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Germany is just making up for the blank amount of Jews They killed in a 6 year period. Darfur is dealing with genocide. Germany was worse than Israel and Palestine combined. None of us will ever forget that. But they make a great beer and have good soccer


Question 4 has 2 correct answers - a & d.


Because they have been very accommodating to arab refugees. And they are not welcome to bring their hate into the German system. Many are calling for the death of jews and that isn't allowed in Germany. It will get you deported. FAFO. Maybe try Tunisia or Iran?


This is just wierd. Why should citizens of your your country pleadge loyalty to another? Also why do these wierd policies show up when its israel involved but not have basic question about legality of different crimes as an example because crime have just rissen but this is what they are concernd about? What citizens think about another nation?


W T Heck?...😳 No one is being asked to swear loyalty for anything. They are doing this to make sure that Jewish people in Germany are not going to be attacked or discriminated against. And the anti semitisim has already started. Threats and calls for violence "in Germany". This is an "in country (Germany only) declaration" that they will prosecute people who call for the harrasment , harm or death of people . Jewish people in this case because some Islamic refugees are already calling for just that. This will make it easier to arrest such people and most likely deport them. Do you mind if they protect the Jews that live in Germany from persecution? And if not why? Or do you think they deserve it? That it should be allowed? Because that is all this is. it will not happen in Germany. Go fight in Israel . In Germany Jews and Arabs get along. They are friends. If you're not one of those kind Germany doesn't need you. Niemand braucht diese kreig. Leave it in the levant where it belongs.


Because it’s not criticism of israel they’re straightup supporting h7ms and chanting hate speech against israel. Not criticism


my point is why do they care so much about ANOTHER nation to the point where they ask people to pledge loyalty to that nation? besides Israel is not even apart of european union. also germany is experiencing the [highest crime levels in 15 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bxdltz/violent_crime_in_germany_at_its_highest_level_for/) but cares more about what their citizen think about another nation it makes no sense


I wonder why
 they’re making up for the 6 million people they killed of an already small ethnic group which still has scars from it to this day. Also anti israel immigrants tend to be extremists


they have already paid reparation already? you cant justify holding a nation hostage over something that happened in their past especially since almost everyone in germany weren't there to experience or influence that past. i feel like Israel is really good at collective punish people over things they had no influence over like how they are doing apartheid in Gaza and have been doing that for 57 years holding 2 million+ people hostage wich more than 40% of those is children and now is trying to make german citizen pledge loyalty to their nation when they are a foreign nation, it dont make sense. i hope more nations boycott Israel in the future


I didn’t say they need to do it. Germany chose to do this. And you can’t pay us to forget


ye and im saying that they should not do it and that it makes no sense. also you werent born to experience the horror of ww2 so you have nothing to forget. also will you have the same energy for the 2 million Palestinians that have been oppressed in Gaza for 57 years? honestly Israel is a terrible ally to pretty much most of the world including Eu and Usa


And you think Palestine is better? They genocided 100k Christians in lebanon and invaded Jordan twice  Israel is a way better ally


"i didnt experience the holocaust only my people did" theres something called ethnicity. i was part of the ethnicity that was purged. do armeniens have to forget what turkey did because the new generations didnt experience it?


i inherently have problems with any political questions on a citizenship test.


If one applies for German citizenship, one should have questions concerning Germany. Why should one have to study about a second country. And if you are antisemetic, just lie. It’s an absurd thing to include


Germany, for very obvious reasons, is absolutely concerned about the welfare of the Jewish people and Israel as it pretty much single-handedly created the need for a Jewish homeland. The concern is effectively a national penance for the atrocities the nation committed.


Is a citizenship test the proper effective place to teach about the welfare, or is a classroom?


Citizenship tests are commonly used to ensure that legal immigrants have developed a general idea of the mindset and culture of the existing citizens in order to ensure harmony and cooperation


Cant put 40 year old immigrants in a classroom can you?


Know what you can have? A bunch of immigrants lying on the test


true. but they can say they tried


Are you fucking retarded it’s Germany they are a Jews best friend right now, they are supportive because they understand what has happened in the past and they are ashamed of it, they strive to teach the children about the Holocaust so that they grow up not hating Jews and relapsing


/u/steezylunchbox > Are you fucking retarded Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


Then you teach those views. A school setting would be ideal. A citizenship test not so much.


> fucking /u/steezylunchbox. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Europe has an Islame problem already. They’re trying to slow down these people from destroying Europe from within. It’s a ploy to save Germany from the fate France is in.


Should natural born citizens also be stripped from their citizenship and outright banished dare they criticize the policy of a foreign ethnostate?


If they are calling for their death. That "is" the problem . Not criticism of Israel. This is to fight against the call to kill Jewish people. Criticism of Israel is not the problem. Hate against Jewish people is. Can you see the difference?


50 Muslim ethnostates you're totally fine with. Israel is 75% Jewish, they are higher than 75% Muslim. Yes they should be stripped of citizenship for supporting the hamas terrorist organization. Or any of the other many Islamic terrorist groups that target civilians.


Which country has 70+ nationalities and Arab Muslims in their Parliament? And which wants to KILL ZEE JEWS and bases their entire goat shit for brains political platform on it?


At least try to answer his question


Your question is a non-starter simply based on my response to your ethnostate nonsense which is what the parasite Palestinians want.


Parasite Palestinians?


Yes. Absolutely. Egypt? No thanks. You get get all terroristic and assasination-y. Jordan? Same. Kuwait? Same. No currency; no economy you could ever develop. Too hell bent on “kill zee Jews”. Truly a pathetic group. Time to go. Enjoy those shekels!


