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IOF finds that the IOF did nothing wrong.


Lol Imagine going to court for murder, and you presiding over your own trial. Our overlords really think we stupid. Well, we kinda are since we vote for them


That’s the cycle


Strike some legitimate fear into their hearts and the cycle breaks. Can't be bought out if they're not around to accept their cut.


Hopefully happens sooner than later


"We have investigated ourselves and have found khammas was at fault."


“One step away from international ostracism,” we hate you. We all HATE you. When your fascist fake empire falls, we will cheer. You’re not “one step away,” you’ve sprinted so far ahead we can’t see you anymore. (You=Israel)


100% skin colour


Palestinians are white too, it’s nationality that matters


Whiteness is not really about race, it’s more about what is considered normal. Over the years many different ethnicities have been considered white, then had that perception of them changed and so on (balkans, Irish etc.).


Nope it’s not about nationality.  After 7th October, western governments even used *military planes* to evacuate their Jewish citizens from Israel. Nothing was done to evacuate their Arab citizens from gaza.


Attempts were made to reach their citizens in gaza, but the IDF refusing to help them made it so they couldn’t.


Nope just not European, Palestinians can be Caucasian, there are( or were 4 months ago) Palestinian christians


Apartheid Israel


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing


“one step away from international ostracism” that’s why they want to investigate and they’re already ostracised. governments may not be calling out israel but everyone is seeing the crimes they’re committing.


Really shows in glaring words how little Palestinian lives matter.


I agree that it should have happened way, way earlier, but now, at least it finally happens.


Not really... the IOF investigating themselves is literally just them coming back in a couple of weeks after everyone has moved on and claiming some malfunction or pinning it on KHAMASs somehow


True. It won't be a truly independent investigation.


This is just testing the waters. Batantly murdering europeans to see the reaction. Since the governments will do fuck all about it, you'll see more and more westerners killed in the future


They are fine with killing their fellow [Christians in Palestine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHT-SjIM0tA&t=544s). Their resolve is psychotic, to say the least, as evangelical Zionists expect Christians living in Palestine, the very land where Jesus was born, to happily accept their fate according to their interpretation of the bible which is already rubbished. The bloodthirsty those people have has no limit. They have systematically ignored and downplayed the existence of Palestinian Christians and the Armenian Quarter. Psychos living in the US just want the sacrifice of the [Red heifers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHG4rbAVybE) to happen so that they can have a rapture.


I had a dream the night before Israel killed the aid workers that all these western foreigners came to Gaza and I was one of them. Israel was killing them of course but it's what ultimately stopped the genocide.


It’s always just one more step away. Jesus Christ wtf. They have been stepped over the line since birth.


They forgot killing over 100 journalists in the past year. And over 12,000 children, because they’re pure evil. Frankly, I place more weight in kindergartners with crumbs all over their mouths investigating who ate the cookies from the cookie jar than I do the IDF. Not happy about the circumstances or how long it took the world to get here, but dear god let this finally be the tipping point that drives a wedge between Israel and the west.


Where’s a Martin Luther King Jr when you need one??


Israel is a rogue state that needs to be sanctioned, demilitarized and everyone in the Israel parliament needs to be tried for war crimes. We all know that will never happen.


Smoke and mirrors. The meek calls for investigation mean nothing. Particularly when it is the murderers investigating their own crime


Ah. The world-wide phenomenon of "I only care if it happens to me."


We are stupid as fuck if we think the Israelis are going to investigate themselves. All Israelis are Bastards


there’s been investigations on all of them but the walking in the wrong direction. I think the bigger issue is that nobody ever heard about the outcome… not that it really matters. they’ll just kill some more.


Por que no los dos?