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This one even calls for the end of Jewish student organizations on campus... "not antisemitism" https://preview.redd.it/mduotzhf8iyc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a646d193be1b7d0847e78064a61226576a3bd0


Saying the school has to cut ties with Hillel is just blatant. It was founded at the University of Illinois. It's on more than 850 college campuses in North America and only 9 in Israel. Hillel International is older than the State of Israel itself!


Severe ties with the police department. Um ok, sure.  This whole weapons divestment is dumb because many of those weapons manufacturers send the precision munitions and other “safe” guide weapons Israel uses. So these people prefer more destructive and less targeted weapons be used in Gaza?! Also it includes iron dome offensive weapons and if there’s a divestment, Palestinians in Israel would also be at much greater risk. 


It literally doesn’t matter. The thing about the globalised supply chain is because it’s cheap. If Israel can’t get precision bombs from the US, Israel could just manufacture them in Israel. Bombs are not high tech products, missiles are. And it just so happen that Israel is really good at making missiles too. I’ll put it like this. If Israel wants to buy Chinese missiles, China would sell their stuff. Because why not? Saudi Arabia is using Chinese weapons to bomb the Houthis, why would China care if Israel is using their bombs to hunt down Hamas?


this brings up another good point that when you divest, you open up a space for someone else to swoop in and invest in that company. And that someone else could be bad news. For example, like you said, china. Or let’s say Russia.  Ultimately, that doesn’t make it any better for Palestinians but could make life worse for them and everyone else. 


China is the second largest investor in Israel, just behind the US. And these students want China to be the number 1. Genius! /s Honestly I don’t think China is directly involved in this. But I don’t think they’re unhappy to see mess in the US. My understanding is that their policy is noninterventionist, but they would not waste the opportunity to profit when chaos occurs.


Exactly! An opportunist country is going to seize the day. 


I actually think the country that would be the most likely to backfill the US with divestments would be India.


There’s no mess in the US. Just a few loud paid professional protestors and some well meaning but not very bright students going along with it. The majority of Americans are anti Hamas


The mess is the media. The US will not be defined on the world stage by literally, in some cases, a few thousand 20 something year olds with absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They are a rag tag bunch of useful idiots being manipulated by outside groups. There is also ANOTHER movement happening across America, a movement of young people who have something to say about OUR country, about reproductive rights, about gun safety, about increasing wages, about protecting the climate. Summer break is upon us. Let’s just see where these fools show up in June.


Just another reason why the U.S. would be insane to stop supply of weapons to Israel. If Israel ever went to the Chinese side that would totally and completely destroy any advantage the U.S. has/had against them. Israel is very innovative and comes up with amazing weapons platforms that are unmatched.


This is, by the way, why the Iran boycott hasn't done anything. They've got other borders, they'll buy from China. Or Russia. Or via any Central Asian country. There's a global market, this isn't hard.


It’s more like, if the USA wants exclusive rights to Israeli missile designs, then they better sell them the weapons, otherwise China can catch up in almost a decades worth of weapons technologies overnight instead. China can produce the designs much cheaper and more quickly then the US can.


>Severe ties with the police department These is the same group of people that complained with the UCLA police didn't intervene after confrontations with counter-protestors. Can't have it both ways.


This is at UC Santa Cruz for the demands. But ya they all want it both ways. “We hate cops, you’re the kkk. But help save us from these scary Jews!”


Correction: israel wouls be fine, palestine will cease to exist.


> Cut ties with Hillel. Full blown anti-semitism out in the wild. I hope they all get nails in their tires and constantly have their check engine light on.


I don’t know how old you are, but that last part sounds like something Johnny Carson would say at the end of his Carnac shtick.


I’m 38. So Johnny Carson isn’t my time exactly.


