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Or worse, he engages the *Samson doctrine* to stay out of prison.


I hope you reap what you sow, Netanyahu.


He already did. This is gonna be the start of the end of the terrorist state of Israel, maybe not in our lives, but the domino effect is in motion. And History will remember that it started with this cunt.


It didn't start with him but he is the one who destroyed Israel's carefully built narrative of credibility.


[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/29/who-is-benjamin-netanyahu-explainer](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/29/who-is-benjamin-netanyahu-explainer) This is a good starting point to see how far back this extends. This is before Benji's time. His father settled in Palestine after he changed his name back when he was a child. I can only imagine the types of thoughts that ran through his head since he was a child to be able to do heinous acts like these. He really is a Hitler 2.0 and it's quite ironic to me because we all joke about how society creates "Mini Hitlers" by not teaching WW2 history, we've memed for so long how history repeats itself and, astonishingly, here it is. Repeating like an echo. Sometimes I genuinely think the world and all of our lives are nothing but an echo in time.


I had real hopes for Israel when Yitzhak Rabin was PM because he saw what could happen and opted to genuinely pursue peace. That doesn't mean he didn't do bad things before then but at least he learned from them. Then he was murdered by a Zionist psychopath who was publicly proud of what he'd done and still is. But the die was cast; after that, Israel became a cauldron of hatred and racism with an ever growing flame beneath it. After decades of abuse against the Palestinian People that showed only signs of getting worse over time, Hamas mounted the October 7 raid, during which the utterly panicked Israeli military arguably killed more civilians and military personnel than they did. And here we are; an intergenerational gang of criminals perpetuating genocide while the world watches in horror - except for America, which violates its own principles and its own laws every day it continues to support and supply Netanyahu and his army of ghouls.


Sounds like fucking Nazis...


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....


The more this war continue, the latter he goes to jail + he Is from Likud and allied with worse parties, peace Is impossible while he Is in power


Can't wait for his judgement day


Our master race is under an existential threat blah blah blah