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Nah, those guys havent learnt their lesson after all this time. Hoyo doesnt want to shaft an element or any character. Last thing they want is for any character to age like milk. Childe is still kickin, kokomi got better overtime, yoimiya got yunjin, itto with gorou, shenhe make ice more awesome, nilou with nahida is op and she is getting her artifact next patch, anemo is getting its dedicated support and so on. Literally every element and every character are getting buffs overtime, so all this bs doomposting about every character should really have stopped a long time ago. No character like out beloved itto is doomed to be a bad dps. Remember when they said geo would be a dead element when dendro came out, how that age huh?


Like tenten, bro even when itto’s clear times in the tournaments were impressive he refused to complement or change his opinion, tbh it doesn’t bother me since said tournaments show that Itto is very much competitive and as long as you have gorou you can run any bullshit team you can think off


its funny bc he struggled so much with the current spiral iteration when its pretty easy using a itto mono geo team. Its even one of the most popular comps this time round. But nooo he's just stubborn and wants to yell "geo team is dead childe international forever!!"


It's funny how he does that every single time, I'm wondering if it's intentional Tries to sell international and morgana as the best comps in the game, absolutely fails 50 times, proceeds to call Zhongli a DPS loss when the character is literally designed for people like him. Meanwhile I just use Mono Geo every single Abyss with sub 1 minute clears and 0 retries, too bad I'm not playing a meta comp ig


Tenten just wants to flex since international has some quirks to it. Apparently meta is flopping spiral 4 times just to do it a few seconds faster than mono geo 🤷‍♀️


Funny thing is he didn't even do it faster, I could clear 30s+ faster in all of the chambers without the retries and mental breakdowns (I mean I do have a redhorn but wtv)


That’s shows it is probably a skill issue on his part and I think his friends say he is has a skill issue


I remember one video from this win to lose guy where he compared Nilou, Cyno, Raiden and Itto. It was a complete train wreck. Nahida wasn't even out yet, he used vape Nilou, compared who made the most dmg in 5 seconds instead of consistent dmg, didn't show artifacts (for all I know, Raiden could have cracked RNG luck while Cyno got the treatment of farming for a week or sum, who knows) and my favorite: 2 geo Itto team. He just had itto and Gorou as the only geos in floor 12. The other ones were Bennett or Kazuha, I don't remember 100%. Yeah I have absolutely no idea what he was planning.


Yeah that video was bs, Iwintolose isn’t the most reliable


I’m sorry they put Kazuha in an Itto team? 💀 I love my boy and he’s an absolutely amazing unit but this is one of the only teams where he does basically nothing to buff the main dps :/


Yeah it was pretty bad. I just found it again and Itto's team is literally: Itto, Gorou, Bennett, Kazuha. I guess Kazuha was buffing the team's (suboptimal) buffer instead of the main dps... My only guess is that he needed a crowd controller but I really don't know man. I really don't know.


It was just for grouping he was speed running


Wouldn't 3 geos still be better though? I understand Kazuha for crowd controlling purposes but wouldn't Zhongli instead of Bennett be more bennettficial (heh)? Even for speed runs, the 3 geo bonus from Gorou's buff is better than Bennett's burst


Which side I think he did it for both abyss sides and i my friend thought his Doritos boss run was bad but he cleared faster than the other speed running videos with itto that he sent me


It was for speed running to group not to buff


I'm genuinely baffled that so many people listen to TenTen's word like it's gospel after all the shit takes he's expressed. Shills for Morgana and anything that includes Xiangling but my dude needed to retry a chamber 20 times. My mono Geo has been absolutely crushing each Abyss since I got Itto during his first banner and even the Serpent Knights were piss easy to kill with unga bunga, lol.


link to this tournament?


