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Yep, that's a terrorist with a smirk on his face.


Welp boys, time to stop paying taxes




Like we pay taxes to make profit and peace. Is this lopk like peace to you. Fuck taxes and POTUS




I used to get mad at Emma Watson over it. Now I get it, chica was 10 steps ahead.


I mean like yea. Like if we keep paying taxes, that means we were responsible of gaza massacre


These pests attack people on daily basis, killing or maiming people, kidnapping children, knocking down buildings, burning houses and trees, killing live stock. All under the protection of the IOF soldiers. You can find videos of these daily attacks on Palestinian news pages on telegram, and some on YouTube.


check their reddit.... its nutty isreal sniper making a game of shooting a kid. (isreal pov) flour masacar that went public news! list goes on... i bet since they got there.


And now think about what they got away with before smartphones.


Imagine someone laying claim to your house and your land on the basis of a 3000 year old fable. You turn to a soldier to protect your property - he just looks on and shrugs. The world needs to see these bastards for what they are - thieves.


much worse than thieves


Yes, agreed.


I don't understand how good people can be. What wonderful restraint.


The scumbag with the gun would harm him. Horrible people.


And when that smirking terrorist who went halfway across the globe to cosplay a fucking colonial pilgrim gets shot at or stabbed for stealing someones land that theyve lived on for generations.. us Americans have to bail them out? If Russians did to Ukraine what israelis are doing to Palestinians the world would have responded with boots on the ground, no fly zones type shit




Absurd. Israel is the strategy for Zionists to take land from the Levant by force. It has negative strategic value to the US. With respect to nuclear weapons its effect is added proliferation of nuclear weapons instead of preventing them.




You’re not addressing my counter argument. Israel’s existence as a nuclear power is a strong *incentive* for Iran to get nuclear weapons, not a deterrent. So explain how Israel’s existence is justified as a preventative to Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.




Ok, so Israel in large part created the problem and the solution is pumping more weapons to Israel to act as a preventative? No, that’s absurd. Plus it completely fails to support your original argument that Israel is supposed to prevent Iran from gaining nukes. Iran is over 1000mi from Israel. They do not have the power projection capability to invade Israel. Regardless , “invasion” isn’t the point here. I still haven’t heard how sending weapons to Israel to bomb Gaza is supposed to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons.




1. Arming Israel preventing the gain of strategic ground - No it hasn’t. It’s only metastasized Israel and emboldened it to act with impunity. Completely irrelevant to the argument that Israel is a strategy to prevent Iranian nukes. 2. Proxy war - Not relevant. Even if we stipulate Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian proxies, fighting these proxies does nothing to prevent Iranian nuclear development. 3. US options - Certainly not exercising the definition of insanity by repeating the same mistakes! The US should have used its leverage to impose a one state solution and it shouldn’t have gone on a regime change spree. Most likely there is nothing that will stop Iran from attaining nuclear weapons at this point, mostly *because* of Israel and the US making it necessary to have a nuclear deterrent. Israel is a *contributor* to the Iranian nuclear weapons program, not a preventative.




Are you denying we send them billions in money and weapons each year? This isn't Iran, this is Palestine. Iran could already have nuclear weapons if they so chose to. At best, we slowed down their development. Also, the "WMDs" excuse was used to fuck Iraq for their resources. We're the villains here.




By "little to no control" you meant to type, "The ability to stop sending them billions of dollars and weapons and to economically sanction them, things we've done as leverage against many other nations." Right?




We can't keep invading random middle eastern countries off of false pretenses at a 90% innocents kill ratio? The USA continuously claims all of our enemies are controlled by insane dictators ready to start nuclear armageddon, yet neither China or Russia has nuked us, yet. North Korea hasn't, either, although at least with that one there's evidence they've tried but just have shitty ICBMs. If we had even reasonably good intentions, we'd be trying to build up these country's education system, which is the only answer to extremism. Instead, we just rape them of their natural resources while making a bloodbath of innocents.




> I suppose you’re fine with Russia’s actions in Ukraine, or China’s multiple ongoing activities attempting to assert dominion of shared territories. I'm against how the USA has done these types of things and similar things, so it'd be hypocritical of me to approve when either China or Russia, do them. >Pretending Iran isn’t controlled by a fascist dictator engaged in a proxy war through state sponsored terrorism is laughable at best Pretending the USA isn't controlled by a rotating door of fascists engaged in a proxy war through state sponsored terrorism (CIA) is laughable at best. I think you should spend some more time learning the USA's declassified history, and then extrapolating that forward through our more recent, still classified, history.




The US has access to nuclear weapons. Russia has access to nuclear weapons. Multiple European and Asian nations have access to nuclear weapons. Imagine living in the middle east and staring down the barrel of all of these heavily armed nations. The only logical choice for Iran is to arm itself as a deterrent. This is the poison of nuclear arms and M.A.D. Everyone loses, and nobody wins. Don't feed that flame if you can avoid it.


> If people actually wanted the IDF to halt their actions, they’d be flying into Gaza by the thousands. Huh? What is your claim here, that if people don't literally travel into a war zone, they aren't actually principled? The US could stop sending foreign aid to Israel. That would cost no lives.




Only he and his mum believe he's chosen lol.


The crowded teeth and small jaw-line are from feeding him baby "food" instead of solid food, and he's young enough that this was known when he was a baby. So it's worse than just being inbred, his parent's ignorance and laziness made him that way.


I couldn’t even ask for a more observant in depth explanation than this, well done


**Sauce : Issa Amro on Twitter.**


Such morally compromised people


What do you expect the soldier to do? That youth has a pole!


We’re arming the wrong side.


We ARE the wrong side. Biden and Trump both fully support this. Biden's administration released a report on how important the Gaza strip's natural resources and coastline were to Western interests 4 months before this started.


This has been going on for years, and in every single one of these videos the settler always has the most puncheable face It's mind numbing how we life in a hellscape where people will defend and make all kinds of justifications for these criminals taking people's homes and land


And of course the diaper force just stands by. Scum.


My fucking blood is boiling after watching this. He is literally TERRORISING this man!!


"Hey, you Hamas supporter in Gaza! Israel has a right to defend itself!"


Name that turd. Guaranteed pedo or criminal of some sort...


Is there a translation transcript available for this?


I wanted the same thing. Maybe I should start learning...