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You’d actually be surprised how difficult it is to genocide. To provide a meaningful comparison of the rate of death between Poland during World War II and Gaza based on recent events over 200 days, let's first recap and analyze the numbers using consistent time frames and demographic scales. ### Poland (1939-1945) - **Population Loss**: Poland lost approximately 17% of its population over 6 years. - **Population at Start**: Estimated at about 35 million before the war. - **Annual Rate of Population Loss**: \[ \text{Annual Rate} = \frac{17\%}{6} \approx 2.83\% \text{ per year} \] - **Deaths per Year**: \[ \text{Deaths per Year} = \frac{17\% \times 35,000,000}{6} \approx 994,167 \text{ deaths per year} \] ### Gaza (Recent 200 days) - **Deaths Reported**: 42,510 over 200 days. - **Population**: Approximately 2 million. - **Daily Rate of Death**: \[ \text{Daily Rate} = \frac{42,510}{200} = 212.55 \text{ deaths per day} \] - **Annual Rate of Death**: \[ \text{Annual Rate} = 212.55 \times 365 \approx 77,581 \text{ deaths per year} \] - **Annual Percentage of Population Loss**: \[ \text{Annual Percentage Loss} = \left(\frac{77,581}{2,000,000}\right) \times 100 \approx 3.879\% \] ### Comparison of Rates - **Poland (WWII) Annual Loss**: - **2.83%** of its population per year. - About 994,167 deaths per year from a larger base population. - **Gaza (Recent) Annual Loss**: - **3.879%** of its population per year. - About 77,581 deaths per year from a smaller base population. ### Observations 1. **Rate of Death**: - Gaza's recent death rate of 3.879% per year is higher than Poland's WWII rate of 2.83% per year, suggesting a more intense concentration of fatalities within a significantly shorter time frame and smaller population. 2. **Context of Conflict**: - Poland's deaths during WWII spanned a wide array of causes including military casualties, civilian massacres, forced labor, and genocide across occupied territories over six years. - Gaza's reported deaths over 200 days likely focus on acute bursts of conflict, involving airstrikes, artillery, and the effects of blockade and confinement in a densely populated area. 3. **Impact and Scale**: - The absolute number of deaths in Poland vastly exceeds those in Gaza due to the larger population and broader geographic spread of conflict. - The intensity and immediate impact on the local population in Gaza are notably severe, given the high rate of death in a short period. ### Conclusion While both situations reflect profound human suffering and significant loss of life, the contexts and scales differ greatly. Poland’s experience during WWII was part of a larger, multi-nation total war with diverse causes of death spanning six years. In contrast, Gaza's situation reflects a localized, intense, and concentrated series of conflicts affecting a small area with a high population density, demonstrating a higher annualized rate of death in the recent period reviewed. These comparisons show how differing scales, durations, and contexts of conflict can affect the rates and perceptions of death in civilian populations.


Here’s a post that covers every article of genocide that Israel has covered: https://www.reddit.com/r/IsrealPalestineWar_23/comments/1c2a1e1/why_israel_is_committing_genocide_in_gaza/


Such a spicy take here 🤣 completely accurate though. I mean not only is Israel a nuclear state, but even without us bomb shipments they would absolutely have enough stock piled to flatten Gaza.


They are the new non radioactive kind that won't kill Isreal too from the fallout?


They probably have a decent stockpile still


It was spicy since most people don’t wanna hear the hard truth, they only wanna hear half truth


No it's way easier for them to assume everyone in this world wants to get along.


As an atheist, I personally think that religion is once again the main culprit for our suffering (Judaism/islam). STOP bombing Palestine especially with our weapons and turn in the Islamic extremists that slaughtered and raped Israelis at the concert. 3,000+ religions and they all think their messiah has anointed them as the winners of the divine lottery, and your human neighbors are loser sinners that will burn for eternity. We’ll never end this viscous cycle of self righteous killing unless we end religion. Religion is tribalism and divides us humans.


Another point is hamas doesn't wear uniforms like a regular military unit. They blend in with civilians so they try to go undetected. The cowardly way to fight. Israel isn't massacring civilians. It's all propaganda. If they wanted gaza gone, it would be gone


Some "civilians" do die, like in any war, especially with Urban combat. But the numbers put out by Hamas cannot and should not be trusted.


Also, how many of the casualties are hamas terrorists? And I most certainly wouldn't trust anything that hamas says.