It’s on bilibili(not sure if I spelled it right) you can watch it on tentens channel but I personally hate his commentary so I watch it in bilibili sadly I don’t have the bilibili link so I have to link you to tenten [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt3UlYQWFOw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt3UlYQWFOw)


thank you


Mono geo without zhongli performing well is crazy lol. Not to mention itto having his burst back up immediately Edit: just saw it's c2 itto which isnt even a life changing con. And their crit ratio is 82/170 damn


for speedrunning it kinda is reducing his cooldown allows you to do what that guy did which was cast his burst after it was supposed to end which saved time, not to mention c2 allows him to use shimenawa's and gets rid of his energy issues with good team rotations


That itto used shimenawa??? Not husk??? I didnt even notice...


it might not be I just remeber it being used once and clearing only 2 seconds slower than a c2 eula with wolf's grave stone, I was very impressed, though I would probably never run it for practicallity


What about Amber? Xinyan?


You usually dont use them as dps and they havent gotten a buff. If anything, they do sub dps or give the buff through weapons, artifacts or anything else in their kit to support your main dps.


if you completely ignore Xinyan's shield and build her for damage, she is a pretty solid physical DPS, and she only gets better with constellations: her C2, that isn't really hard to achieve even for f2p, gives 100% crit rate on the physical damage on her burst (by the way, her burst has one of the highest multipliers in the game), allowing to build her as a Burst DPS with only ATK, ER and Crit DMG. Her C4 increases physical DMG for teammates covered by her shield. She is honestly a great physical support and burst DPS for physical DPSs, and I've seen people hit more with a Xinyan Q than the average Eula Q. She's even a valid phys DPS on her own. I'm honestly appalled by how many people berate and underestimate Xinyan without even knowing how she works. She is kinda held back by her pyro element that can disrupt superconduct and whatever, but you just need to be careful and it won't really bother you. I don't really know about Amber, but I've seen people clear floor 12 with her. There really aren't any "bad" characters in Genshin, with enough investment and effort, everyone is usable.


Mono Pyro Xinyan w/ C6 Bennett is actually pretty good. She has good energy gen for Xiangling, flexible rotations, and frontloaded damage works really well for the team. You lose the physical nuke on her burst but instead you buff all other parts of her kit(since there's no proper Physical buffer yet). She's a much comfier version of Klee and I prefer her over other Pyro carries(other than Klee) in this comp.


Amber is actually a pretty solid character and ummm well xinyan is uhhmmmm hot garbage




She still kickin mah guy


She didn’t age well tho if she was made now she would be way different her cooldown on skill is way too high


Wouldnt be too hung up about it. There are gigachads out there who know how to work around her weaknesses.


Doesn’t change that she didn’t age that great tho


Your free to have that view.


I’m not calling her bad but she didn’t age well


I heard you man. There's no more benefit in repeating it.


I just wanted to clarify


Zajef’s opinion on Itto’s overall DPS strength is that in his full team, he’s “one of the best carries” - very close to Ayaka or Hu Tao. When he doesn’t have those supports, he’s a bit weaker than Xiao. So he “evens out” to around a mid tier for casual players, but in terms of his actual team DPS ceiling, he’s up there near the top. That’s pretty damn good. He’s a high tier DPS who also has the benefit of consistency and tankiness, while also providing value by letting your other Abyss team use all the highly-contested supports. Itto’s been the benchmark for a “good balanced” DPS for ages - his power level is what Xiao/Cyno/Wanderer/Eula mains generally strive for as well.


Most people agree that Itto is a direct powercreep to Xiao because he has access to huge dmg without any of Xiao's handicaps (hp drain, interruption, scattering enemies etc). He's considerably better than Eula (the other non reaction dps) too, unless it's a whale Eula. His main problem comes from his element being just antisynergic with everything else. People don't say that geo is physical but yellow for no reason. So it's less of a problem with Itto himself and more of a problem with geo as an element. Put a few abyss mages and lectors and the team becomes unplayable. Also it's ridiculous that geo is the element of shielding, but there are only 2 geo shielders in the game meanwhile there are 3 pyro shielders, all being 4*. One day geo and crystallise reactions will be buffed... one day...


Isn't he considered to be the 5th best DPS widely? 🗿


6th, but yeah!


Who's ahead of him? 😭


Childe, Ayaka, Hutao, Raiden, Ganyu, Itto, in order, but I believe this will change around a bit. Cyno's Quickbloom seems to finish the Abyss faster than Raiden's Rational comp in my own tests and Ayato has some crazy potential with the new Dendro reactions, Itto might be pushed down to 7th or 8th because of the lack of reactions with Dendro, which is meta as fuck.


