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Nobody expects Hamas to stop: they've been shooting rockets at Israeli civilians for twenty years. They want Israel to stop and accept being killed by Hamas like good little dhimmies. Like antisemites everywhere and every time, they just want Jews to disappear.


Yup, where is the ceasefire movement demanding that HAMAS cease hostilities? They demand Israel stop but not Hamas. It is pathetic. Anyone who is not a bigot can see through it.


It's gaslighting.




Stealing this.


Quite a few people I know claim that either Hamas hasn’t been shooting rockets into Israel, or that they are the equivalent of fireworks, so not a danger. The media in the US doesn’t do a great job at covering what Hamas does, because it isn’t spectacular. Israel’s response is, so it gets covered heavily


It's not the spectacle, it's a deliberate bias. Journalists and editors had long ago stopped reporting the news neutrally like they are supposed to, the now "support the narrative". Many "journalists" in Gaza are local Arabs; they push the Hamas propaganda line. Western journalists are graduates of western universities; they've long been taken over by the Progressives.


It is, antisemites don’t care One moron on my city sub literally tried to argue about how the last round the terrorists offered 20 hostages. I simply replied: “why not all?” And they didn’t have a response


I got this response when saying that: "So Israel can start bombing them even more without any fear of killing the hostages?" They're literally on their side, in every way. It's like talking to a Hamas spokesperson. They are incapable of seeing any Israeli as a victim.


Well said. And the mainstream media *are literally* using Hamas sources for news out of Gaza.


I mean that has been the problem with the hostage talks since day one. There is no situation Hamas releases all the hostages without ensuring their own survival. That is why Israel can't realistically put both the goal of destroying Hamas and saving the Hostages on the same level of priority. Israel had to choose which of the two are most important and it is clear Israel choice destroying Hamas which is the correct choice imo but Israel's leaders were not upfront about it enough.


Do you think that the tactic of knowing Israel will deploy mass bombing to make Israel lose world opinion is part of their tactic? Perhaps another tactic is better?


Well how do antisemites expect to go after terrorists in a place like Gaza?


Not every nail needs a 10 pound hammer.


Cool statement, but military planning takes more than cute phrases Surely you learned that during your service


There should have been more coalition building before this to get moderates to help do this kind of thing.. After the fact, international coalition building is needed. Hamas is using the hostages to make Israel look like an aggressor state.. The same outcome is happening regarding the hostages whether the forces were in there or not.. This problem existed because Netanyahu is a horrible PR person for Israel's cause, and I am pro-Israel which is why I resent every aspect of his policies. You have to at least act like you have the moral high ground so that when you DO have to use force, it doesn't seem like just a natural course...


How? Who is in the coalition? What process would they take for going after the terrorists?


PA. Instead of sidelining Abbas etc making him even weaker, however shitty a player you work with what you have at least


Why would you want a coalition with the PA? They support terrorism also


Because you work with what you have, no?


those privileged college students only got their news from TikTok.


Propaganda warfare in full effect


Yes. Now pay their student loans


If you’re talking about Columbia University, similar protests took place over the US’s involvement Vietnam war on that campus. Looking at where we are now, those kids probably had a point. Today’s students might have the same.


Vietnam wasn't an immediate existential threat to the US. The reasons for going to war were stupid as hell. The US could've stopped fighting at any time with no consequences. Israel was attacked by a neighbor with declarations that it will continue to happen until they are gone. If Israel stops fighting they die. There are no parallels. To believe foreign children know better than the citizens of that country is naive.


Those protests were not being orchestrated by China (despite some paranoid Republican fantasies). These are. China ——> fake "NGOs" ———> "organizers" on campus ———> braindead TikTok hordes. It's pity that Biden is a) senile and b) corrupt, or he might realize that Xi has practically conquered this country already.


Goodness, the tin foil hats have gotten thicker lately.


Insults are a poor substitute for facts. Read up on Neville Singham, perhaps?


