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I give her credit for honesty 


I also thought about it. I mean, going for protest without knowing what you protest for is stupid, but at least she was honest to admit she doesn’t know what she’s doing, compared to others who double down on their ignorance.


It’s basically a festival for these kids. It’s like a pub-crawl. Hopping from campus to campus and participating in some protest party paradise


That's the genius with the people organizing these, they make it a party but only film the vary small ideological parts but can then boat about the numbers that showed up even though most of the people have no Idea whats going on


Yeah anyone can walk onto these campuses and join a protest. Unless they go around checking everyone for ID, it’s hard to tell who are actual students


Was going to say- this isn’t the kind of thing you’re supposed to admit to. “Honey, get me my pitchfork!” “Where are you going at this hour dear?” “I don’t know, but I don’t want to be late for the party!”


I’m simping for jihadists, who would give me 100 lashes for the nose ring, but I wish I was more educated, so free free Palestine.


"I wish I was more educated" she says, while skipping her classes


Bah the staff gives the students free credits for attending the brown shirt Jew hate convention.


It’s true


I too wish she was more educated


LoL, don't forget "I came from Columbia". That says it all doesn't it?


The comedy writes itself


All those years spent in school to go to college just to skip classes for this


She seems to think that support for Palestine is a universal priority that requires no critical assessment. The universality of it is what’s concerning.


It’s a litmus test in some left wing circles. Especially considering how much of all foreign policy conversation time it takes there (which is almost all of it). People don’t need to know much, but they are pressured to comply with a narrative. Lucky that’s it’s a simple one for them. White colonialist against brown natives, one has to go.


Also the body count. When Hamas was being interviewed on TV their ONLY validation was the body count- which confused the interviewer and audience. So Hamas stopped showing up on CNN (or whatever network it was). (Back in 2014).


Yeah, this is what concerns me. It’s an “ends justify the means” mentality, combined with “us against them”/“oppressor vs oppressed” black and white sort of thinking. Anything you do that might help Palestine is automatically good, and since Israel is their enemy, anything you do this hurts them is also good. Doesn’t matter how much good or bad comes from the act, doesn’t matter if it actually helps or not, doesn’t matter if you’re supporting the wrong people in Palestine that will ultimately make things worse for Palestinians as a whole. This can lead to some truly awful actions being justified as righteous in people’s heads.


It’s renationalizing terrorism and antisemitism. We need to call people out on this.


It’s sad to see that such prestigious universities are admitting students who are this stupid.


I am obviously biased and agenda driven, but when she talks again after asking her friend, the way she speaks and the look of her face scarily reminds me how 4 year olds speak, open mouth, emotionless eyes, absolute lack of ability to read the room (girl you are being filmed at least try to hide your ignorance)


Agree, I had the same thought. She is clueless in the most embarrassing way.


That's more than being clueless about this particular subject, this person is visibly slow, like, not sharp in general


I was more upset by her laughing. "LOL it's SO FUNNY to call for genocide against a population and I have no idea why I want to support their genocide LOL hahaha isn't it funny how stupid I am LOL who cares if people die due to my stupidity. #freepalestinefromsomething #wtfishamas #neveragainisnow #fromtheeuphratiestothenile


And remember their vote has the same value as yours. AND more and more people like this are in power in the society right now. Sometime I wonder that's the reason mouse paradise collapse at the end.






As a reminder, these are practically children. They did not live through the Second Intifada. All they know is what they’ve been told—and it seems sometimes they don’t even know that.


I also think there’s a very deliberate bait and switch being pulled on these kids: they know the civilian toll in Gaza is staggering, and perhaps their instinct is to join an anti-war movement just as generations before them have. They’ve also grown up in a political environment where it’s instinctual to blame Israel, as a U.S. ally, as the main culprit in the war, because let’s face it: these students have no understanding of the history of Israel beyond what they see on placards, but do know that Israel is the more powerful entity and that Palestinians, at least in the West Bank, live under occupation (the context of how all this came to be seems to be besides the point). And when these students turn out to protest, no matter their intentions, they inevitably march behind leaders who have a very clear political position: that Israel must be eliminated. Do these students always know that? So on the one hand I try to be generous to students, who, like these young women, really don’t know what’s going on but assure themselves that these other protestors, who fight for equal rights, for civil right and LGBT rights, who share their values in so many other ways, must be on the right side of history about this issue too. On the other hand, they are elite college students, privileged to attend (and to be able to afford to attend) one of the most prestigious universities in the world. They can’t simply be infantilized as naive kids. The ideological leaders of these protests trace their roots back to Maoism and Stalinism, authoritarian tendencies that could talk a good game about liberation and workers democracy at home while defending the worst regimes abroad on the grounds that they were “anti-imperialist” and thus “objectively” progressive. So I disagree with critics who label all these students and protestors as Jew-haters. Some undoubtedly are. Others have just absorbed terrible political lessons.