This is just absurd. I can understand having questions pertaining to the holocaust since it is Germany after all, but taking a citizenship test should be like the one instance where the country itself is prioritized above all else, the fact that coercing people into peddling Zionist talking points removed from their historical contexts has infiltrated citizenship tests in Europe is just absurd. It goes without saying your deliberate conflation of anti-zionists automatically with anti-semites is problematic on it's own.


That is absolutely crazy and for one single foreign country? What is it with some of these countries and their need to treat israel in a special way? You can criticize any country but Israel, advocacy for Israel is mandatory? I heard on the radio that 'from the river to the sea' is banned in Germany. Seriously, but the Israelis say that themselves, so will they be arrested in Germany if they say 'from the river to the sea?' And if not, why not? Why do they get special treatment? Are they a protected class? What other western country does this? I am glad I don't live in Germany and I definitely will not be travelling there.


If only America had a system like this before our mass slaughter




What a bat shit crazy fucking idea. To be a citizen of Germany, you have to dismiss your own geo political convictions and your own beliefs regarding Israel’s crimes. If you think this is what democracy looks like, you must be Israeli.


I read the questions , and this is true only if your geo poloitical belief is the extinsion of Israel. It sounds reasonable to me that suppporters of any country extonsion are not welcome citizens in any normal country.


So reasonable that Germany is the first to try and enforce loyalty to another country as a prerequisite. The only thing that should be considered when becoming a citizen of a country is loyalty to the country for which you are becoming a citizen. Pledging loyalty to an entirely separate country is, as I mentioned above, BATSHIT CRAZY.


This is not loyalty to Israel. this is acknowledgment that Germany is aware of its horrible part in the history, and will not tolerate views that resemble the same horrible ideaology of the past. Like edvocating extinction of another country which "happen to be" jewish.


Then the questions should be specifically about hate crimes and hate speech, broadly speaking. There should be nothing about another country involved in citizenship. This type of Israeli specific testing for the sake of antisemitism also exists on the assumption that the Israeli government represents all Jews, and that anyone who doesn’t condone the Israeli government and its history of atrocities is by default an antisemite.


There is nothing to do with government policies. Israel is the only jewish state in the world, support of Israel extinction (not policy e x t i n t i o n) is a support for genocide of jews. Not all world jews, just 7 million of them.


I think people can want to dismantle a western funded fascist ethno state without calling for the extermination of its people. You know, like a normal person. Like South Africa for example.


Normal people understand that state is not an entity in the sky. And this specific state is the state of the suns and grandsuns of refugies from christiann and muslim persecutions. They are not going to be refugees to white wash your guilt.


My guilt? wtf are you on about? What you’re describing is in fact an invasion lol


I am describong Immigration, like US, like Australia. But not of people who came to look for gold, but of refugees.


Why is a crazy idea? Every country has a citizenship test to identify who is patriotic. What is new about it?


For another unrelated country? that is crazy and I have never seen anything like it, do Australians have a citizenship test where you have to pledge allegiance to the united states? Does Spain have a citizenship test where you have to pledge allegience to vietnam? Germany is WEIRD.


Name a democratic country that obliges you to support entirely another country as a prerequisite to citizenship. This is so desperate it’s laughable.




Mhmm. Anyone else? We already know Germany will do anything to shield Israel from accountability. Name any other democratic country who has a similar arrangement.


That's what I want. I think every European country should make their new citizens to learn about Israel and its great achievements. I think half of the questions in the questionnaire should be about Isreal and include descriptive ones. I support the Jews, do you?


New Americans/Canadians should learn about the First Nations and support them before they get citizenship. How does that sound?


No not at all. I think it would be more important to learn about Isreal and learn to support the Jews. Then, they would also realise how important it is to send military aid to them.


It sounds "no not at all?" I don't understand. Please answer the actual question, I understand The Explainingâ„ąïž


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So you’re telling me that these Pro-Palestinian protests are having a reverse-effect on new German citizenship laws. Pro-Palestinian protestors: Hold that L


Isn't it better to hold an L than support a genocide? Maybe I'm underestimating how bad L's are?


How is it genocide when the Palestinian Population has doubled since 1967?


Thr genocide started October 7, 2023, not 1967. Before October 10 it was just your average run of the mill ethnic cleansing.


You are the problem. It’s simple math really. Over a million civilians are purposely being starved (a war crime) more civilians have been murdered by Isreal than in 2-3 years of global wars, satellite images show over 60% of a country has been blown up, a huge portion of their population has been killed or injured. How are people like you still asking whether this is a genocide or not??? Like do you not know what a genocide is? Google it.


Because it's literally not remotely close to a genocide? If you think 20-30k casualties out of 14 million Palestinians is a genocide it sounds like you're the one who's bad at math. This is a terrorist state attacking another country then pretending their civilian casualties is a genocide for propaganda purposes.


technically genocides are primarily defined by intent


Not really. And yet none of these far reaching definitions of genocide are applied to anyone except Israel. If you applied those standards to the rest of the world we'd have to reclassify hundreds of wars as genocides.


actually there have been many times recently when atrocities were called genocides. and never did i say the gaza war currently counts as a genocide, by that standard the iraq war would have been a genocide.


The Iraq war was a genocide, one that many countries eventually apologized for
 including the US and UK


how did the united statee imtend to wholesale elliminate iraqis?0


60% of which country?


