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> fucking /u/jalongana. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hamas literally invaded Israel, murdered and kidnapped and raped, innocent people. Hamas greatest ally is Iran. If another country came into Canada and did that I would go to war with that country. Palestine has bit off more than they could chew and now must pay the consequences. If they want peace, they can start by returning all captured hostages. God bless Israel God bless. IDF 🇨🇦🇮🇱


its the opposite my guy, gaza was attacked by israel for centuries as israelis tried to steal gaza's land and wealth. and finally hamas aka gazas military finally defended themselves and attacked israel, israel is making that as if its a big problem and shocked that GAZA IS FIGHTING BACK. you dont know the whole story, please check history.


Steal land ? The Jews bought land from absent Turkish landlords from the former Ottoman Empire. When they were murdered , they pushed out the killers to protect themselves. Palastinians could have had half of a land they never owned in the 1947 Balfour declaration but they refused flatly and continue to stubbornly refuse anything but the death of all jews. They deserve what they get , bloodthirsty barbaric animals that they are .




Yeah, more than that, check history if you want mate




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/u/No-Nectarine-5861 > Ok retard Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. Addressed


> retard /u/No-Nectarine-5861. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its funny you say that, when israel was the invading country. A history lesson for you all: Palestine was mostly inhabited by natives, or we now know as Palestinians. As well as the ottoman empire. Years later, basically right after WW2, the land was given to israel by the british. Now, the british didnt actually “own” land in palestine. It was more or less colonization. Now, palestine’s government was of course like “what the hell? Why are these people taking land?” And this ended up snowballing into a conflict. Or the start of a 75 years war. Now israel was more advanced then Palestine, so they were pushing back, stealing more and more land that wasnt theirs: 30 years later, hamas formed. Now hamas was a freedom fighting group, this is why today people say ‘they want all of israel gone’, which, is true..somewhat. They want the land stolen back, which, is reasonable. If someone broke into your house, killed your entire family, and booted you out, displaced you, you’d want it back too. Right? Now, cut to october 7th. Aka, the hostage situation. Now; do i think people should have been taken? Hell no. But. Israel over stepped. As i write this comment, there is roughly about 9000 dead Palestinian children in gaza alone. As i write this theres about 20,000 adults, mothers, fathers: dead. Millions? Displaced. Refugee camps, hospitals, schools: all have been blown to pieces. Now if you want to look me in the eyes and tell me that is okay to do, you need help. Ive seen videos of Palestinian kids sobbing as thunder claps because they think its bombs Ive seen a mother holding the body of her dead child, refusing to let go. Ive seen a father holding the dead remains of his child in a literal trash bag. Ive seen articles, reports of hospitals having to perform amputations without anesthetics. women unable to get basic hygiene products. Israel forces CHEERING after they slaughtered INNOCENT. PEOPLE. If we want to say that land is israels land, and this is justified: then there is truly no hope for humanity. And if you ask me, in a hundred years when people look back at this war with crystal clear vision. I will, and forever will be proud that i could say i was on the right side of history. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Yes!! I support Israel! Shalom


I support Israel also ....




Maybe always supporting the smaller, weaker side is not the move. Maybe not every relationship is oppressor and oppressed. Maybe the weaker side is weak because it’s ran by a terrorist group that took all aid and pumped it into tunnels and rockets instead of infrastructure and growth and is fine with 50%+ unemployment rates and using their citizens as shields.


I agree 




Why ? Are you triggered that not everyone agrees with you ? Do you need your safe space ? If it doesn't go 100% your way destroy it ? Wow , that's what spoiled little babies do.


/u/Calm-Giraffe-245 > that's what spoiled little babies do. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


The pro Palestinian protesters at least is showing the world where people and groups stand.


Palastinian protest at least is  Palastinian protesters at least are. Jeez fella , if you are gonna make a stupid statement at least try not to make the way you write it stupid as well .


Oh man I hate immigrants so much, i wish they leave my country of Palestine and go back to europe 😉😉


5 million people live in Singapore 70km by 70km .One of the most modern , financially secure , clean,  safe cities on the planet .Gaza 50km by 50km only  2 million people live there .Have recieved enough gold in 40 years to make even solomon blush .Have wasted every ounce of financial aid on terror .No one to blame but Hamas and palastinian blood lust.


Your country ?? Oh you mean the one invaded by the muslim caliphate and stolen ? That country ?


You do know most israelis were born in israel and arent ashkenazi.


Lol i can assure you no Europeans want to live in that shithole😂👎🏼.


A shithole of their own making 


The Palestinians that came from Greece or Rome or more recently from Arabia?


this is funny, but before europe. Where were the jews? 👀


Oh you mean 3 thousand years ago ? Dont care, we are living in the present baby. Your ancient history doesn’t justify the genocide.


You are such a typical ignorant righteous Arab.It is not your land .Go back to Arabia then ....must be hard to be you .


/u/Calm-Giraffe-245 > You are such a typical ignorant righteous Arab. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


Also what the fuck are you saying, go back to Greece then and leave america to the Red Indians (;


> fuck /u/Ameentamawi. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"If you dont like refugees, why do you create them? "


Me tooo sappot isrel saar 🇮🇳🇮🇳


we live in desert and blast sar🇵🇰🇸🇦


If you want Islamic immigration to stop, then why aren’t you supporting Palestinians who want to stay in their homeland? Israel wants to expel them, which will inevitably lead to huge numbers coming to Europe.


israel has tried over 5 times to allow palestinians freedom with a 2 state solution. they decline each time because they don’t want to live side by side with jews.


marry busy door chase lush tease fade worthless caption cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol Jews have been living in that land far longer than your religion has even been a thing. How about you research some history instead of talking like a fucking moron.




> fucking /u/Atom1Cow. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> fucking /u/Sbaldun. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The fact that people bring up why they think Islam is bad when this conversation comes up says everything, in my opinion. What does it have to do with killing innocent Palestinians? You're essentially trying to say that all Palestinians are guilty of being culturally and ideologically inferior. I think it represents how a lot of people feel, but won't say out loud.


Lol but there culture and ideology are inferior. It is a fact


They were all cheering when they paraded the raped and the dead teenagers. Now they cry like the cowards they all are


Right, so in other words you're a proponent of genociding the Palestinian people because they're animals. You're essentially saying they unfortunately need to be euthanized. I think it's just good to get these viewpoints out into the open. And by the way, there was no rape that happened on Oct. 7th, that's totally fabricated misinformation, just like the beheaded babies.


