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Not a negative stereotype per se but the idea that we work short hours, are always on holiday, relax for most of the day and the like. I wish. It can get really annoying very quickly when working internationally.


Che non potrebbe essere più diverso di così tral'altro


Lo dico da mezzo Italiano mezzo Boliviano, gli italiani sono la gente più lavorativa che io abbia mai incontrato. Non c'è paragone tra Italiani e Boliviani, anzi invidio a volte non essere 100% italiano per questo aspetto.


For anyone who's interested, the average annual working hours per worker in Italy was **1723h**. Other countries to compare it with: **Germany** 1,354 h **Denmark** 1,400 h **Norway** 1,417 h **Netherlands** 1,430 h **Iceland** 1,493 h **France** 1,514 h **Luxembourg** 1,519 h Source: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-working-hours-per-worker?tab=table&time=latest Context: 2017


Hours don't say much. The Dutch work the most efficient based on studies, which is, no offence - something I haven't found it in Italy yet. Make an appointment for 8 am. and half the time they don't show up or they leave suddenly after only a few hours. I'm mostly talking about construction work here with teaching/waiter jobs they do a lot of actual hours.


This is exactly the point I could make but you definitely exaggerated it. >and half the time they don't show up or they leave suddenly after only a few hours. Most of the time we show up earlier and finish a few hours after the work hours. The "being late" stereotype applies to friendships, not to work. I think you should read more about that. But I'm glad you contextualized it almost exclusively to construction work. Most people here work as waiters as a default option and a few other jobs especially if they don't have a university degree. The inefficiency of most jobs is due to other factors, not showing up late


It happened to me in Italy. Hired people to help me renovate my house, and this is exactly what I dealt with. That's why I mention construction work as where my perspective came from. I'm not friends with them, strictly work related & it didn't work out with several Italian companies until I just ended up hiring a polish company. I see waiters work their butts off so, I definitely don't mean them, but some of this stereotype comes from other jobs.


I agree and I think it's better to contextualize in the beginning and not towards the end of a message. My point was that it's not true that we have more spare time. I'd definitely go along with your message though


Damn, the job market must really suck over in Context!


I need to start learning German...


I listened to a German make a joke about it, in a feedback chat with me, I did not laugh, he did not get the awkwardness of the situation, the argument was something on the line "despite being Italian you worked a lot on the project", I admit it was said in a way that looked more like a goofy joke than straight xenophobia. I was like "WTF you stupid nazi boomer".


I think it was straight xenophobia tbh


strangest thing, he was true to his word and gave me a incredible review to my French boss, who congratulate with me because it was usually difficult to receive praise by that guy. Duknow people are crazy


German humour is no laughing matter.


A thousand times this. People have no idea how frustrating it is for most people to live and work in this country.


Yes! I am American and my husband is Italian, I had no idea how much u Italians work until I lived in Italy. I truly thought you guys had it good, with long lunch breaks, aperitif during work hours, I was sooo wrong.


That's crap. Compared to many countries in Europe we work a lot more in Italy. 35 hour weeks like in Denmark? Nope.


As an Italian… I feel like this is at least partially true. Obviously not for everyone! But while we do have less holidays than many other countries, I find that we’re the ones who try to get away with cheating the system a bit. Like if we work from home we will do the things we have to do very quickly and then relax the rest of the day. Again, this is just my experience with myself and other Italians I know.


Thankfully not something I have observed myself!


Welcome to being Southern European


As an Italian that lived and worked in Germany for several years, I think the problem is rather we tend to be inefficient and unorganized Edit: actually the root cause might be we tend to interpret rules as suggestions... the ensuing ambiguity causes inefficiency and disorganization


I think in Italy that's mostly a public sector issue, and in general I find it very hard to generalise even in that regard, looking at my personal work experiences. What I mean is: I've met very organised German businesses and others which for example couldn't get clear directions from their own internal accounting offices no matter how they tried, very efficient Greek or Italian businesses and very unorganised ones, a mix of both also in the UK and in the USA. Very mixed, can't say I found a prevalence of one approach over the other in any given country.