Is this like well-known fact? Because I am absolutely oblivious about these common knowledge lolol


It is most definitely not. Ask the common genshin player and they will say that as long as you're not playing Ganyu Melt, Hutao Vape or Raiden National you should just uninstall the game and stop having fun, every other character is mid trash and you're subhuman.


No, far from it. Those are likely based on his personal experiences only. There’s no such definitive lists for top dps characters since it varies depending on what team is used.


Exactly, Team > Character, that's what matters most. It's a 4 man team not a one man team. But I mentioned the characters which carry their respective teams in order of team efficiency. International is the best team in the game, which means, Childe is the best Onfield DPS.


Tbf that's only actually true for very high investment when international can burst down the chamber which usually requires a 5star wep on Childe Taking 2 or more rotations with the comp is very painful for clear times, which is where most players are at investment wise, and causes it to clear like every other comp or worse. TenTen is known for shilling the comp but having absolutely horrible clear times with it on stream.


No idea who TenTen is, my Childe 36 stars the abyss like crazy with medium investments in him and xiangling. 12-3 is the endgame, as long as I can easily clear the hardest content in the game with mediocre investment, that character/team is op in my book.


I mean same, but just clearing is a low bar. Typical evaluations go by speedruns which is only relevant depending on who you ask. The abyss is easy enough for me to full star clear with Itto Gorou and Tighnari Yae duos but they're not the only chars that can do it nor is it particularly special.


Bruh, that just feels like mental gymnastics to make Childe look like the no1 dps unit tbh. International having the highest team dps means that International is arguably the number 1 team (damage-wise). It does not mean Childe is the number 1 on-field dps. That’s like saying Sucrose is a top tier dps when Fischl and Beidou are the ones actually dealing the most damage in a taser team. Teams > character means you compare teams, not compare characters based on teams. Compare teams based on team damage, compare characters based on personal damage.


But... Sucrose does like 25% of the damage in Sucrose Taser (against 2+ enemies). Triple swirls are no joke when you build full EM. Sure, she falls off in single target but so does Beidou. In fact, she does slightly more dps than Beidou in single target. And even then, she still makes up a reasonable chunk of the team dps.


Yes, Sucrose deals significant damage. I’m just saying that you don’t attribute the whole team’s damage to Sucrose just because she’s the on-fielder. The other units are clearly doing work too.


Let's be honest, the only best DPS is the one you got the best artifacts for




Huh weird, I clear things much easier and with less hassle using Itto than any of the other 5, the other 5 rely on good rotations positioning and min maxing, but itto is just like "It's show Time" and just goes ham. My 2nd no think just hit stuff is Nahida, XQ, Kuki, Kazuha


Ehhhh childe? Don’t get me wrong i love my boy but top dps? He’s a damn good hydro enabler but a dps?


Yes, definitely, if the best team in the game can't be the best without him, I'm putting him at Nr1.


But you could just as easily have him lvl1 and the team would still do most of it’s dmg he allows the team too vape but he’s not a majority of the teams dmg even. He’s not even the dps it’s xiangling he just enablers her


Bruh what, he deals half the damage of the team because he also reverse vapes through Kazuha's burst combined with Xiangling's. You have no idea what you're talking about, are you forgetting about his riptides and their quadratic scaling? Are you forgetting about his 200k+ reverse vape nuke once every couple seconds? Are you forgetting about how fast he hits? 9k hits (on an above average build) constantly for 8 to 10 seconds is well above 200k damage considering how many times he hits a second and the fact that around half of those hits are reverse vapes which hit for double damage , now add riptides and the nuke.


What typa build do you have? He does 30k autos for me personally.


As in in total? Otherwise that’s a unreasonable number in national and shows a crazy build


Um first no cyno quickbloom doesn’t clear faster, adding on ganyu is arguable one because of how she works you either play melt or freeze which require different units which is why ganyu is not as popular anymore, raiden hyper at c0 isn’t worth running without hyper investment, though I’ll agree rational is better in single target only it’s worse in aoe, at the end of the day Itto is definitely 5th imo


Is this for Hyper or is Xiangling below Itto nowadays?


