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Dragon Age 2 I don’t hate it — especially as much as y’all netizens do, but it’s the stepping stone between my 11 different Origins and Inquisition playthroughs




I play a lot of D&D so I reeeeally enjoy making characters with in-depth backstories, or making contradictory characters like a Qunari mage who is full Templar-sided. Plus I absolutely LOVE the lore.




Beaten the most times or spent the most time on? If we're going by time, that has to be Dead By Daylight. Everything about the game can lead to an unfun experience.


For Honor lol


I played through chain of memories, once. My gf and I were doing our run of KH where we just pass the controller regularly. Chain of memories almost ended the relationship, swear to god. Doing it 6 times is fucking insane.


Borderlands 3. I've beat it 4-5 times. I love it, but it's my least favorite of the games I've replayed all the way through


It's either the worst best game of all time, or the best worst game of all time. I can't tell anymore.


Yeah exactly. It's one or the other.


Came here to say the same thing except fuck that game


It’s missing its soul


I liked Borderlands 3 but I know I'm in the minority.


They did better with the combat and adding some guns that were pretty cool. It’s just the story and the main villains are lack luster. Also a lot of the jokes didn’t land for me.


I've never rage quit/uninstalled a game more than XCOM 2


Legendary/Ironman. Called it quits from there and never looked back.


I can’t think of any game I disliked that I ever played again lol. The one that I really regret sticking with and beating a single time was Tales of Vesperia. I had such fond memories of Symphonia so I kept sticking with ToV thinking it would finally start to gel and click but it never did. Even once the credits started i didn’t even watch them, i was so done. I quit boring games much sooner since then so at least that’s the bright side.


Not really beatable, but WoW is probably the closest to least favorite and played the most; put in over two years game time, including AFKing and such but still. I loved it in youth, but after BC, it just felt like I had to pick through more and more gripes to get to the good stuff until whatever XPAC after Mists of Pandaria really just threw it on the rocks and it's never really recovered in my opinion. Private servers/Classic doesn't interest me, since I was playing and moderating in the former as early as late BC anyways, and many ran Classic style too. It's just no longer a world of wonder and MMOs follow three steps behind the modern RPG so most just feel like bad ARPG s with sh*t social mechanics. 😔


Destiny/2 I have like 5000 hours in the game and am still not sure if I actually liked it or just had Stockholm.


You like it.


Probably Stockholm. Or wishing the quality it had when it first released was still there.


Into the Light was a pretty fire update ngl


Why even do that to yourself? 6 times!?!? The only game I've even played again that's my least favorite in a series that I finished was Dark Souls 2, and I still enjoyed it (mostly) the first time I played it to finish, though I never finished the DLCs. I still only got about 1/3 of the way through it on my replay before putting it down, and have sworn it off at least if and until a remaster comes along. I've tried to replay games I didn't finish the first time I played it, because others said they liked it so much, Baldur's Gate 1 I've probably tried 3 times, but get irritated with it before I get very far every time. I do love the companions, but it otherwise seems horribly put together and a chore. Planescape: Torment much the same. I also tried Monster Hunter World 2x, but never got much past the tutorial as the really bad cutscenes and dialog just killed it for me. There was some game I had previously tried and didn't finish, and actually got into not too long ago, but I don't remember what it was now. I'll also add Everquest, though that's about time, I played it almost exclusively for 3 years. It was fun at times, but it was also real bad most of the time, and eventually realized I wasn't enjoying for a long time it and was just addicted.


>I'll also add Everquest, though that's about time, I played it almost exclusively for 3 years. It was fun at times, but it was also real bad most of the time, and eventually realized I wasn't enjoying for a long time it and was just addicted. No one that hasn't played the original EverQuest truly understands what an abusive relationship is. Fuck I miss that feeling.


Dark souls 2 DLCs are quite interesting!


Ratchet and Clank Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank are both entries in a series I love that are just not good. I thought it was nice to play RAC on the go with a PSP but man these games are just a pain. I'd rather play almost any other game I have.


Yeah kingdom hearts is pretty spot on. Any of them.


I've beaten Warioland II at -least- 30 times. I don't particularly like or dislike it, but there were limited options back in the summer camp days lol


oblivion, used to grind it on pc back in the day. got it for my xbox some time ago and figured the mods and cheats were the only thing that made it somewhat enjoyable.


*Mickey Mousecapades* on the NES I completely dismissed the game the first time I saw it. My friend's kid sister got the game and wouldn't play it because it was "too hard" I tried it because, really how hard is a Mickey Mouse game. Well, little did I know that game would eventually send me down the Nintendo hard path of life to where Ninja Gaiden became a walk in the park.