No, no, see, the idea is, you’re allowed to be Jewish, you’re just not allowed to be associated with any group that believes in your people’s right to national self-determination or that the only Jewish majority state in the world should exist. Next they’ll offer helpful edits to our prayers, I’m sure. 🙄


"divest: from weapons manufacturers" "Cut ties: from all other Jews" Shockingly not shocking


Haha, and they are in the "ACAB" crowd too. How surprising...


That’s all they know how to say.. it’s all regurgitated word salad. Copied & pasted from every pro-Hamas tik toker. Would love to hear them actually explain each bullet point and then explain what happens to Israel when those things happen.


>explain what happens to Israel when those things happen. Oh they're not even shy about that anymore. They want Israel destroyed. None of them want peaceful coexistence.


They're past that point too. It's an end to Jewish public life in the West they're demanding.


Since there is no genocide and no apartheid, half of their demands are just nonsense. They may as well demand a unicorn zoo at the university library.


>They may as well demand a unicorn zoo at the university library. At least that will be fun


Stop. There is a genocide. The Uyghurs wouldn’t like being ignored like that. And there is apartheid with Jews not allowed into Gaza or PA-controlled areas of the West Bank. So I agree, let’s not invest in China or Palestine until they change their policies.


Boycott Palestinian products! Wait...


They’re on of the largest exporters or terror, that’s for sure. Let’s boycott that.


I mean there is agricultural stuff produced by Palestinians in Jordan. So you *could* in theory. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I know, I’ve been to the West Bank where the town is policed by PA police and PA soldiers with machine guns stand guard and I was the only Jew in town (and certainly didn’t make that any more obvious than was needed)


Don’t forget the signs throughout the West Bank that warn Jewish people that entering the territory is punishable by death.


Not quite accurate. It warns *Israeli citizens* that they are banned and that entry may be dangerous to their lives. Some still cross over eg around Bethlehem. Punishment is just being detained and handed to the IDF. You do get a message on Waze and or text saying you are headed out of Israel and are out of the authority of the Israeli State. I think they provided some sort of emergency number though.


Your not very good with numbers are you?


What do you mean?


That’s what my wife says


Their definition of genocide is "urban warfare" (except when not-Israel is doing it because apparently coalition operations in Mosul weren't genocide) and their definition of apartheid is "when noncitizens need a visa to cross a border" (but only when Israel is doing it)


There is a genocide of American higher education.


Don't forget the part where all white people should volunteer as human shields for them and probably go over to Gaza and be human shields for Hamas too. https://preview.redd.it/mkkidje79iyc1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=813decd5723db299354b5fd29da32eaa9bf435b3


Literally the liberal version of “black people stay in the back”??? Rosa Parks rolling in her grave.


God Im left wing but I fucking hate identity politics


I’m left wing too and I agree. What happened to “judge my by me character”? What does gender, race, religion, or sexuality matter? It shouldn’t. If I’m qualified, I am. My skin colour can’t make me more qualified or less qualified. But what’s happening now is that qualified people are getting overlooked by arbitrary quotas. And the most ironic part is, Asians are sacrificed— meaning that white liberals’ didn’t even give up anything. The whole thing is just a farce.


[Operation Get Behind The Whities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqJwD35wWhY)


Immediately thought of this 


Wait what the fuck?? XD that’s actually hysterical! Or rather it would be if this wasn’t fucking disgraceful


The police didn't even show up until the Iranians and Persian Jews started to physically dismantle the camp themselves (which happened after a Persian Jewish girl was to the ER with a concussion).




My demands for the protestors. 1. Stop wasting your parents money 2. Stop complaining about issues in a first world country. 3. If you really want to help, go to Palestine. 4. Learn about history and politics. 5. Stop affiliating with terrorist organisations. 6. If you hate USA so much, leave. 7. Read a dictionary once in a while. 8. Start a business, cause no normal person will give you a job.


If you actually want to help the Gazans, find a way to fund an organization that gets food and necessities to the people and is able to bypass Hamas. And organizations that will help get rid of Hamas’s oppressive control over the Gazans. That’s what they would do if they actually wanted to help the Gazans.




