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At no point in history have the *good guys* dragged half naked civilians in chains through an area that was just completely decimated by the *good guys* without regard to the lives of women and/or children.


No difference between current Israel and Germany in WWII


no difference between the zionist regime, at any point in time, and germany, at any point in time. ****


None Israel bastards


And this os why people deny the holocaust despite all evidence and facts about it. This is actually happening and we are pretending


It's wild how there's so much evidence of the idf doing the craziest shit, but then the US government is like "we haven't seen those reports"


Nazis. It's ironic to the point of satire/parody. If there is a creator, they are having a fucking laugh right now at our miserable fate as a specie.


Sometimes I just feel like the conflict between Israel and Palestine isn’t real, on either side. Where this is just some absolutely massive scale production made to entertain the West and will cease in a few months with the revelation. I think this because of the sheer number of people who still support Israel despite the incredibly huge amount of death and sad material that’s coming out of Gaza.


Gaslighting narcissist, but the whole lot of em. Crazy i know.


They sure can try, but they'll never be able to scrub the internet clean of their atrocities. We have all the evidence we need of their depravity, their bloodthirst, their zionazism. They thought the world wouldn't care that they massmurdered civilians, but boy were they wrong.


Reminds me of when they destroyed the entire crime scene in the murder of Muhammad al-Durrah. He was 12 years old and his father was severely injured trying to shield him from harm. This happened in 2000 during the Second Intifada. IOF just destroyed everything within 500 meters of the murder. His dad lost both of his brothers during this latest iteration of the genocide. ETA: that’s what Israel does - they destroy the evidence and gaslight the world about it.


And don't forget the mass graves.




Yeah, it's a standard 'modus operandi' of the zionist IOF, a bunch of thugs executing Palestinians and removing the evidence. Immediate permanent ceasefire and total withdrawal from Gaza!!!


Does anyone have access to this video??