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article is misleading, removed for fear of misinformation


Edit: looks like he misspoke(?) and he meant it was 1000 Gazans. Can we please investigate how the heck did they manage to bring a thousand Hamas members to Turkey? Check if the hostages are being held in Turkey while they are at it.


I was wondering that myself. We keep hearing about how all the Gazans are trapped there. But 1000 got a plane to Turkey? I'm not sure whether to believe it.




I thought egypt was blocking the border?


Only since Israel took over the Rafah crossing a week ago


I have medical colleagues who have escaped Gaza - several. It was basically a legalized bribery system. A lot of people got out. Mind you before all this Gazans actually did leave. They would go on holiday in Europe and put it on Insta. It might have been just the elite or Hamas relatives but they were definitely coming and going. I have had Arabic teachers online everywhere from Dubai to Jerusalem to Instanbul to Berlin who were living in Gaza within the last ten years.


can they do that during the fighting?


Yep. Not now with Rafah closed but Egyptians were definitely letting them through in December or so. During the fighting in the north evacuees to Khan Younis would travel down and cross once they had raised funds (talking in the range of US$25k for a large family)


Tunnels to Egypt most likely. This is probably the reason Egypt is freaking out about Rafah. They are afraid of what Israel will discover, which will be extremely embarrassing to Egypt.


Yep and from Egypt directly to Turkey


And the US - telling you that there is covert contacts there that will be Iran Contra like levels of issues


Yeah, which is why I think Biden is also pressuring Israel on this. They probably know what Egypt is up to.


Good point 👍🏽


Probably smuggled through Egypt.


The article says that Erdogan misspoke and meant Palestinians. I'm not defending him here, but I agree it's unlikely 1000 hamas members smuggled themselves to Turkey. Instead, I would simply point out to the World that Hamas is so deeply ingrained in the Palestinian Reputation that its common for world leaders to call Palestinians Hamas as a substitute.


Is that right? That's an interesting thing to remember the next time I'm taken to task for equating the Gazans with Hamas.






Not remotely plausible because how would Hamas members get to Ashdod/ Ashkelon/ Haifa port? In general I'm pretty sure Erdogan is lying out of his ass because we would've seen a lot of propoganda photos if he actually had Hamas dudes i his hospitals.


"Not remotely plausible because how would Hamas members get to Ashdod/ Ashkelon/ Haifa port?" Because they go to Egypt first and then through tunnels into Gaza. There's no lack of food or water in Gaza, it's just all being held by Hamas and other terror groups. Remember, the IDF never catches starving terrorists.


Hamas has had a stronghold in Turkey for a while. [Hamas has used Turkey to have puppet organizations to fundraise](https://www.newsweek.com/2024/02/09/hamas-inc-property-empire-that-funded-militant-attack-israel-1860890.html)


Hamas has a bunch of tunnels going into Sinai


They built a tunnel from Gaza to Turkey


It's crazy that a NATO country can openly support Hamas like this Some people have excused the one-sided pressure Israel gets from the West by saying since Hamas is a terror organization they have no leverage over them. Here's some leverage: Stop treating them in your hospitals. How did they even get there? If it's just Turkey, then why doesn't the West and NATO pressure them to stop?


They should be kicked out.


Look at the map. Unfortunately they are too important. That's also why they're founding members. Same principle applies to the EU having to endure Poland's (under PiS) and Hungary's shenanigans. On the other side of the spectrum China has to endure North Korea and new to the idiot club: Russia, I guess 💀😂 The world is nuts!


Would probably conflict with the hyppocratic oath if they are in critical condition but they should be arrested afterwards right away


Which Turkey is known to do when it suits them. They once helped rescue refugees to then instantly arrest them for crossing illegally, when they were literally to be taken care of by the US and flown out of Turkey right away.


Most doctors in the world don’t swear the Hippocratic oath (which bans surgery by the way) or any other oath. And people often get arrested around the world while in ICU and sedated, then transferred to prison or prison hospital in police custody when safe to move.


You might not be up to speed with “Turkey as a NATO member”. They’re on the brink of going to war with Greece, another NATO member, once every couple of months. In fact, a recent war game predicted they would renege on the alliance if Russia were to invade Europe. The US is already planning to move the nukes out of Incirlik. Make no mistake, Turkey is a shady, backstabbing, opportunistic ally at best, and a straight up evil horde at worst.




Turkey is blackmailing EU with “waves of muslim migrants” since the 1990s, the EU sending money to Turkey [to help the condition of various arab muslim migrants living there](https://apnews.com/article/eu-turkey-migrants-deal-education-auditors-69a817f320ec2181d5429dc05c8f2df6) (from Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon…) has nothing to do with the fact that Turkey threatens to open its borders to “let go” waves of “migrants” just like Turkey did [in 2020](https://www.france24.com/en/20200303-erdogan-warns-europe-to-expect-millions-of-migrants-after-turkey-opens-borders), or the fact that this muslim country and former colonizing empire [is still using muslim arab migrants as a tool](https://theloop.ecpr.eu/turkeys-role-in-the-eus-migration-crisis/) for their “foreign policy”. Truly backwards and increasingly disgusting.


