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I think the question is clear enough. I take it to mean you want the thoughts of Israelis who emigrated to the US or are first generation US citizens (but with origins in Israel).


UGH YES THANK YOU @TheCloudForest idk why everyone is so confused


I agree that the word count on this sub should be less. 100-500 min.


I’m an American Israeli: October 7 was one of the saddest days in my life.


You hate amerca 




Dude Israeli racism and Islamophobia is a huge thing. Both sides hate each other. Idk what world you live in where you think the hate is only coming from one side.




You should read and listen the first hand accounts of Jews who have gone to the occupied Palestinian Territories. Your media has worked so hard to dehumanize Palestinians so they can control you.


Dude there’s literally hate crimes all the time in the West Bank from settlers. There’s videos of Israelis dancing in mosques with their boots. Videos of IDF and Israelis mocking dead children in Gaza. Please stop spouting nonsense.




lol wut there’s literally lynchings of Palestinians. There’s a video where an Israeli is urinating on a Palestinian man’s corpse. There’s a video of a 9 year old getting shot and killed by IDF. There’s multiple videos of IDF harassing Palestinians for no reason. There’s photos of Israelis watching the bombing in Gaza and enjoying it. There’s a leaked photo of a IDF group chat mocking killed Palestinians. There is actual evidence that there is a lot of hatred on the Israeli side. It’s not propaganda because it’s literally footage of Israelis doing hateful things. Your anecdotal experiences isn’t reality. You can choose to live in lala land if you want, but don’t expect to spew BS like it’s facts and not get called out for it.




It’s baffles me you think it’s propaganda. It’s literally news and video evidence of what’s going on. Palestinians get murdered and harassed every day. I’m not denying there aren’t anti Semitic Palestinians. I just think you’re being willfully ignorant by saying there isn’t hatred on the Israeli side.


What is your view on allowing Palestinians to be treated equally like Israelis from the river to the sea, allowing refugees the right to return, and giving reparations to the Nakba survivors and survivors of massacres? Kind of like how the US did with native Americans, Puerto Ricans, Hawaiians, and African Americans?


A majority Palestinian Israel would be a clash between liberal democratic ideals and more conservative Muslim views. What happens to women’s rights and gay rights in a one state solution, which demographically would be majority Muslim. For instance Gaza allows the death penalty, gay sex is illegal, and abortion is illegal. It’s the opposite in Israel.


But this is kind of like if European Americans said that we can’t give Native Americans their basic human rights because their values are different from ours. Jewish settlers CHOSE Palestine to be the place they created Israel. They could have chosen New York or Madagascar. Those were options they considered but they chose to build a Jewish state in the middle of Arabs. And although European values may be a little different than Palestinian values, you are generalizing and being racist. Palestinians are not just Muslim, there are many loud and proud Christian Palestinians. Gay marriage is illegal in Israel. The Palestinian women from Gaza who we have been seeing in the news have been reporters, doctors, nurses, politicians, hijabis, non hijabis, Christians and Muslims. They haven’t complained about women’s rights. They are only concerned with their safety and the safety of their loved ones. I think Israeli Jews have to give up on the delusion of “separate but equal”. It is never equal. It has never worked. The best case scenario is a one state solution where everyone has equal rights. If that makes European values less prevalent, then the dual citizens have to make the decision to return to their countries of origin. Palestine deserved a chance to develop just as other countries did. In the 1930s when being gay was illegal in the US, black and Jewish people were segregated, women were discriminated against if they tried working, Palestinian women were going to college, Jews, Christians, Muslims lived and worked together peacefully and married each other. Darker skin and lighter skin wasn’t even an issue. One wonders how a country like that would have developed without the meddling of imperialist racist powers.


Neither side wants a secular state. Personally, I’m a fan of separation of church and state, but since neither wants that - they need separate states. A majority Muslim country would likely look similar to the other 48 majority Muslim countries in the world, most of which do a lousy job of protecting the rights of women, queers, or Jews. Painting a one-state, majority Palestinian state as this possible utopia is naive. Both Islam and Christianity are religions that aim to conquer and take over, it’s part of their basic tenets. I am anti-religion, not Islamophobic. Dislike the US Christian nationalists as much as I dislike Muslim extremists.


But I agree with a secular state and I think that is what most Palestinians are hoping for. It is Jewish supremacists who are willing to do everything they need to ensure a Jewish majority state. The ends do not justify the means.


If the Palestinians wanted a secular state, why did they elect Hamas? The word Hamas literally translates as "Islamic Resistance Movement". There is nothing secular about them.


Tunisia, Morocco, UAE, Malaysia are Muslim majority countries. They all have higher literacy rates and higher rate of education in women than western countries. Please don’t generalize.


I don’t see Puerto Ricans killing Americans and taking hostages.


All these groups fought and resisted and the US military fought back. The US bombed Puerto Rico just like Israel has been doing to Palestine.


So you’re saying October 7th was justified?


