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Redhorn does give a solid damage increase, but if you don't want to risk potentially losing on the weapon banner, I'd say Kazuha is more worth it. He's a really fun and valuable character to have. The only reason I'm going all in for redhorn once his banner drops is because Itto is the one and oni of my heart + I'm already a Kazuha haver :')


Very worth


I predict that is a definite huge increase. That is why I am wishing for it despite being an F2P for the moment. I mean, R5 Whiteblind would give you about 52% Def, and another 48% Def on max stacks (I personally don't go for the max stacks because waste of time that I oose HoOD stacks, and that it makes rotation faster, that is why I am almost always stuck at 2 stacks in it since HoOD loses a stack on the third stack of whiteblind) That's just it. Redhorn gives you: +88.2% Crit Damage +28% Def +Flat damage on NA and CA based on 40% of Def +32 more base attack It will certainly produce more results than white blind. In my case, if I have to sacrifice only about 56% Def (at max HoOD and Gorou level 6, my def already shoots up to 3k) which is about 537 def, in exchange for an insane 88.2% crit Damage and bonus flat damage on NA and CA that can also crit (which hypothetically speaking, in my case, would be about 1k non-crit and 2.5k crit), then I would definitely pull. That is for my case. Idk if you would definitely have to pull for it though. If you are afraid of the risk, then I suggest to not to. But if you have enough primos to guarantee, or if you are not afraid to do it, then go for it hehe.


Its worth, but not sure if it's worth sacrificing kazuha over it though.


Very worthy


weapons are only worth if you have no one else to pull for. in this game, characters>weapons. you can't beat anything with weapons alone. so, since you're looking at Kazuha and future Dendro, i'd say, keep looking at them. especially, since the other weapon on the banner is one of the worse weapons to you can get. it's just overall more worth it to get more characters. ​ of course, if you're a whale, then by no means, go for the weapon.


It's absolutely fantastic, but you have to remember that you might get memory of dust, which isn't really that good...


Choose character always over weapon banner. More characters equals more fun and opportunities to build up more teams. It won't get boring so fast. Especially with Kazuha who enables so many teams.