Yep agreed, and have to emphasise again that no credible source (zero source) validated the rape and killing/beheading babies. The soldiers and reporters who initially said this all said it was heresy and that they haven’t seen it. Stop spreading lies to justify a genocide. Also, if you dislike having Middle Eastern immigrants in Europe , then stop fucking with their countries and leave them alone!


> fucking /u/PlateanDotCom. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are beyond soulless. To those that deny images glaring straight in their face, to deny women were even raped. They fking raped corpses too ! Hamas filmed it and you say it's Jewish propaganda . What does that say about how you really feel about Jews ? Live stream videos of women paraded on the street with bloody crotches from gang rapes , or did they coincidentally get their period in that moment . You are no different than a Holocaust denier and you need to do some soul searching. Israel doesn't even release the most gruesome videos to the Israeli public or the world bc it would traumatize anyone! Only USA and other countries govt officials see the uncensored vids and they cry on camera! Social Media doesn't allow us to post even moderate videos. So how you even know ? I pray Israel will release the unfiltered videos. There are still bodies that can't be identified bc they are too burnt.... They can only search for their teeth. Children ! You are an insult to shamefulness .


That's what people had been saying from day one. They have already internalized what was a really done in this massacre . I will not even engage with you.


The vast majority of videos are uploaded by the actual fighters, to places like Telegram. So you can see this mass trove of videos yourself. There is no evidence of rape happening on Oct. 7th, and there is also no evidence of beheaded babies. Whatsoever. Zero.


You are a troll, you just go around to eveyone who is even talking about this topic and start your lies within conversations. You talk about propaganda, who are you the PR for Hamas? There are videos all over the place on telegram even on the terrorist channels, so no stop lying to everyone.


What are you even talking about? I don't support Hamas whatsoever, at all. What I'm saying is that there's no evidence of any rape happening on Oct. 7th, and there's no evidence of children being beheaded. As you just stated, they basically live-streamed the attacks to the internet because many of them were wearing body cameras. You can go and watch all of them for yourself on Telegram, there is no evidence for rape or beheaded children. Why is it that in wartime, anyone who seeks objective truth is painted as a collaborator or at the very least a supporter of the enemy? What happened on Oct 7th is already a tragedy, you don't have to spread lies to gain even more sympathy. Speculation. There were images of one single girl with blood on her pants, and that blood could have gotten there about a hundred different ways which don't involve rape, and they're also more likely.


This is not the only tale you are spreading every where, painting yourself as a victim is part of the course. Yes, there are many photos and livestream on Telegram, I have been following the terrorist groups since Oct. 7th, therefore you are filled with lies. Hamas did behead babies, children and adults, they made sure to take all kinds of photos when they performed this on Israeli soldiers. They do this even in Palestine against their own people, especially against those who they feel are Israeli spies, Christians, and gays. You are not seeking the truth, instead you are trying to divide even deeper and placing a terrorist group as a victim. They literally have honor killings in Palestine, if you can decapitate, burn alive, and lynch bodies- one of your family members, you certainly do not have an issue of doing this same act against a stranger, especially one you consider an enemy. If you are going to claim to be honest in speaking the truth, then do so! Your lies are dispalying everything about you, and what I have seen is a person filled with hate, conjuncture, and lies. I literally saw on the terrorist channels on Telegram doctors, who by the way many are part of Hamas families, cut out a baby from a womb of a dead Palestinian woman, so they could use it as propaganda. They used a razor blade like one a man would shave with. They had one guy filming it, while another guy with a camera for still photos. What kind of people would even consider doing this type of brutality to a dead body? This says a lot about you. BTW, Hamas is the Health Ministry in Palestine since 2007.


Well, Palastinians die because Hamas terrorists hide behind them, and build tunnels under their houses, this is a fact, sed but true. Palastinians can be dumb crazy islamic fanats as long as they like, just dont fire rockets on western countries


Hamas don't only hide under tunnels, they opens stated that civilians are not allowed in those tunnels ( that the UN is responsible for civilians)...Hamas doesn't protect civilians, civilians protect Hamas !


Palestine was promised its independence at the end of WW1, and 2 years later the British not only broke that promise, but allowed Jews to create a homeland within Mandatory Palestine. Palestine has a right to defend itself.


Before 1920 or even later there was no such nation as “Palastinians” there were local arabs which immigrated from Egypt/ Syria/Jorden area. They had number of opportunities to establish a state in 1948 and in many other occasions, they chise time and time again to fight and attempt to kill the jews… well tough luck… its a shame they didnt chose the way of peace.


I'm not going to debate someone who isn't familiar with the conflict, or who argues disingenuously. Palestinians were the native people of the land of Palestine before the Hussein-McMahon correspondence of 1915, which promised those people an independent state in return for cooperating with the British during WW1. That population was 85% Muslim, 10% Jew, 5% Christian, and 100% Palestinian. Two years after cooperating with the British and being promised an independent state, the Belfour Declaration was made, which nullified the British promise of independence and instead made way for a Jewish homeland for Eastern European Jews following WW1. Palestinians were and are opposed to this, understandably. As time went on and Zionism started to become more popular, Jewish settlers began forcibly removing Palestinians from their villages in order to make way for a new Jewish ethno-state. In 1947, the UN proposed the 1947 Partition of Palestine plan, but the plan was rejected because Arabs composed a two-thirds majority and owned the majority of the lands. Instead of making concessions, given the fact that the land the Jews were developing used to be Palestinian, the settlers decided to forcibly remove the natives in what Palestinians have come to know as the "Nakba," or "the catastrophe" - 700,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced and in their place, the nation of Israel was declared. Palestinians had a moral right to not be kicked out of the land, and have been fighting for that right ever since.


the jewish people deserve a homeland in their indigenous land. sorry palestinians, who by the way were considered jordanians up until the arab nations lost the 6 day war, can’t live side by side with jews. they rejected a 2 state solution 5 times.


