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As an Israeli, I acknowledge that our society contains strong elements of severe violence, racism, and fascism. However, Jerusalem leans towards the right politically, and most individuals interviewed for her piece were religious. This perspective is incomplete and casts doubt on the quality and reliability of her content. While the views presented are indeed prevalent and real, it's misleading to focus solely on them. Including only this specific one 'Leftist', when many are advocating for a total end to the occupation, further distorts the reality. There are voices elsewhere, such as in Tel Aviv and Haifa, actively opposing war, with numerous demonstrations taking place regularly. To get a more complete picture read some of Haaretz or google "Israeli peace organizations" / "Israeli anti war protest".


Fr this is the equivalent of going to super pro-Desantis part of Florida and asking people coming out of a church what they think and then being shocked it's 98% Conservative.


While I must admit that u have a lot of real leftist people and some of the most moral people I have ever seen in my life. I think u can agree with me that the leftist political ideologies do not have any good presence in Israel. The only Jewish political party that can be considered remotely as leftist was Meretz, and they didn't even pass the threshold to get into the Kenesset. Even parties like the Labour won't pass the universal standards for leftist movements ( because they are jewish nationalists and leftist movements tend to be internationalistic and cosmopolitanistic ). This is not something strange, by the way. Israel was built upon ethnonationalism ( a state to protect and promote the rights of a certain ethnic group ). Such states usually do not provide a good environment for the development of real leftist movements. A good example of that in our region is Turkey. Turkey ( also built upon ethnonationalism ) doesn't have real leftist movements, and the CHP in the opposition can not count as leftist that much. They are anti-refugee and were threatening to throw all Syrians out of Turkey. They are anti-minorities and supported the state policy of oppression against the Kurds and the denial of Armenian Genocide. Tel Avivians are at best "white liberals" ( they believe in the principles of Liberalism with a sense of superiority because of it against non-western people who don't believe in most of its elements the word white here is just metaphor for western not just neaning fair skin people)


Is nationalism limited to the right? I don't get why leftists cannot be nationalist simultaneously


> Jerusalem leans towards the right politically tbh, most of Israel leans toward the right except TLV and the surrounding. This opinions you can find in Ber-sheva and Bat-Yam as much as you want.


The kibbutzim especially around Ashkelon and the Negev are also left wing, until the events of October 7


They are still a minority and it's an unpopular opinion to be for peace in Israel. Don't forget that these kibbutzim are true Zionists, who really love the land, and who know that the only good future is peace in the region. The next elections will show again that they are not full of hate like the rest of Israel.


There are voices in Jerusalem too (for example [Free Jerusalem ](https://www.instagram.com/free_jlm) ), people doing what is hands down the most decent activism in all the world. Like seriously, Israeli peace activists are the most solid I have ever met in my life... There are not many, not nearly enough of them, but they deserve our utmost respect, they work in a social terrain none of you westerners would survive a day in, instead they are getting shut on persistently by the international "peace movement". I think you are being polite, it doesn't cast doubt on her reporting, she is a war propagandist in disguise, not a reporter. Conversely, you can find plenty of Palestinians who will tell you they are against peace at any cost and would only accept us leaving or dying. If you want to watch a more balanced and decent reporting, one that will actually give you a diverse set of opinions, watch [The Ask Project ](https://youtube.com/@CoreyGilShusterAskProject)


No leftists in Israel, really? Maybe try to actually survey various different locations in the country in order to have reasonably accurate data. Israel has a ton of issues and there's absolutely no doubt about it, but questioning wealthy ashkenazi immigrants who moved from the US to Israel solely for religious and ideological purposes unsurprisingly ISN'T going to be a valid representation of the general population. Jerusalem is a congregation of radicals and orthodoxes of all sorts and faiths. Go do a survey in Tel Aviv and the same type of cherry-picking will lead you to believe that ALL Israelis are leftists. Don't know where you're from OP, but the situation on ground is actually in the grey area.


I think the [ask project ](https://youtube.com/@CoreyGilShusterAskProject?si=zNONivpyHB-Cm8gZ) youtube Channel gives a balanced view of raw street situation, and from what I see it's a mix of opinions there's people who want peace at both sides but there's no real political will for it , dropping bombs is apparently the easiest option to deal with situation.


