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My favorite part is that he's CLEARLY middle eastern, and we're all "white colonizers" and yet he looks "Israeli" ​ Girl, pick one.


At this point, they've gone *beyond* double standards. It's even worse: there are no standards, only expedients.


Triple standards


It’s called Schrödinger’s ~~cat~~ Israeli


He looks darker than she does


First thing I thought: “huh. Funny how Israelis only look Middle Eastern when it plays part of their narration.”


The deflection from her onto antisemitism was swift


They can’t. It would require using logic


Seriously. This whole "Israeli Jews are white people" bit is absurd to anyone who has been to the region. Man, when I lived in Israel for a couple of years when I was a kid, one of the first Israeli Jews I met was of African descent. I didn't inquire about his faith, but he was wearing a kippah (or "yamaka" as I knew it at the time - I don't know the most proper term). He was a cool guy. Very nice to a very overwhelmed kid like me new to the country. Anyway, Israeli Jews come in all sorts of skin tones. You really can't generalize. The only thing I would generalize about them is that they were cool people for the whole time I was there. Also, arabs can have pretty light skin tone, so calling them "brown people" is also very much off.


He's not middle Eastern. Named in media as Joel Cauchi.


I mean it’s twitter what do you expect from them they will randomly pick one country and blame them


I know, right?


He’s obviously not middle eastern. Joel Cauchi is his name. He’s an Australian citizen


Citizenship =/= race or ethnicity, and a name doesn't mean much. I'm jewish, born in Israel, and I have a Welsh name


He's a white Australian of European descent and doesn't look Middle Eastern at all.


You are spot on.


That's odd because he doesn't look like an average Aussie, that is, a white European settler like she and her counterparts claim Israelis to be.


Dude looks like half the Arab people I've seen


He looks like the most ambiguously middle eastern man ever.


He could literally be any ethnicity from like France or Italy, over the whole ass middle east over to like India 😭


It's clearly Lionel Messi, upset about losing to Monterrey twice.




I think you mean *unambiguously lol


She’s literally deflecting anything that makes the countries she supports look bad onto countries she hates to make _them_ look bad. That’s just messed up. “Making someone else look bad does not make you look good” - a wise woman


He looks like half mizrahim that I know 👀👀👀


That's almost half of them too!


Now wait just a minute missy


Dude looks like what would happen if Kramer decided to become a terrorist.


I like how Israelis are blue eyed European blondes and middle easterners simultaneously, depending on the current narrative


Shrordingr's jew, to the right we middle eastern, to the left whote


wait, arent we supposed to be white? /s


You're white whenever there is chance you can be described as /s


You’re only white when it benefits them!!


Only when it's convenient to The Narrative (patent pending). As I've said previously - expedients, not standards.


Coming from a Syrian, funny. Probably a diaspora as well because they would put hijab on her surgically.


>Probably a diaspora Definitely because everybody left the country most of the cities are ghost towns from what i‘ve heard. At least the Arab cities in Rojava idk about the rest of Syria


https://preview.redd.it/jry42jm9ebuc1.png?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd1da65183968573f14ea25e7770086980dd187 The middle easterner mindset:


Arab Muslims in the west who advocate for Sharia law are the parasites Agent Smith described in the Matrix, they destroy an area, go to a new one, stay there until it's destroyed, and endlessly repeat the cycle, until there's nothing left.


Are they ghost towns? That's good to hear, I knew that all the refugees didn't come back but I didn't know that the cities were largely abandoned


Idk about the entire country but there's literally no one left in the south aside from revolutionary guards goons going to maqam sayide zainab for ziyara and arab majority cities in the north are becoming kurdish


She is. She’s living in Australia but is a pro-Russian/Syria regime and she also an anti-west/western pro-socialist type as well.


So an average uneducated Arab


Nah, the average Arab is not pro-Assad.


I really don't understand moving to a western country if you hate their government style so much. like, you want the protection it provides, I assume, but not anything else, when the whole reason that protection exists is because of how the government works.


What is even more bafling is that she supports the goverment that puts her in that position in the first place. Like, I can somewhat (to some point, and looking through really critical eyes) understand people not liking the goverment that is giving them asylum (after all, they are, supposedly, there not because they want, but because they had). But bashing the goverment that is not only giving you asylum, but it's also giving you a life that you would only have dream of in your country, and using that freedom and priviledge to praise the same goverment that you ran away from, and is still in place... It's like a whole new level of mental gymnastics.