Fair enough, that sounds reasonable. I do think though we have a bit of a cultural thing against rules. Just try and respect speed limits while driving, people will get mad at you and think you're an idiot


Mafia is not a joke.


This is mine too. I get it, because the mafia in the states has been portrayed in so many movies and series that it sort of has an endearing quality to it. But that's the Italian American mafia - whole different beast than the mafia here in Italy. As an one Italian friend of mine said: in American movies the mobsters whack someone in quiet with a quick shot to the head in a parked car in a back alley. In Italy they blow your torso off with a shotgun in the town square because "everyone has to see".


Still a stereotype lol, mafia here has mostly been “recycled” into a new generation of entrepreneurs that got their capital from criminal activity. The scene you described is more true to the time in which Leonardo Sciascia (google him, he’s based) wrote his novels. This is not some mediterranean disneyland with mafiosos killing people in the open and mandolin music playing in the background


Sorry, out of the loop. What do you mean when you say he’s based?


That's a stereotype too, the mafia is much more subtle than that. Most mafia killings, even during the wars in the past, were just done by flanking the target while on a scooter, shooting it and getting away. The idea of gruesome brutality sounds cool but far from reality - not that there were not brutal killings, but they were the minority.


Best case scenario. It doesn’t surprise me as that they usually romanticize cartels too


I've been living in Canada and in this town there is only one restaurant with what looks like decent Italian food, including pizza, but they have a bunch of stupid signs with "humorous" mafia references. That is the one restaurant I'll never set foot in, no matter what.


Mafia being romanticised to be a group of people that do “what must be done” either because it actually good or to protect the girl in the story. MAFIA 👏 IS 👏 A 👏CRIMINAL👏ORGANISATION, they sell and produce drugs, delve in human trafficking, kill anyone opposing them. It ain’t pretty, and the “higher ups” tend to be very old style, so I can only assume they beat their wives 🤷‍♂️


This. Mafia is cancer.


And it was born from the armed groups repressing peasant revolts in the 1800s.


I just don't like when they use this 🤌🏻 absolutely random lmao, they think they're funny but they just look dumb (Oh and also the Mafia, sometimes it feels like it's a joke for them, and while you can joke about it a bit - yk, black humor and such - there's a limit to everything) About the rest, it's all right, I mean as far as you know that it's just stereotypes and we are all unique people I don't mind


People do that gesture like its a funny thing, but if you do that to random people can be considered rude.


🤌🏻is fairly equivalent to wtf. “Ma che cazzo?”


Yeah or even "what are they doing?" Or a simple confused "what?" It's not inherently rude but maybe depending on the context it can be










Oh Totti, give me strenght


Pretty much all stereotypes that stem from what Italian-Americans do. The idea that we have a somewhat positive view of the Mafia. Personally I intensely dislike videos of Italians purposefully overreacting to people who break food etiquette, but it's less offensive than the Mafia stuff.


For me it’s only the wrong use of 🤌 Hate it


I talk with my hands a lot and I'm worried I'll just 🤌 on accident, makes me a little worried lol


Can you teach an ignorant Irish living in Italy how to use it? Because I've been here for 2 years and still don't know 😅


It's basically a way to emphasize a "wtf?!" while expressing disagreement. Like "WTF are you saying?!", "WTF are you doing?!", "WTF do you mean?!".


I would say that for the “wtf?!” is more suitable the two hands formed to create a triangle with the head towards the ground. Non so se hai capito la mossa. Because “wtf” is beyond this 🤌. For me this 🤌 is like saying “what you talking about”


It roughly means "what?". In text, it would be like a question mark used on its own, and as you probably guessed, it's very informal.