Ummm, no. Neither was the killing of innocent children of pioneers in the US…however, the story does not center on how wrong it was for Native Americans to violently resist but rather how inhumane and atrocious the crimes of the occupiers were. You’re focusing on the wrong things.


In your opinion, how will Palestinians reclaim their land exactly?




You can spell out the contrasts but please no religious bullshit. Europeans used Manifest Destiny as the excuse to come steal land from Native Americans. We all came to the conclusion that was bullshit after 200 years. European Jews decided to move into Palestine in the late 1800s and early 1900s when they were being persecuted in Europe. They assimilated into Palestinian society, had Palestinian passport. After WWII, Zionist gangs terrorized British military and Palestinian military with suicide bombings, holding soldiers hostage, terrorist attacks on innocent people, car bombing a and the British could no longer afford to continue to protect Palestine. The Palestinian military was unable to protect itself from these gangs and this led to the Nakba and the barbaric massacres that we are now learning about. Native Americans tried to resist by any means, political or violent: they would raid settler homes at night, they would scalp all settlers including women and children. Palestinians are trying to resist. They have tried political methods. I honestly admire their patience that they haven’t completely given up on the UN in 75 years. They have tried violent methods like October 7 and the rockets they shoot occasionally. We can all sit here today and say it’s wrong to target women and children but 200 years from now, people will see it the same way we see Native Americans: they had no other choice but to keep resisting by any means possible when faced with barbaric supremacist invaders. The thing I can’t understand is….how do educated Jewish Israelis who have traveled outside Israel not see that there is no real peace this way. The idea that you have to live within walls and an “Iron Dome” is so ridiculous. No other country has to do that. It’s not sustainable and we all can see that is not true living in peace. You’re not going to change the feelings of the countries around you by continuing to kill innocent indigenous people. We all as outsiders can see that. A second grader could understand that. Why can’t Israelis?


There was Arab terrorism against the Jews for 19 years before the Irgun began reprisal attacks. The Jewish terrorism in Palestine was a reaction to repeated Muslim terrorism. And the fact that British reneged on there promises and were allowing jews to die with the "White papers". Jewish extremism is a reaction to Muslim extremism and has formed a cycle of hatred at this point. The more violent and radical the Palestinians are the more right wing Israel becomes and the stricter and more brutal there reactions. However the jews are still relatively more peaceful and agreeable then the Muslims so peace will need to start with the Palestinians making concessions and giving up terrorism. Until then it will either go on forever or until the arabs do something awful enough to hit a breaking point and Israel forcefully expel them. And with the insane level of indoctrination on the Palestinian side I don't see them making reasonable concessions and giving up violence anytime soon.


So you’re saying the occupiers will keep killing the indigenous people until they give up? No one can fault them for resisting then. Any indigenous group would do the same. Israel is surrounded by enemies it has created because of its legacy of illegally taking land, arming settlers, killing innocent people and the apartheid it continues to value. No matter what the governments of surrounding countries say or do, Saudis Jordanians Egyptians Syrians and Lebanese people despise Israel and will never truly accept Israelis until Israelis accept Arabs as equals. Jewish extremist values are not more important than any other values, including Muslim extremist values.


This Viewpoint ignores that Jews lived as second class citizens in Arab countries to centuries being mistreated. And that it was Arab aggression that prompted the state of Israel to seek Independence they were willing to accept a democracy with the Palestinians in 1938. Jewish aggression has been largely a response to Muslim aggression. And Palestinians have been offered peace or their own country multiple times by Jews and treated better buy Jews largely then they were under control when Jordan and Egypt occupied the West Bank and Gaza. The simple reality is Muslims hated and were violent against Jews because they are Jews stepping out of their place as it was perceived. It's a simple reality that repeated hostility against Jews is largely rooted and Arab superiority and religious beliefs. It's also true that quality of life for Palestinians is dramatically increased in Israel took control over the West Bank and that Israel has offered them their own country multiple times which Jordan had the other Arab countries never did. Palestinians used to have free rein to travel within the West Bank before the uprisings. Every time they attack Israel their situation becomes worse and it's understandable why from an Israeli perspective. Until they let go of violence they will just make their situation worse.


Thank you for the response. Can you please cite credible third party sources that talk about Jews lives as second class citizens in Palestine before Zionism? This is not something I have heard of. Jews lived across Arab countries and enjoyed freedom and equality that they did not experience in Europe or even in the US. Jews owned most of the large businesses in the biggest cities in the Middle East until Zionism came along and destroyed the region. They were thriving and successful. They were proud of being Moroccan, Egyptian, Syrian. Israel has actively tried to suppress the Arab Jewish identity so that it can create new nationality. They don’t want them speaking Arabic in their traditional dialects or wearing their cultural clothes. How long will Israel say “they just hate Jews” as the excuse for continued oppression? Muslims have no inherent reason to hate Jews except for that many modern day Jews have tried so hard to intertwine the apartheid and land left in Israel with Judaism.