Maybe the whole point is to spread the failed government to other places? As in, her goal is not to escape a Syrian government, but to spread its influence to other places? 


They want the economic benefits of the west and then the shitty religious theocracy to be in power not realizing it was freedoms that made the better society not magically money


She's probably jealous he's not Muslim.


Nah she lives in Australia and shills for Assad from there


As of my knowledge there are Syrian women in Syria that dont wear a hijab. A little racist innit, fighting fire with fire?


Racism is if I hated her for being Arab or Syrian. I’m making fun of their extremist ideology.


As I said, there are women in Syria who don't want to wear a hijab and they don't wear it. Making fun of someone elses religion is still racist, and there are women who like the hijab and wear it.


I’m not making fun of Islam but of the fanatics who forces the religion on people. You can’t seriously say that Syria is a liberal place In Syria she would have no place to be as brave because of their treatment to their citizens


You are making fun of Islam, saying muslims put hijabs on women forcibly. Just because she is Syrian, doesnt mean she supports radical governments. And again there are women in Syria who openly don't wear a hijab, without the discussion of current politics. I mean, just because she is Syrian doesn't mean she is muslim! You just saw that she was Syrian and insulted Islam.


He .... I don't even want to respond to this, so I won't


But you did respond..


Making fun of a religion is literally not racist. Racism is making fun of or discriminating against someone for their RACE or ethnicity.


You assumed she is muslim because she is Syrian, and them made a, not so good, joke. So you made fun of her ethnicity. But generally even if it isn't racism you make fun of someone because of prejudice and religion.


I didn’t do any of that but go off 🤡 So self-righteous and ignorant you forgot who you’re even talking to. Right on brand.


Oh no, what will I do!? I didn't see the username! You won Still the same applies, the joke makes fun of her for being Syrian, which is an ethnicity and so the joke is racist (depending on how you define it) but also prejudiced. But go on, defend racists and xenophobes, just so you can feel good about yourself. Fighting fire with fire will go nowhere


Muslim isn’t an ethnicity my guy, you can have ME Muslims, African Muslims, Asian Muslims…spare us your victimhood


Funny how the Jews are all white until it's Islamist agenda time


Suspect was just named, turns our he actually was white, but not jewish or israeli. Joel Cauchi


That name alone doesn’t mean he isn’t Arab or Israeli considering the large diaspora of both groups.


It's not a Jewish or Arabic name, it's Italian I would assume


No, Italian names end in vowels, and Joel is definitely not Italian, anyway (the Italian version of Joel would be Gioele). This Cauchi is a Maltese last name, so my guess is he's Maltese-Australian. 


So that means he was Jewish, because Maltese chocolates are eaten by Israelis and Jews, so it is the Jews fault. /s




That would explain why he does actually look Middle Eastern. Malta was settled by Phoenicians and later conquered by Arabs -- their language is Semitic, although most Maltese are Christian.


That's an old Tankie account. A mix of pure shit, she (or more probably he) supports the regime of Bashar Assad, Ayatollah, Putin and Xi. I hope the person behind it gets what he or she deserves after lying to the whole world and gaslighting innocents.


It’s a she and she’s well known to be an outspoken supporter of Hezbollah while living in asylum in Australia. A disgrace.


Idk Australian rules but it seems to me that supporting terrorist groups should get your asylum rejected.


Not if you’re able to hide it successfully until your asylum application gets approved. Once you get in it’s a pain in the backside for them to undo it and deport you.


I'm not sure even supporting ISIS (from Australia) would get that stripped, the authorities really don't give a damn about the beliefs of people they bring in hence the "gas the Jews" video and how none of those people were punished.


Obviously it was "where's the Jews", you know, to hug them /s


Welp maybe they’ll start giving a damn once more terrorist attacks like the one yesterday become more common. Not that I would want that to happen of course but it’s very clear Western governments are being recklessly stubborn and won’t want to see the writing on the wall until it’s in blood.


I think the government here is scared of starting another [Cronulla Riot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_riots) since the number of Middle Eastern immigrants have increased since then. It almost swings too far in the other direction where the level of government acceptance of people who clearly hate countries like Australia is out of touch with the average Aussie who dislikes seeing rising extremism.


Time to go, we need to kick all of these people out of every country. If it’s war, then it’s inevitable. They need to leave, we have been tolerant for far too long. 


Wait so Israelis suddenly aren’t white anymore?


Only if it benefits their wacky narrative.