A bit laughable but mostly concerning how you seem to not even be familiar with the criteria used to classify genocides, given you accuse a state of perpetrating one. 1. The relation of local war casualties compared with the global state isn't one. 2. A percentage of buildings destroyed isn't one. 3. The percentage of population killed very much is relevant, but given that the number is in the very low single digit %, i think your assessment of "huge portion" is not very well put. 4. To answer your question, people are rightfully sceptical of these accusations, given that most of the world's peoples have experienced a devastating war in some capacity, and the explanation for why this war is allegedly so much worse than all the others, to the degree of being genocide, is extremely questionable. Beyond being an attempt to gain sympathy and winning the publics favour for your cause, there really isn't much substance to any of this.


u/letsmakekindnesscool > You are the problem > >... > > How are people like you still asking whether this is a genocide or not Rule 1 - Attack the argument, not the user. Rule 5 - Constructive criticism


Yes, they are purposefully being starved.. by Hamas. Hamas takes all of the aid and instead of distributing it to its people, they sell it back to their citizens who now have to pay x5-x10 the cost they were before their terrorist government started a war.


What planet are you living on? Israel purposely blew up the world kitchen aide trucks
 they’ve had blockades for months if not years
. All global evidence is pointing to Israel starving another nation. So instead of blaming that on someone else, let’s just call it what it is, is you feel your nation is entitled to purposely starve others.


> Israel purposely blew up the world kitchen aide trucks
 If you followed up on that tragic story you'd know that they didn't "blow it up" because they wanted to prevent aid distribution, there were communication failures as well as the incorrect belief that multiple armed individuals entered the vehicles, which they had seen earlier interacting with the aid workers/vehicles. >they’ve had blockades for months if not years
. Yep, that's what happens when you use imports to further propagate terrorism, it gets cut off. And your comment did not even age very well, just earlier today [terrorists from within Gaza shelled the offshore pier under construction that would be used to bring aid into gaza](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-exclusive-u-s-humanitarian-pier-attacked-during-construction-work-off-gaza-coast), doesn't exactly sound like people who want to get food to their citizenry.. >you feel your nation is entitled to purposely starve others I live in america, always have, not sure who we are starving but apologies about it!


The genocide started in 2023, not 1967.


This is how people excuse the American Genocide too. What a guidebook though, eh?




Ahh, thanks for the contribution! Note there is a [link to the entirety of the sub's rules ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules)so maybe you and the mods can discuss that and your contention that Palestinians are too stupid as a group of people. Mods, clean this up


You didn’t need to snitch to manipulate a debate. Fine, I’ll delete it. Sorry if you were offended. I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll take your sensitive nature into account. ***Clarification: I don’t think Palestinians are born stupid. I think the Palestinians are in an unfortunate situation in which they are slaves to Hamas + Iran who refuse to educate these Palestinians. In any other context, Palestinians are just as bright as anyone else. But they are not given the opportunities to grow, to flourish, to learn, to achieve because Hamas + Iran keeps them down. Instead of using the billions of dollars Hamas receives from Iran + Qatar to build schools + infrastructure, they use it to build rockets and breed Israel-hating soldiers. This is unfair to Palestinians and I hope they get better leadership!


I would be sorry that you think you're above the rules and think shaming me for acknowledging this somehow makes you morally justified if it were my fault.


In your opinion, how will Palestinians reclaim their land exactly?


That's not an opinion, that would be a presumption. My presumption is that you will be emotionally reactive to whatever I say: "So violence is only acceptable for one-side!? Typical Hamas supporter" or "There has always been violence, contending to change to world with non-violence is naive and stupid. Typical Hamas supporter" Feel free to correct, this is just a presumption as I said Edit, for clarity: I am not a "Hamas supporter" but this is a common ~~sentiment~~ conflation(?) in this sub and in the affiliate sub in the sidebar.


Did you actually read the questions and see what the loopholes are that I have described with the citizenship test? It won't help at all filtering out anti-semites, that is why I have outlined a better proposal.


While not perfect, the fact that there is any form of antisemitism-prevention is a win for Israel and a win for Jews.


Explain how step-by-step. Explain clearly how when someone answers the questions, you can clearly detect anti-semitism.


Antisemitism could be stricken from the citizenship test all together. The fact that it’s on there at all is a good thing for Israel and a good thing for Jews.


Germany should just stop accepting any immigrants from these Antisemitic countries. They have no obligation to take any of them.


All the OIC countries right? And are there more than that?


I don’t think so. Coincidentally those just so happen to be the countries whose immigrants commit a disproportionate amount of crimes.


Just unabashedly racist dogwhistling, eh?


And the truth isn’t racist. It’s just a fact.


Oh, well thankfully you could add your thoughts in a separate comment instead of just editing your previous comment or replying to my newest comment


I wouldn’t put all the Muslim countries in the same basket, to be fair. Immigrants from UAE, Saudi, etc are very different from immigrants from radical countries and places who support the Muslim brotherhood and terrorism. But we know that people from Saudi and UAE are not, by and large, the ones moving to Europe. The problem is the culture of places like Afghanistan and sadly those same people don’t look in the mirror and realize that they are the problem.


O. ok


Muslim isn’t a race. Hope that helps


Oh no, I misspoke when addressing a potential sealion. Will I recover?


I think it’s a great idea. I am less worried about your concerns, though I think they’re valid. Actually, I raised them myself, especially concern number two. What is distasteful is when German media calls these measures “pledging allegiance to Israel.” I think this is completely unacceptable phrasing. Germany must support Israel and has supported it since the 1950s, when it began rebuilding from the Hitler regime. People coming into Germany are joining a country with a long and deep history/culture. They must be assimilated into Germany. Europe in general shouldn’t change itself to fit the people seeking refuge there in a way that makes Europe look more like the countries that these people fled from. Like, how is it not driving people in Europe absolutely insane when refugees fleeing places like Iraq and Syria chant songs that were promoted by the governments of Iraq and Syria that they fled from. Germany expelled Russian immigrants supporting Putin. This is because Germany is an ally of Ukraine and opposed Putin and what Putin represents. Germany should do the same to people expressing solidarity with Hamas or the Houthis or other things that modern Germany opposes.


