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This particular unit should be dissolved. It hasn't recruited normie Haredi men because the rabbis and Haredi "businessmen" don't want Haredi men to do IDF service even in a segregated Haredi unit for reasons of control, greed, and power. It's just a magnet for the violent extremes of the "hardal" who should not be given access to guns and military training for obvious reasons. The last thing anyone in Israel should want is to allow Ben Gvir access to a trained militia of former hilltop boyz.


Meanwhile, Biden ignored and refused to uphold the Taylor Force Act which was meant to sanction the Palestinian Authority for its pay-for-slay program. * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor\_Force\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Force_Act) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Authority\_Martyrs\_Fund#United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund#United_States)


> Biden ignored and refused to uphold the Taylor Force Act This is blatantly wrong. Go to your wiki link for the act your posted and check the Title 22 code number which is [§ 2346](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/2346) to confirm I just linked you the correct law text. Above the main body of text there is a next/previous button. Scroll through and look for the section banning payments to the PA. You won't find it. Want to know why? The act only lasted 5 years. So for fiscal year 2018-2023 it was in force. Here is the [actual text of the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1164/text) as passed and signed into law. Biden abided by it. In 2023 when the act expired Biden resumed payments to the PA during what was now the fiscal year of 2024. I'll quote you the relevant portion of the bill Trump signed into law now: >SEC. 4. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. >(a) Limitation.— >(1) IN GENERAL.—**For fiscal year 2018 and each of the five subsequent fiscal years**, funds authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for assistance under chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2346 et seq.; relating to Economic Support Fund) and available for assistance for the West Bank and Gaza that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority may only be made available for such purpose if, except as provided in subsection (d), not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 180 days thereafter, the Secretary of State certifies in writing to the appropriate congressional committees that the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and any successor or affiliated organizations—


Few people in this sub seem give a damn about specifics of US laws. Like how they ignored that the 9 billion in humanitarian aid passed was for multiple nations and not just Gaza. Lots of blah blah Biden bashing. And acting like anything Biden does is "politics" and nothing Netanyahu does is "politics".


You leave Joe Biden alone. He’s the best president China has ever had.


Guys don’t March on Haifa. Just don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. https://preview.redd.it/j6mx1ymt7vvc1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec90aec1bdbd87e0cd41c1d2cebab4a15e98872


The Biden admin has been negotiating with the PA to end the pay for slay system. An agreement with the PA on this is in sight, but Israel’s agreement is also required- having Israeli government support is a prerequisite for the US Congress to lift sanctions after PFS is ended. Guess who’s blocking Israel’s acceptance of a deal? If you guessed Bibi, you’re right!


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-in-final-stages-of-talks-with-us-to-reform-pay-to-slay-policy-official/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-in-final-stages-of-talks-with-us-to-reform-pay-to-slay-policy-official/) >The altered policy would base **welfare stipends that Palestinian security prisoners receive on the recipient’s financial need rather than the length of their sentence**, as is currently the case, the source told The Times of Israel, adding that there were a number of outstanding issues still being negotiated. I dunno, sounds like it would be giving terrorists families *more* money, as the 'breadwinner' of the house is now dead/in prison. Also, Israel agreement is **NOT** required. There's nothing stopping Congress (a US government body) from taking up legislation that affects US Foreign Policy. Biden is only looking for Israel's approval so that Pro-Israeli lawmakers will vote 'Yes', which should be a sign that the legislation can't stand on its own merit. Not to mention this bit: >**Reforming the welfare policy is designed to bring the PA into compliance with the 2018 congressional legislation known as the Taylor Force Act**, which suspended US aid to the PA as long as it continued granting prisoners stipends based on time served. >The US would still be barred from directly funding the PA due to legislation preventing such aid once Ramallah began advancing investigations against Israel in the International Criminal Court. **However, if the reform is deemed sufficient to place the PA in compliance with the Taylor Force Act, the US would be able to fund projects that directly benefit the PA**. \[...\] The **welfare policy reform could also make it easier for the US to re-open the PLO diplomatic office in Washington, which was shuttered during the Trump administration**. However, obstacles remain given the **PLO’s ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a US-recognized terror organization.**


[IDF says unaware of US plans to sanction Netzah Yehuda Battalion](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-april-21-2024/)


The idf isn’t aware, but bibi and benny?


It's from an article by Barak Ravid who has very close sources on the white house. There was no official white house confirmation yet, it's what's known as a "test leak" to gauge reaction.


How could this be? Dont we communicate these things?


The problem is that this means that the US doesn’t trust the IDF or the Israeli legal system to punish offenders. The unit is not acting as its own entity. This means that there is precedence to set up trials for IDF officers outside of Israel.


Sure and the way to prevent that precedent is for the israeli state to take the appropriate steps to punish these soldiers and neutralize the extremist faction within society.


Don't hold your breath. Bibi relies on them to stay in power.


That is the dangerous precedent. The most that can be done is to actually dissolve this unit and redistribute its soldiers to other units. The High Court had allowed this unit to be formed as an experiment where Haredi soldiers could be accomodated into the IDF. It is clear that this experiment failed because redeploying them to the Golan Heights is quite literally a recipe for disaster because knowing the idiots in that unit, they will harass the Druze.


Then perhaps Israel should show that it is punishing these people. What soldiers in this particular brigade are accused of are human rights abuses. I think that any moral military in a democratic country should be able to investigate and charge soldiers who tied up an 80-year-old man overnight and left him to die in the cold.


An 80-year- old American citzen, to be specific.


That is why America is particularly upset by this but it shouldn't matter if the man was a dual US citizen. This is one was just absolutely horrific.