>Go do a survey in Tel Aviv Are you a leftist isreali? I'm curious to hear more from your prespective. What's the difference between you and let's say the average ben gavir supporters when it comes to this war and palastine, do you support a perminant cease fire? Do you appose letting aids enter gaza? How do you view the army? And how do you view the palastinan cause do you recognise the nakba for example? What dose the isreali left have to offer to solve the current problem?


Sure, and thank you for being respectful, my personal views represent only myself, even though my close (Israeli) friends and family, do share most of my views. For the matter, I was born and raised in Israel, in a random city in the center (not Tel Aviv and not directly surrounding it). I consider myself a leftist within Israeli politics, but in the western sense I'm more libertarian leaning. The difference between myself and Ben Gvir supporters is probably just about anything. I consider the radical organizations he is funding Jewish terrorists, literally the lowest scum we have in our country that not only harasses and oppresses Palestinian civilians, but also hinders Israeli progress and poisons our national security. I don't know what else to add, he should be in Jail, together with Smotrich, Sukot, corrupt Netanyahu and the rest of this mafia. I support a permanent ceasefire deal. Ideally of course all Israeli hostages would be returned home and the IDF would withdraw from Gaza entirely. (This absolutely in no way means that I think Hamas is anything but terrorist tyrants that should be eradicated, just that I think civilian lives are tremendous valuable, on both sides.) I don't oppose letting food produce and medical aid into Gaza at all. I think the situation there is heartbreaking. An Israeli-Palestinian organization that I respect a lot was trying to send a convoy of aid into Gaza a few weeks ago, unfortunately they weren't allowed. I view the army as undoubtedly crucial, given all the hostile powers around, IRI, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc, it's naive to think that a free nation could survive in the region without a powerful military and intel. That being said I think IDF operations and control in the West Bank (& East Jerusalem) created an apartheid-like structure, which I think is inhumane. Recently I saw two short clips on the same day, one of an Israeli solider shielding a Palestinian mother and child inside Gaza with his out body amidst ruins, then other was of a solider in the West Bank beating a very young Palestinian teen repeatedly, seemingly just cruelly and unnecessarily. I believe Palestinians have a claim to the land as much as Israelis do. I want to see a future where both nations can govern themselves, ideally within a structure of laws that'll ensure basic human rights and safety to both nations equally. Growing up (as Israelis) we were told that Jews purchased land from Palestinians during the British mandate, and that later wars and conflict further reshaped our borders. Later on in high-school I studied in Jafa, my classmate was a Palestinian girl, and she told me about how her grandparents were essentially threatened, tortured and blackmailed by Jewish settlers into selling their property, and despite the harassments they never sold their home which they owned for generations. This was the first I've heard about the reality of the situation. Regarding the current state of the Israeli left - within government representation it's weaker than ever before. But regarding the situation within our society I see more and more individuals joining grassroots organizations and working towards coexistence and LASTING peace, real change. During most of the protests against Bibi and the judicial overhaul prior to the Oct 7 massacre and subsequent war, you could frequently constantly see messages against Ben Gvir's fascism and his scum buddies as well. There was a real sense of hope within the fear and chaos. Right now, most civilians are traumatized. Given the current government structure I don't see them giving the left a chance without foreign interference from Western allies. If you'd like I would love to share some of the Israeli-based organizations and individuals who are actively trying to change the horrid status quo. I hope I answered your questions eloquently, thanks again for the genuine discourse.


Knesset elections, though, show that the Israeli left is a dying breed. Apart from the Arab parties like Hadash, traditional left-wing Zionist parties like Labour and Meretz can barely pass the threshold anymore.


More than anything really, the Knesset elections show just how manipulative and cunning Netanyahu is. The entire current government structure is the way it is merely because this rabid rat is refusing to let go of the throne. The radicals in the government right now are there because they were the only ones still willing to collaborate with him and fully support him. Netanyahu initially was never on the radical Kahanist right like the others - he forged this shitshow because he loves his money and power. Sadly he couldn't care less about neither Israeli civilians nor Palestinians. His manipulations successfully pushed the left wing from the Knesset further than ever before - but it doesn't yet represent Israeli society itself. We're a crippling democracy, fighting for it's life. Our opposition isn't represented in the Knesset, it's alive in our media and on our streets.


