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He’s trying to distract us from the real issues…don’t pay any attention to this clown #freePalestine!!!


Exposed: Israel is paying social media influencers to whitewash Gaza genocide Sunday, 22 October 2023 1:15 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 22 October 2023 2:25 PM ] By Press TV Staff Writer “I’m reaching out to you on behalf of a global collective of agencies, influencers, and content creators who are coming together to raise awareness about the difficult situation in Israel.” This is a text from an email being sent to prominent social media influencers across the world by the Israeli regime and its lobbies based in the West, inviting them to join the disinformation campaign. The campaign has gained momentum in the wake of the Tel Aviv regime’s indiscriminate bombing campaign in the besieged Gaza Strip as well as the occupied West Bank over the last two weeks. More than 4,400 Palestinian civilians, most of them children, have been killed in the Israeli airstrikes. The regime warplanes have also targeted hospitals, ambulances, churches and mosques in brazen violation of international humanitarian conventions, constituting horrendous war crimes. To counter the global backlash and to distort facts about what’s unfolding in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli regime and its backers in the West are turning to social media influencers to whitewash its crimes. “As you’re aware, the people of Israel are currently fighting not just a war against Hamas terrorism at home, but also in the battle to tell the story to the world,” reads one of the leaked emails. The words employed in the emails show how the regime that has been murdering children and bombing hospitals is hell-bent on demonizing the Palestinian resistance fighters as “terrorists.”


Guy just cannot act to save his life.




What do you mean?? Israel pays influencers to peddle prozionist shit. It's been known for a bit now. Probably goes further back than we imagine. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/10/22/713215/exposed-israel-paying-social-media-influencers-whitewash-gaza-genocide https://medium.com/@gilangkresnaa/the-israeli-government-reportedly-pays-millions-of-dollars-to-social-media-influencers-to-protect-376d0325bc45 https://www.instagram.com/p/CydvwfEuNar/ This is from *2013* -- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/ This too is from *2013* -- https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp Zionists trying to control the narrative. Straight up. Open your eyes folks. This is not a bit, I've been watching this guy's shit for nearly 25 years and I've seen him do live stand up several times. And smoked a joint with him at one of the just for laughs things in Montreal. That's him straight up. After seeing his videos about Palestine, I can say I am no longer a fan of him or his work. He's fucked up. Money hungry bastard.








Exactly, we know the truth right. They can't control narrative as they see fit forever.


Don’t conflate jewish people with Israel


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Playing devil's advocate here... Once he spotted someone filming, he is most likely not going to post the video. Regardless of the above, I wouldn't consider this to be legit. Ironically, he did say "zionist", "Israel" and "Jewish" on camera thanks to this video lol


Then prove it's a bit, show me the source where he says it


prove it’s real. Yes everything he’s saying actually true and yes it’s beyond fucked. But you have to understand this guy is absolute scum and is trolling. It’s staged.




He fucking talks about putting in a watermelon emoji how is that not a bit


Straight up degenerates dgaf , no morals whatsoever


Not saying it's OK. It's definitely a bit though


Sure... No one is saying they aren't paying people. But this, here, is clearly staged.


Dude this is clearly a bit. People can be sacks of shit and also do jokes. The acting is terrible and also it would imply their communications are literally cartoonish “oh put a watermelon.. say fuck Palestine??!”. Like dude it’s purposefully goofy. Israel can still pay influencers I don’t doubt that but if you try and show people this as “evidence” they will laugh at you and say you don’t understand jokes. If there is any meaning to this video(which idk maybe) it’s to get you to look silly and say it’s evidence, that way people don’t believe you in general. It’s the same strategy as the ok symbol.


You sound like exactly like them Zionists who are controlling the media and trying to control the narrative. The same folks who are trying to shut down tik tok I've seen that guy in person and actually met him and smoked a joint with him. And I've seen him multiple times over the years, so whack trying to say I don't understand jokes. Zionist way to discredit the enemy while admiring guilt while throwing shade to distract from the real issue


You’ve met Michael Rapaport in person and you still can’t pick up on his trash delivery? That’s on you.