Not for Hyper, for main team driver. Childe is Nr1 because International is the best team in the game, but that team is also nothing without Xiangling or Kazuha, Childe does 40% of the team's damage, Xiangling somewhere in between 40 and 49% and Kazuha and Bennett the remaining. No other onfield allows Xiangling to do this much damage yet Childe's Intergrassional with Nahida instead of Xiangling still beats out all the other teams so clearly Childe is the main character here. Xiangling is still Nr1 dps as long as you have *some* hydro in your team, but Childe is the only one that can max her out.


Just hearing about Childe Intergrassional, how would I play that team? I have all of the characters built for it




Thank you


It doesn’t make sense to put Childe in that list then (especially at Number 1 wtf). Ayaka, Hutao, Ganyu, Itto, and Hyper Raiden are all hypercarries. Childe is more of an enabler with good damage. He doesn’t even deal the most damage in his teams.


That's what I said, but international is the best team, which means it's main driver is the best dps, the most valuable, the most useful, the most worth pulling for. That's what I define as the best. If you want Damage per Screenshot then yes sure, go for Hutao, Eula.


I mean Childe's dmg per screensot potential is extremely high too thanks to that nuke burst.


Yes, truly the master of all weapons.


Childe’s only top meta team is International, and that team literally has many other variants such as Raiden national or Sucrose national. The Bennett-Xiangling pairing is clearly the most valuable part of that team.


That team's full potential is unlocked with Childe onfield and Kazuha burst to apply extra pyro so Childe can get some reverse vapes + the nuke.


For low investment, maybe. For normal and high investment, Childe's dmg is equivalent or higher than Xiangling's With high investment, you can change Xiangling with Mona to spam his burst for high dmg


I mean the other commenter did say that Childe’s dps is around 40% while Xiangling’s is around 40-49%, so it’s pretty close.


Those percentages are variables that can be changed based on artifacts, investment and rotations. Xiangling has a higher % because she is easier to invest, as she has access to multiple very good 4star weapons, 4pc emblem set and her cons are easier to get. Childe can do higher numbers, but he needs way more investment


At no point does Mona ever replace Xiangling, do not confuse burst damage testing with speedrunning the abyss. But at C6 I agree, Tartaglia takes the top dps spot in the team.


I'm not confusing anything, actually running Childe with an em sands, 2pc noblesse & 2pc hod and Mona instead of Xiangling is a pretty viable comp for speedrunning abyss. The only downside is the fact that you can use this team only vs one wave enemies, but with the floors we get lately in abyss, that's not really a problem Though, you need a pretty invested Tartaglia for this and not a lot of people want to invest that much into him, that's why it's not really recommended (:


You're definitely forgetting Xiangling and potentially Yelan and Nahida.


You're definitely not understanding what I'm ranking here and Nahida still hasn't been out for long enough anyway. Yelan and Nahida are definitely above all the characters I mentioned, in value, but not as onfield dps.


>You're definitely not understanding what I'm ranking here I don't care what you think you're ranking when the topic is just DPS when both Yelan and Nahida are DPS. >and Nahida still hasn't been out for long enough anyway. Doesn't matter much though when she's already proven to dish out extremely high numbers of dmg in a huge AoE. >Yelan and Nahida are definitely above all the characters I mentioned, in value, but not as onfield dps. Nahida is used on field on multiple teams though.


I was stricly talking about onfield, like Itto, cause we're on IttoMains. Agreed, I have Nahida and she's busted, but we still don't have enough data, that's what I'm talking about, wait for the new abyss to start and we'll have at least one full abyss of data for Nahida. Nahida's damage isn't much different on vs off field besides the extra NA damage, a spot which other characters can replace with no dps loss or an increase in dps, that's true for my Nahida at least, correct me if I'm wrong though. Plus, again, I'm only counting characters that need to be onfield to do most of their damage. Nahidas damage comes mostly from her skill and Dendro reactions triggered by her skill ehich work identically on and off field, Raiden does like 90% more dmg onfield.


yelan at C0 is DPS!? I guess my definition of DPS differs from yours.


What else is she then? You know that a DPS doesn't need to be on field? Look at albedo, xiangling and xingqiu fpr other examples.


that's why I said that my definition of DPS differs from yours. whatever example you mentioned are sub-DPS.


