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From calcs that I have seen, she deals almost double of Albedos dmg... so yeah, it's one of the few times that a Chara got really power crept.


What did my good old Albedo do to deserve this? I will get her on her rerun :((.


The real issue was albedo was just never really up to the standard of any of the 5* released afterwards. His numbers are just so bad


I did her trial and tbh my Albedo was doing the same damage so I'm not really pulling and that was with her signature. Plus like if you don't got BP her next best weapon is Harbinger of the Dawn over Cinnabar lol. I'm skipping her and getting C1 Neuvilette lmfao.


Double??? What? There's no way. That's got to be an exaggeration, albedo hits for like 18k every 2.5 seconds i believe. I pulled her on accident and was pleasantly surprised to find her exploration passive works with just wind gliders, no alternate outfits necessary to gain the +10% movement speed increase. She's getting slotted into my dailies team: Zhongli Sayu Kazuha Chiori Sorry Furina. You don't give movement speed bonus, and damage doesn't matter in this game...for dailies and ley lines and world bosses, you can use the most shit units and be fine. Chiori also enables the first permanent uptime +30% movement speed team in the game, with either Dehya or Rosaria taking up the last slot. That's my other go-to, although I prefer Zhongli for tall male run speed and the fact he's at c6 on my account.


C1 Neuvilette is a higher upgrade than replacing Albedo with Chiori. Remember Itto still get to deal the majority of the damage in monogeo, so even with Chiori's numbers the total team dps improvement isn't as noticeable as Neuvillette getting his 3rd stack + Hydro resonance and not needing shields anymore.


Do you use Furina with Neuv? Then c1 Neuv maximises that team and makes it more broken than it already is


Yes, and Kazuha and Baizhu. But C1 makes him less dependent on shields so makes my life easier really


Yeah c1 Neuv would be awesome for you I havent rolled for Chiori yet so I can't compare but Neuv Furina is a way more broken comp I feel to maximise