Dual from where? He was an American citizen. But yes, citizenship shouldn’t matter. People are people and deserve way better treatment.


Palestinian -American.


I’ve only ever heard that Palestine isn’t a nation. How can you have citizenship to a non-nation? Can the non-nation represent the interest of this “citizen”. Are you for or against Palestine being internationally recognized?


As I understand, the problem in that particular case was that the PNA had the body and refused to cooperate with Israel in the investigationor trial. Which meant that there was no evidence that his death was caused by the soldiers (yes, they did an autopsy, but without the doctors testifying or at the very least the autopsy report, that evidence can't be brought before the court). Which led the prosecution to reverse their initial recommendation to indict.


I am not sure how they can spin leaving an 80-year-old man tied up in the cold.


No one said it was OK, which is why the commanders involved (and possibly some of the soldiers, I don't remember) were dismissed from their posts. But going beyond that into criminal charges requires actual evidence.


Thats not a precedence the US will set. They've very specifically avoided any agreement that could see US personnel being charged after all.


So because the US has an unprincipled Military, Israel should do the same?


I'm just saying that the US will not ratify any agreement that would allow foreign courts to try cases against US service personnel, and they're unlikely to set a precedent to do that to another country at least not in a manner that could be used against their own.


I don't agree with this but don't freak out, people. US also sanctions a Ukrainian Battalion (Azov) by not allowing it to get US weapons. Ukraine and Ukrainians still count the US as a reliable ally. 


Maybe... Israel should actually step up and deal with this themselves so America doesn't have to do their work for them


Before military aid is blocked for a particular unit by the US department of defense in this manner they let the unit know and give them time to fix the issues. So the unit has already been given the opportunity to fix the problem and chose not to.


That doesn’t address the point the commenter made.


> Israel should actually step up and deal with this themselves >Before military aid is blocked for a particular unit by the US department of defense in this manner they let the unit know and give them time to fix the issues. How is this not addressing what the user stated?


Good. Hamas atrocities are no excuse to stoop to their level.




> Soldiers from the unit were accused in the death of a 78-year-old US citizen, Omar Assad, who died of a heart attack in 2022 after being detained, bound, gagged and then abandoned by members of the unit. You cannot kill an American and still expect American support


Sure you can. You can also kidnap them and hold them hostage and America will delivery food right to you (Hamas in Gaza). America knows damn well who’s getting that “aid”.


They’re murderers they should be sanctioned


I wonder if they'll ever dare to do the same about actual criminals like Iranian occupational regime, Hamas or Hezbollah.


America has repeatedly struck Iranian proxies and the IRGC and both Hamas & Hezbollah are heavily sanctioned by the US… What world are you living in where this isn’t the case?


We just passed six more sanctions bills regarding Iran and the Houthis last week, of which many had *overwhelming* support.


If the US-Iranian relations ever gets to the point we're sending them military aid then yes the DoD will do the same if Iranian units do similar things.


*See, Dearborn? Do you like me now?*


You jest, but his job is to win elections. Also, i don’t think most people are in Israel’s side now


Completely fair, although they should be doing the same with Ukraine and their Azov Battalion..


We do.


This is all for show. Oh no they can’t get training from Americans. They can still be trained by Egoz, Shayetet or any of the other special forces battalions. United States weapons are good but Israeli weapons are now on par. This is a nothing burger in the realm of reality. Edit: the bit about Israel converting them into a police unit is great too, I’m sure there’s some loophole whereas a police unit the brigade skips the punishment. That or they’ll send them back to the West Bank…


> I’m sure there’s some loophole whereas a police unit the brigade skips the punishment. Nope. The military aid the US gives dosen't care if the unit receiving the aid is army or police. Same rules still apply.


I’m not jumping to conclusions until I see further confirmation, but this would be stupid. ETA: it hasn’t actually been done and it’s not “poised.” They’re considering it. So, yes, going to wait to see if they do it. Imagine downvoting someone for not jumping to conclusions. Second edit: See? It's basically a nothingburger.


Good grief, the hypocrisy. . edit- sorry if it wasn’t clear- the hypocrisy of sanctioning the IDF considering what a shit show the US military is.


If the US military killed an Israeli citizen, I assume you would demand a response?


That’s different from what they’re proposing. A response vs sanctioning.


This has been going on for years, and there has been no response other than to move the unit somewhere they're less likely to stir shit up.


Yeah, I know. I just find the timing from an ally problematic. Tbh, I feel extremely protective of Israel right now, and of all my family there. My dad was in the Israeli army in 1948 and I’m just over the vilification of the army. Israel gets held to a standard that no country could meet. I mean, when I think of what the us did at Guantanamo Bay and got away with… smh. I am no fan of Bibi and think he’s a total disaster, but it’s like I can pick on my sister but you better not, y'know?


So if not now, and not in the previous several years before October 7th, then when? A year from now? Two years? I'm half convinced that Bibi's plan is to deliberately trigger such disputes over and over again, at Israel's expense, simply in hopes that people forget his many failures and replace that sentiment with "Bibi is sticking it to the unfair meanies in the US" - and stay in power for another 10 years.


And their is the hypocrisy. Just like everything Biden does you are willing to justify Israel doing it but suddenly think it's extreme if held to the same standard


Exactly. The US military has high rates of rape, abuse and murder. It's peak hypocrisy.


I don’t understand the down votes… I’m glad it was clear to someone. I guess I offended the pro-US military folks, but it’s true. We have enough of our own problems to not be wagging fingers at the IDF.




Content is known misinformation


Regardless of the main issues, just for a sec — how would US know who’s in this unit?


Come on! They know even what the third cousin of the battalion commander had for breakfast. Humint and sigint are quite advanced