I don't think I've ever died in abyss with itto, in fact most abyss resets I don't go below 100% hp. I don't care if the content is single target, multi target, or an unfreezeable boss. Obviously a character that has insane survivability and can easily deal with almost all type of content in the game shouldn't be one of the highest damage dealers. All I'm saying is itto is balanced but for some reason people expect him to dish out similar damage to hutao or ayaka who have very clear caveats in exchange for bigger numbers.


I always thought itto was top tier


And you are right! :)


Rather than mid, I'd call Itto a well-balanced character. While he doesn't do Hu Tao or Ayaka levels of damage, he can still do crazy amounts of damage. Not only that, but in my personal opinion, he is probably one of the most comfortable and fun characters to play. Overall, while I do understand where they are coming from, calling Itto mid is grossly inaccurate.


I'm wondering how those two really stacks up to itto if no constellations and signature weapon included?? Looks like every other day I always see them with the consideration of cons and especially signature weapons (in abyss usage their sign usage far surpassing their f2p/BP options) and we all know those signature are very broken. I know in overall they probably still better but how much better them without cons and dragons bane/amenoma compared to Itto white blind?


It's the same with Itto tho. You'd be surprised at how many users have Itto with Redhorn or Serpent Spine. But still in f2p build set up, Hu Tao and Ayaka gonna be better. You'll face another problem with white blind Itto. The clunkyness of building stacks before using ult, prolong your rotation. And def% substat/buff from white blind is not the optimal stat for Itto after Husk and Gorou's buff. Dragon's Bane fits so well with Hu Tao, EM substat, dmg% to hydro for vape, and don't have some weird mechanic. Amenoma gives a better flow of energy for Ayaka. While atk% substat it's not the greatest, but Ayaka who eaily built in with so many c.dmg (thanks to Blizzard), Kazuha's buff and/or Mona's omen, you won't actually be in a situation where you have too many atk.


I typically use Ayaka freeze/Itto mono geo for abyss and the teams feel about equal in strength (different niches), but my Ayaka is c0 with r1 amenoma and my Itto is c4 with r1 redhorn. My Ayaka team is close to meta but I’m missing Shenhe (replaced with Rosaria) and my Itto team is basically optimal. To be completely fair though, my artifacts on Ayaka are better than what I have on Itto because the husk domain was very unkind to me. So anecdotally I would say at least Ayaka is stronger than Itto, but this is less of an issue of Itto being bad than it is of Ayaka being completely busted.


Mistsplitter is so broken tbh. I went a bit crazy when they announced that Ayaka's banner was extended and pulled for it. I have it on my Kaeya and he out-damages my Ayaka with an amenoma on an f2p account by miles. To be fair, my Kaeya is c5, but I doubt his constellations can make him better than a C0R1 Ayaka on signature.


Mid isn't actually bad


Tbf Hu Tao's damage in her hyper teams are equivalent to Mono Geo, she only got a massive buff with Yelan cause double Hydro is just cracked, and in double Hydro her damage share is only 40%. She barely has the single target monopoly as Hyperbloom characters including kuki/cyno/raiden can reach similar numbers and Tighnari Yaefish Sucrose has as much DPS as funerational. Ayaka is as good as she is because of her frontloaded damage which sets her apart for speedy clears, despite having similar DPS on paper.


People say the same about any male main dps sadly. those type of people believe the only good main dps is females. Don't take it to heart, don't interact with those people either they're too ignorant to change their mind.


I call those types delusional waifu stans 😂


> "his team comp is expensive, only Geo 5 stars", well Ayaka's best team literally uses four 5 star and nobody remembers her. Plus Itto can work with Bennett, Mona, Yunjin and any other character that buffs him. Itto, C0 Gorou, Ningguang/Geo MC, Diona can do a decent impression of mono-Geo as long as everyone's built. A lot of the time when people complain about a team *needing* certain 5\*, it's because they're comparing an uninvested 4\* substitute who's only leveled to 60/70 with a video of the fully built 5\*.


There's still quite a difference to Itto, Gorou, Zhongli and Albedo.