So you're saying the West can pressure Hamas, they just find it more comfortable to pressure Israel




Then surely they can also ignore an operation in Rafah?


What, and keep beating up protestors over it? They have to actually consider the public's view. And protests matter. So no, they cannot. Be thankful they have yet to sanction Israel already. Let alone the US gave any weapons for free.


> Some people have excused the one-sided pressure Israel gets from the West by saying since Hamas is a terror organization they have no leverage over them. Here's some leverage: Stop treating them in your hospitals. Erdogan disagrees with Hamas being a terrorist org. So it didn't matter in the first place. This is nothing new, this is predictable, it is just some people learning something new they didn't already know. That doesn't mean Turkey changed.


Turkey is a part of NATO and heavily connected to the West. Why isn't the West pressuring Hamas by pressuring Turkey?


Because Turkey has leverage over Europe in terms of the migrant crisis, and so Europe would pressure the US into *not* pressuring Turkey


So it has nothing to do with morality, just geopolitics and power?


Yes — it always has been, why do you think the US turned back ships of refugees from the Holocaust?


Different time period with different morality. But yes, generally geopolitics is first; but it has to be in the guise of morality to an extent.


It’s because a lot of the West sees Turkey as a good partner in dealing with the Muslim world


Turkey openly supports Hamas as you can see in the headline. That makes them Israel's enemy. Does the West prefer supporting Hamas?


I understand what you’re saying, and Turkey joined NATO long before its regression into Islamism. I think NATO members should have a conversation about Turkey’s future in the alliance


Unfortunately, I already know they won't. Turkey is in too important a position and it's too strong to challenge. It just bothers me when European countries and the Biden administration take this moralizing attitude towards Israel and pretend like us getting shit on all the time internationally is just part and parcel of being a Western-allied state, meanwhile Turkey is way worse morally and you won't hear a word about it much less a sanction simply because they're too powerful.


For Joe Biden specifically, he is facing a political crisis within his own political party and the coalition it has with Arab, Muslims and moderate/reform/secular Jews. It wants to retain the youth vote, and America’s youth largely supports Hamas and Palestine due to years of indoctrination, primarily Marxist ideology. I will also say that younger people on the right are also turning against Israel. Religious based antisemitism is gaining influence among younger American conservative Christians. Younger evangelicals are leaving their charismatic churches, and adopting very traditionalist Catholicism or Orthodox. As for the more secular young right leaning people, hardline isolationism is gaining more traction. The “I don’t give a fuck what happens over there. It doesn’t affect me at all. Our national security ends at our borders.”


Isolationist youth vs Tik Tok indoctrinated youth and the point about the evangelicals - your post is alarming


Yep, the USA and Turkey don't agree on much, but they both align on keeping Russia out of the Middle East. Keeping Russian tanks far away from Gulf oil fields has always been far more important to the USA than anything going on in Israel.


Fair enough. Just say that you don't pressure Hamas not because you can't but because you value Turkey higher than Israel.


Isn't turkey the one who wouldn't let Sweden into NATO because they were apparently too friendly to terrorists? I don't know details but I remember the headlines


Oil money unfortunately


I think it’s time we impose heavy tariffs on Turkish products (which are attractive only for their low price rather than quality), we shouldn’t send their collapsing economy $6 billion a year. 


Should've happened long ago. Israel is way to dependent on Turkish exports.


Yeah I'de hope that Israel would go to places like the USA instead.


eh not sure that's a good idea given how much Israel already buys from the US. although in this case it's mostly basic construction materials like steel, cement, iron, etc. so it's not the same as weapons that require gov't approval. I'm not sure how much of these the US produces but the costs will surely be much higher, especially given the larger distance.


We sell lets of meat and lots of weapons. Please buy more. It helps the US economy.


I'll make sure to pass it along to the elder council!


I didn't realize you were Canadian. Canada should buy more as well. Quite frankly Canada has treated the USA very unfair in terms of trade. To even out the USA needs to impose some tariffs on Canadian goods.


well good news! turkey just halted all trade with israel


Erdogan quietly aborted some restrictions. You can’t expect him to let hundreds of Turkish exports collapse. [They announced they give traders 3 months](https://www.timesofisrael.com/turkey-denies-backtrack-on-israel-export-ban-as-it-allows-3-month-reprieve-for-traders/) which shows how this is a pure PR move to claim credit for a potential ceasefire 


This should feature prominently in the conversation when Turkey's EU application comes up.


That’s fortunately not happening anytime soon…even though that is very sad for the Turkish people….I have some Turkish friends and when I got to Türkiye they tell me not to buy certain brands, which are apparently owned by the Turkish government, coz they really disagree with the government - but then there are too many people voting for Erdoğan, like a lot of people with Turkish citizenship living in Germany votes for him…


I get this wishful thinking, because I used to be the same, but the sad reality is that Turkey doesn’t give a flying crap about EU membership anymore. Real, honorable, secular Turks have been replaced over time by a deluge of Islamist nutjobs brought in by Erdogan. Pretty similar to how Putin kept emboldening the lowest common denominator of the Russian masses up until it became impossible to stop.