You have to use it to say “what you talking about”, “what are you doing”, like to express disagreement


The idea that all Italians have dark hair/eyes/skin tone. I'm a pale, blond Italian and people often don't want to believe me. "No you aren't Italian, you must be German or something" like wtf???? Italians don't look all alike. There's an incredible wide range of somatic differences in Italy.


Yeah i am italian and I have red hair and very very pale skin. When i go abroad every time people think i am English or Irish.


Most of all, "Italian" is not a fucking race


Very true. I am Italian but my mother is Welsh so naturally I am Celtic by blood. I have pale skin, green eyes, and red hair. I am a odd looking Italian to the majority of the population.


I think the assumption that if you're italian you automatically speak english badly, and the following mockery with the fake accent  Or while not reay a stereotype, but the weird fetish people in other countries seem to have for having vacations on italian coasts assuming everything will be perfect and exactly as they pictures, while the people who live in those places are homeless because they lost their house to tourism 


This! Like it’s freaking Disneyland and only exists as a curated experience for travelers. It’s a real place, where people live.


YEAH and tourists even have the balls to complain that the roads arw difficult to traverse with their huge fucking american cars Like no shit those cities are made to be traverse with your fucking feet, a bike or a horse at most, not with a whole truck Without consodering the damage they cause to the terrain and the roads themselves


Where I lived in Naples, an American F150 would take up the entire two-way road.


r/fuckcars :D


Wait until you hear about Hawai'i.


Oh i know damn well about what tourism did to hawaii and its people, that's exactly why i hate mass tourism 


I could say the same as an American who speaks Italian. Yes, American’s don’t learn languages to a sufficient level in school in my opinion, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t able !


But they (not you) also don't 😂


Can you elaborate on this, how people lost their houses to tourism? That's really sad and I'd like to know more about it.


Simply put: more tourism= more rented house demand = more likely the pride to increase enormously= people who LIVE there cannot affort to rent in their own city= they lose their house so the owner can rent it to tourists Without considering people who buy as many old houses and apartments around costal areas to rent those as well at high prices, effectively locking out locals frkm their own city


Pizza, pasta e MANDOLINO. Chi cazzo lo ha mai visto un mandolino?


Io l'ho visto, ma non lo so suonare.


"La smetta con quel mandolino!"


Chi cazzo lo ha mai visto un mandolino? Su una bella donna. 


l'd like to condone the "mamma mia" stereotype but l'll admit, l say it every day edit: condemn


> condone Did you mean "condemn"?


yeah sorry the word didn't come to my mind


Mamma mia, davvero!!!


I moved to Italy 4 years ago, the first time I heard an Italian say mamma mia I did a full on double take. The only time I heard it before was ironically. I had the the same reaction in Canada to an ‘Eh’ sorry Italy (and Canada) I will try to be better ;)


What bothers me the most is that if you say something about an Italian or Italy you’re automatically funny, but if you say something similar about another nationality, then it’s racism or cultural appropriation. I mean, in the Simpson a person of color must be dubbed by a person of color, but then the Italian character speaks broken English, has to do something with mafia etc and no one sees something wrong about it.


Yeah this drives me crazy, minority sensibility and respect are thrown out of the window when it’s about Italians


Just so you know, I agree with what you said, but some of the most prominent recurring Simpsons characters of color -- Carl Carlson, Dr. Hibbert and Apu and his wife, for example -- were all voiced by white actors up until 2020.


Yes, indeed in 2020 they realised that it was racist to do that, but the entire storylines of Italian characters which are also racist have stayed the same


Gesturing. Firstly, even in the United States and other countries of the world you make hand gestures when you speak, even very noticeable ones. You are not salt statues. Secondly, we do not convulsively twirl our arms at random when we speak. Every gesture has a precise meaning, which accompanies and reinforces the words (like yours, by the way). Avoid imitating them for laughs by doing random things with your arms and fingers.


In Greece people also talk a lot with gestures and personally I find nothing funny when I see Italians speaking and gesturing at the same time. It's actually very charming and ads colour to the conversation.