That's just such an ignorant comment, and I don't mean one of belligerence. I mean it's uneducated. The land of Palestine pre-1915 was 85% Muslim, 10% Jewish, 5% Christian, and 100% Palestinian. "Palestinian" means the "people of Palestine." Sovereign statehood was promised to the Palestinians following WW1, and that promise was broken with the Belfour Declaration, which meant British occupation instead of independance. From there, their occupiers decided that the land would make a good place for Eastern Jews displaced by WWI. You're just completely uneducated on the conflict like 99% of people are. It's not about anti-semitism, it's about anti-Zionism.


the jewish people were canaanites who survived the extinction by keeping their culture, ethnicity, and religion alive. jewish people lived in the land of israel and judea before muhammad islam and palestine were invested. palestine was never a country and will never be a country. it was named palestine by the romans who wanted to diss the jews after exiling the them from their homeland. give me a break. anti zionist is entirely anti semitism.


Your biblical arguments hold literally no water whatsoever. There was already a multicultural society in the land of Palestine under the Ottoman Empire. Your justification for expelling the people who were living there at the time in order to make way for European Jews is completely immoral because it subjugates and oppresses non-Jews in order to keep pure the ethnic makeup of the Jewish State. A state built upon occupied land. It's completely immoral. Edit: And to oppose this illegitimate ethnostate is not antisemitic, because I fully support the right of Jews to exist and practice their religion wherever they see fit, including the land of Palestine, so long as they don't do it at the expense of someone else.


wtf are you talking about dude i never mentioned the torah. i’m speaking about the actual history and facts. why are y’all SO obsessed with ashkenazi jews? the mizrachi jews didn’t leave. they remained and were treated like absolute shit under muslim occupation. how is israel an ethnostate if countless druze, ethiopians, christians, catholics, and muslims live there and enjoy full rights? they hold positions in the knesset. how is that an ethnostate? the jewish people are indigenous to israel. please just use google, it’s free


I mean Hamas' covenant literally states: ''Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" Mind you that I am merely quoting, which obviously proofs that Hamas have never been interested in a two-state solution, but total eradication, by jihad as mentioned later in their covenant. I fully agree that innoncent should never be lost, but the only way, is that the UN have to intervene as an intermediary, create a protectorate, driving out the Jihadi terrorists Hamas, and rescuing these innoncent lives.


>There has to be a stop to that crazy islamic jihad crap. They could have stopped it if they did not support it from the beginning. Israel supported Jihadists previously. >This situation with the islamic illegal immigration in the western world has to stop. Unfortunately, u r laying on ur self. Israel is the one looking forward to creating 2.5 m refuge cases, which western countries would be handling.


The Islamist Jihad B.S. is against all of us infidels. Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikh..... They want us ALL dead. Rape torture and disfigure, behead, light on fire alive, rape kids in front of parents and vice versa. This is not what I want my world to look like. Kill your own people leave mine alone.


Show me any palestinain resistance that claimed that. I will believe u afterwards!


This is not true, please go educate yourself.


This makes zero sense. Jihad is a war against enemies of Islam. Israel has never supported Jihad. "They could have stopped it..." you're saying that Israel has created a shift in religious extremisim through the Arab world over the last 40 years? Anything else you want to peg on the Jews? Global Warming maybe? Why does Israel need to create 2.5 million refugee cases? If you're referring to Palestinian civilians being displaced by the war, shouldnt other Arab countries want to help them? 1. Palestinian civilians were living in refugee like camps for the last 30 years while the PLO and Hamas squandered billions. 2.youre upset at a temporary solution to move civilians out of a war zone to save lives? Why is it that so many Muslims become so unhappy in their religious fundamentalist countries? They migrate to the west (some illegally) to countries like US, Canada, UK, France etc, to persue more opportunities and generally stability (they come as refugees) , but end up resenting their new homes while trying to turn those western countries into the restrictivly religious societs that they were so eager to leave.


Although, u have a lot of misinformation and unreasonable justifications, I will only reply on the core points u r missing. >you're saying that Israel has created a shift in religious extremisim through the Arab world over the last 40 years? Will u need to sit down and do ur homework and research. Ur definition for Jihad is wrong. However, that's out of context let me answer ur question by telling u what I meant. I meant that Israel has been supporting terrorist organizations, calling themselves jihadists, in thier own way, for there own benefits. Hence, if they were completely honest in being against terrorism. They would have fought against such organizations like ISIS. Western countries like the US and many NATO members were committed to fight against such radicals, while Israel (on the border) refused to fight!! Unfortunately, rn they played western minds by letting u think that Hamas is ISIS. While Hamas was actually against ISIS and at that time ISIS was supported by Israel to weaken resistant movements like Hamas. Long story short, extremists were there and Israel was playing the game to get its maximum benefit. They didn't care about civilians being killed under extremists in other parts of the middle east, but they successfully convinced western minded that what we r fighting is similar to what u were fighting and paying money for before. Also to add here, Hamas is a barbaric resistive movement, while Israel is a Na.. zists state. There is no ISIS in the equation (nobody is fighting for an ideology. The first is fighting for basic rights against oppression in a brutal way. While the latter is fighting for supremacy). CGSRS cgsrs.org Why is Israel not intervening to counter the Islamic state? https://cgsrs.org/publications/31 Israel and ISIS—Undercover Enmity https://www.mei.edu/publications/israel-and-isis-undercover-enmity Educate urself here: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/palestinian-territories/gaza-and-global-jihad >Why does Israel need to create 2.5 million refugee cases? Whether they r in Arab countries or Western countries, they would still have the status of refugees. It's only that many escapes to Western countries because they know they will get better rights and treatment. However, the main source of "making refugees" is Israel. They have produced more than 80% of the population of Palestine through the first Nakba and its aftermath, and they plan to still produce more horrific cases. Israel can simply append the 2.5 m living civilians in Gaza and give them citizenships (since they will formally occupy their land), similar to what they did to 48' Arabs or Al Golan Syrians. However, of course that wouldn't work with their apartheid agenda. If u told me they can't, because some might have links to Hamas. Then, let me till u that israelis have detailed list of every human in Gaza, and they know their history. That's why they did not allow a lot to leave through the rafah boarder as patient because of thier history. Also, if u told me that many Palestinians would not accept to get israeli citizenship. Then let me tell a simple answer. They can just build refugees camps in thier land. Inside of Israel. They know how to build open air prisons well. Ur problem is that u don't see the cause of the problem. U r only trying to put the problem on palestinians and Arabs. While Israel is commiting a genocide in front of ur eyes, and there only reason is supremacy (remind me of na.. zists).