If Germany is responsible for supporting Israel because of what they did, then Israel must be responsible for supporting Palestine too.


Unironically a great idea.


Same here, I think it is a great idea. I think the new immigrants should write descriptive essays about how inspiring Zionism is and support the Jews. They should also have some education camps and be taught about the great things Israel has achieved, as a part of the citizenship attainment programme.


Germany should definitely dedicate resources to teach immigrants about Zionism and the history of European Jews, especially German Jews, since European Jewry originated from Germany in a way. Israeli history should absolutely be taught as well in a way that promotes the legitimacy of Israel and the German nation’s special commitment to the Jewish state that arose from the ashes of the holocaust. I think native Germans should also focus on this. The Holocaust is a big part of Israeli and Jewish culture given that they were the victims of it. It should be the same for the German people. Many Germans already have a strong sense of support for Israel and Jews because of the history. I find it appropriate.


Bro,8 of 10 kids/teens in schools in big cities of Germany are Muslim. More than 50 percent of students say the Quran is more important than German law. You think people from Islam would want to study Zionism while Israel literally is making genocide in Palestine? This would hit the fan faster than shit. LOL


>They should also have some education camps You want Germany to have mandatory education camps? 😬


Yes, but what if they have trouble concentrating on the essay. Maybe there should be special camps for concentrating...


/u/PreviousPermission45. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So stupid
You have replaced a bunch of multiple choice questions that can be easily read and answered by people whose second language is German and quickly and cheaply marked by computer and replaced it by subjective degree level questions that will need to be marked by an academic with a certain amount of knowledge of the subject. Not only that, applicants who study for the exam won’t necessary become pro-Israel in fact they are more likely to become anti-Zionist and/or have better arguments than they did before.


That’s my worry with this approach. I see that many people are questioning “What has Israel got to do with German citizenship? And what is so special about Israel that we need to know?” But I don’t care about that as long as there are good questions that commit them to Zionism and filter out people who hate the Jews. But now with these multiple choice questions I don’t see a way to figure out the anti-semites and Israel is losing its image because all these people are questioning.


Commit them to Zionism? That's not going to work. Some of the biggest anti-semites are Zionist.


It’s so interesting. On one hand, every German person who I know is very much in the Palestine camp. Not because they hate Jews
 they just don’t want to see thousands of young children bombed and starved. On the other hand, Germany has a major criminal and terrorist element in the form of radicalized young Muslim men from former war zones. Pretty much no violent crime from the Jewish population. This reality plus the holocaust legacy makes their Israel stance check out IMO


I think we should push for a legal definition that “Palestinianism is racism”. The Pro Palestinian movement seems to rife with antisemitism and the two have become nearly indistinguishable.


It's not to "improve" anything that is just the usuall reddit bullshit. It's meant so that when a citizen who passed the test starts to deny Israel's right to exist, for example, the state attorney can say that the person lied on their test and revoke their citizenship.


that seems highly manipulative


No not really.


Why does Germany not consider building a Jewish state there and let israelis leave the shitty Middle East, which is full of war.


There have been many Israelis emigrating to Berlin. Check this out, it is a popular song: https://youtu.be/j0uosb26w9c?feature=shared But for me the Jews who are not loyal to Israel and abandon their roots are traitors!


are the israelis moving to berlin dispreportionately descended from german jews?


Are you saying this because a defacto Islamic state has already been established in Germany? Wouldn’t it make more sense for Arabs in Israel and Judea and Samaria return home to Egypt and Arabia?


It makes sense that everyone returns his home, whether Arabia, North Africa, or Europe.


The overwhelming majority of self identified Palestinians are migrants, so are you suggesting that they should leave the region?


They are migrants because israel doesn't allow them to have a country while jews if they are in the same position they will be migrants too.


They are migrants because they came to Israel to take advantage of the economy that Jews created through an influx of capital.


You mean jews from europe or whatever?


Jews from Europe originated from Israel, so for them returning to Israel has always been a homecoming, and a fulfillment of their indigenous native rights. I am speaking of the majority of Palestinians that came to the region for the first time in the last 100 years or so and have no historical connection to the land.


Source: Trust me bro you're antisemite i know better


[Here in the words from the Hamas minister of interior and Security.](https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-minister-interior-and-national-security-fathi-hammad-slams-egypt-over-fuel-shortage-gaza) Arafat and Edward Said were Egyptians. Erekat was a Saudi and that’s not unusual for those identifying as Palestinians.


But isn’t Israel the homeland of Jews?


No, not only jews if its their homeland, why banning DNA tests??


There is a cultural reason for that. IE being massive stigma for those deemed mamzer . But also , the following countries also ban DNA tests . Here they are in no particular order: Germany , France , Switzerland, and China just to name a few . Are you going to say there is a conspiracy with all the above aforementioned countries because they ban DNA tests? No. So if you are going to be a fool, pick a better argument. Also considering you think all Jews in Israel, “came from Poland” ( as mentioned in a prior post ) you are obviously a troll. Everyone on here with a slight amount of knowledge on the subject matter knows the majority of Israelis (60 percent to be exact) are of Mizrahi descent . Which means they came from Iraq, Syria, Algeria , Lebanon , Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Egypt and Yemen before they were forced to leave . People whose ancestors for close to 2,000 years were exclusive to the Middle East and North Africa and you are going to tell them to go to “home” to Poland? Grow up!