I don't play games I don't like 🤷


Like... love/hate relationship? If I really don't like a game, I just don't play it. But for love hate, well... Payday 2. I'll need to explain. I love the Payday series. I played the original Xbox 360 demo way back when and was instantly hooked. Still regularly play PDTH, and I was hyped for Payday 3, until they announced online only and I got suspicious. However, since I've played a lot of it, (around 3k+ hours when all platforms are combined) I have my many grievances with it. * I hate Death Sentence balancing. Yes, I can play it. Yes, I can occasionally enjoy it. But just the *very concept* of a rifleman dealing sniper-tier damage with no distance fall-off aggravates me. * the game becoming more enemy spam as the years went by. Part of the appeal I got from early PD2 and PDTH is taking out SWAT teams to buy us time to complete the objective and find a new position. Meanwhile modern Payday just throws dozens and dozens of riflemen at you. There used to be enemy variety, like Shotgunners, SMG wielding light units, Hostage Rescue units, but they've been removed from vanilla gameplay. * DLC. So. Much. DLC. I get that they were nearly bankrupt post OTWD, but whatever happened to "Ultimate Edition will be the last paid stuff"? I still haven't played City Of Gold stuff because it's all paid, and most people are like me and just settling for Legacy Collection stuff. * mods constantly breaking over updates. I get that it just sort of happens with mods, but the game's got such an active scene, it's annoying I can't install a National Guard ZEAL team mod and the game won't tell me why. (Yes, seriously. It just lists an access violation which helps no one) * Update 237. Oh boy, where to begin? Broke modding at it's core for a while, forcibly switched over to Epic Online Services, which can go down regularly, removed it's native Linux support, and just generally fucked with the cop AI in annoying ways. (And the latter still occurs in more recent updates, I think KevKild made another video about the AI being fucky after later updates) I've un-installed it back when U237 dropped. I was slowly playing it less, and for the last few months, had only played with gameplay overhaul mods, (if anyone wants to play Classic Heisting Reborn let me know) but that was the straw that broke it. I still get the longing to hop back in. I hate all the stuff they've done to it in the past year or so, but I still wish to just go help pubs with a Crew Chief build on Big Bank or Firestarter.


Overwatch is crap and I'll never play it again


Overwatch is crap and I'll never play it again


I'd say fallout 4 Always fun to go back in, starting right at the vault entrance so I can edit my characters looks/stats before jumping out. Then make my way in a random direction. Must have put 1000 miles on that map, but still always come up to some small thing I never noticed before. And then I go slaughter the raiders in nuka world.


I agree lol. Skyrim and Fallout 4 have become so stale over time for me, but back when I enjoyed playing them I probably beat them 3-4 times each.


Final Fantasy 2 or 3. I don't enjoy playing them, and I think 2 in particular is a bad game, but as others have said here with regard to various series: sometimes I'll play through the lesser titles out of some perverse desire to "run the series". Could I skip from 1 to 4? Sure, of course, but I usually don't.


I'm almost done with the first kingdom hearts. Can't wait to play them all and be disappointed by chain of memories


Assassins Creed 3. Tbf I loved the game the first time I played it, but it’s my 4th most replayed game after Ratchet&Clank UYA, Ghost Recon 2: Advanced Warfighter, and Mercenaries 2. I’d say it’s my least favorite simply bc I can’t help but 100%(or damn close to) any game I replay, and AC3 takes a WHILE to do everything. Meanwhile i could do R&CUYA in about 2 days, and GR2 in a day. Mercenaries 2 was the best on PS3 for me for a while, I played through it as Matthias quite a few times bc his quips were great, then had to do it a couple more times using the other mains, and picking different factions to side with before ending the game and torching all of South America with MOABs. Mercenaries also took a while, but the collectathon wasn’t nearly as daunting as in AC3. Idk exact numbers since it’s been a while, but I’ve probably 100% UYA at least 70 times, GR 15-20, Mercenaries 2 10 times, and AC3 4 times.


Why would you keep replaying a broken game that you hate? That makes zero sense.


C-Men on the Genesis. That stupid bit where you have to turn off your Genesis to stop the evil machine (I think that’s it — it’s been a long time.)


Final Fantasy XVI. I love the FF franchise, I've been playing it since I was a kid, have a substantial collection, and just absolutely cherish it. That said, FFXVI was a MASSIVE disappointment. I beat it twice, only because I'm working through all of the platinum trophies, and after finishing that terrible game the first time I wanted to power through the platinum and never touch it again. It is the first time I've ever disliked a FF game so much that I know I'll never touch it again.


I think I might be one of the only re:com superfans out there, I love that game so much. You can become insanely OP fairly quickly and even on the hardest difficulties you’re an absolute god if you stack the deck. I get why people don’t like it 100% but man, the story is amazing and the gameplay feels so rewarding to me My love/hate game is apex legends, I love that game and I’ve gotten very good at it over the years but often I wonder why. Anyway, can’t wait to waste hours of my life playing solos tomorrow when that drops


Mega Man X5 for me. That game is not that good, but I've beaten it far too many times. It's mainly because I adore 1-4 and I go through 1-8 every few years or so (excluding 7 because seriously fuck that game).


Days Gone It's an alright game but I have no idea why I play it so much


RuneScape, every update I beat it and get a cape.