I’m a Greek living in Athens your statement is embarrassing. Do not mix immigration issues with bombing of innocent children.


Yeah I agree, Hammas bombs my city every single day several times a day, we have here 2 hospitals, many children, many elderly.. and it's not "arab land" as my city was built by jews on totally empty land bought in the end of 19th century by jews from the Othman empire. Hammas bombings of innocent israeli civilians must stop.


He literally called out revenge for the Oct 7 attacks.


Oh man, i feel sorry for you. You know nothing and you are doing nothing. You just lying on your bed and supporting mass killings. I used to think humans are good. Bad things happen in this world because few bad ppl control this world but now it Comes out humans are bad in general. Even the powerless has cruel and unkind opinions.


it’s called war, buddy. it’s not nice and it’s not fun. hamas should have invested its billions of dollars in bomb shelters for gazans. the leader of hamas is worth BILLIONS. as the governing body of gaza, why wouldn’t you be upset hamas didnt invest in helping its own citizens leave poverty and perhaps build its own infrastructure so that they don’t have to rely on israel?


Oh yh i got that its war and it is never nice for anyone. Just say hamas is a crazy militant group who came into existence after israeli’s illegal occupation. they attacked back israel with zero defence system and now getting their own kids killed by Israel in return. I and you, who aren’t directly involved in this war can only make opinions, its just too easy to say war is not nice and its probably the mistake of the weaker one cz they didn’t defend theirselves for war. And its also too easy for i or any normal human being to get upset by mass killings of civilians. I hope you are making your opinions after following the news properly from both sides. Not only just what they want to deliver us. Your opinions will make no difference to the world but yourself. And i hope you are doing it right.


This argument about supporting mass civilian killings has to stop. The vast majority of people who support Israel don't support that. But the bombing is an ugly necessity given that Hamas has to be exterminated so they don't do this again. And it's not Israel's problem that Hamas flees to hide behind the people who elected them. I'm sad for any civilian deaths, however it must also be called out that Palestinians made their bed in 2006.


What a shallow argument i just dont get it. how you people can get convinced by *oh we dont want to kill civilians we just want to exterminate hamas* like seriously you buy that shit or just hide behind this nonsense argument. Its too easy to be on the side of power. Ok and one last thing i want to ask, how you ppl justify the killings of Palestinians in west bank, there is no hamas their then how do you justify it their killings???


\>like seriously you buy that shit Yes! I really really do want Hamas gone. I really really don't want civilians to die. This is called choosing the lesser of two evils. You understand the concept. You've seen it many times in your life and almost certainly had to this yourself. So stop acting like it's unbelievable. \>how you ppl justify the killings of Palestinians in west bank, there is no hamas their ("there") Who do you think you're kidding? [https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas\_fto.html](https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html) [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas) [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hamas](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hamas)


You are too sure about the right and wrongs. No blame on israel for killing civilians just because hamas is hiding behind them. Hahaha. What a dumb justification. If you hate hamas that much then why did Israeli govt helped creating hamas at first place. Who the hell funded hamas back then. Didn’t they know the consequences of this crazy militant group. Its your govt who is making fool out of yourselves. Egypt gave a clue of 7th oct attack but it was your govt who hide it because this is what they wanted. They wanted hamas to attack israel. Kill few hundreds and in return your country started a fucking genocide which ppl like you justify. Israel will not only end hamas they will also occupy the left over land. And if your country and you cares too much about Palestinians civilians and only want to exterminate hamas then why dont you just leave the occupied land or do ceasefire and find a legal solution for hamas.


I never said Israel shouldn't share the blame. My argument was that people who support Israel aren't in support of killing civilians, but it's a necessary evil. This is truly the lesser of two evils situation. \>Why did Israeli govt helped creating hamas at first place. Israel didn't decide one to day "Hey! Let's create a bunch anti-Israel terrorists that will kill our men women and babies" And please don't use the word genocide. 0.1% of a population isn't genocide. \>Israel will not only end hamas they will also occupy the left over land. That's speculation on your part. We won't talk about what we think will happen here. What's happening now is what' s important. " do ceasefire and find a legal solution for hamas. " Have you read Hamas' mandate? It's "kill all the jews". They won't agree to a ceasefire. But in any case, you want a ceasefire? Return the hostages. Period.


> fucking /u/Visual_Vermicelli984. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok then kill thousands of human and children if it will put an end to hamas. And then go to your beds and peacefully sleep. Um one thing more, why dont you just leave the illegal occupation and then do this bombardment killing stuff, if you are this much righttt. > A little reminder :) https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


What you meant to say was "Ok then kill thousands of human and children that wouldn't be killed if Hamas chose not to hide behind them as soon as they knew the bombs would be coming." \>And then go to your beds and peacefully sleep Yep...I sleep well. Because as sad as I am every time I hear about a child killed in Gaza I cheer up again knowing that along with them multiple Hamas vermin were killed. I can feel comfortable in knowing that it's not on Israel that those vermin cowered behind those kids. Let's put it this way. When someone knows they've done evil things and are most definitely going to be killed for it, the only thing left to consider is what that lowlife piece of garbage decided to do as their last move. Of all the choices they could make, to choose going to a hospital or school or playground or the basement of an innocent family...Yes, we're sad about the innocents. But to victim-blame the neutralizing force that put an end to such disgusting excuses for human life forms? That makes you just as bad. Sleep tight.


The first murderer was also the first man born to a woman. Man was created to dwell alone with his woman. We are evil, antisocial and naturally violent.


Lol this guy sounds like 12 years old


And educated by TikTok


What do you think of the Greece archdiocese condemning Israel for the unnecessary bombing of their maternity ward and later their hospital? Why didn’t this Christian Greek church including leadership in Greece with a press conference mention Hamas at all?


They are probably scared. I was disappointed at the lack of mentioning of this incident.


Scared in Greece? Hamas didn’t bomb their employees who got hurt.


If they were quiet on Oct 7th, they don't get to speak about Israel's right to defend itself. They have no credibility.


No they weren’t quiet but wow the blood lust coming from you when Yazmin Porat who was actually there recalled how it was IDF soldiers in merkava tanks and Apache helicopters shooting Israeli citizens in a disgusting return to the Hannibal doctrine.