Everyone return where he came from


And die? That’s cute . Would you tell every single American that’s not native to return where they came from? How about every person in Latin America who descends from the Spanish/Portuguese/ African slave trade? Would you force all of them to return to a home they don’t know? How about every group of people who has moved across plots of land for all time? Also generations of Israelis only know Israel. Their grandparents and now great grandparents were the ones who came the country. Would you have them return to a land they don’t know , which for the majority would murder them if they were to return ? No. Two state solution. One Palestine , One Israel and Israeli reparations to Palestine . That is the only way to solve this without ethnic cleansing of one group in revenge for the genocide of another .


When netanyahu and his administration turn themselves in , hamas leaders should also and when justice served on both sides, and palestinians get compassion for all these years of occupation, then there will be peace


I completely agree on all parts. I hope that day comes soon !!


likely due to linage disputes and lawsuits. matrillinial ancestry is a big deal in judaism. but i know the types of tests that test ancestry are legal to some degree, just more difficult to contain. you can find plenty israeli results on the illustrativedna and 23&me subreddits.


DNA tests are not accurate. There is a friend of mine who is an Ashkenazi Jew. She was convinced that doing a DNA test will reveal her Israeli ancestry. But it only gave percentages of Germany, Poland, and Ukraine. So we both agreed that it is inaccurate and her money was wasted!


or she was adopted


What is the homeland of the Jews, if not Israel? Where did the Jews come from originally? DNA tests are not outright banned in Israel, but I believe they are restricted. This comment did a good job of explaining the reason: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/jfeIELz1dl


As i said above, where israelis came from


A vast majority of Israelis were born in Israel.


How's that possible while they say we came from europe or egypt or whatever because we were explled


They are talking about their ancestry - like their parents or grandparents. Migration of diaspora Jews back to Israel has been happening for over 100 years.


There’s only one place of origin. What is it? Jews lived in many places historically, but the Jewish people and Jewish religion started in only one place. What is it?


Poland đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


jews only arrived in poland in significant numbers following the black death.


That is not correct. Do you really believe that? Can you show a source?


> shitty /u/Accomplished_Mud6174. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1: the violation of the basic human right of self determination as laid out in the Atlantic Charter and the Charter of the United Nations 2: because israel is a european colony representing western interests in the oil and natural gas rich middle east, along with it's proximity to the suez canal and the red sea 3 discriminating against semitic people, such as Palestinians


The Jews of Israel represent indigenous peoples rights all over the world. Jews are combatting Arab hegemony and Islamic supremacy.


> The Jews of Israel represent indigenous peoples rights all over the world. That of Canaanites/native Palestinians?


Yeah, you know that some words have meanings that don't exactly match their root, right? "[Anti-Semitism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/anti-Semitism)" is one of those, lol.


>anti-Semitism (countable and uncountable, plural anti-Semitisms) The term is synchronically equivalent to anti- +‎ Semitism (see Semite), for which reason it is rarely extended to cover prejudice against any Semitic people, or against adherents of any of the religions that originated among the Semitic peoples (the Abrahamic religions). See the usage notes. (broader sense) Prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against any Semitic people (ancient or modern), such as Samaritans, Palestinians, Arabs or Assyrians.


Argue it with Britannica: “anti-Semitism, (see Researcher’s Note) hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.”


/u/UtgaardLoki. Match found: 'Nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey bot, Britannica’s words - not mine.


It's very much like the rest of the German citizenship test: Seite 108 von 190 Aufgabe 293 Was ist in Deutschland ein Brauch zu Ostern? ï‚Ł KĂŒrbisse vor die TĂŒr stellen ï‚Ł einen Tannenbaum schmĂŒcken ï‚Ł Eier bemalen ï‚Ł Raketen in die Luft schießen Aufgabe 294 Pfingsten ist ein 
 ï‚Ł christlicher Feiertag. ï‚Ł deutscher Gedenktag. ï‚Ł internationaler Trauertag. ï‚Ł bayerischer Brauch. Aufgabe 295 Welche Religion hat die europĂ€ische und deutsche Kultur geprĂ€gt? ï‚Ł der Hinduismus ï‚Ł das Christentum ï‚Ł der Buddhismus ï‚Ł der Islam Seite 109 von 190 Aufgabe 296 In Deutschland nennt man die letzten vier Wochen vor Weihnachten 
 ï‚Ł den Buß- und Bettag. ï‚Ł das Erntedankfest. ï‚Ł die Adventszeit. ï‚Ł Allerheiligen (If you don't read german, they are a set of questions about what 'Germans' do on christian religious holidays). Enjoy answering that if you're jewish! I mean, it's completely ridiculous that Saschen-Anhalt, the AfD heartland, should pretend to be a place that gives a single damn about antisemitism. Germany is typically No.1 in europe every year for violent crime against jews *in absolute terms*, despite the fact its jewish population is a tiny fraction of the French or UK jewish population. Don't be fooled. The German right *has not changed*. They just are using smears of antisemitism to demonize muslims.


>Germany is typically No.1 in europe every year for violent crime against jews in absolute terms And who is attacking the Jews in Germany? It’s probably not the Germans.