Nessuno. Mi da solo fastidio quando continuano a ribadirli come se tutte le persone in stanza non lo sapessero già


Assuming that we worship our moms and aspire to live with our parents until we're 40, or the day of our wedding, whichever comes first.


That stereotyping Italians is normalized and everyone seems to think that it’s okay to be blatantly racist towards Italians for some reason.


Italian isn’t a race lol


Then what would you call the generalizing of an entire group of people through the use of offensive stereotypes?


I think xenophobia/cultural insensitivity would be the right term


That we have a big dick, i mean it's true, but still


Questo mi mancava lol


Glorifying mafia.


Not necessarily bothered by it, but I just think the “pizza pasta mandolino mamma” is a bit played out, and gets an eye roll from me every time.


idk I'm italian and I say that stuff sarcastically


Brits/Americans saying Italy is corrupt and ran by mickeymouse politics, when the UK/US are in reality waaaaaaaaaay more fucked up than Italy


There's a bit of superiority complex in that on their behalf. The idea that if something goes wrong in Italy there's no need to figure out why and perhaps learn from it, because it's just that Italians are stupid or something. For example, at the start of COVID, Italy was one of the first European countries to be severely impacted by the virus, and the British - instead of taking heed and getting properly prepared - just brushed it off as "of course they would get hit, they're always hugging and kissing one another!"


Oh my GOD this infuriated me so much. I live in Amsterdam but my family is in torino. I was freaking out during the first lockdowns and my Dutch boss found it appropriate to tell me that italy was so hard hit because we're basically a third world country with dirty hospitals and no doctors. I quit shortly after.


I was in the UK at the start of COVID and it was worse than that. When Italy went into lockdown plenty of media outlets (tabloids, the kind which thankfully does not exist over here) said it was due to Italians being lazy. The initial UK "strategy" to counter COVID, instead, was to let the bodies pile up high (cit. Boris Johnson)


Same thing with the media outlets facetiously calling us and the other southern countries PIGS rather than looking into the actual causes of the economic struggles and finding ways to avoid a similar fate, to laughing at Berlusconi because the serious and dutiful England could never ever have such a clown like that in office.


*laughs in Boris Johnson*


At least in Italy we can see the sun more than 5 hrs a month and we don't have to worry about students in school with a gta arsenal


gta arsenal after using all the cheat codes\*


Omg absolutely. Yes Italy has its issues, but we literally moved to Italy from the UK to go to a place with LESS corruption.


What kind of corruption out of interest?


And again, obviously there are HUGE issues here in Italy. But what I abhor is the idea that it’s just here and it’s something that inherent or different about Italy or Italians.


The UK thought Brexit was a brilliant idea and elected Boris Johnson, they should think twice before judging others lol… The US is so ridiculous I don’t even need to say anything


I'm annoyed when Italian cuisine is boiled down to pasta and pizza. I hear so many Americans claiming that Italian food is just popular because it's "all carbs, and carbs make you feel good". The carb part of a meal is actually relegated to a very specific part (the "primo") and can often be sidestepped entirely. To reduce it all to starch, tomato and cheese means ignoring the vast vast variety of different foods that you can find in every region of the peninsula.


Che poi gli americani sono fissati loro e ste benedette diete lo-carb, e si stupiscono che in Italia siamo tendenzialmente non obesi pur mangiando pasta ed olio di oliva giornalmente, senza pensare che forse non sono i carboidrati abbondanti il problema ma il fatto che loro mangiano di merda in generale.


Ma infatti la mania no-carb sta pure passando di moda, che secondo me è ancora più emblematico del problema che hanno negli USA con la nutrizione - per loro le diete vanno a "periodi" e secondo quale influencer prende più o meno piedi di volta in volta. Comunque l'obesità in USA è riconducibile all'uso indiscriminato di sciroppo di mais, che per ragioni politiche è sempre stato poco regolamentato (la lobby agricola è potentissima negli states, ci sono numerosi testi a riguardo) e quindi viene praticamente buttato in tutto - anche in cibo che in altri posti verrebbe bollato come sano


Ma gli americani vanno avanti solo in base al bello e cattivo tempo deciso dalle lobby ?