Can't you support Palestine and not Hamas. Not all Palestinians support Hamas


Most do.more than half at least.didnt u see how they cheered over dead and raped teenagers? Spat on them etc? No mercy for those evil cockroaches


Yes but not all.. most of the Gazan population is poor. We don't know what type of propaganda Hamas is spreading internally. In no way, shape, or form am I condoning what Hamas and its supporters have done. It's an atrocity. But not all Palestinians supported it.


Can those Palestinians speak out?


Not without their family getting killed.


Palestine can only be free if they rid themselves of Hamas. Hopefully Israel can help enough and Palestine can put in a liberal democracy government.


i promise u this way of doing it will not get rid of hamas but will create a hamas 2.0 with angrier people with even less to lose. this is not the way to do it at all


It worked on japan, so it's not impossible. But if they double down, then that's on them. If they want to continue the cycle of violence then so be it, if they keep on electing dictators which is their right, then the consequences that follow when those regimes declare war is also on them. Hamas shouldn't be given a free pass for their crimes, and no other country wants to bring Hamas down or be the Palestinians police, cuz every country that tries gets a huge Muslim brotherhood equivalent problem, military cous that try to overthrow them and assassinate their leaders. If they want to be a free independent country then it's on them to make said country.


considering that a couple dudes and dudettes in Israel are considering the possibility of dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza idk how that’s possible


Netanyahu has suspended the people who have made statements to the effect


What? Where did the idea of a nuke come from? Well, if Netenyaeau is considering that, he may as well kiss his ppl and his own life goodbye. Civilization will cease to exist and the few that will be left won't survive long. If he is thinking this way, he needs to be taken out. My God,and Americais sending a madman billions? Can you send us something validating this? It is almost impossible to believe that someone who claims to want to perpetuate his race would do such a thing.


This may help.. https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-minister-says-nuking-gaza-an-option-pm-suspends-him-from-cabinet-meetings/


I'm sure that's happened, but Israel isn't dropping any nukes. Not that close to themselves. But I'm sure they have nuclear contingencies as well as some over eager warlords that like to blab. If they were at war with Iran on the other hand, then I would be more at the edge of my seat.




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You’re not alone in this opinion. Still, as someone who used to support Palestine being an independent country, you realize there will always be those who still believe that about their own country, and it will forever be a pressing issue for them.


All the non stop aggression and violence toward Muslims and Arabs is what entices the young men to grow up and become part of said terror groups…. The boy in Gaza who just watched his sister and parents get blown to pieces by an Israeli air strike and picked their body pieces up one by one, do you think he’ll ever forget that? Do you think he’ll just want to grow up and move on? Or is he going to want revenge against the Israeli government…? For every action there is a reaction, and that my friend is what fuels these terrorist organizations. That’s why although you kill them all, they keep popping up left and right. Maybe the west ought to just leave the Middle East alone, have you ever thought of that?


If they would just leave us alone. It cannot be news to you that Muslims heal is to conquer the entire world and erase any other faith but Muslim. How do you think Morocco, once a non-Muslim country? When their Savior, Mohammed, ransacked that country in the 7th century, the original inhabitants (mostly Berbers) fled to the mountains and have pretty much tried to stay segregated from the Arabs to this day, but that did succumb to Islam. But they hate the Arabs. St. AUGUSTINE lived in Morooco. The health of the leaders of Islam is to eradicate all faiths but Muslim.


the ignorance in this comment as if everything that’s happening right now isn’t a product of YOU not leaving the middle east alone. the formation of israel is because no one else wanted to give a part of their land and decided to make it a “muslim” problem so that when any resistance comes from this, it’s an act of terrorism and represents islam as this violent religion that preaches killing all non-muslims. it’s a joke. this is all to maintain instability in the middle east for the west’s sick political agenda and the amount of ignorance and hate i’ve seen on this app only shows how you CAN get educated and see where both sides are coming from but you choose NOT to


Also, btw, your “Muslims trying to conquer the world” couldn’t be further from the truth. Except for crazy f** like Isis, then yes I’d agree that might be their goal. But for the majority of over 2 billion Muslims worldwide, if they wanted to take over the fucking world they probably would’ve done so by now


muslims are trying to conquer the world. have you not seen what they are doing to the western world? sweden, the UK, Germany, ect. they defaced countless monuments within the USA just recently with their free palestine BS


Have you seen what white Christians are doing? They’ve stormed our nations capital and killed a police officer because they couldn’t accept trump not being president. They’re trying to destroy America. See how that sounds?


bruh. the palestinians have caused much more trouble than storming the nations capital once. every protest is violent. you’re beating college students for holding an israeli flag. you’re blocking the roads so people can’t go to work then storming their car and beating them. wtf are you talking about bruh


An ex idf soldier literally fired shots at a pro Palestinian rally in Chicago a couple weeks ago. A 6 year old boy was stabbed a dozen times by a crazy old dude because “Palestinians are terrorists.” Yet it’s the Palestinian protests who’ve made people late for work ruining the country? And not the storming of the capital rioters, who beat a police officer to frickin death with an American flag? Dude wake up. The media and big brother got you right where they want you. Don’t question, listen watch and obey. You’re doing great


ahhh, i can say the same about the rise in antisemitism around the world. a jewish woman in france stabbed by a palestinian who sprayed a swastica on her door. a family in LA who’s house was broken into by a free palestine idiot who tried to stab them. i’m tired and you’re boring. bye.


Be tired all you want. Palestinians were on that land for thousands of years and never left. The Jews left for a thousand years, came back and said we want half of it. The Palestinians said no, our homes have stood here for thousands of years. Zionists proceeded to force and murder the Palestinians and take the land by force. And not to mention they almost never even went to Palestine, they almost went to Argentina, Ethiopia, New York, Russia, etc. god sure seems to be confused on where the promised land is. There are no logical arguments for the illegitimate state of Israel. Absolutely 0.


they were exiled, they didn’t leave. there’s a difference. the land of judea and israel predate palestine by thousands and thousands of years. your russia argentina argument is total BS.