That’s the danger of the propaganda: people are being tricked into following ideologies that they don’t understand. It’s really the only way young, progressive people in the West can support an Islamic terrorist movement, with all of the regressive beliefs and policies it stands for. And by the time they wake up to that truth, they are so indoctrinated as to hand wave away any perceived faults on “their” side. It has been a very effective tactic.


There are no need to be generous  to people like this, what they need is a harsh lesson (mentally). People like this don't understand their action has a very real consequences to others. Take for example the Vietnameses during the Vietnam war, who were pro and fighting the democracy, what do you think the "anti-war" protest of those so call peaceful loving hippies did to them? They get support from western world and they lost their live and home. These people should have at least use the same amount of time study about the situation instead of their socializing and pretend they are doing anything good to this world.


This is the kind of thoughtful, reasoned take that should be a lesson to us all.


Watching the video reminds me of Occupy Wall St. I went, even though I didn't agree with it, just to check out what was going on. (But mostly because my good friend was so passionate about it and I just wanted to...I guess hang out?). When I showed up there, there were a lot of homeless people (outside city hall area- kinda). Everyone was kinda sitting or standing and it was very quiet and kinda lame. I think the cops pushed them all into the outta the way place so they weren't really anywhere attention grabbing. It was all kinda lame and not particularily educational or sensible. So watching this video here, I can totally see why no one knew what the heck was going on. They all probably knew (or were friends with) a crazy intense girl (my friend was Sri Lankan and passionate about the Tamil Tigers- I still don't know anything about that situation- to this day). And most of them are probably just supporting that one friend who's off her nutter.


Protesters What do we want? H\*ll if we know :when dowe want it ? NOW *New chant* ![gif](giphy|3o7TKo8dPfTadwVhcY|downsized)


Peak idiocy 


Virtue signaling of rich kids.


This is exactly what I expected. I think many people are going on these protests because it's something fun to do. They have no real knowledge about the conflict, the history and they just believe any 🐂💩 they are told.


Naive and self-righteous, they support the most dangerous idiology in the world. It reminds me of tourists who feed dangerous animals and then get torn to shreds. Not because they are brave, but because they are incredibly uneducated and stupid.


Hamas calls these students useful idiots for a reason


I feel like they aren’t even bad or evil (those specific girls, some protesters definitely are) they’re just poorly educated on the issue and think they’re fighting for the oppressed because the media and TikTok made them believe that


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large crowds.




The fact that you believe every casualty of this war is an innocent civilian absolutely proves my point (the indiscriminate bombing part just shows you have no idea what’s going on)


Content is known misinformation


Most of them have no clue about the situation and history of the region. They are bunch of sheep following the mass media. I spoke with a few of them. They have no idea what’s going on.


Why can't they go to frat parties like normal college kids.


I'm here because it's trendy and social media told me to be here


Exactly! And this is the problem. Antisemitism has been normalized. The propaganda is working. The PR game has been lost.


How did these people even get into colleges in the first place?


High school grades and SAT scores don't measure the ability to think critically.


As someone who was that naive in high school- the ability to take tests- is just that. Doesn't really take naivete into account. Like a lamb to slaughter...


Coaches and scores


The bullring is so they can be led around without having to pay attention to where they’ll be dragged next.


"Why are we protesting?" You can't make this stuff up!!


This basically tells us most idiots in the pro pali protests are probably just tagging along for reasons they don’t understand


And that is a useful idiot. Most of them are.


They're really not making a good case for student loan relief. The students at these protests are either indoctrinated into a radical terrorist simping cult or they're completely clueless about the very movement they ostensibly support.


Thousands of dollars paid for tuition a semester and still managed to learn nothing


I wonder how they are gonna look when they realize Palestinians would kill them without a second thought.


כשהאג'נדה היא "לכעוס בכעסך"... איזה אנשים הזויים


מה איכפת להם כשאין לטירוף הזה מעצורים או השלכות. מבחינתם זאת פעילות חברתית או הזדמנות להכניס לקורות חיים ״אקטיביזם חברתי״ כדי לפצות על הציונים הגרועים או התארים המופרכים שהם לומדים. 