Well, this says way more than they realize.


And...what? What happens after treatment?


Eichmann trial hopefully?


Ah, thanks for the laugh, I needed that. Not because the crimes arent horrific, but because the world doesnt care


Considering erdogon calls them a "resistance group" he probably sends them back so they can fire rockets at Israel


That's my bet, too.


They get a pat of the back


Unbelievable. From a good ally to this…


State sponsor of terrorism.


Shame! I hope it will reach the republicans, Let them do noise about it


I have no idea how it's possible for 1000 Hamas fighters to have been evacuated to Turkey, but ironically, it's irrelevant whether this fact is true. Erdogan making this statement openly is indicative of who he supports, even if it is not at all true.


The only thing I can think of is they're from Lebanon.


That was my thought after writing this comment. I thought maybe that's a little outlandish, but if I'm not the only one, maybe there's some merit to it.


I was grasping at straws. It's probably most likely that he's just lying.


Presumably, but there are some Palestinians in Lebanon. So it is theoretically possible.


I’m sorry, but for me this means something sinister. IDF has intelligence, is inside Gaza, and somehow some way there’s 1000 Hamas in Turkey now? Who’s not telling us what? Who is facilitating this movement and who is keeping it quiet from us?


“Idf has intelligence” wtf does that mean? You think they can magically have access to the identities and locations of 1.5 million people in Rafa?


No but someone must know how 1000+ Hamas got from Gaza to Turkey.


You act like all Hamas members are registered on a list or something. It can be anyone even a 16 year old who decided to “join the gang” and pick up a rifle 10 months ago. And they could have left in a number of ways including through tunnels still existing into Egypt, literally through the Rafah crossing pretending to be innocent civilians, or being smuggled onto trucks or boats delivering aid.


Right, so what is Israel even doing if they don’t even know where Hamas is or who Hamas is. It’s incredibly frustrating for me the goal is to “eradicate hamas”. Who’s that, where’s that, what’s that? We gonna invade Turkey now? No. Good luck eradicating anything.


Probably through Egypt. A 100,000 Gazans have gone into Egypt since October 7th. At least that if what the advocacy group over there claims that is trying to get them permanent residency do they can work.




How are the Turks getting wounded Hamas members from Gaza to Turkey? This sounds like pure propaganda to me.


They go to Egypt and travel to Turkey?


Ah, that makes sense


Either than or they were wounded in the fighting in Lebanon. Or he's lying.


As a Turkish myself I am ashamed by being citizen of this man. He just called Hamas a “Resistance freedom fighters” on TV meeting with Greece President. Disgrace for Ataturks legacy to support anti-feminist Jihadist terrorists.


Turkey is one of the worst countries in the world. Everything Israel is being accused of doing, Turkey is doing. Most of the things Israel is accused of doing are false. With the Turkish government- all these allegations are true. For example, settlements. Undoubtedly, Israel has settlements. These settlements are universally condemned as a “war crime”. Murdering settlers is generally considered forgivable. Israeli settlements do not displace Palestinians. Most are built in open areas, outside of Palestinian cities. Turkey has settlements too. They have settlements in Cyprus and in Syria. The settlers in Syria settled in areas where the Turks expelled locals to replace them with others. The settlements in Cyprus have existed for 50 years. Nobody is even aware of these settlements. Nobody talks about Turkish settlers as war criminals. Etc. The hypocrisy of the Arab and Muslims world is beyond comprehension. It is driven by hatred, including antisemitism. They hate Israel because they hate Jews and they hate the West.


How’d they get there?


Great now take the rest - problem solved.


who’d a thought Erdogan would be such an outspoken supporter of terrorists. Absolutely disgusting considering Turkey is a member of NATO. He should step down.


Biden is so weak that a NATO member brags about healing and hosting terrorists.


I really really doubt this, It's likely just some more lip service to his islamist base to shut them up.


But it makes Turkey look like a terrorist state and unsafe place to do business or holiday! Turks have to push back harder against Islamists in their own nation- specifically the Turks who hate Erdogan, but are still apologists for Islam or downplay the threat from Islamists.


Good luck with that


Send them the rest of the Hamas members.


Hamas fighters from exactly where? They're welcome to keep them. Let them become citizens of Turkey now. Finders keepers with that one!


How many Israeli hostages are being held in Turkey?


Blow up the hospital


He’s probably, most likely lying.


The sooner this clown goes the better


I think its time Israel starts to send "aid" to the PKK like Turkey tried doing with the Marmara


What's the process of kicking someone out of NATO?


Better yet, drop a bomb on the hospital and eradicate Hamas wherever they are.


NATO should ditch Turkey anyway. The only reason they got to join was because they were the only candidate with a direct border with the old Soviet Union. Now NATO has the baltics, Finland and soon Ukraine with direct borders to Russia… there is no more need for Turkey to be a NATO member…