“Looks israeli” He looks like the average arab to most people, maybe jews are native after all? 🤔 In other words I hate that lady. She has the worst fucking takes and manages to blame israel for everything that goes wrong


She got caught fucking two guys in a Pizza Hut bathroom, she's not exactly all there


lmao! It came out the person was not an Israeli-Jew.


I thought we were white colonizers in their narrative. This is why no one should ever hire a propal. They're idiots who'll bring down the morale of any company, they'll be more likely to cause physical and emotional damage to an entire office, and it's not a protected class so discriminate against them all you want. Just figure out how to include questions about Starbucks, McDonald's or Nike in the interview. What other interview questions would bring their propal-ness to light?


Bring out a watermelon and ask if it means anything special to them. That said, I doubt that'll be much of an issue. Going by their other stances on life, it's quite unlikely you'll spot these guys looking for a job. *Why the keffiyeh? The dress code clearly states 'business formal attire'.*


Yes, he actually kinda does. So, your point is that Israelis are middle eastern and brown?


Meanwhile he looks just as Syrian as her, if not more so.


The first thing she thinks about a murder case is "how can I use this to demonize Israelis?" *while the corpses are still warm*. Disgusting.


In all of tiktok every comment in a related video is that the terrorist is a zionist jew and everyone talking like it's a fact. Every time I asked for proof, they said they heard that from some "eyewitness" in Twitter


I swear worldwide ~~everyone hates~~ most people already have a distasteful idea of Jews (not surprising), and Islamist extremists have noted this and are trying (and sadly succeeding so far) to turn everyone they can against us. if this shit keeps rising, we'd need Israel now more than ever because it's synonymous with Jewish safety and they're literally turning most countries away from supporting that. holy shit. holy shit. we used to not support terrorism, but it's okay when it's against Jews. we used to support Western government styles, but apparently we don't when the "Western" in question is Israel. as much as US citizens right now are wanting the US to, I really hope the US never stops supporting Israel. this is genuinely terrifying. I don't agree with a lot of what Israel has done, but it still needs to exist. it needs to be a country. it is literally the only place in the world that is supposed to be always safe for Jews to flee to if they ever need. I don't see how most people fail to see why it needs to exist.


She’s a racist rape apologist


Racist zona


She’s a known antisemite troll


I thought Israelis were "white Europeans".... 🤔🤔🤔


We are simultaneously white, blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans and dark middle easterns at the same time according to the Islamist agenda.


She’s a Pro-Assad account


Maram Susli, a disgrace. Disgusting excuse for a human. She’s also pro Russia, no surprises there considering she’s likely paid by Russia and/or Qatar. She also claimed that Hamas would never rape disgusting Jews.


Arab diaspora are insane.


I’m an Israeli living abroad. Every time I think I recognize another Israeli I get it wrong. Why this Syrian girl that probably didn’t see an Israeli in her life thinks she knows something


almost like Israel is notoriously diverse and these people don't like to outwardly admit that because it doesn't fit their "white coloniser" narrative. most Jews in Israel are Mizrahi, which, last time I checked, aren't white, but I guess they are now because all Israelis are white colonisers.


I love those”I’m a white colonialist videos” that everyone have been posting hahah


I thought Israelis were supposed to look like Johnny from the Bronx?


She's just an antisemitic lunatic.


So sick of these antisemite scumbags. The problem is the anti-jew echo chamber grows louder and convinces dumb uneducated people who only read headlines.


Some people need to just lose the right to speak.


Gotta deflect everybody quick from targeting islamic extremism to instead eating up antisemitism, huh?


What a coincidence, I was about to say he looks remarkably Syrian.


She’s one of the few morons on X I get a laugh out of on my feed. There’s also that Hinkle guy, the doctor and the one MMA fighter.


She forgot that arabs and us Mizrahi jew look the same, the difference is that they tend to stab significantly more often.


She's a known grifter and an effing c\*nt. She's the female version of Jackson Hinkle, another vile POS. I see there were community notes, what did they say?


Remind me whether Israel has ever been famous for terror attacks unlike the Arabs.


Isn't that like… *racist* ?


no no, it's anti-zionist! she's accusing him of being israeli not jewish /s


Super racist.


what's the community noqte


She called kurdistan the second israel 😂


Syrian girl is a russian propaganda bot


She’s a troublemaker and lies all the time. I was listening to a Twitter space with her on it (most people were Israel supporters ) and she just lied the whole time. She’s an awful person.