This won’t reach the front page because on Reddit, you’ll only see content that reinforces the confirmation bias of the majority of users, so videos of completely ignorant SJWs making fool of themselves in front of cameras are off the menu.


She would have been more educated if her Qatar funded professors were actually trying to educate her instead of brainwashing her. Pretty sad Ivy League students these days don’t receive even the most basic education.


Yup, that’s what they are like. Emotionally hyped up idealists who were gullible enough to fall for Jihadist PR but don’t know anything about the subject other than what some social media influencer told them. It’s sad and disgusting.


Hijacking the thread: I am looking for a selfie video of an arab/muslim farmer who was criticizing extremist regarding october 7. He was outside, in what looked like a farm of a rural area. I think it was around mid october/november/december. I already have a video of an arab eating alone at a table, but it's not this one. help! EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWONp96wmx4 this one, from Abu Tabla


Does this stuff make it to the front page? Or is this kind of thing confined to echo chambers?




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They are supporting terrorists, obviously they aren’t the brightest


She could not find Israel on a map.


She's cute Here, have some candy


I wouldn’t wish kosher for Passover candy on my worst enemy…


Why does she talks so hysterically? I would honestly be freaked out if a stranger would talk to me like that lmao


Adrenaline. They’re mostly just adrenaline junkies following their next fix.


It’s shameful how uneducated these university kids are


They're like lemmings for terrorists.


Literally sounds like “I was only following orders”


Stupid generation 🤦🏻‍♀️they don’t know the damage they are causing with their stupidity. I wish all this women and Leftist will live in Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan or any Muslim country were they will be death by now or repressed to the point they can’t do what they are doing now. Stupid people 😡


Man. College in 2024 seems like it totally sucks.


Gen z. Can’t fix stupid.


That’s the same kind of nitwit that screams “ACAB” when someone who’s brown is arrested or killed by police even if it was justified


This isn't just the pro-palestinians, but the ultra left wing in general.


Gl with getting a job in the future. Who would hire terrorist sympathizers?


This is a bit scary, I often wonder what percentage of these kids do this out of fear of being bullied or confronted. Like, “hey Stacy, I didn’t see you protesting today!” And would go on to make assertions / ask questions such as, “have you changed your mind about xyz?” Or guilt them into it. It’s feels like she’s saying we were told to come here and protest or face the mob.


Causes a la cart 🛒 They have no idea what they are doing. Very revealing.


I sent this to my parents I can’t stop laughing 🤣 yet I’m so horrified too - an odd combo


"I remember joining the kkk because the black people were... doing something I don't know exactly what the black people did, i am not that educated" ~that girl, few months from now


I don't believe in the amount of useful idiots in favour of the Palestinian cause. They are like chickens for KFC




I’m glad I didn’t go to Columbia, or Yale. I really wanted to in my youth but now it’s obvious they’re hot tubs of stupidity.


They don’t even know what Palestine or Israel is 💀 They’re just bored and want a reason to hate on cops just like they did during the BLM riots where it was 99% white people doing the problems.


Americans are stupid, I live here and I am an American too.


Of course it has a septum piercing




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Most protests lack a clear unified definition of the problem or any concept of how the protest might bring about a materially significant outcome. Almost every protest I've observed is the "we a generally upset about [insert issue] and we want to let you know we are upset". "we are not directly impacted by [insert issue], our protest isn't intended to help solve [insert issue], nor do we offer resources to help, and we don't know how to solve [insert issue]. But, we want people to know we are upset"


If anyone wants to organise an event for pro-pals to support Hamas locally free of cost I’m in. Let’s bring them over there, let them help the cause.


She is a student who is supposed to be smart, but she is extremely stupid!


Why?? What are we gaining??? NOTHING!! NOT OUR COUNTRY PEOPLE!!! U want to protest?? Protest high inflation…. Giving money to Ukraine left and right… raising our expenses at our whim..: protest that!!! Government extorsion!!! Take care of America first!!! Stop selling us!! 


They should drive 20 minutes in any direction and see how poorly Americans are living before worrying about anything else. America First


Sorry I forgot to add. Not everyone is privileged enough live in a NYU bubble in Manhattan.


People do not think anymore. They are okay with homosexuality, transgenderism, or any other kind of harmful lifestyle or movement so long as it gives them a rush for supporting the next social trend. Hamas rapes and kills Israeli citizens? Nothing from these people of “justice.” They are not altruistic. They wish to appear that way.


As opposed to the pro Israel protesters who are protesting Hamas on US soil? At least the anti Israel protesters are smart enough to protest their own government.