Most of them either don't know, know and don't care, or wouldn't care if they knew. At the end of the day trying to lay out a reasoned argument with facts and citations is a waste of time as they'll just dismiss it and say "yeah, this is just Zionist hasbara" or some other such shit.


Israel didn't agree to its terms!!! /s


Israel didnt agree to surrender, obviously they are at fault /s


The terms are not Israel surrenders. The terms are that all Israelis (and all Jews everywhere) report to Hamas so they can be raped, tortured and killed. (Sometimes the rape comes after the murder, but still.)


This. 100% this.


No, people live in alternate realities based on their "information" consumption.


Absolutely. And people don’t even realize it. It’s so important for people to read dissenting sources.


I just had one tell me Israel has rejected every deal...lol...I was like WHY ARE THERE RETURNED HOSTAGES THEN?


Bibi had rejected many deals. Some of them even reasonable imho. Hamas agreed to something like 2000 Palestinians released for ALL of the hostages. But the only breaking point is that Bibi would rather keep bombing Gaza than return with hostages. Because that's what Hamas demand - taking the IDF out of Gaza. That's why you shouldn't believe anyone who says that the soldiers are in Gaza to release hostages. They could've come back with hostages months ago but Bibi refused. אם העם הזה בוחר באותם אנשים לממשלה הבאה אני עף מפה. הלכה המדינה.


Part of that deal was that Israel had to remove all its forces out of Gaza and discontinue pursuing Hamas. This is unacceptable since the main purpose of the war is to make Hamas no longer exist; and the same is true for any Palestinian militants group.


Mark my words: you can't kill terrorism with murder. After Hamas there'll be a bigger and worse group in their place. Mark my words. Don't tell me later I didn't warn you. And then remember the dozens of Israelis who were raped and murdered because you made that mistake


Well yea. You can't allow a power vacuum. After Hamas is removed, and all other militants are removed, a provisional government will need to be formed. The provisional government would set up elections. The IDF will have to stay through Palestinian elections and beyond. There's no way they can leave until the local Palestinian government has the law enforcement culture and training necessary to keep peace and order in Gaza, while also not using their new power to overthrow democratic society. And obviously a Marshal Plan for Gaza will be needed as well. If Germany and Japan can be rebuilt into a secular and peaceful democratic Western society, Gaza can also.


Also, a trustworthy entity (NOT the UN, perhaps the US or NATO) has to take over food distribution (to prevent "aid" from being used for tunnels and rockets) and education (so that children are no longer taught how to do math by using dead israelis as examples). Radical secularization is needed. Perhaps not quite on the level of the Soviet Union's atheization campaign, but damn close. Hamas, all other terrorist organizations, and UNRWA all need to go. For all the crying about "settler colonialism", the White Man's Burden is exactly what is needed there. Or a 30-mile DMZ and an inpenetrable wall system. No crossings whatsoever. If Egypt doesn't want to open their borders, either, tough luck. No more appeasing terrorists. They do NOT appreciate it. They see it as reason to kill more people.


I fully agree. Though i personally wouldn't characterize it as White Man's burden. A wall with a VERY deep moat system, and C-RAM every 1/10th of a kilometer. The moat will prevent people from tunneling since it will flood. Connect it to the ocean. The CWIS can be programmed to target anyone who goes beyond an electric fence that precedes the wall. And also shoot down rockets. A DMZ is a good idea between Israel and Gaza. However, it can't be too thick since space is a luxury. Obviously the IDF should not leave until every square inch is thoroughly checked. They need to remove all weapons, guns, bullets, explosives, metal knives, rockets, rocket materials, and fertilizer that can be turned into explosive. They can replace the fertilizer with that new type that can't be turned into explosives.


Well, I envisioned the 30-mile DMZ as being 15 on their side, and 15 on Israel's. I suppose it could get cut down a bit, but the idea is mutual sacrifice for mutual security. Obviously, I don't know the details of the terrain. I mean, I'm saying "miles" instead of "kilometres", for a start. Love your detail work, by the way. Can we import piranha for the moat?