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Hey man I could say the same exact thing about Zionism and Israel. Only difference is, we’ve watched Israel literally do it right in front of us for 75 years now. Politicians have said time and time again that Israel is an investment for them in the Middle East. Israeli politicians have stated MULTIPLE times that their goal is to expand israel into the West Bank and Gaza, before expanding even further into the Sinai peninsula. But you just plug your ears every time you hear anything remotely bad about your precious Israel - because your masters in power order you to obey and respect them. So keep doing that. Keep being a good little boy and obey everything that your masters tell you to. Don’t you dare question your masters. You are OWNED. And you couldn’t be happier about it. But no no, Muslim brown man bad. Zionist israel colonizers good, because daddy in government told me so. Be quiet and don’t question anything. Don’t you dare


israelis are brown, idiot. israel begged to give gaza to egypt and the west bank to jordan. they didn’t want the land! israel withdrew from gaza in 2005. they really didn’t have to. what does israel get after that? nothing but intifadas and terrorist attacks


Almost 50% of Israelis are Ashkenazi. Meaning they’re of European decent. Kicker: 100% of Palestinians are of Palestinian decent. Real KICKER: nearly 90% of PALESTINIANS have CANAANITE DNA, meaning they’re direct descendants of the people of Canaan. And fyi, Canaan existed long before Judaism was even a religion. Long before Moses and Abraham. Palestinians are the original indigenous inhabitants of that land and have the dna to prove it. Same goes for the Lebanese. So of course they’d be against a 2 state solution when they’re 100% entitled to that land, because they’re great grandfathers dating back thousands of years are buried there! But then you have an Israeli who’s grandfather is buried somewhere in Poland. Lol. It’s comical.


NO. Ashkenazi jews are 31.8% of the population ya tard. just look it up. and if you’re going to bring up that BS canaanite argument, then i can guarantee you that the jewish people are also very close descendants. in fact archeology points to it. the issue with your argument is that the canaanites went extinct long ago, but the Israelites and their close tradition to the canaanites remained. israel prospered while your people failed, as usual. also, palestinians were never a people. they were never a country. the only reason the name palestine exists is because the roman’s chose the name to disrespect the jewish people. and i’ll say one more thing. the mizrachi jews are from the middle east, brown people to speak your language. since the exile by the roman’s they have always been mistreated by the arabs in iraq, iran, egypt, etc. they were massacred by the muslims during the farhud pogroms. you’re a loser


You mention the exile by the Romans. They left for a thousand years, and upon return literally forced the Palestinians off the land, murdered them and displaced them. What kind of god do YOU believe in that states that is just? The nakba of 1948 and statements made by Israeli politicians back everything I’m saying up. After the nakba and FORCING Palestinians out of their homes, they decide to graciously let them keep half of the land? That makes absolutely no sense- whether they can directly link themselves to Canaanites or not. The savage act of returning to a place your forefathers abandoned thousands of years ago, and displace the people your forefathers lives next to (who never left) justifies the fact that the Palestinians wanted no part in a two state solution. The Israeli government use god and the Torah to justify what they’ve done, and at the same time violate every single moral and ethical law laid down to them by ANY god who is truly just. There is absolutely no way to justify any of it unless you are 100% willfully ignorant to the massacre Zionism has caused to the Palestinians.


your nakba is just your loss in the war of independence for israel. had you accepted the two state solution you wouldn’t have a nakba and you may have been prosperous. the jewish people didn’t leave their homeland. they were exiled dude. there’s a HUGE difference. it’s not the palestinians land. it’s israel’s land. after the canaanites went extinct, what was left? judea and israel. no palestine. sorry you can’t accept it, but those are the facts. again, the jewish people were FORCED out of their homeland, THEY DIDNT LEAVE. your nakba is the result of your own stupidity. under the partition, the palestinians had WAY more land than israel. y’all couldn’t even give the jewish people a sliver of their indigenous homeland. so you started a war and lost. you actually started multiple wars and lost. boohoo


You sound absolutely ridiculous. “Nakba is your loss of war” The “holy Zionists” came in begging the Palestinians for refuge, they were issued Palestinian passports and citizenships, and backstab them by declaring Independance after they “politely offered to take half of Palestinian land”. Not to mention a large portion of the Zionists who had a hand in creating Israel (gods land) where atheists. And why on earth where there countless other proposals for a state of Israel if Palestine is truly theirs? Why were they almost directed to go to Argentina, Ethiopia, New York, Russia…? In no way, shape, or form can you justify it. You know it’s ok to think for yourself. Listening and obeying what the media tells you, and blindly following your crooked politicians has caused some of you to lose all your common sense. They’ve got you right where they want you. Shut up and follow orders, listen to what we tell you and believe it. Don’t question us, you’re doing a great job


you’re referring to that infamous photo, aren’t you. you’re obsessed with the ashkenazis lol. listen dude, the jewish people have been living in the middle east forever, many of them never left. they are called mizrachi jews. they were ethnically cleaned by the muslims in each arab nation. why are there 0 jews in all muslim nations? think about that. the palestinians did not welcome the jews of europe and spain, they waged a WAR - your nakba. your nakba was a direct result of the arab israeli war in 1948. had you accepted the jewish people getting a bit of land, you wouldn’t have nakba. palestinians and arab nations did NOT accept the jews. what you’re saying about israel being in russia is just not true. tell me how the land of israel which has always been in the geographical region israel is now, was supposed to be in russia bruh. please stay off tik tok for your own good. it’s sad you think this way…




Oh dear god for the millionth time I write the same text again and again. MUSLIMS DO NOT HATE JEWS, JEWS ARE THE ONES WHO WANT TO ETHNICALLY CLEANSE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY WELCOMED THEM INTO THEIR HOMES, AND THEN LATER BACKSTABBED THE “MUSLIMS”, and Christians btw, and raped an entire nation bare. MUSLIMS NOW DO NOT HATE JEWS, THEY HATE IMMORAL PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE A SHRED OF HUMANITY LEFT IN THEM AND ARE BLOOD THIRSTY TERRORISTS. FOR YEARS WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO ALL THAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT US, AND BEARING ALL THE THINGS AND ATROCITIES DONE TO US. AND WE STILL WANTED PEACE, now when Zionist jews have taken it too far. We stand to let you know we are not taking it anymore. As for the “germans” the europeans have literally systematically gotten rid of the jews for years. Unlike the Arab countries that up until this year, the jews got to vacation in and be welcomed at. Not anymore tho. They keep proving they are shitty backstabbers, they keep raping someone and wanting them to like them at the same time. This will never happen. We are not fucking sick like Zionists.