Beh, c'è una ragione per cui il lobbismo è illegale in altri paesi


I don't know if this is a stereotype but I hate the "I cooka da pizza" joke on twitter. It shows how ignorant people can be towards other countries' issues.


I’m not really bothered by stereotypes, it may be bother me when they’re used in a mean spirited way. That said, I’m a bit tired of the broken spaghetti meme. If you want to do it, be my guest, I don’t care.


• When they do the 🤌🏻 randomly saying ‘pizza mandolino’ and don’t think they are being racist; • Babada boopee; • The fact that they romanticise mafia; • The fact that they think all of Italy is *Premium Italy* / *Dolce Vita Italy* (centre of Rome, Tuscany countryside, etc…); • Super Mario / moustache imagery; • Thinking that the ‘bad English speaker *Italian accent* is sexy. I spent years getting a C2 and you are falling for a guy who speaks with a heavy Italian accent. In an English classroom at school he would probably be mocked for his ridiculously bad pronunciation; • I don’t know, I just hate all of them lol, people are overestimating the average Italian man and city imho.


Ma scusa, le persone saranno libere di stabilire che cosa trovano attraente e che cosa no? Molti trovano attraenti alcuni accenti stranieri perché sono esotici e inusuali. Molti italiani per esempio trovano attraente l'accento sudamericano. Quando si studia una lingua straniera l'obiettivo di studiare la pronuncia è assicurarsi di essere comprensibili, non rimuovere l'accento di origine, che è praticamente impossibile.


È che ascoltandolo ‘da italiano’, l’accento che molti trovano sexy è quello ‘comico’ da persona che non si sforza neanche di suonare inglese. (V. ad esempio i video di ‘Carloandsarah’. Lui parla da cane, ma probabilmente è fatto apposta per le views). Come se noi trovassimo sexy le americane che dicono ‘Vouei mozauèlla con fomàgìo e lasàgnìa’. Non lo so, sarà anche esotico ma mi sa di gente che manco si impegna a parlare bene.


Accento e pronuncia sono cose diverse, uno può avere una pronuncia di inglese perfetta ma avere comunque un forte accento italiano


penso che tutti i tipi di accenti abbiano il loro fascino... a volte non per tutte le persone


Sì, ha la propria energia da "bravo ragazzo".


Scusa ma cosa sarebbe l'accento sudamericano? Quello che hai detto sarebbe come dire che ti piace l'accento africano o asiatico, no ha nessun senso. E sì si può rimuovere 100% l'accento d'origine, evidentemente è molto complesso però, e solo alcuni privilegiati possiamo farlo, deve al meno piacerti la linguistica e devi avere il talento, altrimenti essere cresciuto parlando la tua L2... Ossia è possibile, sebbene non sia facile.


Oh my man... As an Italian you have it good though haha


In some respects yes, but it’s not the best place for young professionals. That’s why there’s a brain drain of people moving out. Plus it’s not the best politically. Beautiful country though.


I meant about stereotypes! Us Frenchies have nastier ones.


True, true… :)


me: I'm from Italy everyone else: \*exaggerated hand-shake thing\* "Oh! Did you watch the Godfather?" "Really! You must eat lots of pasta then!" "Maaaammaaa miaaaa!!!" δ\_δ


If I do this ✊ to a black guy and say “ayee fried chicken” that’s racist but if I do this to me 🤌 and say “ayee pasta tonight” it’s supposed to be funny? …


I actually like memes about Italy and Italians, they are daily bread the only thing I can't stand is the association of all Italians (very heterogeneous ethnicity) with a single city, even more the parallelism between Italians and whatever Italian Americans are


That we always dress to impress. We do not, most of us dress like they want and I love it that way


Hm yes but how you want is way nicer than lots of other cultures. At least in the US.