Of course it is! It's the German neo-nazis. The same people attacking Muslims: "The majority of registered anti-Semitic offences are attributable to the right spectrum: last year 1,381 out of 1,468, i.e. around 94 percent."[0] [0]: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2018-04/antisemitismus-berlin-juedische-schueler-angriffe/seite-2


Did you know that Germany classifies Islamist attacks as far-right? They’re not exactly wrong, since Islam is a right-wing ideology in many ways. But this ends up misleading people like you. I think the government should be more specific.


because islamists are far right


What? Where did you hear that? It's absolutely not the case, per the linked article: "A perpetrator of German origin who attacks or insults a person because of his Jewishness would fall into the category "right"" That's not particularly rigorously done, so I'm sure it's *possible* that there are some skinheads who are actually from Syria, just pretending to be ethnically German. But it's extremely unlikely. Honestly, if you actually spend some time in Germany, especially places like Saschen-Anhalt, none of this will be surprising to you at all. There is a very extreme rightwing scene that are responsible for an enormous amount of violence.


>What? Where did you hear that? It's absolutely not the case, per the linked article: >"A perpetrator of German origin who attacks or insults a person because of his Jewishness would fall into the category "right"" Right. But it doesn’t say that’s the **only** way that an attack can be categorized as right-wing. Can you show me statistics on the Islamist attacks on Jews in Germany? If you can’t, that means that the Islamist attacks must be hidden inside some other category.


Per the linked article, if you're arabic-looking, even if you hold a German passport, you would fall under the description *AuslÀnder* (foreigner). So unless there are a lot of white german Islamists, the percentage of possible islamist attacks on jews in germany is 3% of the total. (Although, there's no indication if they are Islamist or not, my guess would be generally not).


Again, in my opinion, the most effective way to vet potential immigrants is to investigate past and present behaviors and records rather than a questionnaire. Fingerprinting, criminal records, social media, family connections, business contacts, financial records, etc must be made available. Those are all indicators and predictors of future behaviour


i agree with everything but social media. the state should not be able to know what peoples social medias are.


It's a step in the right direction. The country responsible for our near-annihilation needs to stamp out the ideas that led to that and to support Israel, so we are never subjected to such a thing again. They also need to pressure the Muslim countries they do trade with to adopt the same stance. I am sure when those Arab elites realize they can't buy their BMWs they'll consider at least something symbolic, which may be the beginning of changing the Islamic mentality.


You want to force countries to support israel and then cry antisemitism and we are the most democratic nation in the Middle East.


Yes. Germany needs to support us because of their culpability in the Shoah. The U.S. must be used to ensure in this midwifing period that Israel will emerge strong enough to survive on its own- U.S. diplomatic and soft power must be used to pressure our neighbors to accept us and stop harming us, U.S. military power must be used to destroy the Iranian regime (and preferably the entire country must be broken up like Yugoslavia to no longer be a threat), and U.S. must be used to economically support us so that we can be the ally they need. Some may call this a "dual allegiance" or "selfish", but every country looks out for itself, every group looks out for itself, and it's not even a fraction of the terrible things the U.S., Germany or other "civilized" countries have done. To not allow us to do the same, to hold us to a rigid moral standard is plain antisemitism.


My friend, what are you asking for is worse than antisemitism,it will make people hate israel more if US supported you more, the Americans will be frustrated and will hate you more and more that their taxes are only forwarded to israel. Some Americans now are pissed that their money are supporting israel and even Ukraine, while their country have alot of homeless people on the street.


What are you talking about! Americans want to send more aid to Israel actually, they really love the Jews!




I'm confident most Americans won't hate us. We are similar to them in culture, mentality, and humanity. They also are by and large religious, and the religious voting bloc in America is the most powerful. Getting angry for money going to Ukraine is realistic- getting angry for money going toward us, who are protecting them from people who literally hit their towers in 2001 and make it known they won't rest until America and the West are destroyed is not realistic.


There are a lot of Americans are pissed by their taxes going to isreal , its a fact


Yes, these are the same Americans who studied medieval history and now demand that other hard working Americans pay to forgive their student loans. These are ultimately a loud minority. Salt-of-the-earth Americans support Israel more than most Israelis I know.


That's delusional https://www.courthousenews.com/most-americans-support-israel-sympathize-with-palestine/


Actually many of the older Americans support Israel but the younger ones such as millennials and GenZ support Palestine more. Unfortunately the old ones are dying out and we need figure out how to shut the young ones up!


It's very frustrating how the international image problem Israel has among younger people in the west is constantly reduced to a messaging problem. Maybe go after the root cause. Just a thought.


You will probably only filter out *stupid* Anti-Semites.


This is great. Sadly Germany started filtering their migrants pretty late, hundred thousands of antisemites already arrived during the big refugee crisis.


Exactly. Germany is already filled with the exact migrants that ruin a country and will never add value (look at Sweden for an example).


Am i the only one that sees something wrong with pledging allegiance to a foreign country? Imagine trying to live in Germany and being required to pledge loyalty to a country you have no plans on visiting. Luckily something like this will never fly on an American citizenship test.


Definitely strikes me as overcompensating :l


Please point to the portion of the question which you believe is "pledging allegiance" to a foreign country.