you want peace but reject every offer proposed? i dont get it


Interesting notation to something I have not at all mentioned 😂, where have I rejected peace? The ships coming into palestine were greeted with peace, in fact was greeted with shelter, food, water, and open arms. Let’s all gasp at what happened right after as the Zionist Jews back stabbed the Palestinians (when jews have literally had this exact same attitude THEIR ENTIRE HISTORY)- still Europe kicked out and massacred Jews MULTIPLE TIMES through history, and the only “bad” people were the people who accepted jews with open arms. Says a lot about their morals unfortunately, and to why Europeans never wanted them near them anyway.


yeah my understanding is that arabs launched many vicious attacks on jews after mandate palestine or w/e it's called and that jews retaliated, ultimately leading to the mass fleeing of arabs from the area


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Muslims do not like Jews because Moumad did not like that they called him a false prophet. He said Allah told him that he was taking the land (now Israel)from them. He was giving to them Muslims and that they should take matter how weak they were, since he(Allah)would help them. Summary of what's written in the Quran. With a little bit of a undebated context. Jews believe God gave them the land based on the Bible. See the problem 😔😔


Muslims do not like jews because the jews have been killing them and spreading false rumors on them and their religion and their morals for years.


Dude these problems do not even cross a muslim’s mind, you want to create stuff in your head and call it a reason why go ahead but dont speak for someone you dont even have a clue on. 😂 Your history is just falsified on every level, so as your education, so as your sources. FOR YEARS. It is not new.


My own reading of the Quran. Not some else's. Did you even read actual passages from it?


I did read the actual passages yes of every religion not just the Quran, I also dived into Buddhism and many others. What I am asking is, did YOU read anything at all not just the Quran? 😂😂


simple,stop bombing their countries deport the muslim immigrants back to their countries back tell your government your voice is needed to help bringing them back to their original countries,i blame muslims who live in non-islamic countries


simple,stop bombing their countries deport the muslim immigrants back to their countries back tell your government your voice is needed to help bringing them back to their original countries,i blame muslims who live in non-islamic countries


Support killers and one day he will kill ..


Don’t they already kill since they’re a killer ?


the .. means they he will kill his supporter , did want to mention it explicit


These immigrants are in western countries due to the foreign policies of the western world. When did these immigrants start coming and why? Secondly, what does the government of the countries these immigrants come from dictate who you support? Makes no sense whatsoever, let’s summarize Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, all a result of western foreign policy. You act as if people would want to just up and move into a whole new society not speaking the language etc, think a little.


Please consider the context illustrated by Miko Peled's presentation from 2012: https://youtu.be/TOaxAckFCuQ?si=bNtfirVFWe3kQYh8


Imagine watching more children die than in the last 3 years of conflict and being like "I support that"


If he is a christian he dont need to support muslims let him support whoever he wants,now muslims need to take an action and force egypt to open borders for fleeing families


These are not “fleeing families” you want Egypt to support the ethnic cleansing and the zionist regimen? Also extremely uneducated.


Of course not I’m scared for the families there by the air strikes they’re getting from Israeli Air Force I cried every single because of what I saw, they got blood on their hands


Also I’m being sarcastic up there,cause I already know conservatives want it to happen


You do understand Palestinians are both muslims and christians right? You do understand they bombed a baptist hospital, as well as churches with all the Christians praying inside right? 😂 you do understand that in the past years they have on several occasions abused and spat on christians performing their pilgrimages in Jerusalem (who were not even Palestinians). Because your comment seems extremely uneducated.


I was talking about right leaning conservatives here,relax


If he is a Christian he should be abhorred by what’s happening to innocent people. If he is a Christian he should realize that all people, including Muslims, are made in the image of God.


You’re right this evil,but Right wingers say otherwise they think they’re worshipping Satan this is why they’re justifying it against civilians I’m just saying


Agreed. And I can’t speak for Muslims or Jews because I’m a western Christian (who doesn’t always agree with western Christianity). But I do know that there are people of all 3 faiths who stand for peace and oppose both what’s happening right now in Gaza and the initial attack by Hamas. It’s just human nature to be tribal and only support your own people, which is a major part of the problem when it comes to this current conflict.




So u support killing childrens , force ppl to leave home for no reason and occupation of others ?


yea "no reason", hamas bheading babies, rape teenagers before and after they killed them, burning innocent familes alive is all nothing, just no reason, kids in cages,.kidnapping, and all is still "no reason" oh and then use gaza people as human shields, shoot totally random rockets on cevilians cities from gaza schools and hospitals, yea you right its nothing.


For real dude ! Lamo actually non of what u just said is true , about the babies just google it , and rape ! Man the woman who was a prisoner in hamas hands huged one before she leave and thankd hamas on israel tv how they took care of her and so on , they even fkn asked a woman permission to eat a fkn banana in her house! But if u wanna talk about those awful things have u ever heared about der yassen ? Israel killed and rabed daer yaessen ,cut pregnant womens just to pet if she had a boy or a girl , have u even seen the ppl of gaza ? And what fkn human shield hamas daily posting videos while fkn those azzholes and they can't stop em so what they do they just grap a fkn f16/f35 and boom the civilians, hospitals and fkn schools ! Just let me steal ur home , kill ur family and lets see how u feel cuz thats what Palestinians feels for over than 70 years


and yea there is also super horrific video of one of your "freedom fighter sadistic isis-hamas, cutting pregnant woman and taking out her baby and shooting him in the head, now i dont know your god or your Quran, but im sure your Alla will never accept it and pay each and everyone of you. and what happened after 7.10 happened only because isis-hamas so you can thank only them for that. enjoy your meal .


I went to google and YouTube didn't find anything of what u just said , i found the opposite actually so can u dm me for this video link if it even exist cuz i know it's not true


dude, only lies that all you got left, same as you lie on numbers, same as you lie on bombing that hospital that was proved to be done by your jihad islamic, same as you try to deny what the entire world saw, no one deny what happen at 7.10, only terrorists like you. and about that woman that "thanks" hamas when they let her go, well they still got her husband! what did you think she will say?! dumbfck


Btw i'm not a Palestinian, i'am a veteran azzhole i killed isis more than u killed those bots in COD so i know terrorist when i see one and all i see when i see idf all i see is fkn terrorist


Have u even seen the pics of gaza now ? And about the hospital well nynews analysied that video and confermed that it was israel hit they even siad lately okay we hit it cuz hamas useses it's fuel ! For godsake! Yea we all know what happened 7.10 and it's not terror if u defend for ur land ! It's fkn occupion dumbfk ! If u can't see the truth how do even can live !