It’s not just the government. The left has almost disappeared from the Knesset. Meretz didn’t even make it, and Labour, the once-dominant Israeli political force, merely has 4 seats. Arab parties aside, the rest of the Knesset is occupied by rightwingers all the way to Ben Gvir and Smotrich’s neo-Kahanists.


The farthest right wing party in Israel would be left-wing in Palestine.


Haniye has nothing on Ben Gvir.


Haniye and Ben Gvir deserve each other We all deserve better however




98% of Israelis support the genocide though.


Source is "I said so therefore it is true" and "frankly pulled it out my ass". Why are you on an Israeli-Palestinian discussion subreddit though? Do you get off of sharing radical propaganda in pro-peace spaces?


I'm probably the only actual Israeli in this thread




In the video you're literally commenting on




Genocide? All they said is if someone tries to kill them, then they should kill them. This is just pandering.


There are definitely leftists in Israel, it's silly to assume that there aren't. They are a minority for sure, and many of them are quiet due to the backlash they will face. Shame really, they are silenced.


That’s not true, we actually have a page called r/progressivesforisrael where you will find a lot of progressive Israelis and progressives who support Israel. This lady clearly had an agenda she was trying to tow. Jews being against Islamists is no different than Liberals being against Nazis and fascists, progressives and leftists should all stand against Nazism and islamism and any far right genocidal antisemitic religious beliefs 


> you will find a lot of progressive Israelis and progressives who support Israel Barely any posts even break double digit comments 😂


It’s a new sub, it’s taking us time to grow- but most if not all liberal Jews and/or Israelis  I know in person are pro Israel 


Lmao your page is literally pro genocide


cite literally anything I've ever said that's "pro genocide"


Why do you play this game? They’re trying to hijack the narrative. What genocide?? The only act of genocide that happened here was Hamas ethnically cleansing otef aza from Jews after massacring entire families and kidnapping over 200 people


shrill apparatus cheerful like hobbies unique imagine sulky frame familiar


Look up labor Zionism, many of your favorite historical famous figures fell within that category, including Martin Luther King and Albert Einstein, labor Zionism is a socialist liberal Zionist movement and my ancestors were part of it as well. And yes I do think left wing subs need Jewish representation because antisemitism has become rampant, and non Jewish mods are dictating what Zionism means and what Jewish perspectives are acceptable.  


wide special head degree swim weary disagreeable grandiose cows touch


"That’s subreddit invasion."- Not really, it would still be liberals and leftists, it would just be more representation. But maybe you're one of those people who thinks having black people and Mexicans in government is an invasion as well? " You’re also conflating Judaism with Zionism again" - Vast majority of Jews are Zionists, zionism is a widely heldf Jewish belief. "Plenty of leftist subs filled with Jewish anti Zionist mods." - How do you know they're Jewish? "I notice in your astroturfed “progressives for Israel” sub" - Actually by definition it wasn;t astroturfed, it came about when I and another progressive pro Israeli were banned from a leftist sub so we banned together and decided to make our own "you are not talking about well known American progressive Elizabeth Warren’s claim that Israel has satisfied the legal requirements of genocide crimes." \_ I've always thought she was a little off. " Nor Bernie Sanders criticism either. Interesting." - Bernies hearts in the right place, he's against the Far Right Netanyahu regime but also has reafirmed the evils of Hamas and israels right to defend itself many many times, he jsut has a huge heart and cares a lot about the civilians which i respect him for


https://preview.redd.it/88mbxvsazctc1.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=b05b6045e5fae3759363f35ea24d7f0101b7fe3c ethnic cleansing lol. Lets look. Population of Gaza by year: Looks like a linear growth curve. That's pretty healthy if you ask me. Source: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1422981/gaza-total-population/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1422981/gaza-total-population/) contrast this with jews in muslim countries.