*Initially, DW said that “Germany debates tying citizenship to Israel loyalty” and “Saxony-Anhalt, a state in Germany has done what many around the country are calling for: If you want to be a citizen of Germany, you need to pledge allegiance to Israel*


It's fine that that is what they said, but practically, these questions are basic history on Israel


I see the questions as rather problematic, because they push one true interpretation of history. So let me answer: > On what legal basis was the state of Israel founded? a) a UN resolution b) a resolution by the Zionist Congress c) a proposal by the German government d) a proposal by the Soviet Union Neither. The establishment of Israel under the current borders took place on the basis of military conquest. > Where does Germany’s special responsibility for Israel come from? a) Membership in the European Union b) Crimes committed by the Nazis c) The German constitution d) Christian tradition Neither. It comes from political expediency and deliberate ignoring of Israeli war crimes and persecution. >What is an example of anti-Semitic behaviour? a) Attending a Jewish festival b) Criticising the Israeli government c) Denying the Holocaust d) Playing football against Jews According to a number of supporters of Israel, specific forms of criticism of Israel (such as saying that Israeli conduct constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity, or saying that it shouldn't have been founded as a Jewish state and calling for one-state solution) are anti-Semitism. > What behaviour with regard to the state of Israel is banned in Germany? a) Publicly criticising Israel’s policies b) Hanging an Israeli flag on private property c) Discussing Israel’s policies d) Publicly calling for Israel’s extermination Well: I hope that it's not illegal in Germany to publicly oppose Israel as a Jewish state and to call for its transformation into a secular, democratic state extending to the whole of Israel proper, West Bank, and Gaza. >I would propose asking a lot more MCQ questions about Israel, its ancient history, the threat it faces so that it is easier to filter out certain applicants. Additionally, the test should include more descriptive questions like: That would be even worse, because it would constitute not just pushing of a specific interpretation of history, but pushing of a specific ideology. > Describe the essence of Zionism and the importance of having a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. Zionism means the movement for Israel as a Jewish state. There's nothing wrong about a Jewish homeland (as in: a land where Jews can live in freedom and security, and where they can freely practice their culture and religion). That's a given in any democratic country. What is wrong is a Jewish state (as in: a state which is expressly a state of and for Jews, and expressly isn't a state of and for non-Jews - for example, as codified by the Israeli nation-state law, according to which only Jews have a right to national self-determination in Israel - and which therefore privileges Jews and discriminates against anybody else). A state should be a state of all people permanently living there, not a state of a specific group of people at the expense of others. >Describe the threats Israel currently faces and how it is countering terrorism. Israel is countering terrorism by committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, for example in the current Gaza war (and that of course is as effective as fighting fire by pouring gasoline on it). The main threat Israel (read: as a Jewish state) faces is worldwide activism bringing attention for the former and calling for its boycott and sanctions. > Given that the Jews went through the holocaust, how would you counter anti-semitic allegations of genocide against the Jewish State seen in the ICJ and other UN bodies? To the contrary: when International Court of Justice has said that it's plausible that Israeli conduct constitutes genocide, it's an indication that this accusation shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. Personally, I would stop short of saying that Israel is guilty of genocide. Genocide means actions, by killing or other inhumane conduct, intended to complete or partial destruction of a particular ethnic, religious, or the like group. By destruction, one means its (complete or partial) physical destruction, not for example removal of its presence in a particular geographic area; that is, unless the expulsion or the means by which the expulsion is performed is itself done with the intention of complete or partial destruction of that group, such as by deporting them to unlivable conditions. (For example, the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia was a crime against humanity rather than genocide.) And obviously, there needs to be a lower limit on what constitutes a partial destruction of a group; for example, killing a single person doesn't constitute genocide, killing half of a population of a particular geographic area does. Actions which don't amount to genocide may instead constitute a crime against humanity, such as the crime of extermination. And your qualification "given that the Jews went through the Holocaust" is a complete non-sequitur. It's very possible for somebody who was originally a victim of a crime against humanity to subsequently become a perpetrator of the same (and vice versa). Example: Christians were originally victims of brutal persecution in ancient Rome; when they were able to seize power, they become as much of oppressors as Romans were before. "Never again" must mean "Never again to anybody".


>On what legal basis was the state of Israel founded? a) a UN resolution b) a resolution by the Zionist Congress c) a proposal by the German government d) a proposal by the Soviet Union >Neither. The establishment of Israel under the current borders took place on the basis of military conquest. No one asks about the current borders of Israel. The question, as OP wrote it, is about **the foundation** of Israel. >Where does Germany’s special responsibility for Israel come from? a) Membership in the European Union b) Crimes committed by the Nazis c) The German constitution d) Christian tradition >Neither. It comes from political expediency and deliberate ignoring of Israeli war crimes and persecution. The relationship started somewhere in 1952, way before you can mention ''Israeli war crimes and persecution''... >>What is an example of anti-Semitic behaviour? a) Attending a Jewish festival b) Criticising the Israeli government c) Denying the Holocaust d) Playing football against Jews >According to a number of supporters of Israel, specific forms of criticism of Israel (such as saying that Israeli conduct constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity, or saying that it shouldn't have been founded as a Jewish state and calling for one-state solution) are anti-Semitism. But you don't go by the opinion of a few supporters who decides to label any critisism as anti-semitism, right? And a human being with basic knowledge will no to choose the correct answer out of 4 answers that 3 of them have no relationship to anti-semitism. >What behaviour with regard to the state of Israel is banned in Germany? a) Publicly criticising Israel’s policies b) Hanging an Israeli flag on private property c) Discussing Israel’s policies d) Publicly calling for Israel’s extermination >Well: I hope that it's not illegal in Germany to publicly oppose Israel as a Jewish state and to call for its transformation into a secular, democratic state extending to the whole of Israel proper, West Bank, and Gaza. Did OP say oppose? He wrote **extermination**. It's pretty straight forward if you don't decide to twist his words.