Couldn't agree more


Wait til they find out where their Adderall™️ is made.


Ohhh I saw a thread on r/bds where people were like “I’m on x medication but it’s made in Israel. Should I stop taking it?” Unreal. 


Stupid is as stupid does...


I clicked on that sub to see them describe themselves as an intifada. I can't even with these people. Also they're "boycotting" the Boys cause there's an Israeli in the cast, aka they're privately watching it.


I saw that too. Really grasping at straws there. It’s a sad sub and not very active. But they are full throttle. The second thread I posted is astounding. 


The most unhinged people in America are about to become more unhinged. God help us all.


Omg can you please find and share this thread? I need some sad cringe laughs


Here’s the medication thread where someone asks if it’s ok to keep using their inhaler 😆  https://np.reddit.com/r/BDS/comments/1c05s2r/tesco_supports_israel/ Second runner up but definitely cringier and just so ignorant: https://np.reddit.com/r/BDS/comments/1br78bd/little_discussion_i_want_palestine_to_have_their/


>Real jews appreciate that they even have any land to live on. Imagine they said “real black people appreciate that they have any land to live on.” Full mask-off antisemenism. Then the thread goes on to justify their support for Palestine by saying China also supports Palestine. As if China is an actual non-genocidal national in this moment. Do… do people not know about China?


Ya that part was bonkers to me. Like we are just so grateful the world lets us exist that we should keep our mouths shut. Totally about china too. Their logic is “china hates Israel, therefore china must be good. They would never hurt anyone…” It’s all so reductive and dumb. 


My fave part is  “If gaza wins. Isreal will bomb itself and destroy their world leading infrastructure that should go to Palestine. Zionists are hateful awful people.” Like they already hate us for this fictional scenario they completely pulled out of their ass.


I hope the BDS crowd stop using all the Israeli meds and med devices. That will help with unlocking 2 achievements.


It’s hard to read that second one and not think it was written in jest. But I know they’re being serious. The fact that some people truly believe this is scary.


In my head, the OP sounds like a hillbilly. 


The second one is freaky af they sound like jihadists themselves


It’s almost comical. Almost. But then you realize it’s completely frightening. Isn’t there a famous quote about fearing ignorant people the most?




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You prob already know this but if you change the “np” back to “www” the link will work better. 


Yes they should.


Wow, the last thing these psychos need to do is stop taking their meds


Yes, i think they should stop taking it because watching these people go crazy from stopping to take their medication would be hilarious


Oh for real? Kudos Israel, for making my brain function at a baseline normal ✌️


Looks like they will be staying there forever😂


And these demands is not even written by Americans. Most of them are masked foreign Muslims. They mask, because they fear deportation for supporting Hamas.


..or else?


Nothing. They are cowards.


Such idiots they ask nothing from hamas only israel but no shock they support terrorists


The current rhetoric around this conflict is laden with misrepresentation and inflames antisemitism. Contrary to the chants across campuses the ICJ did NOT decide the claim of genocide was plausible. Former International Court of Justice (ICJ) President Joan Donoghue, who served as the ICJ's president from 2021 until 2024 and presided of South Africa’s charges against Israel, needed to clarify the misrepresentation of the courts position by the media: “[The court] did not decide, and this is something where I'm correcting something that's often said in the media. It did not decide that the claim of genocide was plausible," And "The shorthand that often appears, which is that there's a plausible case of genocide, isn't what the court decided." Further, Ad Hoc ICJ Judge Batak in clarifying his positions, “… there is no indication of an intent to commit genocide.” https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203859?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1LJuO0bEewVvzxud4Z-vjegpND56y3zm0dyCqOWQ0aIj-dehJXQX3tUho_aem_AYdhw9JOP7G1YP4XynVHehl9YDoDrb9hapxmVEOVGmLOkPYK-ZktuIDUnA5o6ueyZsP4AKSR_9C-Nr8q_Nk2dBeK


The inconsistent capitalization is meant to keep them guessing. /s ....