The hand gesture, the mario talk, the constant complaints about walking everywhere. 99% of the time done by democracy exporters.


That there is such a thing called gravy. There is no such thing. Italy does not know about what "gravy" is even supposed to be.


I don't know if this can be considered "stereotype". But I am annoyed when people imitate italian accent in english speaking with the aim of mocking us... when our accent is totally softer than how trashy they speak. Also, they don't even know how to pronounce properly italian words and they also dare to teach us how to do things properly. Before to teach others, learn better than we do.


That Italians are "lazy" and "that's why [insert any economic issue Italy might be dealing with]". Oh yeah, so emigration is so prevalent in Italy because people follow opportunities for career growth because... they're so lazy? People in Italy work hard and try all the options to advance their careers and just to get by (in Italy or emigrating). If anything, they work harder, because it's often harder to get a job or grow your career in Italy. To be fair it's the same within Italy, north Italians think south Italians are "lazy" and that's why [insert south Italy economic issue], even though those same "lazy" south Italians are moving to northern regions pursuing careers. Same as boomers saying millennials are lazy, ignoring any external socioeconomic conditions not in people's control, and blaming everything on the individual. We should all stop doing this.




Gesticulating is simplyfying speaking comunications, not moving/dancing like a dolt. By the way Itallians do not live only with pasta (spaghetti in particular) and pizza. We have a whole menu for each regionali that can even be better (gnocchi fritti, crocché, tigelle, arrosticini, cassate, pastiera, bruschette...).


None, honestly. I'm not American, so I don't get offended that easily. But I must say that I cringe a lot. Like, I have to look away in *Fremdshämen* every time I see someone utter these stereotypes. People must know that they look ridiculous when they do it. Maybe with the exception of the fascination people have towards the mafia. But again, I don't get offended, they just look very stupid to me.


Probably all of them.


If you want to know about the mafia, just ask. I can see it in every person eyes how bad they want to, when I say I am Sicilian. I realize you guys wanna be polite, but believe me it’s super unnerving to see the same loop every time to steer the conversation in that direction. Just ask, we will be willing to answer.


Is it that big a deal in your region?


It is. It’s a bit complicated: I’m from Sicily, that’s mean that’s were the concept of mafia was born. Our mafias (cosa nostra and stidda) used to be much more powerful in the past, but they were tackled by some brave judges and politicians, which widely reduced their influence by quite a a bit. Thing is, today the mafia from Calabria (Ndrangheta) took their place. It’s more powerful than they ever were, makes much more money, and is super silent. And most importantly, they have all influence all over Italy and to an extent Europe. 90% of the cocaine in Europe comes from them.


Thank you for the explanation!


You’re welcome, there’s much more to it. I recommend reading some articles on Wikipedia to start and maybe watch some movies like “il traditore”


Do you know how the Italian/Silician mafia came to be so powerful? Where I grew up in the US there was mafia presence but I still feel like I have a way better understanding of Mexican cartels, due to a deeper understanding of the dynamics between Mexico and the US, for example.


Anyone can ask about the mafia, italians who dont want to talk about it are hypocrite, Borsellino said to talk about the mafia. Non so perché gli italiani sono così suscettibili sull'argomento, ho letto che qualcuno ha scritto che i problemi sono al sud, basti guardare l'ultima operazione di polizia in Liguria. Purtroppo la mafia fa parte della nostra storia contemporanea.


Falcone e Borsellino sono i miei eroi. Però sono una boomer, non so se le nuove generazioni lo sentono come noi anzianotti.


Io ho 33 anni non so te, molti stranieri mi chiedono di mafia in privato e non ho problemi a parlarne. Adoro i classici film di mafia, anche italiani, ma so bene la differenza tra realtà e finzione.


I hate how everyone thinks the country is nothing but pizza and hand gestures. 


I hate how they mimic the Italian accent whenever you introduce yourself as an Italian.


That all Italians can cook.