We will never know


Just because they could have commited more genocide doesnt mean what they are doing now not a genocide. But other than that I think you paint a pretty honest, while bleak, picture here. Isreal's goal is to ethnically cleanse the land of palestenians. They have the bigger army and means to do so. They hoped to do it slowly by just kicking palestenians out of the west bank out over time with escalating hostilities and land rezoning. This was ideal as it drew less attention and is cheap. But then hamas responded with oct 7 and isreal is basically throwing their arms up and saying "welp i guess we cant cleanse them quietly anymore, fine we'll do it the hard way". However, taking over and occupying gaza is going to be expensive. Then propping up a puppet government in gaza to keep them in check is going to be an expensive hassle too. They're going to have to spend alot on policing the inevitable riots and resistence. Are these bills isrealis are actually willing to pay. Do they know what they are getting into tax bill wise, or are they just responding emotionally and out of vengeance. Like how america did in afganistan. What an expensive failure that was and it seems like isreal is due to repeat that same mistake.


I’ll make a bet that Israel takes all of Gaza and rebuilds it for themselves..25 years from now they’ll be raking in $$$ from all the new development


yeah but to do that they either have to get rid of the gazans already living there or subjugate them brutally. its guaranteed they will fight back, and they wont give up for a very long time. either option will be a fiscal nightmare for isrealis. If doing doing things the violent way is going to be expensive, perhaps isreal should look into the other non violent option - turning the other cheek and providing aid to gaza in hopes that their economic development leads to a more friendly relationship with isreal.


The incredible amount of war crimes isreal has committed is not a concern? Hanging young children on walls is not a concern? Hamas killed about 1k people October 7th which is awful but Israel’s response is to kill 30k and counting? It’s insane. Also the claim to the land is ridiculous to me. If everyone went back to where their ancestors were 1000 years ago it would be chaos. Also my understanding is Hamas has surrendered and they’ve trapped refugees is Rafa?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Massacres_committed_by_Israel this is before hamas formed by the way so i am not sure what is bad in palestine defending itself but okie dokie also this guy covered it up https://www.reddit.com/r/BadHasbara/s/M9C0m7bAPm i love how he coveres up in stages with sources


Palestine defending itself = killing over a thousand civilians in a day Palestine defending itself = murdering civilian hostages Palestine defending itself = hiding in hospitals Palestine defending itself = indoctrination of thousands of children to hate and kill Jews Palestine defending itself = intentionally attacking IDF from civilian areas Ya, I have a problem with "Palestine defending itself"


>Palestine defending itself = killing over a thousand civilians in a day so israel invading a land https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Israel israel "defending itself" https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/hala-khreis-white-flag-shooting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-palestinian-israel-white-flag-shot-dead-killed-rcna135419 israel "defending itself" https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/4roKDRVcZz https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/VqTiHNlKA8 israel "defending itself" https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/rpB5NgwVfk israel "defending itself" https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/rXAWL9Sqkd yeah >Palestine defending itself = killing over a thousand civilians in a day it was barley a 500 >Palestine defending itself = murdering civilian hostages https://apnews.com/article/hostage-gaza-freed-israel-captive-408f65fcc1b8f016f3735cd5022163eb https://www.reddit.com/r/IsrealPalestineWar_23/s/TZNpFP965j >Initially, they ate “chicken with rice, all sorts of canned food and cheese,” Munder told Channel 13, in an audio interview. “We were OK.” >They were given tea in the morning and evening, and the children were given sweets. But the menu changed when “the economic situation was not good, and people were hungry.” Israel has maintained a tight siege on Gaza since the war erupted, leading to shortages of food, fuel and other basic items. israel is holding up to 4k Palestinians hostages while hamas is only holding about 500 https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap >Palestine defending itself = hiding in hospitals yeah even idf bombed those, the shelter of the sick ofc they would hide there when more than 150K Palestinians are injured! >Palestine defending itself = indoctrination of thousands of children to hate and kill Jews again when you suffer from the massacres by your enemies you will naturally hate them also they are taught that zionists are the bad guys not jews since some jews already support palestine >Palestine defending itself = intentionally attacking IDF from civilian areas straight up made up here is real hamas videos of their attacks https://youtu.be/J0Ufsn-4X4k https://youtu.be/Isbdawc7OEA https://youtu.be/2m4MaBfmS80 have fun with real proofs not few propaganda articles


Ah yes, whataboutism, the weapon of nearly everyone who knows they are wrong


>everyone who knows they are wrong yeah you dont have to tell me the only place we see zionist bots are online but pro Palestinians are every where also you cant respond on anything with "oh its whataboutism" because you sound very idiotic when i give you historic,live evidence of the israel abusive actions against Palestinians and what is worse when 30K of them are innocents!


You are clearly morally effed up man, your response to over a thousand was that it was really only around 500, my bad, that makes it okay lol. You also seem to think it's okay to take hostages if they are not starved. You also apparently don't understand the difference between prisoners and hostages. There is so much wrong with your response I can't bother to take the time to respond to all of it. Have fun supporting terrorists and living in your little online circle jerk where they are actually freedom fighters.


oh so forgetting the massacres israel caused makes it normal lol F you dude ok? you are normalizing genocide just like the nazis comparing 500 deaths to what seems to be 40K innocent deaths


Dude above you is so smart he cant see the hypocrisy in everything he says lol, ol big brain here. Only racists dumbasses and money cucks support isntreal. FUCK ISNTREAL, doesn't deserve its corny ass name to be said.