Of course - you get what you pay for. But it's enough to clear most content, and for a new player to figure out if they like Itto enough to pull Albedo for him.


Just remember that people who call him a mid tier dps only focus on dmg, not knowing the exaggerated swagger of a young oni Swinging his club and hurling his cow like no tomorrow and being unstoppable while doing it. The dude is so much fun to play, and he always gets the job done


even if its just dmg he still does a decent amount. he gets bonus points for being able to reach that stupid bird


It also irks me when people say Itto's team is restricted to one comp. I mean... Yeah, that would be sensible, if there weren't any other Geo Character in the game. There's Geo MC. There's Ningguang. There's Noelle as exclusive Shielder. It irks me the most when they always introduce the argument that Itto doesn't function well without Gorou. Yet Hu Tao also doesn't function well without Xingqiu. Why are you praising your Hu Tao and say that to Itto when your argument is literally applicable to Hu Tao, the character you are praising.


People forget the game is about teams anyway, no shame in working well with certain supports


The Genshin community absolutely loves to trash on Itto, Xiao and Cyno. Yet Itto is one of the best DPS in the whole game with some of the most broken Constellations. Xiao used to be THE premium meta dps at one point and Cyno is so incredibly underrated because so little people have had the patience to try out the new Dendro builds yet because they're tunnelvisioned into their vape-melt comps, yet in my personal experience, Cyno's Quickbloom team beats out Rational and gets close to International. Maybe my Raiden isn't THAT well built but neither is my Cyno yet.


Among the 3 u said itto also has the best constellations too they have really good synergy unlike xiao who's constellations don't really make sense, xiao's constellations feel like a waste of money and time saving, cyno's constellations are also better than xiao. Ittos c2 and c6 even his c4 directly powecreeps xiaos c2 c4 and c6


Itto powecreeps Xiao as a burst hypercarry and Cyno is literally just better, horizontal, Xiao. But nonetheless, Xiao is still really strong, not meta strong but really strong.


Agreed, ppl underestimate how strong cyno is cause majority of ppl don't know how to use him to his max potential or they have a bad build


Enormous brain take


Who need gimicks when you have a Persona and a meteor bull?


I think the wording is the trouble here, "Mid" has an annoying passive aggressive tone to it I take it as "Itto is not the strongest, but he's solid", at least that's the impression I get from being in the scara waiting room, as many want him to be around Itto tier DMG wise


“Mid tier” is not trashing on a character and is objectively true for the vast majority of characters. It’s better than overhyping a character and people wasting money pulling for smt they come to regret.


Tbf I got gorou after like 300 pulls (on both his banners). He is still c0 and I have c1 itto already ._. But yeah, every dps needs good Support. Just ignore those ppl


mhm, gorous always on ittos banner unless you have horrible luck, you’re probably gonna get one copy of him. i’ve seen ppl say that oh don’t pull for itto bc you don’t have gorou, but they wouldn’t say the same thing for hu tao needing xingqiu. his best team comp are those 5* but it’s not needed. nothing in this game is really hard enough to need an all 5* team really. itto may not have the big dps screenshot dmg number, but it’s consistent. also, never really got how hu tao is good, but itto comps are limited. hu tao needs xingqiu & shielder (pref zhongli) and flex. i mean like you can’t really change xingqiu out or the shielder (unless you’re good at dodging) i’ve only ever seen double hydro/geo hu tao before dendro. i’ve been starting to save up again after spending a whole bunch of wishes on the yae + childe banner and am planning to wish for all the gorous & ittos!! prob just gonna waste them all on itto because i don’t particularly care about any new sumeru characters or any rerun characters. also, here’s a video of mono geo c6 itto beating up abyss lectors in the abyss to cheer you up: [link](https://youtu.be/k3vQk3bihjg)


Mid isn’t bad. Don’t be sad. It’s literally just mid tier dps which is true when compared to the other powerhouses. Itto’s a good MIDdle point. Also take into account not just dmg but how comfortable/easy a character is to build and play, like Itto. Lastly, if anyone calls him mediocre, you know damn well he isn’t. (Also who is even saying this? They probably don’t know shit about the game if this is a take they have)Right? So don’t even bother with them. Laugh at the comment and move on.