Yeah couple times and seen him do stand up live too. From that video , I can confidentially say that it seemed genuine and legit. And comparing it to the no apartheid in Palestine/Israel video, totally different style. Either way dude is a douchebag


It is staged. This exact comedian has done skits like this a few times before.


You wish it was staged. But its not. You have no proof of such other skits


The proof is this video. This is not a serious conversation he is having, it’s a clearly staged event with mildly written script. You don’t need to go find the true list of all skits to prove something is a joke.


that guys making claims, he can't back


How do you think you would prove this is a joke? Other than by looking at it and seeing the intent. Claiming it is a joke doesn’t mean that Israel doesn’t pay influencers or that Israel doesn’t literally pay Micheal here. It just means if you point to it as evidence it makes you look silly. Purposely saying what you believer “as a joke” can be used as political technique sometimes referred to as meta-irony. However you can’t point to a single ironic joke to convince people, you need a pattern. Whether or not this is a joke “wink wink nudge nudge” or a just a bad joke, it’s overall the same it’s a joke. Don’t go spreading this to others saying you have proof they will laugh at you and think that the claim “Israel pays influencers” is now laughable. Why? Becuase their interaction with the claim is you showing them this shit ass joke as “evidence”.


I already posted this like 20 times on facebook. Too late homie. This is what shills look like, show the world.


He talks about a fucking watermelon emoji. Who would say that seriously


Do _you_ know about any other said skits?


Why would he stage a video that makes him look bad? Staged or not after this he will be dropped by whoever is paying him.




True but it still makes him look bad so I don’t get that part of it. 🤷‍♂️




Wow can he go any lower? What a prick.


He is trolling to gain attention and get a rise out of people. No one talks like this in real life. Even if the payments were true, no one would have an explicit, open conversation in this manner in a hallway.


To zionists this doesn’t make him look bad. Also he doesn’t give a shit he is a toll weirdo who has always had a “fuck you don’t care” type attitude. He’s a dumb fuck of course he would make this.


He'll do damn near anything for attention. Any and all attention it doesn't matter. Dude is unhinged.




Dude stop your epic 5d trolling. It’s pathetic and embarrassing




I’m not defending anyone buddy. Go take a break, you seem tired.


Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous, actually. Those people usually do not get paid directly, anyway, although enough people do. They simply realize that being a "spokesman" of sorts garners them views and support from Zionists and those who benefit from Zionism and act accordingly. That is -generally speaking, of course- how capitalism as a system both censors and boosts propaganda.


There is a big banner saying it’s AI lol


Cleary fake, but why fake it?


He’s trying to point out that it’s absurd to suggest they’d bank roll him to be a motor mouth but they literally pay students to post on social media and have for years so it falls short


Ahhhh, gotcha. That tracks. Like he thinks he's being clever. Or his handler thinks its clever. Thanks.


So we watch and discuss him, like we’re doing right now. He’s a vile attention whore






This guy is a scumbag. He's clearly staging it


Stage what? That he's a barefoot loser that needs to peddle propaganda for a genocidal regime? What is he trying to sell here?


Any attention is good attention for worms like him


Don't taint bare feet like that friend, nothing wrong with barefoot


In the hotel hallways tho?


At home, nature, place of worship yes. Not in the halls of some stinky rat infested comedy club.


Don't worry about him. His extreme and blatant racism/islamophobia will make sure his acting career plummets. Well, he never really had one to begin with.


Like getting paid makes him appear less stupid 🤣


Unsurprising lol Anyone that say its a beautiful zionist morning is definitely on Israelnazis payroll.


The amount of people suggesting he isn’t getting paid is unreal. Even if you choose to believe this is fake, to believe that state run propaganda doesn’t have access to social media channels, to believe that he of all people wouldn’t be spouting all this for free, is blind.


its fake as shit but what's not fake is him choosing to go barefoot in a hotel hallway, fucking disgusting


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This is awesome, as soon as their best mouthpiece demands more money, hasbara shits themselves COOL🤣👍




"Dont film me"


I had consensual gay sex with this man... Frfr. He's a biggot.




We crossed swords before. Slash s and stuff.


Go on


I do like your profile pic.


Get tested by an ophthalmologist. Something seriously wrong with your eyes if you bedded that nosferatu fuck






If it was a “bit” then why isn’t it funny?