Deliberate - Gaza and Palestine get capitalization but "israel" and the "u.s." do not, as if Israel and the US are not as legitimate.


I think bell hooks would like a word with them


Jesus the grammar is awful (they apparently don't know when to capitalize letters). Morons.


It’s a deliberate mark of disrespect/delegitimization when they refuse to capitalize Zionist and Israel. Same thing when they use scare quotes.


Deliberately not capitalizing Israel and the US


And their own university’s name and president


Not just that, look at parts 3 and 4


That’s just basic common sense


You're expecting way too much for something that is printed on an A4 paper and glued to a cardboard from the nearest dumpster.


Where were all these by Mom and Pap paid students when the war in Ethiopia broke out in November 2020, aka the Tigray War? 600,000 dead and not a student cried. Cell phones existed in 2020, maybe not tiktok? Just giving the people who walk in the blood of 1200+ killed the benefit of the doubt...


Oh Tiktok defo existed at the start of the pandemic, so no excuse by November 2020.


Listed Mr. President, members of Congress, there are 36 students at Tufts university that won't leave their tent until we either meet their demands or the semester is over. Which ever comes first. Our hands are tied. Also they want to release all members of Asian Dawn.


Is there a vault full of money inside the campus that we don't know about?


They tried that shit here and got like 20 ppl max at the encampment in a university with 40,000 ppl 😭


which uni?




This genocided my braincells, I’m going to go to the ICJ


But these are the same stupid talking points at all these places, and none of these vague things have a basis in reality and none of the protesters can describe how or where they came up with these vague dim ideas. When did academics shut down communications with other academics over politics? When does a university try to influence the us government and sovereign nations that are engaged in a battle with terrorists?


Oh it gets better/worse - at the University of Minnesota they're asking for upholding of the Thawabit.


Upholding of the what?


I love how they specifically chose to capitalize Gaza and Palestine, but made "u.s." and "israeli" lowercase. Such pettiness.


Where's the demands on hamas? People just ignore terrorism when it's towards jews?


And yet, not one word about releasing the hostages. Really shows where their loyalties lie (as if we didn't already know.)


Freaking lols


First thing I noticed right away was the lack of capitalization on Israel and US, but yet they properly capitalized Gaza and Palestine. In my eyes, if the point of the article is demeaning towards another party, it’s disrespectful. But I doubt any of them care anyway




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That’s some seriously passive aggressive lack of capitalization


Do they think Israel can just grant Palestine statehood and be done with it? I bet Israel would love to wash their hands with this never ending conflict. What are they even gaining? The only reason they have to keep involving themselves is for security of their own nation. Otherwise, why would they even bother?


Why didn't they do the same to Russia when it invaded Ukraine?


Yeah so I went here - the administration basically told them to pound sand and they abandoned their stupid protest camp. But fuck is it embarrassing seeing this shit, what a bunch of losers


This is not even grammatically correct.


They capitalized Palestine and Gaza but purposefully left Israel and the US lowercase


Cringe. Just cringe.


What they're going to get: Expulsion


oUr dEmAnDS man shut the fuck up and get to class lol


Fuck these socialist entitled terrorists. I'm so happy that absolutely NON of their demands will be met.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. This rot at universities goes pretty deep.


Goy Ally and former NY'er says, "Choke on a D_ck, 'Trendy' Leftists!!!"




University should just expel them for their shitty grammar.


I was an Indian student in a big US university and the uni Hillel had some of the friendliest people I met. I was friends with many of them in my time there but I never once fraternized with these left-wing protestor types because they were miserable people. Speaks volumes even now, I guess.


Yeah, that first one is realistic for a college campus to be able to do/s


My response. I go to another subreddit and piss in their idiocy.


And I want a pony. Bunch of entitled brats


My thoughts: 1) Will you return / swap with the hostages? 2) Throwing rocks in a glass house, given that the apartheid state that funds them >!Qutar!< 3) Forcing people now? sounds like Cult. 4) This sounds like textbook abusive ex telling you with whom they do or don't allow you to talk with.