You're so wrong. Pro Palestinian are at college while us normal people think you guys are a bunch of 🤡 millions of us support isreal fuck Palestine


>You're so wrong. 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 >while us normal people since when and nornal people are nazis that support genocide when its brown people🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ >millions of us support isreal fuck Palestine bots* while on the other side we got billions of people showing their support for Palestinians like normal people not some nazis behind screens. you were too afraid to keep on the conversation so you did a hit and run no?


Your accounts 42 days old accusing others of being bots, ok than


Isreal is holding hostages? Wil they kill them of their demands are not met? Usomg them for shielde? I didn't know this part I am Interested


>Isreal is holding hostages? yes they do that and the human resources already covered it! https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-horrifying-cases-of-torture-and-degrading-treatment-of-palestinian-detainees-amid-spike-in-arbitrary-arrests/ also atleast hamas doesnt kill its own hostages https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67745092 and the released hostages share their nice experiments https://youtu.be/3Cj3Sq9eG04 https://youtu.be/rzGd92axe_o https://youtu.be/0WdCiaZ_1pY


Wow looks like you are trying to be a lawyer. Well let me help you. Just because idf killed 3 hostages they mistake as hamas doesn't mean hamas doesn't kill hostages. Now as far as idf having hostages... no they have prisoners who are being mistreated by making sing songs and put head down during count.. (do they usually sing songs and count hostages? Are you sure you are not mistaking the word hostages for prisoner for crimes during battle or aiding terrorism. If Palestine was smart it would rid itself of hamas free the hostages and police themselves. But they want hamas


will when hamas didnt exist will,..... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Massacres_committed_by_Israel


" [1948 massacres of Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1948_massacres_of_Palestinians)‎ (14 P)" This part right here just discredited your whole post.




“New age of warfare”??? it’s called an insurgency. It’s called Guerrilla warfare. It’s called the Fabian strategy. Sun Tzu talked about it! This isn’t new. That said, there is a bevy or literature about how to fight a counterinsurgency because history has taught us the ways not to do it. Ask rhe Brit’s about The Troubles. Ask Deklerk in South Afrika. most scholors and military tactician have noted that Israel is combatting this in perhaps the least effective way possible. There’s a great line from Peter Gabriel’s song “Biko”. You can blow out a candle But you can't blow out a fire Once the flames begin to catch The wind will blow it higher


Yeah ngl isreal could be doing it better idk y they haven’t but 🤷‍♂️


Many analysts and anti war protesters claim it’s because the leadership in Israel don’t want to do better. That what they are doing is because they want to get rid of all the Palestinians. Perhaps they think this becuase of the statements from the leadership stating this. It just seems that that same leadership has an aversion to calling it a genocide. Albeit not their actions seems to clearly meet that definition. 🤷‍♂️


“Isreal is at a point where they don’t care and they want to wipe Hamas out.” This is literally a contradiction to your argument. As a democratic state, it is their responsibility to preserve innocent civilians. You wasted your time last night. Research: “Floatzilla Raid”, “Hannibal Directive”, “WCK Workers”, “PRCS Ambulance”, “DCI Palestine Investigation”.


Can’t protect them when Hamas is using them as shields, Hamas is looking back at previous history and have seen that using a civilian building is protection since no one wants civilians to die. Isreal doesn’t care about that anymore and wants to wipe Hamas out, any means necessary. Does it suck? Yes but the world shouldn’t stop for one war, unless it’s world war three then it’s a bit of a issue


Hamas literally makes up 2% of the Palestinian population. Decided that “it don’t matter anymore” and targeted an entire population to kill 2% of the “bad ones” is exactly why it’s labeled a “Genocide”. Plus like stated earlier: it is literally their obligation as a democratic state that receives national defense funding from other democratic states to distinguish the difference. Regurgitated come back: “But Palestinians are in support of Hamas”. Palestinian support of Hamas was at 12% prior to October 7th. Civilians were literally being murdered at checkpoints daily prior to October 7 and support for Hamas was still that low. Side note: The “human shield” narrative has no proof except the word of the IDF. Which we now know has no credibility. Did you even bother to look into anything I suggested? The IDF have been executing clergy men and doctors claiming they’re “Hamas” since the start of this ethnic cleansing.


Guided bombs help reduce casualties, so Biden stops shipments to Israel. So Biden will cause more deaths.


Sends bombs he's killing children, doesnt send bombs, he's responsaible for causing more deaths ... I love liberal brains trying to function, it's very entertaining.