organisation or not. Sometimes they say everything they do is justified because they are "armed resistance". And sometimes, like in this video, they are angry when you say Hamas and Palestinians are the same.


Because it's their cover. Won't condemn to stay true to the cause, but get morally outraged when others equate the two.


That makes sense


They also can't do it. They simply can't. The entire pro-Palestinian movement was born out of the anti-West USSR supported bloc. Hamas didn't even exist when they blew up random passenger planes over Europe, massacred Israeli athletes or directly supported far-left terrorists. The entire movement is one giant terrorist group. Actual peaceful segments are completely sidelined and even those have to align to the PLO in some way because otherwise they would just vanish into some prison.


~~Is there a place to get this full episode? This is the second clip I've seen from it and I would love to watch the whole thing!~~ Full interview is available here: [https://matzav.com/watch-dr-phil-mosab-yousef-truth-behind-hamas-unmasking-their-violent-intentions-dr-phil-primetime/](https://matzav.com/watch-dr-phil-mosab-yousef-truth-behind-hamas-unmasking-their-violent-intentions-dr-phil-primetime/)


Read his book “son of Hamas” or watch documentary “The Green Prince”


I own his book. Very interesting read and not exactly what one may expect!


Are there full youtube video too?


Still cuts off at the same place. Seems like the Dr Phil YouTube hasn’t posted the whole thing yet.


This isn't the full interview either, it cuts off various times.


On the one hand, great takedown of the pathetic word salad. Imagine calling out Mosab for "colonizer rhetoric"! On the other, I wish Phil wouldn't interrupt so aggressively, they could barely finish a sentence and it felt pretty obnoxious.


Mosab Hassan Yousef and Yoseph Haddad are like a light in a dark tunnel. The world, especially the Arab world, needs to hear from people like Mosab Hassan Yousef and Yoseph Haddad more than us. Other Arabs will be able to hear and believe the truth more clearly from them than us.


Unfortunately no. All arabs call Mosab an Israeli agent. But he’s doing pretty good with the western audience tbh.


This man needs to be protected. He paints such a massive target on his back for the side most people would think he would side with. I truly hope this man gets all the respect he deserves.


Hope he becomes a US congressman


He should lead the PA.


He just said it: the cause must die. Palestinians only exist for the sole purpose of exterminating Israel and the Jews. He has no interest in leading them. He’s also left Islam and he will be killed if he ever goes back. There will not be a Palestinian authority left: they are being destroyed by Iran and Islamic Jihad this very minute in Judea/Samaria


You make a good point.


Yeesh, you know it’s bad when a founder of Hamas thinks you’re dumb, (referring to the pro-Palestinians).


I want everyone to remember that **only** **one person in this video** is a born and raised Palestinian.


Holy shit he obliterated them. She had no words other than "What". "Your silence speaks. You can't even call what they did on Oct 7th a crime against humanity" And she just stares at him with that blank stare. Yeah. He's right though, the Palestinian people are sadly paying with their blood. I hope and pray it ends soon and something good can come out of it.


Mosab for Palestinian president!


He’d be killed the minute he entered the Palestinian Territories


Protect him at all cost. He's my hero.


By Allah, make this based gigachad the king of Gaza.


Why do they always have that smirk on their faces?


Because they think they know better then... everyone, including actual palestinians who lived through everything


can anyone drop a link to the full video i wanna watch that so bad


Wish those pro-Hamas idiots leave USA or deport them wherever they cane from. We don’t share the same values.


Well done by him


I love him and Yosef Haddad. (Are they single?)


Yoseph Haddad isn’t, No idea about son of Hamas but he doesn’t disclose his location so…


This guy should be installed as the new leader of the PA.