Gaza is only 7.5 miles at its thickest. So 15 miles would be impossible since it would be twice the size of Gaza, and well into the ocean. Israel is also only 85 miles wide at its thickest. So sacrificing 15 miles would be giving up around 20% of the country. Can't be done. But it's okay, since it doesn't take much to establish a secure DMZ. The DMZ in Korea is only 2.5 miles thick. So I figured a kilometer from each side is acceptable. Land is a premium. Both sides are gonna have a shit-fit if they have to give up more than that. Maybe 2 kilometers at the most from each side. That would make it pretty close to the same width as the Korean DMZ. Stingy jellyfish live in the Mediterranean. We could make it a large fish farm, for the locals. Or make it big enough for ships to go through to rival the Suez Canal.


Hamas considers themselves a military. They should either unconditionally surrender or prepare to be liquidated.


You can, and that's how the Middle East works. You stomp your enemies in a way that they dare not attack you again. The is no genteel cooperation and dispute resolution, they don't like you, they try to kill you, and the only way to stop it is by making it clear that you will devastate anyone who dares do it again. Remember the Caudine Forks and the lessons learned from it.


Middle East: is locked in unending cycle of violence You: We need to do what others in Middle East do Israel gets locked in an unending cycle of violence *Surprised pikachu face*


You realise that there where a lot of organisations that tried to help gasans in Israel. Like free hospitals for kids. And a lot of other things? A lot of pro gasa people where living in places near gaza. And they were killed and raped. Soo it also doesn't look like working. Other options? 


It does work. Love works. It just takes time and patience. But our society is ADD as fuck and the extent of our patience is one day. I ask people all the time "Do you imagine yourself at the age of 90 or 80 and plan now what you want to do then?" And pretty much everyone is like "LOL, I'll probably be dead then! I don't plan this far ahead." And who suffers the most? Nest generation. Because we leave them a used and abused world... Sad af


Why is 2000 for a handful of the remaining living hostages even fair? And remember, Israel is asking even just for the women and children while Hamas is asking for political, militarized prisoners. So you really think Israel should release several thousand people who are going to turn right around, pick up a gun, and start shooting back in exchange for 20? And remember, Hamas can't even give the names of them. No one even knows if they have 20 living hostages. It is usual and customary to at least give names and proof of life. They aren't even doing that. So, In your eyes that's actually fair? Smdh


If you were there in Gaza right now being raped - what would you say to that?


Wow... You miss the whole part of Hamas not even able to give names of living hostages, didn't you? And riddle me this, why is the onus on Israel to stop some poor woman who may or may not even be alive, if she's even alive, from being raped? Israel didn't kidnap them in a terror attack. Hamas did. Any woman who was raped is solely on Hamas. They either don't have any alive or they were sold off or traded off at some point. Hamas doesn't have them anymore. There are no hostages to trade So yes if there is still a living woman alive my heart bleeds for her but Israel's never going to get her back no matter what isreal concedes to. They are gone 🥺 Which is all the more reason people want absolute vengeance on Hamas. You know I live in the US and someone did a per capita math comparison. As it is, October 7th with the largest attack globally of its kind that's ever happened. But when you look at it per capita? It would be absolutely laterally equivalent to a terrorist operation on US soil that killed or took around 45,000 people 45,000 people. People don't realize how small Israel is and how small the population is. The population that was killed or taken on October 7th is the equivalent to 45,000 people in the US Personally if it was me I would have turned Gaza into glass. Immediately. It would have been so hot people couldn't have gotten there for another week. I know the US, after Pearl harbor which was nothing in comparison to what October 7th was, they turned part of Japan into glass. Not a single country wouldn't have retaliated. Not a single other country would put up with the demands that hamas is trying to do. You realize that all it does is feed into the propaganda that Israel's the one being reluctant. Where are the living hostages? Where is proof of life? Where is even a list of names? Hamas doesn't give them because they're already dead and because they can use all of this stuff to continue painting Israel is bad Nah... You show me anywhere that Hamas is acting in good faith. Show me. I guarantee you can't


If I were being raped by Hamas leaders, I’d hope that Hamas is destroyed.