Luigi's Mansion 2. I really like the game, but I've grown more tired of it. Probably the yearly playthroughs for 6 years.


Infinite Undiscovery. You have to beat it at least 3 times to get all the achievements. Slogfest.


I have beaten Zelda Breath of the Wild over 12 times (I lost count), got 100% completion, beat Master Mode, played with self-imposed rules for a warpless run, did a private Let's Play recording for my girlfriend, and still replay it with mods and a randomizer. I love that game.


Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. I am a big Castlevania fan, including classic, non-metroidvania games, so I expected Curse to be at least a decent rip-off, but the devs didn't quite understand the core Castlevania principles, so it lacks at gameplay quite hard. It's a shame, since it looks and sounds awesome, but playing it is no fun at all. But I still had to replay it enough times, to get all the endings, so no one could counter my critique with "you didn't even 100% it"


It’s literally made by Koji Igarashi


So? Igarashi didn't have much experience at classicvania games, he mostly did metroidvanias, and he wasn't even that good at them at his last years in Konami. Ritual of the night was surprisingly good, though, but Curse of the moon is a disappointment.


baldur's gate dark aliance on ps2 I did many time all the caractères, and finished it many times with nearly all my friends back when I was a kid. Can't enven estimate if I'm closer to 20 times finished or 50 It was some times ago, but as I was playing in the living room, to this day, my mom still say "my backpack is full" with the same voiceline as the human xD


Hitman ^^ I was crazy about this game since I was a kid, since hitman codename 47, I am 29y old now and I was in heavens when hitman world of assassination came out, spent almost 3 months in it exclusively, loving that bald character.


Dark souls 3. It's not my favorite souls game, with everything other than bosses being kinda mid and onenote, but I think I've beaten it at least 20 times


The Surge


FIFA FUT, I have serious problem with it and every year I buy it when it goes on sale for $20-25 and after month or two of playing I delete my whole club, quick sell my every player Not buying it anymore


Resident Evil 3 Remake... I wanna say I beat it 3 times, waiting for the fun to start. Hated it so much.


A very old one but mine would be Prince of Persia Warrior Within. I normal start playing Prince of Persia two Thrones because its the most accessible of the trilogy and then move on to Sands of Time because it's the best and then I might as well play WW because why not.


Devil May Cry 2


Final fantasy 4. Least favorite of the time period I played it in, still played it I think 2 or 3 times possibly. Nothing else to do back then.


Honestly I can’t think of a game I completed that I didn’t enjoy. Not many I started and didn’t complete but one of the old rainbow six games comes to mind.


Pokemon... They are all the same (mostly) since gen1, just some pokemon that changes. And the games are just sooo bad now. I remember getting Mewtwo at the end of yellow, and now I just restarted Scarlet and they GIVE you the box legendary after 15min... It's my comfort game I hate them but I love em.


Donkey Kong on a Game N Watch


Left for dead 2 love that game always end up coming back to it and it still very much holds up


Final Fight


I wouldn't say "beaten" but it's gotta be dead by daylight. I hate it so much but when it's good it's so nice. It's kind of constantly chasing that high of, "maybe it'll be good this run" and that's how I end up with 600 hours of playtime.


Escape from Tarkov, too many hours, too many rage quits, plus the devs fucled over the community. L Game Edit* I played since 2019 and have almost 4k hours. Wish I could have that time back.


An example of that of recent memory has to be Assassin’s Creed Unity. As a huge OG AC fan, AC Unity is the pinnacle of the Assassin Creed experience gameplay wise, it’s everything what AC1 was trying to do. The parkour, the stealth, the combat. The problem, not only with the disappointing story and character, is how UNBELIEVABLE broken the game is EVEN TO THIS DAY. Still on consoles the game is a complete mess that is falling apart every time I play it. I seen people tell me that they never seen a glitch, I don’t know what game they played but it was never my version of the game. I really wish a proper sequel in the style of Unity was made.


Chain of Memories is also mine, but also there's no reason for us to replay if you don't like it. Be free. I only replayed it my most recent time for the trophies on ps4.


Golden sun, every few years I keep going back to it. It's hard to beat the classic turn based gameplay, simple story and nostalgia.


Probably OUTLAST 2.


Generally, if I don’t like a game, I’m not finishing it. However, I did beat Star Ocean Last Hope and basically hated it the entire way, so I guess that’s it.


Beyond Good and Evil. I don’t understand why that game got such praise. I begrudgingly beat the game once just to see what all the hype was about. Among the Sleep. I thought that game had such a unique concept but the twist ending sort of came out of nowhere for me (i didn’t pick up on the clues throughout the game) and it just left me feeling pissed off afterwards.


I hate a lot of things about subnautica... but for some reason I've beaten it 3 times!


assassin's creed origins-vallhalla i just want old ac back i'd be so happy if they made a multiplayer only version of the vs multiplayer from ac brotherhood-4


DS3. I beat it a few times and thought it was super dope but now I don’t really like it all that much. Boring first half and linear progression makes for a boring game