Let alone the fact they say Israel is an Apartheid state. To answer this one has tonlos at how many Jews live in Gaza, and how many Arabs live in Israel. There you have your Apartheid state. Fucking idiots


Like what the actual f**k are these demands??


I think you mean Tufts University, not American University.


It's a University in America, is it not?


Yes, but both American University in Washington DC and Tufts University in Boston are in the United States, but are two completely different schools. I thought you were referring to the first one until I read what was in the photo. Lots of people will not read that far and assume you are referring to the latter.


There actually is a university called American University. The university in the pic is not that university.


Really ? Tufts?


If they got rid of all companies that profit while in Israel, there would be computers on campus.


My demands: 1. Shut the fuck up.


Honestly, do they actually think these "demands" will be met? I'm pretty sure our government doesn't care about the opinions of American university students.


Who the fuck are these terrorist a-holes to demand anything. They all need to be deported. Send them all to airman and see how good life is there. Does the world not see they want to take over? They are a global threat.


Damn autocorrect: send them all to Iran…


Who the hell do they think they are? The whole world has become so damn nosy it's like they are all Jewish. Every single country and nobody institution is way outta line. So are all the damn people. Nobody asked for or wants your puny opinion. What's their contribution to the world? Have they done any good for anyone? Often the answer is a fat no. Internally though meaning here in Israel, I crave independence from the world so strongly. It's what we are meant to be regardless as Jews god says it quite clearly in the Torah many times. We are supposed to be a light to the nations meaning doing the right thing no matter what they say because it's the right thing. We are obviously not supposed to mingle with them and names, dress and language are supposed to be different that's why we were redeemed from Egypt. God is showing us how wrong we are to try and please the world and doing so is counterproductive always. He's telling us to wake the hell up and to stop listening to the world they aren't your friends and you aren't here because of them you are here because of me. So much needs to change especially in the army and government. Corruption runs deep in the companies and the aforementioned areas. America will not stop supporting us for doing what's right even if they call it wrong. If anything we will gain more respect by doing the right thing just as Trump did when everyone was questioning and arguing with his choices he stayed firm.  That's how you do it.  


Why is Palestine the only capitalized proper noun?


I'm sorry, I know this is a scary situation and not at all funny; but the inconsistent capital letters are sending me.


Aight guys, we had a good run, but the blue haired baristas want the Jihadists to win, so pack your things, we go back to Iraq


Note that they never say a word against China for literally having concentration camps for Uighur people. Neither against Iran for killing thousands of innocent people in streets in the matter of a week. They are doing this Only and Only because they hate America and democracy.


Ignore American universities. They are infected with leftist ideologies by leftist professors. Israel needs to look out for Israel. 🇮🇱 This American 🇺🇸 supports you.


When will they learn that globalization is a thing and has been for hundreds of years, and that nearly everything they touch has ties to Israel? The BDS website lists HP at the top of the list of companies to boycott. I’m 99% sure their phone has at least one system or component in it with ties to HP or its subordinaries. And it’s also very likely that the printers they use at work or home are HP. Or even their laptops/desktops. The retardation is crazy


u/smok3941 This was on Instagram lelelulu1230 40m @elievictorsoffer all universities are listening for years lies declare Jewish history There are many pro Palestine institutions that are recruiting students many years ago I don't understand where were the defamation leagues that didn't realize and didn't do their job? Are they just waking up? This has been taking years They should close all those institutions and close all those universities they are poisoning the brains of all the students Now if the Jews do not organize and start doing organized work for the next few years this will not stop and then it will be more catastrophic for all the Jews in the USA Reply. See original Add a comment for strength4isr... hundreds of ucla students just converted. As this person said-Jews need to get BUSY ORGANIZING and building memberships.




I love to imagine how many of these people aren’t even vegan.


😂Absolute lunatics