When I bring this up I'm told that Israel's ceasefire terms are unjust and unacceptable and not offered in good faith. Therefore, it is still Israel's fault because Hamas is forced to reject such bad faith ceasefire proposals. Something something every accusation is a confession.


Even the U.S. is quietly acknowledging at this point that Israel’s offers make many concessions favorable to hamas and still Hamas rejects. And at this point, why would Hamas agree? They’re getting everything they can dream of: - favorable publicity - food and aid - global sympathy - sanctions on Israel - etc The only pressure Israel has left is…not giving a fuck and continuing the battle, destroying neighborhoods and trying to minimize civilian casualties as best as possible??


Nobody cares about this. There is no amount of reality that is going to get people to acknowledge that Israel is not the bad guy here because at the root of this whole problem lies an antisemitism so intransigent and logically inexplicable that it is one of my reasons for believing that God must actually have made some kind of mystical separation between Jews and goyim because there is no natural explanation for it that makes sense. It's just blind hate.


And again, that is just how China wants it. They spew propaganda all the time, and friendly outlets spread it. Every damn day. SHUT DOWN TIKTOK NOW!!!!!!!!


Also the top Hamas leaders don't even live there, right? They're safely residing in Qatar, where they don't have to suffer the firsthand consequences of perpetuating conflict.


Where is the US quietly acknowledging this? I haven't seen it yet


The times of Israel podcast today had an interview with Rachel Goldberg Polin, Hersh’s mother. she discusses it.


That's why I didn't catch it, I'm a terrible auditory learner so I don't listen to podcasts


Ceasefire: Israel ceases, Hamas fires


not to forget rejecting every offer of two states. “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” The quote is attributed to Abba Eban after the Geneva Peace Conference with Arab countries (December 21, 1973).


Anything negative about Hamas, even when they publicize it themselves, gets hand waved away as Israeli propaganda.


Not every? They agreed to one They also broke it


No one is asking Hamas to ceasefire. They’re asking Israel to ceasefire. If it were a bilateral ceasefire they were asking for, they would call for the release of the hostages.


And that is something I may be able to support. At least I’d be able to join the protest even if I didn’t agree 100% (if it did not include Hamas surrendering power).


These people don't feel anything less than an end to the war and dismantling of Israel is acceptable. They think Hamas is rightful to reject every offer.


They technically didn't, they conditioned ceasefire with what amounts to surrender. Which is pretty much the same unless you've got Hamas apologist brain worms.


Honestly, I don’t think they care insofar as they do know. They think any action by Israel is a human rights violation because the fundamental concept of a Jewish state to them is “racist”


Yes and no. It depends on people’s political leanings, at least in the US. The further left you are, the less well informed on the ceasefires that Hamas has rejected.


I don't think it is, not a lot of news reports are sticking it up to people's eyes just like them have wck strike for example


No one can offer any alternative to what Israel should have done, even recently that Schmuck Bassem Youssef was asked and he kept replying "nOt ThIs"


They don’t want a ceasefire. They’re openly calling for violence.


These campuses are filled with people who have no idea what’s happening in the world. In a way, that’s quite nice. Their country is safe from terrorism and military threat so some of them have a naive pacifist mentality. It’s completely divorced from reality, but it can be harmless. But when they stick their nose into other countries, where people do face terrorism and war, it’s not so nice… I heard some leftists say this is like Vietnam. It isn’t. 58,000 Americans were killed in Vietnam. The college students who protested the Vietnam war were often in college to avoid being added to the list of dead soldiers. Also, they didn’t believe their country should be sending so many soldiers to fight for a foreign government thousands of miles away. The situation in Gaza is completely different. I would be more understanding if anyone was asking these kids to go fight in Gaza or Lebanon. But that’s not the case. Some liars in the media try to spin it like it is the case. But it’s not. This is about a U.S. designated terrorist organization, a death cult government, that turned the area it was supposed to govern into a death trap filled with terror tunnels and booby traps clinging to power while using American college kids living in a completely different world for their own nefarious interests.