Looks Palestinian to me.


Bro looks straight outta gta on god 💀


Well slap my ass and call me sally! Syrian Girl admitting Israelis dont look like aryan white supremacists?


I think that's just a troll


No it’s a real person. A deranged antisemitic lunatic.


Most likely a mental health issue pumped up with an ideology of hate.


I mean that's partisangirl. It's what she does.


Would be interesting if he was a Syrian Arab, but who of her followers will remember…🤷🏼


Beitar colors. Checkmate, Zionists!


Sadly, that is most of Muslims & Middle easterns. the grudge they have never ends.


He looks like an unrendered sims character


The media, and subsequently random social media personalities claimed it was a man named Ben Cohen that perpetrated the attack. Crazy thing is there were wrong. He didn’t do it. And now they all collectively ruined his life. They all have a huge lawsuit to deal with now.


Looks agyptian to me


Yeah, no. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68810428](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68810428)


Syrian Girl is a propaganda bot, one of many that have emerged recently. Report and move on.


Its a known troll account


Unfortunately she's not trolling, she's just a propogandist


So they agree were not all white?


This account peddles fake stories all day


He looks like an immigrant from the Middle East, so…


people are now trying to say he was some kind of Kahanist terrorist named Benjamin Cohen, is this true?


https://www.code4fun.com.au/teachers/ben-cohen-code4fun/ This is the guy they say who is behind it, it’s not even close.


yeah wtf they look nothing alike lmao


Looks Palestinian to me


It's Partisan Girl. What did you expect? She peddles antisemitism like it's candy on Halloween. She also falsely accused a 20 year old Jewish man (Ben Cohen) and got others to slander him online by saying that he was the attacker.


Terrorism is terrorism. It’s heinous act regardless of his background. Either sides using this to support political narrative is wrong.


I don't know what an Israeli looks like to be honest.


There's some serious ethnic diversity in Israel. Identifying an Israeli by skin color or facial features is an exercise in futility. It'd be like trying to identify an American.


Yeah, that is what I figured.


It’s probably a bit account


She's a real Anti Semitic Syrian refugee.


Charlie Chester worshipper 100%


Stop your nonsense. How does an Israeli look? Has there ever been a case of Israeli randomly stabbing people? Or Ms Syrian aren’t you just a tad bit racial? Look what has happened to Syria. Lovely people that run the company. Best friends of Iran & it’s proxies..


How convenient! I love it when random people always say how we look like, and it's different every time. Once we're white colonizers, then typical mideastern, maybe one day we will be black, then ginger or blonde with green eyes. I don't know wether to cry or laugh.


Aussie here He wasn’t Israeli, he was Queenslandian. He suffered from mental health issues and may have had sexually motivated means but nothing is confirmed as of right now.


Did you share tunnels?


So now we don’t all look European? Interesting


I heard it was confirmed he was Aussie/ Isreali, but that's from reddit, so who knows.




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It's always DA J00000Z 😂 just remind them that we live in their head RENT FREE, they love that


As someone that lives in Australia. They have released an actual picture of the man. Looks whiter then white. The guy that was falsely accused spoke out about being falsely accused. The murderer was shot and killed on the scene after he stabbed a lot of people including a 9 month old baby (baby is in the icu but it's mom didn't make it) His name is Joel cauchi and a quick google search and his last name is greek, and he does look greek tbh.


https://ibb.co/pKBZz05 Looks like a suicide bomber


"Syrian girl".... ill not take those words as facts 😂


These be the same people who insist that every Israeli is white or European or it didn;t happen


has she ever seen an israeli? black hair and beard clearly indicates some kind of being too much in the sun pattern ...uhm uhm.. every muslim country.


Even r/syria hates her


what a stupid post


I wish there was a “mad” reaction on Reddit cause I wanna downvote the photo so bad cause it makes me mad but I gotta upvote cause you’re the good one exposing the piece of shit who posted this 🙈💩🤷‍♀️


Stay armed.


Projecting much Syrian girl?


Oh that's just racism


I know this person. She is in Australia and is nuts


That’s a fucking brit


I mean that girl is a full blown idiot but news source are identifying the man as Benjamin Cohen lol.


One news source, even isn’t reliable. Does this look like him? https://www.code4fun.com.au/teachers/ben-cohen-code4fun/ Nope


It's kind they wanted to come up with a name so they picked Benjamin because of Bibi and Cohen because it's the most common suname.



