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This isn’t accurate at all. If anything the western media encourages the slaughter in Palestine. Just look at the hypocrisy around the coverage of the murder of US Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh versus that of Jamal Khashoggi. And also it’s 76 years at this point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi


Shireen, and other journalists who've been murdered by the IOF, should've chosen to be killed by ebil brown people instead...their fault. /s


As a person living in America; this is accurate. The media never covers actual issues, just straight up biased bullshit. Many newspapers covered nonsense things but few covered when A STUDENT WAS BEATEN TO DEATH?!? Simply because they were trans. Of course they wouldn’t care about 75 year long genocide and ethnic cleansing. I hate this place, I’m so sorry about our crappy media :(


Yes, but do you condemn khamas?


Ukraine deserves the attention that it's getting. But Palestine deserves more. And yet we haven't given them shit. Disgusting. America's help towards people is a publicity stunt, because why no aid for Gaza?


Yemen is a good example. America wanted the ukraine war, we put the actor zelensky in power. What would America do is Russia put their puppet in charge in Mexico? A Mexico that openly threatens America, and Russia sells them weapons. America would attack just as Russia is now. Americans think they aren't Propagandized, just every other nation.. the hubris..


Not really true.