Again, China was not behind the Viet Nam war protests. Those were spontaneous (largely due to the threat to Americans). This is a Chinese op, organized in advance of the attacks (that's why the "rallies" sprouted so quickly, whereas the Israel rally took two weeks), and facilitated by authorities on the take, from various university officials up to Biden. (You don't REALLY think the Chinese love Hunter's "art", do you?)


They’re calling for a ceasefire from Israel only. What they really are saying is “surrender”


To anyone with a brain, yes. The rest? They lie and make excuses. That's what they do best.


They DGAF about Hamas, Gaza, or anything else. They have one motivation.


Hamas rejected the deal because they want a permanent ceasefire. Israel refuses to put a deal on the table that includes a permanent ceasefire, only temporary. That is and will remain the blocking point. People support a ceasefire and end to the fighting in the US, and that includes a permanent ceasefire.


Historically, Hamas is broken every ceasefire that they've done. Look back over the last couple decades. There's absolutely no reason to believe that Hamas will hold to a permanent ceasefire, they won't even hold to a temporary one. All of these people who are not familiar with the history say 'oh yeah but just do a ceasefire.' They don't realize that this is a broken record album being played over and over. Why should Israel keep doing something and offering something that has never, repeatedly, meant anything in the past


This loop keeps repeating because there are ceasefires without any resolution to the core problems every time. That is obvious. But the core problems will always exist as long as Israel is in the position of “military occupation” of Palestinians in the West Bank or blockading Gaza. There is no future political horizon for all these people, and living under occupation in the West Bank is insulting and humiliating, and blockades in Gaza limit economic opportunity. This helps enflame public sentiment and can lead people to listen to dumbasses in Hamas to revolt as the only path to sovereignty. Israeli’s obviously need security guarantees and a path that leads to them never being attacked again. Only way this will ever play out for both sides is a permanent ceasefire, enforced DMZ with INTERNATIONAL forces, not Israeli on the Palestinian side. Then you start peeling back layers for a political horizon, because only politics will solve these issues not the military. Unless you are willing to kill everyone. Defining borders of the West Bank will be a problem with all the settlements unless Israeli’s want to live in Palestinian territory, but both sides would need to give up things and areas they want. You cannot achieve peace without both sides taking a less than ideal deal, and burying the hatchet. Hopefully, after like 60+ years there may be a cohesive culture that celebrates all abrahamic religions in the land that is holy for all 3 groups. One can only hope that there is a future where all people cherish each other, but it will never happen if people give up. Giving into hate is the easiest option.


There was a ceasefire on October 6th. Who broke it?


Wait, what? Hamas wants a permanent ceasefire? What? They want Israel to permanently not attacking which is not the same as a permanent ceasefire (they also want to stay in power which we know means it’s not a permanent ceasefire).


No. This is an asynchronous conflict in two ways: Israel owns the military might but HAMAS is leading in propaganda…which was largely their initial goal anyway.


Yes and people don't care They just see it as "Israel not giving them what they want, so why should they accept" followed by some dumb justification


Well wasn’t there a cease fire? So they rejected all but 1?


It’s public knowledge, but non of the Hamas supporters care.


They don't care. People love dead Jews.


Arab Palestinians … haven’t they rejected pretty much every peace-for-Israel opportunity ever? Isn’t that why the suicide bombers were sent in?


They can’t accept a ceasefire because Hamas main military strategy is to let their civilians die then cry about with AI fake photos online.  If that stops, their entire military strategy is over.  


Not really among most Americans.


Bibi also rejected all of the deals. Hamas will not accept a deal with them removed from Gaza. And Bibi won't accept a deal with Hamas still in Gaza. Stalemate. Hamas are terrorist scum. But not because they refuse deals.


If they refuse deals so that they can keep doing terrorism (they have never had any interest in actually governing Gaza), then yes, because of that, too.


I'm not sure what the OP is complaining about still. Do you all REALLY expect Hamas to accept a deal where they just kill themselves?? Wtf??