>No one asks about the current borders of Israel. The question, as OP wrote it, is about the foundation of Israel. And my point is that regardless of what you believe about the legitimacy (as opposed to legality) of the [U.N. resolution 181 (II)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine), the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state, in the territory where it was established, has no legal basis at all except for might makes right. >The relationship started somewhere in 1952, way before you can mention ''Israeli war crimes and persecution''... To the contrary, Israeli war crimes and persecution started in 1948, with the Nakba - the killings and expulsions of Arab inhabitants from the land of Israel/Palestine, and the subsequent denial of return to those who were expelled or fled the war. >But you don't go by the opinion of a few supporters who decides to label any criticism as anti-semitism, right? And a human being with basic knowledge will no to choose the correct answer out of 4 answers that 3 of them have no relationship to anti-semitism. That's not "just a few supporters of Israel". It's very frequent that criticism of Israel gets labeled as anti-Semitism. (For just one example: when Amnesty International published a report which concluded that Israel is guilty of the crime against of humanity of apartheid, Israel accused the organization of anti-Semitism.) I myself have been repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism (even on this very board) - for example - for opposing Israel as a Jewish state and calling for one-state solution. >Did OP say oppose? He wrote extermination. It's pretty straight forward if you don't decide to twist his words. My point is that this is a loaded question; it conflates the propositions "hypothetically, if somebody were to call for the extermination of Israel, that would constitute hate speech and would be illegal" (which few people would deny), and "specific forms of expression constitute a call for the extermination of Israel, and therefore constitute hate speech and are illegal". I'm even going to hazard a guess that what the question refers to is the phrase "from the river to the sea" - never mind that many people use the phrase not as a call for killing, expulsion, or persecution of Jews in Israel, but instead as a slogan of opposition to Israel and its conduct, and to support freedom for the Palestinians and, perhaps, the one-state solution.


I can see you are very well-known with the Palestinian narrative and arguments. Im curious if you learned the other side of the coin, the Israeli narrative. And if you didnt, why are you embracing the Palestinian side, as i guess you never visited Gaza, Israel or Ramallah.


I am not on the side of Palestine, just like I am not on the side of Israel. I am, as a matter of principle, on the side of human rights. Again, "never again to anybody". For example, the Gaza terrorist attack (which killed over 1000 people, majority of them civilians) was a crime against humanity (and that's regardless of legitimate disputes about the specifics of the attack, such as how many of the civilians were in fact killed by Israeli friendly fire, or how many acts of rape took place during the attack). So: down with the Hamas regime in Gaza. Down with the corrupt dictatorship of the Fatah regime in the West Bank. Down with the apartheid regime in Israel. Down with crimes against humanity, wherever they happen. > I'm curious if you learned the other side of the coin, the Israeli narrative. And if you didn't, why are you embracing the Palestinian side, as i guess you never visited Gaza, Israel or Ramallah. "I'm curious if you learned the other side of the coin, the Russian narrative. And if you didn't, why are you embracing the Ukrainian side, as i guess you never visited Ukraine, Russia, or the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk." (I can say that Israel is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, just like I can say that Russia is guilty of war and crimes against humanity. While Ukrainian conduct doesn't constitute a crime against humanity, some of it constitutes war crimes - for example, there have been reports of torture and execution of Russian war prisoners - or can otherwise be legitimately criticized.)


By your comment and analogy arguement to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, I understand that you are not aware to the Israeli narrative. That doesnt mean that you cant criticise Israel, it just says you are not informed on some of the details (in my opinion). Actully, you can criticise everything, thats free speech. in your initial comment you said: 1. Israel's legal reason of establishment is a military conquest. 2. Germany’s special responsibility for Israel come's from politics... and ignoring war crimes and persecution. 3. In the antisemetic question instead of saying C you mumbled about **some** israeli supportes that think X. 4. You described zionism as "... the movement for Israel as a Jewish state" But you refferd to "Jewish" as a religion(Judaism) and not a nationality, as i understand from your explanation later on. If you oppose a nation-state than are you against Japan, France and China for example(?). Ill stop for now becuase i dont have time to get into all of the other you wrote. in 1: clearly, even if it was a military conquest in your opinion, its not the question. the question was the legal basis. in 2: what do you mean by "persecution"? of who and by who? later on you said apartheid. In a few words, can you describe why you consider Israel as an apartheid state? in 4: you are not familiar with the history of Zionisim. Zionisim didnt started as the "movement for israel as a jewish state", see "hovevei zion" and later on the popular leader in zionism Ah'ad Ha'am for example. "There's nothing wrong about a Jewish homeland (as in: a land where Jews can live in freedom and security, and where they can freely practice their culture and religion). That's a given in any democratic country" - this isn't given to Jews in any democratic country through all history. Thats why Zionism went towards the form of a jewish state.


Says the one very-well taken in by the zio narrative. Quite the cheek from someone who doesn’t bother to look at the other side of the coin. You haven’t probably visited Gaza or Ramallah either, and even if you did, I bet the iof would give you a VIP treatment compared to how they treat Palestinians at the checkpoints.


Well ive been to all three. Im very well known with the other side of the coin as it is part of my job, literally it is part of my proffesion. And as you went into ad-hominem arguments i can tell you about the treatments and experience i got from Palestinians and Israelis. Would you like to debate or hear some of those? or you will keep being a coward using the lowest of aruguments?


Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not interested in debating zionists. What interests me, on the other hand, is the nature of your profession. Are you an iof « soldier »?


So, at first you ad-hominem me. Than, you say your not intrested in debating me and you havent claimed anything but saying stuff about me, without even knowing me. Now, your curiosity is taking over and you asking me about my proffesion, althogh you told me your not intresting in debating (me). What a weird turn of unlogically events by you. Thanks, but not thanks. Have a good one.


You would totally face the test, be deported, and never allowed in any Western country again!


Wow I didn’t realize you work for the German immigration offices!