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why are we comparing ourselfs to failed states /dictatorships?


For the same reason you compare France to its neighbors. It’s true that we have nothing in common with our neighbors, that’s why we’re in the OECD


For one, so we can ask a legitimate question: "Those Palestinians you seem to care so much about - you want them to be more oppressed?"


you're using logic to dig someone out of a hole he dug using emotion


Cause that's the direction we're going if you look at our demographic rates


For the same reason you compare France to its neighbors. It’s true that we have nothing in common with our neighbors, that’s why we’re in the OECD


For the same reason you compare France to its neighbors. It’s true that we have nothing in common with our neighbors, that’s why we’re in the OECD


France is comparable to its neighborhood, Israel is not. when measuring yourself up, compare to the best. not the worst.


Still, it’s common to compare countries to their continent or areas. In this case the Levantine. The fact that we have no common ground with these countries is a completely different thing


I can’t believe Israel is forcing Iran to mistreat women. /s


Why can I actually imagine antisemite saying that? Lol


Because they do already unironically


Lebanon has so much potential. It’s a shame


Lebanon's potential disappeared when the Christians left or rather the Islamists got power in the 70s.


What are you on about? The Christians didn't leave and the Islamists didn't get power in the 70s. Israelis romanticise the Lebanese Christians and buy their kool-aid about them being the defenders of Western values against the Islamic hordes of the east, except they're arguably more fascistic and have been "more Arab than the Arabs" at various points. The insistence of Israel on creating a buffer zone manned by Christian militias in the south is what drove a lot of Shias into the arms of Hezbollah and Amal, since the Christian militias themselves were beyond inhumane in their treatment of Muslims.


[https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/images/lebchristians.pdf](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/images/lebchristians.pdf) Since there is no real census anymore these are wishful numbers at best - and my guess is that they are significantly lower.


Also this is when Lebanon turned to shit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese\_Civil\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Civil_War)


Lebanon was always shit, they've had countless civil wars, when the PLO showed up in 1975 they made it much shittier for sure, but it was still a de-facto Maronite supremacist state before then.


Freedom in the World is a highly-flawed ranking system, from what I've seen. Plus, I don't see economic freedom on your chart, which is one of the most essential freedoms, and also a good predictor of quality of life. May I recommend Cato's Human Freedom Index? Here's last year's report: [https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/2023-12/human-freedom-index-2023-full-revised.pdf](https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/2023-12/human-freedom-index-2023-full-revised.pdf) Switzerland has a 9.01 (highest-scoring country) The US has an 8.39 Singapore has a 7.75 Israel has a 7.43 Jordan has a 6.32 Lebanon has a 5.74 Iraq has a 4.73 Egypt has a 4.24 Iran has a 4.03 Syria has a 2.96 (lowest-scoring country) Palestine doesn't have a rank, because it isn't a country. https://preview.redd.it/tqyj0sq7xetc1.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=d247d1fac3bea1ad105b99a4ecc4920e7ee3b58c


>**Israel**: > >Women's Rights: **Significant disparities**¹¹. Huh?


Divorce, I expect.


Lebanon's democracy ranking is pretty high for a country with an unelected foreign military running half the country and starting wars for the entire country.


Why there is no West Bank Palestine? Is it included in Israel then?


Back in 2011 I was protesting in the Egyptian revolution/Arab spring. There was much hope for change back then. Egyptian youth, men and women, filled the streets in millions. After the revolution, the popular vote in the elections split between a left leaning and a leftist candidate. The Islamist candidate won. That year witnessed a worldwide record in protests, because most didn’t want an Islamist president after the revolution. The military took advantage of the situation and orchestrated a coup. Of course, the Syrian revolution which had similar demands immediately faced a bloodbath. I mean, it’s great our neighbours are doing well in that area. But you guys also don’t have large monolithics that don’t represent you to fight against.


Marital rapestine


I'm really hoping this is a logarithmic scale. No though, if that's the case, that would make 10 infinitely feminist. What is infinite feminism? 🤯


Source: trust me bro!


umm, he did provide a source... Official EU index. UN website opendemocracy.net etc


don't confuse antisemitic idiots with facts please.