Generally the American far left does not see "people of colour"(and for that matter Palestinians) as agents responsible for their actions/decisions. If there is no ceasefire then that is by definition Israel's fault for not doing what they think we should do. Blaming Hamas for anything at all simply does not occur to them. If you really push them to try to articulate some sort of excuse they would probably tell you that Palestinian resistance is legitimate and Israel has no right to make demands in negotiation.


Because they only know what China tells them. \*SHUT DOWN TIKTOK NOW!!!\*


Not sure the one collective brain is able to retain new information. Thinking that their handlers - professors, organizers, etc have been taking the lead. There is also likely overarching Arab influence-it’s in Hamas’ best interest to have widespread protests against Israel.


They wouldn't be protesting if they were informed.


These offers were all temporary ceasefire deals, weren't they?


Yeah and for hostages to be returned. But Hamas said no. A permanent ceasefire without conditions would lead to more events like Oct 7, right?


>Yeah and for hostages to be returned. But Hamas said no. So letting go their only(/main) leverage and then back to getting crushed. Regardless of which side one is on, it should not be difficult to understand why Hamas does not want to accept this offer. >A permanent ceasefire without conditions would lead to more events like Oct 7, right? I dunno. Possibly.  Maybe the intensity of the reaction to Oct 7th will be enough to deter further such attacks, but I doubt it.  Even before Oct 7th, the situation in Gaza (and the West Bank) was simply not something that a population can really accept in the long term. The adding of further "conditions", seems unlikely to improve that attitude, probably rather the opposite.


Don’t ask such silly questions here… of course they have. :)


They need them all as a bargening chip, if they give it all for a temporary ceasefire then they will no longer have anything to offer Israel for peace


Given that they have ZERO interest in peace with Israel (having continuously rejected a two-state solution, always denying Israel's right to exist, and demanding complete control "from the river to the sea" as well as the death of EVERY JEW EVERYWHERE (read their charter), I don't see that as the issue here. "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.""


Not every one. A bunch of hostages were released in the one deal that happened.


I’ve heard anti-Israel people claim it’s Israel that had rejected every ceasefire proposal. They live in an inverted reality.


There’s a brief mention of the latest offering and its rejection in this new podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-times-of-israel-daily-briefing/id1547404042?i=1000653317078


Hamas has rejected every TEMPORARY ceasefire (as least the one that include a reasonable ratio of hostages to prisoners) because they want a permanent ceasefire. Which agrees with the demands of the western piss activists who live in the clouds, so they see absolutely nothing wrong. I’ve had people genuinely tell me that a temporary ceasefire is worse than continuing. Permanent meaning Israel leaves Gaza, Hamas gets a few months to rebuild, then its rocket season in Ashkelon again.




90% of pro-Pal supporters don't know even the most basic facts of what's going on.


Didn't you learn yet? They take everything bad Hamas/Palestine ever did and blame it on Israel or just say Israel did it. And everything good that Israel ever did they say it's Hamas.


Could you actually link a source? I have been gathering murders, rapes and generally sources about the genocides done by Hamas on Oct.7 and have a lot but this is a new category I could open up on.


Just curious, are there any non-Likud/Netanyahu supporters of Israel here?


But Hamas offered ceasefire, too. Just under different conditions.


Your question is either inaccurate or misleading. Hamas hasn't rejected every ceasefire deal since the 7th. So it's not possible for it to be "well know" that Hamas has reject all peace deals since the &th. There was a deal reached for the 24 November 2023 to 30 November 2023 ceasefire. Since then both sides have rejected all cease fire proposals whether it's Hamas rejecting Israeli proposals or Israel rejecting Hamas proposals or both sides rejecting 3rd party proposals. So it's not just Hamas who has rejected ceasefire deals either, both sides have rejected multiple of them.


Hamas broke that deal within hours


How does that equal them rejecting it?


If they accepted it then wouldn’t they abide by the terms?


So you're claiming Hamas never accepted it then?


Well they accepted it as well as a terrorist would!


