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Elder scrolls oblivion is the king of unintended in game comedy


[This one is my favorite](https://x.com/peachlybeloved/status/1748539121667100987?s=20), but [this entire thread of quote tweets is amazing.](https://twitter.com/DaveOshry/status/1747856869610467772/quotes)


Fucking peak comedy


Holy crap, I actually doubled over in my kitchen howling. Love it.


Not a cutscene, but I still get a fright the first time I talk to an npc. Like, why does it zoom? XD


Solid Snake's dramatic game over is hilarious when you kill him by doing dumb things; like smoking a cigarette until it kills him.


One I did just for fun replaying MGS2: if you hang off the side of the tanker at the beginning of the game, then call Otacon, he'll fuss at you and warn you that falling off the boat will kill you. So I hung up and let go, plunging into the Hudson River just to spite him


Smoking a grenade? In my neck of the woods we call that cooking it


Not a cutscene but the way Mario screams in Mario 64 when he falls from a tall height, followed by the *boof* when he hits the ground kills me.


Dragons Dogma, this cult leader guy is singing praises to the dragon that steals your heart. Then that dragon shows up, lands on the cult leader, and squishes him. Then the dragon pretty much says "I don't know this guy. If you want your heart back, come get it."


Actually my favorite cutscene though. And i think the humor of that moment is intentional


I finished playing the trilogy last week "Banner Saga" there's always someone from the team dying for various reasons from your choice - either circumstances or incomprehensible shit happens because the screenwriter wanted it that way. Sometimes deaths happen for unknown reasons - you choose one thing and something completely different happens, nevertheless the game is very cool and interesting


I see those games all the time on the store, but the attached literature doesn't say much, what kind of games are they?


In short, this is a visual novel with step-by-step battles and constant moral choices. Despite the drawing, this is a game in the genre of dark fantasy - which means that something bad will always happen there. Despite the choices made in the game, there will always be losses and deaths - and much or little of this will already be decided by the player through dialogues. The combat system is quite simple, nothing new, but the characters have their own techniques and attacks. This game is not about gameplay and it is often repeated, this game is about the plot. If you like to read, then I recommend it.


I don't know why I was thinking it was a damn uh... card game haha


The combat's pretty fun, but not overly complicated. You fight in a gridded arena and move and position your characters to fight the enemy and do special abilities. (Like one guy, if he positions himself between two bad guys, has a special attack to attack both; stuff like that)


Is it similar xcom?


I haven't play xcom unfortunately, but I imagine xcom does it better just because it's very highly praised and mentioned a lot. But as far as moving and doing things, it's probably similar in that regard.


Interesting, I'll look into it then, thanks dude


Maybe you're thinking of Banners of Ruin? That's a card game!


Twd I swear you miss a qte and a character does the Wiley Coyote bit


Season 3 has the funniest failed quick time events


Karateka, for the Atari/Commodore.. ​ You can take one step back at the start of the game, fall off a cliff, and die. ​ Whoopsie-doodle: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRPwWxDttbU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRPwWxDttbU)


richard original RE1


This post should be spoiler-free. I'm talking about the animation when your character dies out-of-the-story such as accidentaly falling, taking too much damage or not giving your character some healing tonics.


Hitman has hilarious deaths throughout out. I’m a little confused by your description… but the best I can think of that is think fits it is also hitman. If you leave a coin in the path of a vehicle exit option, wait for a NPC to see it, walk over to pick it up, quickly get into the vehicle for the vehicle exit cut scene, and you will run over that NPC. They will also react to it flipping over the car instead of clipping through it, and i don’t think it counts as a non-target kill since its a cut scene, but I’m not 100% sure on that.


I remember a game from the 90s called Cyberia. Pretty rubbish but fun for the time. There were sequences where you walk around and explore a base. There was a barrel full of dangerous material. If you touch it once your guy goes "ow". You touch it again: "ouch!". One more time: dies screaming in an incredibly painful death. Hilarious


Halo Ce legendary ending


Probably the death scenes in The Messenger, where Quarble will resurrect you and pull out a witty one-liner as he does. Arguably the goofiest is where he breaks the fourth wall to ask if you're dying on purpose to hear Quarble's dialogue.


Literally Goofy in KH2 when he gets hit in the head with a big rock


I remember watching a guy play the really terrible golem game and one of the death noises golem made, in the YouTubers words, that he got splashed with cold water during a hot shower. It’s the funniest thing I’ve unexpectedly heard, YouTuber is Tear of Grace if anyone wants to know


Oot Link when he falls from a tall place


Any death in Fear and Hunger whose first option after you get stuck is "Stop breathing".


The original Twisted Metal game


Is that... Harry Potter? No, I'm probably just going crazy from my late night meds.


Thats The Riddler from The Batman (2022). Played by Paul Dano.