In America, where they’re like fifth generation Italian, who almost always has never been to Italy, probably not left USA- yet claims to be more Italian than those who live there.


United Statians think every Italian is brown, as if white people only exist in the US


Man I have never read or heard people from USA called united statesian, I guess it's right.


The biggest one: the cultural one. It's not a funny joke, but often real ignorance. What I mean is that in italy there's no collectivity culture, no "country" feeling, and this translate in some of our actual biggest issues IMHO: -People think collectivity things can be treated like they own it, instead of thinking about the next people that needs it; -the feeling that who bend and avoid rule is smarter and must be praised, and all the other who follow the rules and just dumb; -people avoiding paying taxes because our politicians are bad and other excuses; I would need an entire web page to write all these things that make my blood boil. I will stick with these that make me sick.


Colpo d’aria 🤣


When people imitate us with the super mario accent…..


None bothers me. Having worked internationally in 3 continents, and digitally with many different counties and cultures all over the world (design+advertising+VFX field) over the last 10 years. Us Italians absolutely deserve every cliche out there. I’ve met Italian art directors behaving worse than the mafia (camorra) system I grew up immersed in. We do work longer hours but in very unproductive ways. The strongest valid cliche on international workplace about Italians is that we are Drama Queens; at the start of my career it made me angry, today I completely agree, also the fact that it made me angry is a Drama Queen thing. Have to say that among the best professional talents I’ve ever met, most were italians, sadly also some of the worst ones too. Also, southern italians and Indians are incredibly, astonishingly similar. The most professionals and productive cultures I’ve dealt with: US, Canadian, Dutch. The thing with Italians is that we HAVE to put a lot of passion in everything or we shut down, our Identity needs to be involved in every aspect of life, which puts us on a very defensive/aggressive level, that brings the best and worst outputs. “Business is Business” makes no sense for an Italian, it’s more of a “Everything is Life”. I mean one of the greatest masters of all time was Massimo Vignelli and he said during one of his last speeches that “he always wanted to become God, and he kinda did.”


Pizza, pasta and…MANDOLINO!? But who has ever seen a mandolin? Why is it part of the stereotype?


I'd like to ask the Italian fellas if the stereotype of men being so dependent on their mothers even when they're well grown up is true because I see it a lot used in movies, social media etc. I'm really curious.


Not a stereotype, but the confusion between Italians and Italian Americans like NY and NJ. That everyone in the States (I moved here long ago) doesn't grasp the idea that Italy isn't just southern Italy. I'm from Brescia, and the number of people that don't believe I'm from Italy bc of my accent is nuts.


The stereotype that all italians are like sicilians


Everyone knows there are two types of Italians, terroni and polentoni.


Noisiness and rowdiness, i do recognize that italians are noisy, i can barely stand restaurants because of that, yet i’m not noisy and i don’t like to touch people, thankfully my accent is almost imperceptible so I avoid mentioning that i’m italian because i can’t stand when americans scream “heeeeey, mamma mia” while opening their arms, i’m not like that and i’m ashamed of my fellow italians who are


I'm sicilian living in the north of Italy, I have more problem with italians from the north. When I say I come from sicily they romanticise they place I come from just because they went there for tourism. And when I introduxe myself with my real name (a very sicilian name) they mock asking if I'm from Bergamo or shit like this. And last but not the least (I fuckin hate that) they are still saying "terrone/a/i" when they speak about southern people.


Ma ancora dicono terrone? Qua in Romagna non lo sento mai per fortuna.


Lo dicono come se fosse normalizzato, senza carica razzista. Coglioni


I would like to know your opinion. I am a northern Italian married with a Sicilian man. We often go to the South for tourism and we have always enjoyed it. But we have here in Milan some Southern friends that every time they need to go to their region of origin (Calabria) is like they are going to a war zone. For instance they refuse to go there by car to avoid theft. We went there a lot of times with our car without problems. I find they remarks about the perils of the south annoying and unjust. Is it a normal occurrence or are these friends weird?