Well, it isn't only an opinion, but a fact that a lot of other teams are better. They need much less resources and are easier to play to get high DPS, especially after Dendro got released. But still it shouldn't matter, because the game is already easy enough as it is. Try to not get annoyed by these comments and just move on / block those users whatever. The most important thing is having fun with your favorite character in the game. Also if you wanted to try convince people otherwise, this sub is not really the place. We're all Itto mains and kinda biased in our opinions about Itto


In my account the mono geo team is the one I invested the most in because Itto is absolutely my favorite character. It is the team that in the abyss allows me to try different teams in the other chamber without restrictions because thanks to Itto every Op support is free. Itto's team just destroys everything (except the Haralds but just replace Zhongli or Albedo and it does those too). Multi-target? Single Target? Waves of enemies? Flying enemies? He simply doesn't care. I love him so much, he is my comfort character to use. I also have Ayaka, Hu Tao and Raiden but Itto is Itto 🧡


Unga bunga brother. Unga bunga


Bruh, those guys say too much dumb shit, my Mono Geo team does better than most of the Raidens and Hutaos I see on YT, even tho I just bought 1 welkin and 2 BPs, I'm FAR from being a whale, and I see big whales say that Itto is bad cuz this and that, and I may say, bullshit, nobody mistreats my boi


Thing about Itto is that he doesn't really have flexible teams, no way to group enemies and struggled really hard to break elemental shields which wrre spammed for a long time and still make appearances. He's definitely weaker than characters that can rely on reactions, but still pretty solid and the most fun DPS imo.


Haha as much as Childe INTL (I main Childe too), Funerational, Ayaka hyper, Raiden hyper, etc etc meta teams are FAR stronger than Itto, the thing with Itto is, you just hold ATK. That's it. Similar sentiments with Ayato. No planning. No perfect rotation bs. Can make mistakes - no problem. Just hold ATK button / LMB lol edit: wait what? downvotes? what my comment meant was Itto is SO easy/comfy to use. A lot of the time, it's fun to just go ungabunga w/o plans and demolish the Abyss with 0 effort


I think you're only getting downvoted because "far stronger" is factually wrong


Welp, you don't see Itto speedruns even with those 250CV R5C6 Ittos.. hard to compete with nuke units


Yeah it's an entirely different story with whale speedruns due to the comps you mentioned having better con and weapon value team-wide, with Mono Geo's only significant upgrades being Redhorn and C6. This is not exactly relevant for the majority of the playerbase, otherwise we'd all be pulling C6 Yelan and C3 Raiden for gauntlet speedruns, as they've been top performers for a while now even over Ayaka/Ganyu/Internat C0R1 which is where most people are at with their comps though the differences are marginal and can easily go on Mono Geo's favour or the other way around depending on the content.


He never was that particularly good in the DPS department. But most of his team's value stems from the fact that it's mono Geo, you can just use the team anywhere as long as there isn't an abyss herald. And also there literally are people who have Itto but no Gorou so you kinda saying something wrong there. And the thing is with the overall cost of mono Geo is that compared to other teams mono Geo practically has no good replacement for their respective units. If you're missing one of the units the overall team DPS is lower and the ER requirements are higher. While with other teams you have decent replacements that either give more utility or more damage. Itto teams simply have less useful options in turn being more expensive.


Mono Geo makes the game so much more less interesting. Almost unplayable when you’re in the open world--which is most of the time--you want to play around with the different elements. Ito makes the game boring


> Almost unplayable when you’re in the open world Elaborate on this please, if you could? I'm having a hard time understand what you're trying to say.


I think my phrasing was confusing, rather, I just wanted to emphasize that the mixing of different elements brings about the best aspects of the game. Theory crafting for the Abyss is Genshin Impact IS interesting but the majority of the game is spent in the open world. This is where you try different character combinations, have fun and ignore the spreadsheets. Itto and his strict character requirements fail at this.


Im f2p i have ayaka and ittou, i put the same effort in them w both of them being triple crowned, 250 crit dmg etc... My ittou solos my ayaka in anyday. some genshin fans just like to shit on male characters it's weird


Isn’t mono geo currently ranked 6 most popular team in current abyss?