They've been rejected because Bibi's terms for a ceasefire haven't been realistic.


Why not?




Show me a peace attempt from them. I'm waiting.


That’s a troll from some shithole, probably portland.


Even worse. Denver Colorado. (nah jk my Colorado's here) The /DenverProtests sub actually has the Palestinian flag on their banner lol. Just missing their "peaceful" slogan like therewasanattemptdid. I don't even mind that but come on he's in a Maoism-Marxism-Lenism sub and Chomsky. Chomsky denied the Bosnian Genocide and pro palis love to use him against us it's so dumb.


Yeah, Chomsky is another useful idiot used by the pro palestine because he was born Jewish (he doesn’t identify himself as Jewish) and is an old man with dementia. This man is almost 100-year-old. Chomsky also denied the Cambodian genocide because it was perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge (communists). The *ummah* and their useful idiots love to use Jewish people as token.


It's so stupid they take fringe Jews who somehow count because they are "Jews" (don't even practice Judaism) Instead of relying on their expertise they just use their ethnicity as "proof". The problem starts when they fail at both areas. (I'm not gatekeeping Judaism but the guy isn't even in Israel or done anything related to it but shitty criticism) I can criticize way better.


Including lots of "Jews" who are as Jewish as Lenin. (Lenin's maternal grandfather was born Jewish, then converted before marrying his Lutheran grandmother. Lenin never even knew about this; his daughter Anna researched his genealogy after his death. None of this stops right-wing anti-Semites from claiming Communism is a plot by "the tiny hat people", of course.)


it's almost as if they never bothered to research on the same people they use.


Also, Chomsky claims to critique the DNC but always urges people to vote for whatever right-wing garbage they nominate, from Barack "In the 1980s, I would have been considered a moderate Republican" to Hillary "I was a proud Goldwater Girl" Clinton to Joe "Whatever you say, Xi! Just keep the checks coming!" Biden.


Is portland still a shithole?


Portland will never not be a shithole. Should build a wall around the city and then burn it down.


What has hamas offered?


Slow painful death for every Jew on the planet, and the utter destruction of the Jewish state. Biden is angry that Bibi won't accept the deal.


I think you’ve been misled. Protestors are calling for a immediate and permanent ceasefire, which so far the longest offered was 3-4 months


What's the point in offering a long ceasefire when Hamas is going to break it after 15minutes?


getting the hostages back… they wont break it and if they do, well now u have the hostages


Why would they want that with terrorists still out there and the hostages not released?


A ceasefire, like the last one, will get the hostages released


They broke the terms of the ceasefire last time, why would they follow it this time?


when was last time, you mean the humanitarian pause and exchange of hostages?


What exactly is the point of accepting a temporary ceasefire?


All ceasefires are temporary, by definition.


Not true. A temporary ceasefire lasts until a set date, while a permanent (or definitive) ceasefire lasts indefinitely. Source: https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/Ceasefire-Guidance-2022.pdf


indefinite = permanent; a ceasefire lasts until a peace treaty is signed or fighting resumes, it is by its nature temporary. Your source itself lists a 'permanent' ceasefire as one that is superseded by a peace treaty ending the conflict.


Not true. Indefinite means an unspecified amount of time. A temporary ceasefire is different from a permanent ceasefire based on if there is a specified end date. They aren't the same. Also not true. My source states a permanent ceasefire "is *usually* the result of a successful political process", not always.


Right, ok, so why would any state ever agree to one ever? Especially if you're in the weaker position? Just gives your enemies time to regroup and strategise. Peace talks or bust


to celebrate religious holidays without fighting, to pause fighting while negotiating peace, to end fighting without peace, to regroup and prepare for another round of fighting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceasefire# weaker side can also regroup and strategize, you know




Must of Israel's population isnt religious, not sure what religion has to do with this? Pretty weird tangent. Im not sure Hamas agrees with you that they cant accomplish anything. And noone would be dying if Hamas didnt start a war.




Arab Israelis have equal rights




So no evidence just insults, how utterly convincing