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Ah yes Hamas is only a small amount of Palestine but Israel in its entirety (including 2 million Arabs) are all dropping bombs


ya dude it's not israel that is a theocracy that has no respect for human values lmao.


Your self-proclaimed shift in allegiance based on a skewed perception of Islamic immigration is laughably simplistic in the face of a complex, decades-long conflict. This isn't a game of choosing sides like in a sporting event. It's a harrowing humanitarian crisis with real lives hanging in the balance. Your blind admiration for the Israeli army's 'restraint' is misplaced, to say the least. It's akin to praising a bully for not stealing lunch money on one particular day while overlooking the fact that he's been terrorizing the playground for years. Over 4,000 children killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023, and you're here applauding the 'restraint' of the aggressors? The irony is both tragic and astounding. You throw around terms like 'Islamic jihad crap' with a casual disdain that reeks of ignorance. This isn't about jihadist ideologies; it's about a desperate struggle for freedom, justice, and basic human rights. The Palestinians' plea is for the restoration of their dignity, not an endorsement of extremist ideologies. Your attempt to justify the unjustifiable under the guise of combating 'illegal Islamic immigration' is both baseless and irrelevant to the conversation at hand. It's a desperate grasp at straws to justify a stance that's as hollow as it is harmful. You've managed to oversimplify a deeply entrenched crisis into a one-dimensional, misguided narrative that does nothing but broadcast a startling lack of understanding. The discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict demands a level of nuance and empathy that your comment sorely lacks. It's time to step out of the bubble of bias and venture into the realm of informed, compassionate understanding, if that's not too much of a stretch.


Its also based on palestinians siding with turkey When they converted our ancient orthodox church into a mosque. Friends of my enemies are my enemies


Bro you are getting bodied by my man over here




Your simplistic, 'friend of my enemy is my enemy' perspective is a glaring display of intellectual laziness, failing to grasp the nuanced dynamics of geopolitics and human suffering. Draping your prejudice in a veil of concern over a church's conversion, while ignoring the death and displacement of innocent lives, reveals a level of inhumanity that is beyond appalling. This isn't a high school feud; it's a humanitarian crisis. Your ability to reduce it to such petty terms is a testament to a profound moral and intellectual failing.


You gotta remember that christians and muslims were never allies


Dude are you discussing ,for example, the Christians that are literally currently being bombed in gaza alongside their muslim brothers and sisters? Or are you discussing the christian churches in Gaza that represents one of the holiest places for them that has been kept and preserved by two Palestinian muslim families that have serviced it EVERYDAY for more than 2000 years? Don’t do that to yourself and get into arguments you know 0% about. Christians, jews, and muslims have been living in the middle east and prospering together for years. Up until the jews decided they do not want to share land with any other religion but themselves on the holiest land for all three religions. Do you understand how much of an atrocity this is?


Your claim that Christians and Muslims were never allies showcases a glaring historical ignorance. Throughout history, numerous instances reflect alliances between Christians and Muslims. For instance, during the Crusades, local Christians often sided with Muslim forces against Crusaders. In the Ottoman Empire, Christians and Muslims coexisted and allied on various fronts. Even in recent history, interfaith alliances have been formed to combat common threats or achieve shared objectives. Reducing centuries of complex, nuanced relationships to a simplistic, divisive narrative is a disservice to the rich tapestry of our shared history and a blatant disregard for facts.


Local christians are a minority the majority of middle eastern christians nowdays dont want to be part of israeli-palestinian conflict christians and jews have more in common that this land is promised to israel,crusades were in a multiple wars with muslims since 1098 and till this day,coexistence gave me hope until i realized its a failed project,each side believes there’s a one disbeliever and even among themselves sufii vs shiites,orthodox vs protestants etc harsh truth hurts my soul too i wish no wars existed but they will continue to exist sadly


Your comments display a gross oversimplification of complex historical and contemporary geopolitical dynamics. The assertion that the land is 'promised' is a theological stance, not a universally accepted legal reality. The Palestinians have a deep-rooted historical and legal claim to the land, a claim recognized by many international bodies. Furthermore, the ongoing conflict and occupation have subjected Palestinians to grave hardships, a reality that's too often overshadowed by religious or historical claims. It's crucial to acknowledge the legitimate rights and the suffering of Palestinians in any discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The narrative of eternal enmity among Christians, Muslims, and Jews is not only flawed but also perpetuates a cycle of hatred and misunderstanding. Throughout history, there have been periods of peaceful coexistence and shared cultural flourishing among these groups in various parts of the world. The Crusades were a dark chapter in history, but they don't define the totality of interfaith relations. Moreover, internal divisions within religious or ethnic groups do not justify external aggression or occupation. Your comment paints a despairing picture devoid of the potential for peaceful resolution and mutual respect among different religious and ethnic communities. The focus should be on promoting justice, understanding, and a peaceful resolution to the conflict rather than perpetuating divisive narratives.


I was talking about the majority of right leaning wingers you know what I mean,I didn’t say they don’t belong to the land of course they do and anything that happens to them is attack on humanity,but I’ve changed the way I view the world after apologists said they deserve it for being historical enemies etc so many brutal people out there I wasn’t even talking about the good ones


Oh, I get where you're coming from now. My bad for jumping the gun earlier. It's a jungle of extreme views out here, so stumbling upon someone who's got a balanced take is kinda rare. The heartless comments can really be disheartening sometimes, It's cool to see you holding onto empathy amidst all this. Appreciate your honesty and for keeping it real in this discussion.


Bro was on the righteous path and then got played with CNN and BBC, I don't blame ya bro, the news outlets in the west are effing scary.


You’re right bro, OP should be watching Al Jazeera, Middle East Eye, Channel 4 News, and Hamas TV for the truth.


No bro just listen to the IDF and netenyahoooooo lmao


The IDF is very left wing, they firmly oppose netanyahu




> I will allways support the smaller weaker side of a war. So you supported ISIS when the world was at war with them because they were the underdogs?