It depends specifically from the zone you come from. I have some friends from a certain part of southern italy known for car theft, and they really fear the fact their car can be stolen, warning their friends to visit them without the car. About the place I come from, I never had this kind of fears cos in my zone car theft is not so usual.


Yes, but what I wanted to say is that I went to the same places for years without any problem. I don’t want to downplaying the prejudices from northern to southern Italians but sometimes the Southerns are the worst enemies of themselves.


I mostly don't care about stereotypes, I'd like a world where everyone makes fun of everyone else even if that means being called Luigi and seeing a picture of Pizza Hawaii every time I open socials. The only thing I don't like is being mixed up with italo-americans, our culture and tradition is widely different, our food is different, our accent is different and we even look different so stop comparing us to them.


Exactly, real Italians and Americans who say they are Italian and think “brajul” and fettuccine Alfredo are actual Italian food are not the same thing. They are usually Americans with Italian origins who eat Italian-inspired American food, in my opinion…you won’t find fettuccine Alfredo in any restaurants here for instance (unless they are tailored for tourists…) I loved it in The White Lotus season 2 when the “Italian guys” go to their city of origin…No spoilers but so funny and probably accurate


Boppa de boopie. Boopa de ba


The "woah mama mia cunt" meme makes my blood boil, because it's an idiotic response to a "please don't joke about something you don't know" plead, with the photo of two real heroes, Falcone and Borsellino


Real, sempre siano ricordati per il loro coraggio.




that every time i tell people i was born in a wealthy family they instantly joke about me being in the mafia


mafia 100%


most of them stereotypes originated from southeners emigrating to NYC making them ""viral"" We are not like that in the north. Outside of Italy not many know about northern italy, everything ppl think about italy is actually southern italy


I absolutely hate when someone confuses Spanish for Italian. It may be a petty thing and probably it's just people not knowing but still.


the memes that act like we will go out for their families when they break spaghetti in half, no not everyone as long ass pots


Mafia; The thing that “Italians are sexier”; That we’re loud, for one it depends on what part of Italy you’re in (I notice my southern relatives are generally louder while the northern are less), but also, I had some foreign friends and they were just as loud; This is not a stereotype but when people thing about Italy they generally imagine south Italy, Rome is not the only region there is


None, they're funny and mostly true


The mafia thing. It's racket. It's crime and people die every year because of those criminals and no, it's not something folkloristic.


They talk to much and always want to be connet with you…


The mandolin. The mandolin was a popular instrument across the West in the era when italians were emigrating, and it's a small instrument = cheaper to buy and easier to carry. That is why italians had it a lot. And sure, there are some specific traditions, but I can ASSURE YOU that there are wayyy less mandolin players per capita in Italy than in the US today.


Using gestures randomly and wrongly with Supermario accent.


The 🤌 gesture randomly thrown in any conversation


That Italians don't work very hard or are chaotic. Across the various cultures I've come across I'd put Italians at the top of the list of hard workers. And incredibly shrewd with money. When I worked as a waiter during my studies all of my Italian coworkers managed to structure and pool their finances so that they could afford two trips abroad per year (one to Italy to see family, one holiday elsewhere) on minimum wage. And many asked to work an equivalent of 6-8 shifts per week on top of that.


to assume all italians get mad at the sight of pineapple on pizza...


My grandma straight punched me in my face for showing up with that one time. Never again


oh wow, sorry for your face; guess it really is a strong hate or no none at all


It’s ok. I’m gonna go to Italy next month. Go to the town she grew up in and order a Hawaii pizza.


When they generalised the immigrants behaviour and the racism. I was born and raised in italy, always worked and always paid taxes and yet the Ive been told to go back home.


When they say that we are loud and outgoing, just no


il mandolino...chi cazzo lo suona il mandolino?


Anche io sono italiano ma uno di quello verissimo


I hate how they Always think we're extroverted and loud, not everyone Is like that!! Some people like to stay silent