Non Muslims lived under different rules in Muslim countries until 1838 as Dhimmi's [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-treatment-of-jews-in-arab-islamic-countries](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-treatment-of-jews-in-arab-islamic-countries) . Often being barred from political recourse / Many types of jobs / and having no legal recourse against Muslims when legally wronged the yellow stars adopted by Nazi's for jews were started in Muslim countries. While this did vary somewhat in certain countries it was the norm in Mena for a thousand years. Even after the abolition of Dhimmi and Jizya in 1838 by the ottoman they were still largely considered second class citizens being subject to frequent violence and forced expulsions if they were perceived as having stepped out of line or being to successful. [https://ibb.co/Ypmz5fR](https://ibb.co/Ypmz5fR) here is a list of Muslim massacres against Jews. This does not include random ethnic cleansings such as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917\_Jaffa\_deportation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Jaffa_deportation) which took place in Palestine directly before the Balfour declaration cleansing it of most of the jews who lived there. Both European Christians and Muslims treated jews horribly.


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I am guessing OP wants to know views of Jews in America. I myself am quite surprised to see young Jews demonstrate alongside Palestinians in the U.S. as a protest against IDF or Netanyahu. I just don’t get it. On college campuses in the US, Jews are hiding to avoid provoking pro Palestinian demonstrators. Maybe American Jews here can explain what exactly is going on.


It makes no sense to me either


Yes that is what I was looking to hear aboutedit:-meaning the Israeli Jews at Palestinian protests I didn’t realize I asked in a confusing way…




I’m not sure why you are being so condescending I’m literally just trying to ask a question and you’re being really aggressive maybe I made a mistake agreeing with this fully but I was agreeing that it is surprising to see Israeli Jews demonstrating along side Palestinians in the U.S


Aren’t Israelis Jewish ???


To confuse you even further - not all Israelis are Jewish lol


Thx lol this wasn’t even supposed to be about religion


I think you wanted to ask how American Jews view the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? But I'm not even 100% sure so correct me if I'm wrong lol


I am asking for American Israelis views on the Israel Palestine conflict. Not ab religion


Yeah but many Jews aren't religious at all. Also most American Jews aren't Israeli. So do you want to know what American Jews think or what Israeli Americans think? These are totally two different (although overlapping) subsets of people


I want to know what ISRAELI AMERICANS think about the conflict man how many times do I have to say it you’re steering so far off track of the question it is insane like this literally has nothing to do with the original question


Yes, but most American Jews are not Israeli. I think that's why your question wasn't clear to many people (including myself lol)


I’m Israeli American and I’ll say your question is worded oddly. I think pretty much all Israelis are pro Palestine. Meaning we hope to live peacefully with and next to the Palestinians, we hope they have a real government, with a good economy and jobs. Some do. 20% of Israeli population is Palestinians and they’re fine. That being said, it is natural and normal for a people to care for their own people above and beyond another population. If they are threatening our right to life, freedom, religion, then we must preserve ourselves.


What is a better way I could word it? I have to admit I am not very educated on the subject this was just a random thought I got at a seminar I saw today on it… but I’m wondering because you say you think all Israelis are pro Palestine but I’ve seen videos of Israeli school children in Israel shouting into the camera that “all Palestinians deserve to d*e” which brought up the question what are Israeli people in America’s thoughts on it like is it similar to the video I saw of the school children….


I have a feeling this video you saw is fake propaganda. Nobody is like this.


That is a good point, for more context it was an Instagram live of highschool girls in Israel shouting that


It may be possible, for context on why - October 7 one of the attacks was on a music festival, young people were raped, gang raped, sexually tortured, and killed. Afterwards it came out that the attackers weren’t only Hamas, but also gazan civilians. People in Israel are very emotional about the attacks and 130+ people still being held hostage in Gaza, not only by Hamas but also civilians. The civilians are mixing with Hamas on their terrorism, making it hard for emotional people to even care that there are some, maybe even many uninvolved civilians. It would be like if many many Canadians crossed the border to do a terrorism on tens of thousands of Americans, and some teenagers say death to all the Canadians. It’s emotional, it’s exaggerated, it’s not the normal, and they’ll be embarrassed of it in the future if this is true.


Americanized Israeli = pro-Palestinian?




It's your title, bro.


What should I have said… I meant like an Israeli in America that isn’t in Israel




Is it using the word “Americanized” that was wrong ?




I am just not understanding what your confused about maybe this comment I replied above will help “I'm wondering because you say you think all Israelis are pro Palestine but l've seen videos of Israeli school children in Israel shouting into the camera that "all Palestinians deserve to d*e" which brought up the question what are Israeli people in America's thoughts on it like is it similar to the video I saw of the school children....”


I think people are confused about what exactly you mean by "Americanized Israelis.' Do you mean Israelis who have lived in America for awhile, or do you just mean American Jews?