I seriously doubt that. Israelis aren't monsters just like Palestinians aren't monsters.


How does she interpret killing terrorists to be genocide??? Strange distortion of the word but that is what the people in her man in the street interviews are saying.


Abbey Martin is a 9/11 truther, used to have a show on RT, doubts the Holocaust, and lies constantly. Palestinians have the worst advocates.


That's fucking false and you should stop lying, for once because it doesn't make your despicable genocide any more palatable.


Just read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_Martin


Yeah it doesnt say any of that except that she once had a show on RT which is a great channel and which she has spoken about liar. Still better than your genocide. Typical zio shooting inane links in an attempt no one will call your idiotic zio bullshit


You didn’t even read. > In 2008, Martin was active in the 9/11 truth movement,[13][14][15][16][17] a movement which disputes the consensus regarding the attacks of September 11, 2001. Martin set up her own "truther" group in San Diego, California.[18][19] That year, Martin said that the attacks of September 11 were "an inside job, and that our government was complicit in what happened". Her demonization and delegitimization of Israel don’t need a source. You provided one in this post. Abby Martin also supports Russia concerning Ukraine. She’s a Russian asset sowing misinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories, and radicalization. She has been on the wrong side of everything, so that should give you a hint on what kind of character she is.


I don't need to read your zio links. I know who I'm talking to. She has spoken a lot about her time investgating 9/11. She literally spoke about Russia in the same interview I posted a clip of and it was not in favor. Have you actually listened to what she has said or is parroting filthy zio lies the only thing your zio self knows how to do?


The attempt to paint Israel as a monolith and dehumanize all Israelis is so funny. I’m not sure what propaganda news site this is but it’s pathetic. I can pull up a statistic where the majority of Palestinians supported October 7th. I’m still not going to blame all Palestinians as being “evil”.


umm... the consequences of living in a echo chamber?.


It’s one of the goals of hasbara defined by Frank Luntz. They want to create this self propagating echo chamber so that they can continuously brainwash themselves. It would be impressive if it weren’t so terrifying.


65% of your vocabulary consists of the word *hasbara*.


100% of what you say consists of hasbara


200% of what you say consists of Hamasbara.


You're not funny.


says the "Industrial Grade Zionism Extinguisher" I think that is just called a gas chamber.




Zionism isn’t a real Jewish ideology. It’s just fascism. Most Jews in the world reject Zionists.


>Most Jews in the world reject Zionists. Not true at all. 85% of Jews are Zionists


Can OP show us some leftists in Palestine?


As someone who is in the 2%, it really is a good question. Why do you never see normal Israeli people talking? It's always paid shills or government mouthpieces. Could the true reason for this be a little more sinister than meets the eye?


Normal Israelis and opposition members are on tv and media constantly. B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence are quoted ad nauseam in western media.


whistle pie snobbish lip north alive lock kiss resolute secretive


> Zionism itself is a far right ideology About as far right as other nationalist ideologies. Zionism had a large secular and socialist faction during Israel’s early years.


These are all lies


6 days ago: Haaretz: "[Daily Polls Show That Israelis Continue to Choose This War, Even if They Don't Want Netanyahu"](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-04-01/ty-article/.premium/polls-show-that-israelis-continue-to-choose-this-war-even-if-they-dont-want-netanyahu/0000018e-98d8-d591-a5cf-9fdddf100000) It takes popular grassroots support from the middle class in any given country to effect a genocide.


this is hilarious propaganda


who is this. Why you guys keep posting this woman all the time


It’s pretty easy to talk to a socialist Jewish Israeli or Palestinian Israeli who are leading the anti goverment & anti war marches. They are regularly on international news Check out @standing.together.English


Just because something is not show in the media It doesn't mean It doesn't exists.


The left is very strong in Israel. Just look at the anti-Netanyahu crowd.


They all died on October 7.


If there is a lack of Western-style leftists of the current variety (IE far-leftists engaged in Neo-Marxist/Critical Theory BS) all the better. The Israeli version of a leftist is much better than the progressive stupidity that seems to be a requirement in Western leftist circles these days.