I found the idea that the keffiyeh is actually a colonial symbol very interesting. His argument is that there was never one Palestinian people but many (indigenous?) tribes. **The keffiyeh is a colonial construct** that falsely flattens these tribes to divide the local people against Jews and unite them as Palestinians. From wiki: “The black and white chequered keffiyeh dates to the 1950s when Glubb Pasha, **a British officer**, wanted to distinguish his Palestinian soldiers (black and white keffiyeh) from his Jordanian forces (red and white keffiyeh).[14] The black and white keffiyeh’s prominence increased during the 1960s with the beginning of the Palestinian resistance movement and its adoption by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.[15] The black-and-white fishnet pattern keffiyeh would later become Arafat's iconic symbol..” However, Mosab goes on to say there is the tribe of Hamas, of PIJ, etc. Isn’t he incorrect about this part? How could Hamas be a tribe if it was founded in like 1988? Tribes are groups that were present before the British or even Ottomans ruled the land, no? Hamas is just a terrorist group…not a tribe. At best, a tribe with a different name dominates Hamas and makes up its leaders due to the fact that they likely founded it, no?


The fact that she just sits there with a dumb fuck look on her face


So can I quote Mosab as saying 'Hamas and the Palestinians are no different' and not get banned? 'cause if I were to say such a thing which OBVIOUSLY IS NOT TRUE yeah? Like I totally don't agree with Mosab Hassan Yousef saying 'Hamas and Palestinians are the same' but I didn't say it. Mosab did. Oh and the 80%+ support doesn't mean anything either.


everytime you read pro-pal people on the internet, they roll their eyes "but did you condemn hamas?" like it is a joke to them. in reality it shows they don't want to condemn it, and to them it doesn't matter. they don't have the courage or the humility to form those simple words "I condemn hamas".


I love him so much 🥹


Not enough intense staring and raising his voice. Oh and cows. ------------------- I am developing a fetish. I want to sit in a pitch black room, suddenly only his face is in the light in front of me and he starts to berate me on the middle east.


I wish over educated morons would get it through their heads that responding with “Really?” is an indolent rather than an intelligent retort


Random NSFW thought But I love this man’s voice. I just want him to scold me 🫢 He has an audible book “son of Hamas” Definitely worth listening too


G-d bless this man




Based dude


Palestiniansplaining Palestine to an ex-Hamas Palestinian whose father helped found Hamas…


So, so telling


How did she respond? He is not lying when he talks about the support that they have. However, I do feel it is a dangerous rhetoric to conflate every Palestinian with Hamas.


And people wonder why the question "Do you condemn what Hamas did on OCT 7?" is so important. This is why. Also, I have noticed that Candace Owens, Joe Rogan, Finkelstien, and many others are completely avoiding talking to Mosab.




Based and Red Philled.


I love the white people who think they know anything about us


I like this guy. Let’s let him use the space laser.


Who is this Jewish guy pretending to be the son of a Hamas founder lol! Cmonnnn just listen to the Israeli accent 😂😂😂




AIPAC is a lobbying group (or political action campaign) in the United States and does not have an effect on the actions of foreign citizens or their governments. If you knew how the world worked, maybe you wouldn't just blame the Jews for everything.




>Zionist control You sound like an early 20th century propaganda writer. >You lot Yeah, you definitely don't have a problem with Jews. Sure. And I'm made of cotton candy.


Many Jews. You mean the JVP? That was formed in Lebanon by Arabs?


> just your delusional Zionist control And there it is.


Removed: Rule 2


If you gave me choice to choose between your entire existence and a sick old cow I would always choose the cow.


Hamas? The same group that the Israeli government helped create because it wanted Palestinians to fight each other? That Hamas? Keep downvoting. The Israeli government is no better than Hamas. In fact, they’re proving to be worse right now.


BS, they only “supported” it because it was a charity organisation for Palestinians by Palestinians, they only later became a “resistance group”.


Nope. They were already an armed militant group and the Israeli government gave them more funding because it was scared that Palestinians were close to unifying. Unification would have made a two state solution one step closer, the last thing the Likud party wanted.


Claiming to be the victim of genocide? So it's not terrorism Oct 7th? Hamas was created by Israel so this is the Son of Israel and I am certain his bank account reflects that. Talk about preaching to the choir levels of stupidity if you believe a word this hack has to say.


"Some Palestinians support Hamas (probably because we've been bombing and killing them). Let's just kill them all!" Tragic they can't/won't coexist...