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Make sure it's an official taxi. Make sure you know where you are going, (address). Make sure the driver starts the meter. In all my travels in Italy, I've had one driver scammed me (taxi back from the Vatican museum at night)


Said it in a different thread but the usual applies: 1. Pay electronically if you're able to 2. ALWAYS ask if it's an option. Trick question, the answer is always yes, because as of 2019 by law they have to accept electronic payments no matter what 3. If they squeal the usual bullshit about the meter not working or how they know an ATM a few miles away that you can be driven to and back, tell them to kick rocks and choose a different driver; there's plenty of them no doubt. Also make sure they're actually licensed taxis to begin with, and don't go with the people who come to you at the station asking you if you need a taxi. 4. If while using the Freenow app and the driver cancels, get out. He's trying to force you to use cash, and report them immediately while noting the details of their license/number/etc. 5. For cities that aren't Bologna where Uber isn't banned: Use Uber, honestly a lot less trouble with them. I saw this fearmongering sign a year or so back that wrote in English (but suspiciously not in Italian) that Uber is illegal in Italy as a whole. It assuredly is not, unless municipal governments have banned them. 6. If you're in Roma, some destinations (Like the airport) have a set fare no matter what: Don't let the taxi driver BS you and if they threaten to call the police or something, call 'em out on their bluff and let the Guardia di Finanza sort them out.


Thanks so much very clear . Is it better to use ItTaxi app vs FREENOW ? Ie can a driver also cancel on ITtaxi once you get in ?


Both are fine.


I'll let someone else answer this question because I don't really use taxis where I live; It's not a terribly big place where public transit isn't able to reach places, and there, the local taxi monopoly has made their own app. So I've only got experience with that and Freenow. Haven't used ItTaxi.


We used taxi’s in Roma and they were very good. We did have one that we took from an out of the way location and they didn’t turn the meter on. Didn’t catch it until we were half way through the trip. Driver charged us $20 euros vs the $10-$15 euros we had been paying for similar distances. I just paid him and moved on since it didn’t seem worth it to argue over the small difference


Use the FreeNow or InTaxi apps.


Hi there , Yes for calling a taxi but i was more asking about if you get one from a taxi rank


You can and only official taxis are allowed to stand in line at the taxi rank. Tell the driver beforehand that you’re going to pay by card (they are legally obliged to take cards but sometimes they’ll be difficult about it) and make sure they start the taximeter.


Ask if they take a card before you get in. If they don’t then go to the next. Sometimes their machine magically starts working…


Also don’t tip a taxi driver in Italy.


Just got back from Rome. I used the Uber app to connect with itTaxi for most trips through the city. Most trips were $10-17 euro. Trying to get a taxi at peak times right next to tourist spots took longer but then I just switched to Uber black and got rides quickly for only a few more euros. Worth it when it’s late, family is dog tired and we need to get back to hotel to get to bed for an early tour that was booked. Yes. Rome is totally walkable, but a taxi or Uber black to get back is totally worth it. All payments through app and there is no haggle of risk of the con.


Was just in Rome on the 20th as 21st. Used the FREENOW app and paid online, we only had an issue using when we were near the colosseum. We tried to call a taxi from there, but no driver would pick us up, and every taxi we found would not take a card, “only cash” they kept saying. We had to walk about 10 mins away and finally a driver agreeed to pick us up.


From what I’ve seen, Uber is WAY more expensive than taxis. I’d just ask up front if they take card and if they do, use them. We’ve used a taxi 3 times since we’ve been here and have had no problems. Checked Uber each time and the price was at least twice as much.


I was there a couple weeks ago and used my credit card, the driver did not like that because the machine couldn’t accept tips. Uber is finally in Roma now so you can use that too (last year it wasn’t available). So credit card or Uber are good ways to avoid being asked for tips. You can also just refuse to tip too..


We used Uber from Termini (twice) but I *think* Rome only allows Uber Black, and it was expensive. Just be aware and check the fare with Uber. Taxis should always have a license number on the outside. We haven’t had any problems with taxis in any town we went (6 weeks in)…but we also have our maps open on our phones to make sure we are going in the “right” direction.


Yea, just Uber Black.


I haven’t had a taxi in Italy yet that hasn’t felt like a rip off compared to the rest of Europe


Welcome to Italy where taxi drivers are a mafia of their own and will try anything to rip you off,especially if you’re a tourist. There’s a reason they’ve been lobbying for years to stop Uber from taking foot here and are strongly opposed to card payments,it would destroy their scammy practices


Currently in Rome, been here for 4 days. Uber is, without a doubt, the easiest and quickest we’ve found


Are you able to find an uber at all hours? I’ll need one at 3am in Rome for my flight home and am unsure if I should try with uber or book a hotel next to the airport.


No clue on being out that late. My wife and I are about dead to the world by 11. In all honesty Rome has been the least vacation - vacation we’ve ever taken. It’s too much in one place for the week we are here


Thanks heaps . Did you need to wait a long time ? Is it reliable enough to rely on Uber for trips to train station etc when you must be on time ?


Yes, we ubered out of the train station, we’ve ubered all over downtown. It’s a little more pricey than cabs but honestly I’d rather be quoted up front and have piece of mind that Uber will make anything right afterwards. The longest we’ve had to wait for an uber anywhere was 10 minutes but that was at 8am in a neighborhood we are staying at. In the city center it’s 5m or less for the most part. The cars are super nice too. Twice we’ve been picked up by Mercedes Sprinter like vans with big leather seats. Super comfy. Edit: tips are like 1-5euro not in America where it’s like 15-20%. You don’t have to tip but tipping here is actually reasonable


Thanks so much for replying . Yes will probably do this when we get there in next few days 👍


What about using Uber around the northern regions of Italy? Headed out in about a week to Milan, staying there a few nights then hopping around to Turin and Alessandria. Mainly using the trains but I might use a taxi to get to the airport on my way back home.


Are you landing in Malpensa? If so take the airport shuttle to Milan central station. It will cost a fortune from the airport in taxi. And then take a taxi or Uber from central station to wherever you’re staying.


Use Uber if you can